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Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.

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  • Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.

    UPI International Intelligence, June 17, 2009 pNA
    Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.
    Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2009 United Press International

    WASHINGTON, June 17 (UPI) -- The European Union should intervene in disputes over Nagorno-Karabakh in order to avert dramatic regional consequences, analysts suggest.

    War broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 1990s, and the regional fallout from that row remains tense despite a 1994 cease-fire.

    Azerbaijan is spending some $2 billion on its military, which eclipses the entire federal budget for Armenia. Meanwhile, Armenia is asking for self-determination over the region, while Azerbaijan demands Armenian troops leave and allow Nagorno-Karabakh to remain Azeri territory.

    A review of the situation by The Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank, said it is likely Europe would have a role in the aftermath of any conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and should therefore play a role in mediation.

    "If Europe is to become the main implementer and guarantor of a peace deal, Europe also needs to be a part of the deal-making process," the analysis suggests.

    A conflict has the potential to pit Turkey and Russia against Europe and the United States in a row that has a distinct possibility of rippling through the regional energy sector.

    Europe, the Council suggests, should therefore use its influence to coerce Yerevan to abandon its military presence while making key decisions on Azeri territorial integrity.

    Brussels needs to use lessons learned from past regional disputes to "become an active peacemaker in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan," the report says.
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

  • #2
    Re: Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.

    Sounds like an Azeri bias to me....I assume they want to Stalin to come back from the grave and do the hand over.


    • #3
      Re: Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.

      Silly "experts", just give the land to Armenia and there will be no disputes, honestly how hard is it comprehend, Armenians don't want to be part of Azerbaijan (for such simple reasons as a hatred of having their pregnant women disembolwed a la Sumgait), every nation has the right to self determination, so therefore just let Armenians live in peace, I'm not an "expert", why can I reason that?


      • #4
        Re: Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.

        Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
        Silly "experts", just give the land to Armenia and there will be no disputes, honestly how hard is it comprehend, Armenians don't want to be part of Azerbaijan (for such simple reasons as a hatred of having their pregnant women disembolwed a la Sumgait), every nation has the right to self determination, so therefore just let Armenians live in peace, I'm not an "expert", why can I reason that?
        Just like our friend hipeter said it above, the man eating beast "azeris" want our lands to be given to them just like I spit in his grave Stalin gave it away our sacred lands as a gift to the man eating beast "azeris".

        Just for the record; does anybody know how many of our brave men of arms died to regain our Artsakhyan lands back? And overall how many innocent souls were the victims of barbaric attacks and killed from 1988 through 1993?


        • #5
          Re: Experts: Nagorno-Karabakh needs EU action.

          Okay, Pedro shall post what he can find :

          Maragha :

          “Maraghar: the name of this village is associated with a massacre which never reached the world’s headlines, although at least 45 Armenians died cruel deaths. During the CSI mission to Nagorno Karabakh in April, news came through that a village in the north, in Martakert region, had been overrun by Azeri-Turks on April 10 and there had been a number of civilians killed. A group went to obtain evidence and found a village with survivors in a state of shock, their burn-out homes still smoldering, charred remains of corpses and vertebrae still on the ground, where people had their heads sawn off, and their bodies burnt in front of their families. 45 people had been massacred and 100 were missing, possibly suffering a fate worse than death. In order to verify the stories, the delegation asked the villagers if they would exhume the bodies which they had already buried. In great anguish, they did so, allowing photographs to be taken of the decapitated, charred bodies. Later when asked about publicizing the tragedy, they replied they were reluctant to do so as ‘ we Armenians are not very good at showing our grief to the world’.

          Baku :

          Beginning on January 13, 1990, a repetition of the pogroms of Sumgait was carried out in Baku against Armenians. Armenians were thrown to their deaths from the balconies of upper-story apartments. Around 90 Armenians were murdered in the pogroms. The Popular Front of Azerbaijan claimed that the pogroms were the result of "Armenian aggression." [2] The Popular Front instigated the attacks and local authorities did nothing to stop the violence. Baku's 300,000 Armenians hastily escaped.

          Sumgait :

          The Sumgait pogrom (also known as the Sumgait Massacre or February Events) was an Azeri-led pogrom that targeted the Armenian population of the seaside town of Sumgait (Azerbaijani: Sumqayıt) in Soviet Azerbaijan during February 1988. On February 27, 1988, large mobs made up of ethnic Azeris formed into groups that went on to attack and kill Armenians both on the streets and in their apartments; widespread looting and a general lack of concern from police officers allowed the situation to worsen. The violent acts in Sumgait were unprecedented in scope in the Soviet Union and attracted a great deal of attention from the media in the West. The massacre came in light of the Nagorno-Karabakh movement that was gaining traction in the neighboring Armenia SSR. The official death toll released by the Procurator General (tallies were compiled based on lists of named victims) was 32 people (26 Armenians and 6 Azeris). However, eyewitnesses reported a much larger number. Many insist that at least 200, not 30, people were killed. [

