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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
    Check out this latest news: "Armenia's recognition of its existing border with Turkey." You know, during Levon Ter Pedrosyan's rule, Turkey tried to get Armenia to reaffirm the treaty of kars (in other words, for Armenia to recongize they existing border with Turkey). LTP rejected that. Now, this seems to be back on the table. And these latest developments involving Serje's crawling up the butt of Turkey is no coincidence: the illegitimate "president" Serje will do any thing to seek approval and legitimize himself- even if it means casting a doubt on the genocide, even if it means releaving ourselves of Kars and Ardahan--and mark my words, I think that's exactly where we are headed under Serje. May god allow for his quick resignation and removal from power.

    And when this Bryza Barks, does he think before he barks? IT IS TURKEY THAT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA'S EXISTANCE. Armenia has always called for friendly relations with Turkey. It is turkey that has refused to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia.


    25.06.2008 19:11 GMT+04:00

    The U.S. Department of State shares our European Allies' hope that
    Turkey and Armenia will soon normalize their relations
    , said Matthew
    Bryza, Deputy Assistant of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.

    "This will involve a decision by Turkey to restore diplomatic relations
    and reopen its border with Armenia, and Armenia's recognition of its
    existing border with Turkey.
    We hope such steps will also lead to
    a heartfelt discussion of the shared and tragic past of these two
    friends of the United States," he said at Washington Institute for
    Near East Policy.

    "In Europe, the United States remains convinced that Turkey's
    eventual membership in the European Union will benefit Europe and
    Turkey alike. Turkey's blend of democracy, secularism, and rule of
    law can help us all deepen our understanding of how to integrate our
    Muslim populations into our mainstream societies while countering
    extremist recruiters. Meanwhile, Europe's criteria for accession
    to the EU provide a set of incentives for sustained reforms which,
    while in Turkey's national interests, are often politically difficult
    to make," he said.
    Serj will do no thing like that he is not stupid, it's just Us and Turkey talking xxxx nothing more. and they're talking about Turkey entering the Eu also not going to happen


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
      Serj will do no thing like that he is not stupid, it's just Us and Turkey talking xxxx nothing more. and they're talking about Turkey entering the Eu also not going to happen
      Serzh Sargsyan is a brilliant man and his political team in Yerevan is dynamic, capable and powerful. Let the street whores in the Levon camp bark as much as they want...


      Karabakh but not Genocide key problem
      in Armenia-Turkey relations, Markedonov says

      In early 1990-ies Armenia was ready to normalize relations. However, the process was uncoordinated, according to a Russian expert. “When the Karabakh war broke out Turkey closed the border with Armenia, thus nullifying all possibilities of reconciliation. Fearing that Armenian forces can enter Nakhijevan, Ankara has taken up the policy of late President Turgut Ozal, who said that Turkey is responsible for the Ottoman heritage,” head of the interethnic relations department at the institute of political and military analysis Sergei Markedonov said in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. “True, there are politicians in Turkey who wish to normalize relations with Armenia but the strong Azeri lobby hampers the process. I should also mention that the key problem is Nagorno Karabakh but not recognition of the Armenian Genocide,” he said.


      Turkish diplomat: “We have three main demands from Armenia”

      Ankara. Mayis Alizadeh-APA. “One of the problems with Armenia is that Armenia doesn’t recognize territorial integrity of our country. Armenia claimed the territory of Turkey in its declaration of independence in 1991. Although Kars treatment signed in 1920 is in force today. Kars treatment defined the border lines and Armenians should recognize it”, Omar Lutem, retired ambassador and chief of the Armenian studies office of the Eurasian Strategic Research Center told APA Turkish bureau. Touching upon the US Assistant Secretary Daniel Fried’s call on Armenia to recognize Turkey’s borders, the former diplomat said it was very important step. “Armenia pays no heed to the Turkey’s demand for a long time. Now US high-ranking officials raise this issue. I believe Armenia will be forced to listen to it”. Responding the question about the US and Europe’s regular calls on Turkey to open the borders with Armenia and their current call on Armenia to make step, Lutem said: “US makes efforts to solve the Armenian-Turkish issue for a long time and to achieve long-term peace in the Caucasus. It is not a new policy. Daniel Fried’s address shows that Americans will take more interest in this issue in future. It shows that the West will increase pressure on Armenia in the near future. Turkish diplomacy put the issue of recognition of the Turkey’s territorial integrity on agenda during all discussions related to Armenia and runs Armenia into difficulties. They know well our efforts made over the past 17 years. Fried made very important statement at the Congress”. The former ambassador said Turkey had 3 main problems with Armenia: “Recognition of Turkey’s territorial integrity, giving up the false “genocide” claims and solution of Karabakh problem. We mean the liberation of 7 regions nearby Nagorno Karabakh and the solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We will never change our demands”.


