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Karekin II Urges Armenian Genocide Recognition Before Pope

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  • Karekin II Urges Armenian Genocide Recognition Before Pope

    VATICAN CITY (Combined Sources)--His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians on Wednesday spoke at the Vatican saying the whole world should recognize the crime against humanity.
    "We Armenians are a people who have survived genocide, and we know well the value of love, brotherhood, friendship and a secure life," Catholicos Karekin II said in a public address during Pope Benedict's general audience in St Peter's Square.
    "Today, many countries of the world recognize and condemn the genocide committed against the Armenian people by Ottoman Turkey..." the head of Armenia's Apostolic Church added, speaking in English before tens of thousands of people.
    Karekin II, who like the pope has the title "His Holiness," said he wanted to "appeal to all nations and lands to universally condemn all genocides that have occurred throughout history and those that continue to the present day..."
    In his address to Karekin II before the crowd, Benedict spoke of "the severe persecutions suffered by Armenian Christians, especially during the last century," but did not use the word genocide. The Catholicos, in his address broadcast live on many religious television stations around the world, said "denial of these crimes is an injustice that equals the commission of the same."
    France's lower house of parliament infuriated Turkey in 2006 by backing a bill that would make it a crime to deny that mass killings of Armenians amounted to genocide. France's Senate never ratified the bill. Last year legislators in the US House of Representatives proposed a resolution to formally name the massacre genocide but the move faltered under stiff opposition by President George W. Bush and Turkey, a key NATO ally.
    The word genocide appeared in a joint statement when Karekin II visited the late Pope John Paul in 2000. But the Vatican, which has diplomatic relations with both Armenia and Turkey, has never formally recognized the killings as such. John Paul visited Armenia in 2001 and prayed at Dizidzernagapert..
    Positive vibes, positive taught

  • #2
    Re: Karekin II Urges Armenian Genocide Recognition Before Pope

    As usual, you are a day late and a dollar short when posting these articles. But, besides that, don't you think it would be nice, from time to time, to actually post some personal 'taughts' about the article you post.
    I'm starting to think you are just posting for the sake of increasing your post count...there was a guy named MrLeftHye who used to do the same thing. He was banned for that, I think.


    • #3
      Re: Karekin II Urges Armenian Genocide Recognition Before Pope

      Pope John Paul visits Armenia.

      Flashback, Pope John Paul skirts genocide issue.

      (A picture of Pope Benedict XVI and Karekin at the Vatican)

      (Karekin condemns genocide before Prima Papa)

      Hey Pepsi, I also conisder it a major faux pas to republish the article without the link.
      Between childhood, boyhood,
      & manhood (maturity) there
      should be sharp lines drawn w/
      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
      stories, songs & judgements

      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


      • #4
        Re: Karekin II Urges Armenian Genocide Recognition Before Pope

        This Pope < The Pope Before Him


        • #5
          Re: Karekin II Urges Armenian Genocide Recognition Before Pope

          Originally posted by One-Way View Post
          This Pope < The Pope Before Him
          A related thread concerning the Pope:

          The Pope paying his respects to Ataturk

