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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    F*cking Azeri fairy tales, khojaly "genocide", yerevan is azeri, cross stones and churches are albanian, syunik is azeri, - gets me all so sick...
    The armed forces of a country that they say does not exist committed a genocide. lol it was a ghost army
    lol Pakistan, whatever, if anything, that was left of that backward wasteland is about go up in flames anyway, either through self destruction, or NATO attacks.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Originally posted by Mos View Post
      F*cking Azeri fairy tales, khojaly "genocide", yerevan is azeri, cross stones and churches are albanian, syunik is azeri, - gets me all so sick...
      Actually besides that all of Iran is actually azeri land, not just northern Iran. Also Native American Indians actually originated from azerbaijan so all of North America is actually historic azeri land.
      Isnt it interesting how a country, which is the newest in the region having been created by Stalin in the 20th century, claims all of its neighbors lands as their "historic" land? i guess they are trying to compensate for a lack of a history by claiming other countries histories.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Noticed an article at calling out the Azeri BS about Khojaly. Hopefully this kind of info starts getting to a wider audience.

        Был ли геноцид в Ходжалы? - грузинское издание

        "В истории 1992 года в Ходжалы, как и в любой другой подобной, очень много темных пятен. Вокруг этой темы построена своеобразная идеология. Топоним "Ходжалы" для азербайджанской нации давно стал тем стержнем, благодаря которому сформировалось национальное самосознание. Это точка опоры для современной государственности Азербайджана, и хотя события тех дней не изучены до конца, обсуждать их, и тем более критически к ним относиться, не позволено никому", - говорится в статье "Азербайджан запускает операцию "Ходжалы" информагентства

        В публикации напоминается, что автор известного далеко за пределами Азербайджана "Карабахского дневника" журналист Эйнулла Фатуллаев на себе испытал запрет Баку на обсуждение ходжалинских событий. "Будучи до поездки в Нагорный Карабах ярым армяноненавистником, по возвращении в Баку он опубликовал дневник, в котором попытался объективно взглянуть на события минувшей войны. С точки зрения азербайджанской пропаганды, Фатуллаев немедленно превратился в предателя, оказавшегося впоследствии в тюрьме по обвинению в "оскорблении памяти жертв Ходжалы". Впоследствии у него "находили" наркотики", - пишет автор, отмечая, что из заключения Фатуллаев освободился лишь в прошлом году.

        В публикации говорится, что тайн в "истории Ходжалы" на самом деле много. В феврале 1992 года, когда Азербайджан терял Карабах, в Баку шла ожесточенная борьба за власть, позиции тогдашнего президента Аяза Муталибова слабели. "Как говорят многие свидетели тех событий, оппозиционеры, продвигавшие во власть Гейдара Алиева, ставили целью как можно серьезнее дискредитировать президента", - указывает автор. А теперь даже не каждый бакинский школьник знает о том, что до Гейдара Алиева Азербайджаном руководил другой человек.

        Пропаганда сделала из Алиева основателя государства, а для Муталибова ходжалинские события оказались этапом, через который он не смог пройти. Потом, уже находясь в Москве, Муталибов дал ряд интервью, в которых изложил свою точку зрения на происшедшее. Из его слов, отмечается в публикации, можно сделать как минимум один вывод - он совершенно не контролировал ситуацию. Он не знал о том, что творится на линии фронта, у него не было надежных союзников, а военнослужащие не подчинялись приказам своего главнокомандующего. В качестве примера приводится эпизод, когда пилоты отказались лететь с запасами продовольствия и оружия в Ходжалы на помощь местному населению Жуткие кадры трагедии облетели мировые СМИ, и это стоило Муталибову президентского кресла.