      US urges Armenia to recognize Turkish border

      The United States for the first time publicly called on Armenia to formally recognize its border with Turkey as part of proposed measures for reconciliation between the two conflicting neighbors. "Armenia should acknowledge the existing border with Turkey and respond constructively to efforts that Turkey may make," Dan Fried, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, told a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on recent developments in the Caucasus.Also in the written text of his speech at the panel, Fried said, "Armenia must be ready to... disavow any claim on the territory of modern Turkey."A top problem between Ankara and Yerevan is Armenia's insistent calls for the recognition of World War I-era killings of Armenians in the Ottoman empire as genocide, reported Turkishdailynews. Turkey recognizes Armenia, but has refused to set up diplomatic relations with it and keeps their mutual land border closed in response to Armenia's ongoing occupation of Nagorny-Karabakh, an enclave inside Azerbaijan, and some Azeri lands.Armenia and U.S. Armenians accuse Turkey of subjecting its northeastern neighbor to an economic blockade.

      Turkish diplomats say that Armenian efforts for international genocide recognition is a prelude to a larger list of demands, including compensation and even "return of lands."Armenia's constitution does not explicitly recognize the country's border with Turkey, and many Armenians and the Armenian diaspora view part of eastern Anatolia as traditional Armenian lands.Fried's remarks were important in the sense that it was the United States' first public call for Armenia to respect Turkey's territorial integrity as a prelude to better relations.The U.S. official also called on Turkey "to come to terms with a dark chapter in its history.""Reconciliation will require political will on both sides, and does require dealing with the sensitive and painful issues, including the issue of the mass killings and forced exile of up to one-and-a-half million Armenians at the end of the Ottoman Empire. Turkey needs to come to terms with this history," Fried said.

      He also reiterated a call for Turkey to open the land border with Armenia, saying both sides would greatly benefit from such reconciliation.Pro-Armenian lawmakers insistently asked Fried why the United States does not officially recognize last century's Armenian killings in the Ottoman empire as genocide."We don't use the term because we do not think that the use of that term would contribute to a reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey, nor would it contribute to Turkey's examination of the dark spots in its own history," he replied.A genocide resolution came close to passage at the U.S. House of Representatives last fall, and only strong Turkish warnings that such a move destroy the relationship with America and President George W. Bush's administration's focused efforts caused it to be shelved.But analysts here warn that Turkey almost certainly will face the same problem in Congress next year. Making things worse for Turkey, Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama strongly supports the Armenian position.


      Genocide Recognition ‘Still On Armenia Foreign Policy Agenda’

      Armenia will continue to seek international recognition of the 1915 Armenian genocide despite its readiness to agree to the creation of a Turkish-Armenian commission of historians that would study the highly sensitive subject, Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian said on Friday. The idea of setting up such a commission was floated by Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a 2005 letter to then Armenian President Robert Kocharian. Erdogan said its members should jointly determine whether the mass killings and deportations of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted a genocide. Kocharian effectively rejected the idea by making a counterproposal to set up a Turkish-Armenian intergovernmental body that would deal with this and other issues of mutual concern.

      In an apparent policy change, his successor, Serzh Sarkisian, indicated this week that Yerevan is now “not against” the Turkish proposal. But he made clear that the commission of historians can be set up only if Turkey agrees to unconditionally normalize relations with Armenia. In Nalbandian’s words, this does not mean that Armenia will no longer encourage and endorse efforts by the worldwide Armenian Diaspora to have foreign governments and parliaments recognize the slaughter of more than one million Ottoman Armenians as genocide. “The genocide issue remains on our agenda,” he said. Turkey has cited Yerevan’s support for the genocide recognition campaign as one of the reasons why it keeps its border with Armenia closed and refuses to establish diplomatic relations with the latter. Ankara maintains that the 1915-1918 mass killings occurred on a much smaller scale and were not part of a premeditated government effort to exterminate the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian minority. “Armenia has repeatedly stated and continues to state that we are ready to establish relations with Turkey without any preconditions,” said Nalbandian. “We are also ready to discuss all issues of interest to the two countries after the establishment of diplomatic relations and opening of the border.”

