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Conference Debat Exposition

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  • Conference Debat Exposition


    Le monastère d’Arakelots à Sassoun, l’église Sourp Partoghimeos de Van, le monastère de
    Khtskonq à Kars, l’église Arakelots de Mouch … ce ne sont que quelques uns des édifices historiques
    et culturels arméniens qui sont en voie d’être détruits en Arménie Occidentale occupée, et la trace
    de la présence arménienne est en train d’être définitivement effacée par le gouvernement turc.

    Une organisation, étudiant l’architecture arménienne, a pris des photos de la barbarie visant tous les
    monuments de style arménien.

    L’exposition de photos « Le génocide culturel » et la conférence consacrées à ce sujet, en France,
    présente les travaux de Monsieur Samvel Karapétian au cours des dernières années, accompagné
    pour les aspects historiques par Madame Mélanya Balayan, et pour les aspects analytiques par
    Monsieur Arménag Aprahamian.
    Les photos prises récemment et en 2002-2003 sont associées à des photos datant de cent ans, voire
    plus, montrant que des églises et des sculptures ont été transformées en mosquées, en étables ou
    complètement détruits.

    L’exposition et la conférence ont été organisées par l’Organisation Hay Djampa France et le Conseil
    National des Arméniens d’Arménie Occidentale.

    Peu de personnes savent, ce qui se passe en ce moment en Arménie Occidentale occupée. Ces
    actions doivent permettre de sensibiliser nos concitoyens et l’opinion internationale sur l’agression
    physique que supporte encore, le peuple arménien, 90 ans après le Génocide.

    Il est envisagé de mettre l’exposition et la conférence, à la disposition de plusieurs pays. De plus, les
    organisateurs réfléchissent à la réalisation d’une résolution dénonçant ces exactions auprès des
    organisations internationales, cette résolution étant l’objet final du cycle de conférence en France.

    Une fois encore, en 2005, les droits les plus élémentaires d’une nation plurimillénaire se trouvent
    bafoués par un gouvernement, héritier des crimes les plus odieux. Il est donc nécessaire que les
    droits démocratiques s’appliquent pour tous, y compris pour les Arméniens d’Arménie Occidentale
    descendants des rescapés du Génocide.

  • #2
    Can you translate that for us non-French speakers? DiarDants, want to help out?


    • #3
      Originally posted by loseyourname
      Can you translate that for us non-French speakers? DiarDants, want to help out?

      Hello !!


      Arakelots monastery in Sassoon, Sourp Partoghimeos church in Van, Khtskonq monastery in Kars, Arakelots church in Mush ... these are only a few among the Armenian cultural and historical monuments that are in the process of being destroyed in occupied Western Armenia and the trace of Armenian presence is being definitively erased by the Turkish government.

      An organization studying the Armenian architecture has taken photographs of the barbarism directed against every monument of Armenian style. The "Cultural Genocide" photo exhibition and the conference dedicated to this subject in France, present the works of Mr. Samvel Karapetian during the last years. The historical aspects will be explained by Mrs Mélanya Balayan and the analytical aspects by Mr. Arménag Aprahamian.

      Photos shot recently and in 2000-2003 are displayed beside 100 to 150 years old pictures, showing how churches and sculptures were turned into mosques, cattle sheds or completely destroyed.

      The exhibition and conference are organized by the Hay Djampa France organization and the National Council of Armenians from Western Armenia.

      Very few people know what is currently happening in occupied Western Armenia. These actions aim at making our compatriots and the international public opinion aware of the physical aggression still suffered by the Armenian people, 90 years after the Genocide.

      It is considered to put the exhibition at the disposal of several countries. Moreover, the organizers are thinking over the preparation of a resolution denouncing these exactions to international organizations, this resolution being the final objective of the conference programme in France.

      Once more, in 2005, the most elementary rights of a several thousand years old nation are denied by a government which is the heir of the most odious crimes. It is thus necessary to apply the democratic rights to everyone, including the Armenians from Western Armenia, descendants of the Genocide survivors.


      • #4
        Originally posted by tigran_hay
        Hello !!


        Arakelots monastery in Sassoon, Sourp Partoghimeos church in Van, Khtskonq monastery in Kars, Arakelots church in Mush ... these are only a few among the Armenian cultural and historical monuments that are in the process of being destroyed in occupied Western Armenia and the trace of Armenian presence is being definitively erased by the Turkish government.
        With the exception of the Julfa graveyard, Azerbaijan has over the past 5 years destroyed every single Armenian monument in Nakhchivan, 100s of churches and 1000s of gravestones have been destroyed. This is quite clearly a policy of cultural genocide. In Turkey, even after 90 years, there are 100s of Armenian churches still standing. For this reason allegations of Turkey pursuing a deliberate state policy of destroying Armenian churches are unfounded.