        "Многими исследователями доподлинно установлено, что армянскими силами был открыт коридор для выхода жителей Ходжалы из окружения", - напоминает агентство, отмечая, что сейчас в Азербайджане не принято говорить об этом коридоре, оставленном карабахскими войсками для гражданского населения. Между тем тот же Эйнулла Фатуллаев, посетивший эти места, также писал, что такой коридор был создан. "Более того - Фатуллаеву показали местность, где он находился. Значительная часть жителей покинула город, армянские солдаты не открывали по ним огонь. Если бы этого коридора не было, то никто не смог бы спастись", - пишет, отметив, что потом принявшие беженцев азербайджанские войска подставили их под пули.

        В ходжалинской трагедии перемешаны политические коллизии тогдашнего Азербайджана и безжалостный цинизм по отношению к людям, сказано в статье. "Многие источники в Баку утверждают, что 22 февраля 1992 года, за несколько дней до трагедии Совет безопасности страны принял решение не эвакуировать жителей Ходжалы с тем, чтобы "армянам не показалось, что мы освобождаем город для них"", - отмечается в публикации.

        Все эти и многие другие детали той трагедии хорошо известны обеим сторонам конфликта. Но в настоящее время события в Ходжалы стали инструментом для решения вопросов внешней политики. Сейчас борьба за признание трагедии в Ходжалы "геноцидом", выходит на новый уровень, став одним из трендов внешней политики Азербайджана. И сейчас основная стратегия официального Баку - лоббирование "геноцида Ходжалы" в странах Восточной Европы.

        Напомним в этой связи, что вчера Сенат Пакистана принял решение о признании событий в Ходжалы геноцидом.


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          There is an Azeri/Turk user on YouTube spreading propaganda through his anti-western Armenian comments that are on every Armenian video on YouTube. It's a pathetic attempt to divide Armenians. The following is his YouTube account. Is there a way to report him and make sure his account is banned?

          A Channel for showcasing and sharing information about the Tech in our lives. Please watch Discuss, argue and come together to resolved issues. I also am active on reddit so you may see me there and i reference a lot of important info back from there


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Originally posted by Mher View Post
            There is an Azeri/Turk user on YouTube spreading propaganda through his anti-western Armenian comments that are on every Armenian video on YouTube. It's a pathetic attempt to divide Armenians. The following is his YouTube account. Is there a way to report him and make sure his account is banned?

            The channel is not available anymore, apparently.


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
              The channel is not available anymore, apparently.

              I don't know because when the Genocide bill passed the senate he immediately went on multiple videos spreading the same message and when I would click on the channel, it would display the same message, even though he had posted minutes ago.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Armenian singers refusing to take part in Eurovision 2012 in Baku

                Armenian signers have disseminated a statement addressed to European Broadcasting Union and Armenian Public TV, whereby they announce their decision to boycott Eurovision song contest 2012 in Baku.

                The one-page statement brings it to the attention of international community that the killing of an Armenian soldier Albert Adibekyan from an Azerbaijani sniper shot in border areas of Tavush region, Armenia makes it even impossible to discuss any participation to the song contest on Azerbaijani soil.

                Armenian singers have been taking part in all Eurovision contests, since Armenian Public TV joined the European Broadcasting Union few years ago. The Junior Eurovision Song Contest was hosted in Yerevan in December 2011 after Armenia won the 2010 edition of the famous contest in Minsk, Belarus.


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Armenia & Azerbaijan: Will Tuvalu Strike Again?
                  April 3, 2012 - 9:23pm Tamada Tales
                  Looks like it's Tuvalu time again. But, this time, in a different part of the breakaway-rich South Caucasus.

                  After Tuvalu and Armenia established diplomatic ties last month, commentators in Azerbaijan and its ally, Turkey, started casting suspicious eyes on the tiny South Pacific state.

                  They suspected that Tuvalu, already known for its surprise recognition of the independence of the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, might again be preparing to pull a fast one.

                  Granted, not on its own steam. Drawing on their own history with Russia constantly breathing down their necks, South Caucasus countries rarely see other small countries as operating on their own initiative; somewhere, in the wings, must stand a deep-pocketed Big Buddy.