      Nalbandian spoke at a joint news conference with Switzerland’s visiting Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey. Switzerland is one of nearly two dozen nations that have officially recognized the Armenian massacres as genocide. The Swiss federal parliament adopted a relevant resolution in December 2003, two months after the Turkish government angrily called off Calmy-Rey’s planned visit to Ankara in protest against a similar document passed by the Swiss canton of Vaud. The visit eventually took place in March 2005, with Calmy-Rey publicly urging Turkey to “conduct an in-depth historical research of its own past, especially when the question is so painful.” The Swiss minister said on Friday that her country stands ready to mediate a Turkish-Armenian rapprochement. “Switzerland is always ready to play the role of a facilitator if it is asked to by the parties,” she said.

      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

        Some good news:


        “Hayots Ashkarh” has already informed the reader that L. Ter-Petrosyan will leave Armenia in case his political programs fall flat. And our prediction is coming true.

        According to reliable information, yesterday, on June 3, Mrs. Lyudmila Ter-Petrosyan, the wife of the leader of the native liberation movement, Lilit Ter-Petrosyan, his daughter-in-law, and his three grandchildren left for the United States by the Yerevan-Paris-Los-Angeles flight. By the way, they all had one-way tickets, together with a big luggage. One may assume that Mr. Ter-Petrosyan’s family has left for the United States either for a long time or forever. And what’s more, this was unknown even to the closest co-thinkers of the leader.

        So, the second stage of the evacuation of Ter-Petrosyan’s family is over. Let’s note that as a result of the first stage, his son David Ter-Petrosyan left Armenia in December 2007 and has been living abroad ever since. First, he left for the United States and then went to the United Arab Emirates and Russia where he was going to settle the bank accounts of his family and transfer the major part of the existing sums to the bank accounts opened in the United States.

        Besides, David Ter-Petrosyan has started implementing serious business programs in Los Angeles. He has already managed to buy a private house and has no intention to return to Armenia.


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
          Some good news:


          “Hayots Ashkarh” has already informed the reader that L. Ter-Petrosyan will leave Armenia in case his political programs fall flat. And our prediction is coming true.

          According to reliable information, yesterday, on June 3, Mrs. Lyudmila Ter-Petrosyan, the wife of the leader of the native liberation movement, Lilit Ter-Petrosyan, his daughter-in-law, and his three grandchildren left for the United States by the Yerevan-Paris-Los-Angeles flight. By the way, they all had one-way tickets, together with a big luggage. One may assume that Mr. Ter-Petrosyan’s family has left for the United States either for a long time or forever. And what’s more, this was unknown even to the closest co-thinkers of the leader.

          So, the second stage of the evacuation of Ter-Petrosyan’s family is over. Let’s note that as a result of the first stage, his son David Ter-Petrosyan left Armenia in December 2007 and has been living abroad ever since. First, he left for the United States and then went to the United Arab Emirates and Russia where he was going to settle the bank accounts of his family and transfer the major part of the existing sums to the bank accounts opened in the United States.

          Besides, David Ter-Petrosyan has started implementing serious business programs in Los Angeles. He has already managed to buy a private house and has no intention to return to Armenia.
          Thats awsome news now only the big xxxx had to follow his family to the US.


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
            Thats awsome news now only the big xxxx had to follow his family to the US.
            You don't seem to need any source for validity when you like what you hear. Second, assuming that the article above is valid (Which I most seriously doubt), Why would you be happy about another family leaving Armenia?
            It is cause for crying, not joy.


