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President Adolph Ahmadinejad: Austria or Florida

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  • President Adolph Ahmadinejad: Austria or Florida

    President Adolph Ahmadinejad: Austria or Florida

    President Ahmadinejad has removed VISA restrictions for Azeri Turks in the Republic of Azerbaijan to visit Iran. This will cause a flood of Azeri Turks coming into Iran from the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    There will probably be celebrations both by the regime in Tehran and Baku about the union of Azeri Nation after several hundred years of separation. President Ahmadinejad is probably preparing a speech about the "Union of One Nation and One Race" and that is the "Reunion of the Iranian Race". This way Mr. Ahmadinejad is going to get "popularity" with the "voters" and prevent the fall of its regime which was falling apart in recent times.

    Are these events similar to occupation of Austria by Germany in 1930's or are similar to release of Cuban criminals from jails and sending them to Florida in 1980's by the Cuban government?

    As future events will show these events are very similar to sending Cuban criminals to Florida than to the Union of Austria and German in 1930's under Hitler's Germany leadership.

    Other events closely related to President Ahmadinejad's Pan-Turkist moves on The Republic of Azerbaijan are:

    1. Increased Islamic attacks such as throwing acid on woman in Turkey. It is probably sponsored by the regime in Tehran.

    2. Green light to Turkey to attack Kurds in northern Iraq. Turkey invaded northern Iraq with ground forces.

    3. Increased Terrorist activities in Afghanistan. Bombs killed more than 100 people only in Kandahar in Afghanistan. This may be a start of campaign to partition Afghanistan into Iranian and Pakistani zones.

    4. Dumping Russia as an ally and supporting US Oil policies in the Caspian Sea. Support for "White Stream Project" bypassing Russia and moving Kazak oil under the Caspian sea.

    5. Massive assault on the natives of Iran such as throwing people off the cliffs or Stoning people as a punishment for violating "Islamic Laws".

    6. Massive attempt for "Turkification of Iran" such as plans to move millions of Azeri Turks into Isfahan region. Azeri Turks imported from the Republic of Azerbaijan will probably used for this purpose. Isfahan is supposed to be the new capital of Azeri Turks. This move is copy of Saffavids in 15 century who moved their capital to Isfahan.

    Russian Response on Ahmadinejad Pan Turkist and Anti-Russian moves.

    It seems this is the Russian response to Ahmadinejad Pan Turkist moves against Russia. This is Putin's indirect support for the religous anti-Ahmadinejad faction in Iran. Putin also mentions aryans meaning Persians and Russians and related. President Ahmadinejad is an Azeri Turk and is not related to Persians or Aryans.

    Vladimir Putin "Iran is the source of all world religions"

    Russian interview with Putin

    Putin said that iran is the source of Christianity,Judaism and islam ( he said that because zoroastrianism was the world`s first monotheistic religion and heavily influenced all abrahamic religions)

    He also added that Iranian Tribes (aryan tribes) are originaly from south Russia and migrated to Iran and because of the deep ties between Russians and Iranians that is going back many thousand years our two countries will always be able to communicate on any problem, since we understand one another. <- the interview
    Persians and Hollywood

    A Google Blog