                  Georgia, locked in a dispute with Moscow over Abkhazia and South Ossetia, is convinced that Russian rubles motivated what Tuvalu claims was an act of trans-Oceanic friendship. Now, it's Azerbaijan’s turn to ask questions.

                  Will Tuvalu accept money from Armenia (via Russia, Armenia's own Big Buddy) for recognition of the independence of Nagorno Karabakh?

                  “Not that I know of,” Tuvalu’s Permanent Secretary for International Affairs Tapugao Falufao told a radio program in New Zealand. “[T]here is no financial support that we have received from Armenia and there was no financial support that has been pledged by Armenia as far as I am aware,” Falufao said.

                  But Tuvalu also has a political opposition that is not happy about the country's foreign policy. An opposition member of the 15-seat parliament, Enele Sapoaga, is concerned over “the government’s drive to set up diplomatic ties with countries in the Caucasus,” and believes that the "peace-loving" island should be more selective in picking its friends, Radio New Zealand International reports.

                  Meanwhile, where Armenia itself stands on the topic remains unclear, but, then, perhaps that's to be expected. Despite a long and bitter war with Azerbaijan to back Karabakh separatists and go-nowhere international talks on the conflict, Yerevan has never actually recognized Nagorno Karabakh's independence.

                  Will it want a 26-square-kilometer country in the South Pacific to do the honors instead? If so, it's not talkin'.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Google Maps show Baku avenue in Armenian

                    April 30, 2012 - 18:02 AMT
                    PanARMENIAN.Net - Name of Neftchilar Avenue of Baku has been shown on Google Maps in Armenian language, Azerbaijan Press Agency reports citing ICT Information Center.
                    According to the information, the mentioned fact can be understood as informational provocation against Azerbaijan, living in state of war as a result of military aggression of Armenia.
                    “Such attitude of Google - the world leader in electronic cartography, toward an independent Azerbaijan is unacceptable,” the message says.
                    A spokesman for the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies Mushfig Amirov noted that the ministry was aware of this issue: ‘The Ministry has already addressed the Google and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry for elimination of this problem. I think the problem will be solved soon. Such a case is not the first. Every time Azerbaijan addresses the relevant organizations and the error is corrected’.

                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Book by Azerbaijani official denounces Armenian falsification
                      Fri 11 May 2012 09:26 GMT | 2:26 Local Time
                      Text size:

                      Fuad Akhundov
                      Presentation of the book “Destroyers of the falsification”, written by sector chief of the Presidential Administration, political analyst Fuad Akhundov and denouncing Armenian falsification of history, was held in Baku.
                      APA reports that the book was prepared by the Center of Caucasian History under Public and Political Researches Institute.

                      The book’s author Fuad Akhundov and head of Center of the Caucasian History Shalala Hasanova participated in the event. Hasanova said that the conceptual innovation in the book is that the Armenian falsification is disclosed by the foreign scientists, politicians, writers and public figures in the book. The opinions and scientific thesis by 152 authors from the US, European countries, Russia and Georgia were gathered in 32 thematic sections like “Armenized Albania”, “Science and anti-science”, “False manuscripts and translations”, “Iravan, history, truth and false”, “Robbed works and cuneiforms”, “Armenized famous personalities”, “Alphabet: in search of truth” and etc.

                      In his turn, Akhundov said that the book was published in Russian, but it would be translated into the other languages, including Armenian. He said that the book also contains the opinions of 21 Armenian scientists who were surprised by the falsification attempts of Armenian historians.

                      The five-part videotape “Nonexistent country… Armenia in the Caucasus?” was shown in the event. The book presented the decisions of Russian emperors against the revolt of Armenian extremism, the facts of removal of Azerbaijani place names, cultural samples, historical and architectural monuments after declaration of the Republic of Armenia in the historical Azerbaijani lands. This film will be attached to YouTube.