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

              Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
              You don't seem to need any source for validity when you like what you hear. Second, assuming that the article above is valid (Which I most seriously doubt), Why would you be happy about another family leaving Armenia?
              It is cause for crying, not joy.
              If it was any other family I would been sad, but that family and especialy Levon has done so many things to Armenia that the only thing I feel is joy. He stole from Armenia in the war time when our men needed food at the front his family and friends were living like kings. When the whole country had no elektricity his people had lights in there houses. So spare me the Bs Levon has done a few good things but after the first year gone power crazy.
              Last edited by KarotheGreat; 07-04-2008, 02:46 PM.


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                I fit was any other family I would been sad, but that family and especialy Levon has done so many things to Armenia that the only thing I feel is joy. He stole from Armenia in the war time when our men needed food at the front his family and friends were living like kings. When the whole country had no elektricity his people had lights in there houses. So spare me the Bs Levon has done a few good things but after the first year gone power crazy.


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  Also, he and his family are not Armenian in our eyes, so the hell with them. And this is on top of what karo said, if he is still alive when nationalists come to power, well let's just say he and his family would rather be dead then face what will come their way.
                  For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                  to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    Arif Yunusov: "Serzh Sargsyan obviously feels not at ease in an attempt to become closer to Russia and the West and please all of them"

                    - How do you assess the current sociopolitical situation in Armenia?

                    - It is difficult to specify situation in Armenia in brief, because the events there develop by a script differing from ours or Georgia's. Parallels can be formally drawn with the 2003 events and I can say that the same occurred in Armenia in spring. At the same time, the situation is even more complicated. Thus, on the other hand, the society demonstrated strong resentment with the ruling regime. The fact that regime is not local but originates from Karabakh even added negative. In the result, people were waiting for a charismatic and wise opposition leader to reverse the situation in Armenia. Levon Ter-Petrosyan has become such a leader, through his second appearance on the political stage astonished most people greatly, for Armenia thought he will never return as a politician again. The statements that the Armenian people will not forgive the terror, suffered by the people, especially Yerevan residents in the ealy 1990s, have been repeatedly made before. But it all sank into oblivion. The most important thing were the organizational and declamatory skills of the first President. But it is not enough to have a leader and intention of the society. For such small countries, as ours, reaction of the leading geopolitical players is crucial. But here everything is different. In West's opinion Armenian opposition was untimely in raising the combat, as now Russia's position is more important for the West and today it is not profitable for the West to argue with Russia for Armenia. This is not Georgia, where the majority of population is anti-Russian. It is unclear how can it affect the West in Armenia. Russia's positions are strong enough here. In the result, opposition failed to complete its duty. Russia did not believe to Ter-Petrosyan urgently arriving in Moscow, while the West has taken the wait-and see stance, while Armenian society was striken with pessimistic spirits. Today, these very feelings-disappointment and pessimism are defining for understanding the situation in Armenia. At the same time, it can not be said that Serzh Sargsyan has managed to consolidate his positions. He still feels not at ease while attempting to get closer to the strongest countries - Russia and the West and wants to please all of them. On the other hand, Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his supporters have a rich political experience, they were caught in such situations and managed to find a way our. Thus, there has been a certain pause in the political situation in Armenia, which will probably last until spring of the next year, when situation in Armenia may deteriorate again under the influence of talks on Karabakh and PACE resolution, and perhaps on other reasons. But there can hardly be anything serious in Armenia before it.

                    - How would you comment on the statement of first Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan who said that adoption of resolution 1620 at PACE summer session regarding Armenia is illogical and "evidences the unscrupulousness of this organization and that the West has created virtual Armenia for itself and now tries to prove us that the country where we live is wonderful"?

                    - Levon Ter-Petrosyan statement proves strong disappointment with the West's position. We have sustained this repeatedly in Azerbaijan, while Armenians have faced this for the first time, as opposition hoped for the principal position of the West in the face of the OSCE and PACE. But it did not occur, which has become a kind of a cold shower for Armenian opposition. But belief in West has been preserved, otherwise what should they do? Russia's position in the elections in any country in the post-Soviet area is primordially known, there is nothing unclear there. There is no Islam factor in Armenia as well. Therefore, Armenian opposition's choise is too restricted. It is too discontented with the position of the West, if exactly, western organizations, it will periodically criticize them, but at the same time not lose hope for their assistance.

                    - What is a difference between Azerbaijani and Armenian opposition?