        Karapetian has over many many years been diligently doing much useful work in documenting Armenian cultural remains in the lands beyond Armenia's present borders - unfortunately his work seems increasingly tainted with political and nationalistic aims and often it seems that the presentation of his work is designed to encourage nothing but negativity.
        Last edited by bell-the-cat; 10-25-2005, 01:34 PM.
        Plenipotentiary meow!


        • #5
          Originally posted by bell-the-cat
          In Turkey, even after 90 years, there are 100s of Armenian churches still standing. For this reason allegations of Turkey pursuing a deliberate state policy of destroying Armenian churches are unfounded.
          But there were many more not long ago. Also
          1- Where these churches are located?
          2- In what shape are those located in Western Armenia?

          I just saw a documentary on TV5 about TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey where they showed an Armenian Church transformed into a mosque.
          Also, I know many who have witnessed how Armenian Churches are desecrated, neglected or intentionally destroyed. Three of my friends have found an Armenian Church used as a stable. They were surprised to see that frescos were all covered with "chalk" - the French word is "badigeon." When they asked why the frescos were covered, a villager said: "it looks cleaner."

          LOL It seems that Thorny Rose/Stormig did not show what you need not see?????
          What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Siamanto
            But there were many more not long ago. Also
            1- Where these churches are located?
            2- In what shape are those located in Western Armenia?

            I just saw a documentary on TV5 about TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey where they showed an Armenian Church transformed into a mosque.
            Also, I know many who have witnessed how Armenian Churches are desecrated, neglected or intentionally destroyed. Three of my friends have found an Armenian Church used as a stable. They were surprised to see that frescos were all covered with "chalk" - the French word is "badigeon." When they asked why the frescos were covered, a villager said: "it looks cleaner."
            I can show you a church that is now used as a furniture warehouse, a church that is used as a Chinese retaurant, a church that is used as a house - all not more than 15 minutes from where I live, which is not Turkey. The key is that the future of all these buildings are safeguarded because they serve a useful purpose.

            You, like the organisers of the above exhibition, are someone who justs wants to exploit Armenian monuments in Turkey for your very juvenille political fantasies - you care nothing for their actual preservation. If an otherwise dissused church is used as a mosque, or a barn, or any purpose that does not damage its essential characteristics, then that use should be encouraged.
            Plenipotentiary meow!


            • #7
              Originally posted by bell-the-cat
              I can show you a church that is now used as a furniture warehouse, a church that is used as a Chinese retaurant, a church that is used as a house - all not more than 15 minutes from where I live, which is not Turkey. The key is that the future of all these buildings are safeguarded because they serve a useful purpose.

              You, like the organisers of the above exhibition, are someone who justs wants to exploit Armenian monuments in Turkey for your very juvenille political fantasies - you care nothing for their actual preservation. If an otherwise dissused church is used as a mosque, or a barn, or any purpose that does not damage its essential characteristics, then that use should be encouraged.
              Some if not most of these churches are so old that if they're not used for Christian worship, they should not be used at all and should preserved/valued/maintained as pieces of cultural and architectural treasure. It's insulting for us to think of Turks, who would put men and women not willing to convert under the knife, conducting Muslim prayers in our historic churches. The comment about the use of them as barns is likewise misguided and void of any understanding. What about not damaging its essential characteristics? Having pigs in the church is not going to damange the frescos, cows xxxxting on the khachkars is not going to damage them? I wish I knew your nationality so I could come up with equally insensitive and idiotic statements about something I have no emotional and cultural connection to.


              • #8
                Originally posted by karoaper
                Some if not most of these churches are so old that if they're not used for Christian worship, they should not be used at all and should preserved/valued/maintained as pieces of cultural and architectural treasure.
                You have not got a clue about any of the buildings you are talking about. You have no clue as to their size, locations, conditions, ages, cultural values, uniqueness or otherwise, etc. 90% of the surviving intact churches are actually from the 17th-19th century. There is no option except to provide an alternative use for them that will ensure their preservation - yet you and similar fanatics prefer to continue to live in your nationalstic fantasy-world rather than do anything active to preserve the monuments. The truth is that you would rather see them all destroyed completely rather than compromise your "high" ideals.
                Plenipotentiary meow!


                • #9
                  The truth is that you would rather see them all destroyed completely
                  Death is preferable to living without dignity. Destruction is preferable to desecration.


                  • #10
                    I should add that I'd rather see them all burn than be preserved for the sole purpose of satisfying the appetite of cultural necrophiliac such as you.

