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What is Love?

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: What is Love?

    Originally posted by Sasun View Post
    Watch it Kanadahye I believe we are in the same corner of the world! So yes I might! HMMMM..... That' an idea. Just don't disapoint me too often.
    As long as you're from planet Earth, its a good sign.

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  • Sasun
    Re: What is Love?

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    I can live without it, but can't survive without it

    Yeah, unfortunately some Hye's have become more odar than odars

    Sasun: A/S/L? got any pics? hahahahhah
    Watch it Kanadahye I believe we are in the same corner of the world! So yes I might! HMMMM..... That' an idea. Just don't disapoint me too often.

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  • Sako
    Re: What is Love?

    Actually, I'm pretty sure I can manage.
    I very much doubt that...

    Love isn't just marital or made for couples. Love is everywhere. There is parental love, there is friendly love, homey love, brother/sister love, love for your country, love for your people, love for God, and so much more. Love is everywhere. So like it or not sweetheart, your gonna have to get used it !

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: What is Love?

    I can live without it, but can't survive without it

    Originally posted by Sasun View Post
    May I put in my two cents worth? I feel I have afew years on you young pups. You are all nipping around the edges, but really there is no secret. When you wake up every morning looking at the same grizzled or unmade-up face every morning for a number of years and you still don't get tired of it then maybe you realize what love is, and what a good thing you have going. Then perhaps you won't talk about partners like I read in one of the other Threads.
    I think I would like to start a signature, like DATE HYE!:
    Yeah, unfortunately some Hye's have become more odar than odars

    Sasun: A/S/L? got any pics? hahahahhah
    Last edited by KanadaHye; 06-24-2009, 07:02 AM.

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  • iFemale
    Re: What is Love?

    Originally posted by Saco View Post
    ...But also something you can't live without !
    Actually, I'm pretty sure I can manage.

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  • Sako
    Re: What is Love?

    ...But also something you can't live without !

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  • iFemale
    Re: What is Love?

    Love is, dressing up as a princess and entertaining scattered hyperactive electrons (kids) at your three year old cousins Birthday Party.

    Love is, making your first appearance as "the princess" and fooling all these kids that really know who you are; making them actually believe that you're an actual princess.

    Love is, when your three year old niece comes up to you while you're wearing all this fake princess junk, has NO clue as to who you really are, and hovers you out of joy, continuously asks for hugs, and doesn't leave your sight, because, well, you're a princess. Hell, this would be way hard if she knew who you really were without the princess gear. ::Laughs::

    Love is, face painting at the Birthday party and coming across to one five year old cute little boy that demands a "scary Halloween pumpkin" on his whole arm; after completing the "scary pumpkin," you get bashed down with dirty looks from all the elderly folks as to why the hell a princess would paint such a thing, especially when it's not even Halloween.

    Love is, while you're face painting on a two year old girl, you turn around and see that another child has knocked down all the paint, and you now have different colors of paint, all over your princess dress. You are now a princess-clown.

    Love is, wearing a puffy pink princess dress and also wearing your jeans underneath the dress because you want to feel comfortable and flexible at this childs birthday party, without realizing that the same day, the temperature exceeds 80 degrees, and now you're hot as hell with that dress on.

    Love is, face painting on your nephew, making it look all hell of a nice job, just because, I mean, he's your nephew. Then, five minutes later, you notice your time consuming piece of art is now completely erased off of his cheek. You ask him why he would do that, he replies that he would now like a ladybug instead of the pimped out car you took your time on painting. I guess love is also giving family members that lifetime-warranty-assurance feeling, because they think it's always A-Okay, well, because they're family.

    Love is, passing out gift bags to every kid at the this Birthday party and seeing one little boy scream and cry because, he didn't get a Ring-Pop in his goodie bag. Love is opening five more gift bags just to find one single Ring-Pop for this kid to eventually, well, in a more pleasant term, settle down. Success.

    Love is, accidentally speaking to one of the kids from the party, in Armenian, while this whole time you're supposed to only speak in English to make these kids actually believe that you're something legit. You then try to cover your bluff and turn everything you said around, in English. At this time, this kid is confused as well as very skeptical, and begins to back away. Luckily, a nice lady who was also at the party, covers your case and tells the kid that she had just taught "the princess" a couple of words in Armenian and assured her that I only spoke English. --You see what America does?

    Love is, well, kinda' tiring.

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  • Sako
    Re: What is Love?

    That's not an entirely bad idea !

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  • Sasun
    Re: What is Love?

    May I put in my two cents worth? I feel I have afew years on you young pups. You are all nipping around the edges, but really there is no secret. When you wake up every morning looking at the same grizzled or unmade-up face every morning for a number of years and you still don't get tired of it then maybe you realize what love is, and what a good thing you have going. Then perhaps you won't talk about partners like I read in one of the other Threads.
    I think I would like to start a signature, like DATE HYE!:

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  • Sako
    Re: What is Love?

    Lol, Ok. I think already have!

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