                    - The differences are great and they are caused by many factors, including actions of the authorities, position of the society and reaction of geopolitical actors. There is a great difference everywhere. For example, energy factor plays important role for the West in Azerbaijan. Therefore, the West shows passive reaction to the actions of the authorities, formally in order not to spoil their image completely. As is said, even PACE resolutions smell of oil in Azerbaijan, which will last until the time when oil reserve are exhausted. Our authorities are aware of it, and act fearlessly as they understand that nothing threatens to them in real. Therefore they can use force and money is enough to buy opposition when necessary. Besides, our society is also pessimistic. The situation is quite different in Armenia and the society is not so pessimistic there and the West thinks not about the reserves in the country, therefore, at some stage it will impose pressure on Armenian authorities and assist to opposition. The latter just hurried, as our compatriots in South Azerbaijan did in May of 2006. At the same time, our opposition has to learn from Armenian's. First of all, Armenian opposition has a definite strategy, which it executes consistently enough or at least tries to implement. And tactically it is more creative. Let's recall the story with the spread of DVD and cassettes from Ter-Petrosyan's meeting among the population. Know-How is on the high level. It also invests something and tries to act unexpectedly.

                    - Nevertheless, despite expectations of most experts, June 20 meeting of the Armenian opposition involves masses. How did Armenian opposition manage to attain such a success, as conduction of mass protest action in the center of Yerevan in conditions of strong pressure by Armenian authorities?

                    - Everything is relative. The pressure of Armenian authorities on opposition is in fact not so strong, especially in comparison with us. On March 1 the authorities managed to take control of the situation only with use of force and deploying army in the streets. Now, when the pressure of the authorities has weakened, the opposition has a chance to conduct its activity. The question is how to atract masses? Ter-Petrosyan managed to relieve a part of the society from apathy and distrust in their powers. But only a part of the society. Another part, especially beyond the capital city, is still sleepy and fearing its authorities. Thus, the meetings in Yerevan are only attended by those who joined them in February-March.

                    - In this case, what can we expect from the meeting of Armenian opposition, scheduled for July 4?

                    - This meeting will not be so decisive for Armenia. The past script will repeat. Another moment is important here: Armenian opposition, led by Ter-Petrosyan always invents and undertakes something, permanently holding the authorities under tension, which is important. This means that the working Armenian regime will always be under pressure, Even summer vocations are not for them, through traditionally political activity is declining in this period, while in Armenia we see different developments, which is a result of opposition's actions.

                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
                      And who cut the tongue of the Dashnak party beaura? why aren't they speaking up?
                      Dashnaks Warn Sarkisian Over Armenian Genocide Study

                      By Emil Danielyan

                      In a clear warning to President Serzh Sarkisian, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) on Tuesday reaffirmed its strong opposition to the idea of Turkish and Armenian historians jointly determining whether the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted a genocide.

                      The idea was floated by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a 2005 letter to then President Robert Kocharian. Kocharian rejected it, saying that this and other issues of mutual concern should be tackled by the two governments, rather than a Turkish-Armenian commission of historians.

                      Sarkisian said late last month that Yerevan will not oppose the creation of such a commission if Turkey unconditionally establishes diplomatic relations and opens its land border with Armenia. Armenia’s leading opposition groups were quick to condemn the apparent policy change, saying that by accepting Ankara’s proposal in principle Sarkisian called into question the very fact of what many historians regard as the first genocide of the 20th century.

                      The opposition concerns were echoed by Dashnaktsutyun, which is represented in Sarkisian’s coalition government and is known for its hard line on Armenia’s relations with Turkey. The party demanded and received an explanation from the presidential administration. According to a top party spokesman, Sarkisian has clarified that he believes the would-be commission should not determine whether or not a genocide occurred in 1915-1918 and should instead research “various details of the genocide.”

                      Despite these assurances, the issue was on the agenda of the first session of Dashnaktsutyun’s recently elected governing Bureau held from July 3-8. “The Bureau is adamant that the fact of the Armenian genocide is not a subject of discussion, and no high-ranking official representing Armenia may have a different approach,” it said in a statement. “Universal recognition of the genocide is vital for the existence, security and future of our people and statehood.”

                      (Photolur photo: Dashnaktsutyun leaders pictured during a recent party congress.)


