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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Azerbaijan Fights with Google (and Armenia) Over Territory
    August 12, 2011 - 10:13am, by Giorgi Lomsadze
    Tamada Tales Armenia Foreign Policy Azerbaijan Foreign Policy Nagorno Karabakh
    Azerbaijan has discovered that its territorial integrity has been violated by a force far more powerful than Armenia -- Google.

    Much to Baku’s chagrin, Google Maps uses Armenian, rather than Azerbaijani names for locations now occupied by Armenian forces, but internationally considered part of Azerbaijan. The slivers of land in question surround the fiercely disputed separatist region of Nagorno Karabakh. (Fizuli region is termed Varanda, for instance.)

    Baku believes that Google’s choice of regional nomenclature is the result of alleged Armenian jiggery-pokery and has tasked the Azerbaijan State Committee on Land and Cartography to get Google to correct its word choice.

    The Committee will be firing off an angry latter to Google’s California headquarters soon. Committee Chairman Rafig Huseinli noted that this is not the first time Google has violated Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and that Baku was able to negotiate changes to online listings in the past.

    With the advent of online mapping tools and social networking, many of Azerbaijan and Armenia's territorial battles have gone virtual. In the past, Baku also wrangled with Microsoft over similar issues with maps.

    Last edited by ninetoyadome; 08-12-2011, 08:56 AM.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
      Did Clinton Discuss ‘Wilsonian Armenia’ in Turkey?

      Secretary Clinton with Foreign Minister Davutoglu in Turkey last month
      MOSCOW—“We—the United States and Turkey—owe Armenia what was promised them by President Woodrow Wilson,” the Moscow-based Regnum news agency quoted Secretary Hillary Clinton as saying during her meetings last month in Turkey, according to the news agency’s “source in the region.”
      According to the same Regnum source, during her meetings with Turkish officials last month, Clinton also allegedly outlined a new Middle East and Caucasus map after an envisioned end to the Karabakh conflict. This map, which supposedly not only includes the deployment of peace-keeping forces to the Karabakh conflict zone, also envisions exchange of territories and transport routes.
      The Regnum source indicated that aforementioned discussion was about granting Armenia a corridor to the port of Trabizon, following a possible ratification of the Turkey-Armenia protocols.
      Regnum also discussed a possible territorial exchange with Azerbaijan, to be overseen by US Ambassador to Baku, Matthew Bryza. The Regnum source said that process would be the creation of a “Greater Azerbaijan.”
      Essentially, what this anonymous Regnum news agency source if saying, is that Karabakh would be given back to Azerbaijan, with a guarantee that Armenia would have access to a sea port.
      Fact or fiction? It’s food for thought.

      Highly dubious!
      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        azeris responded to the 13 year old girls letter with BS as usual

        The administration of President AR responded to a letter from a 13-year Armenian girls, sent to President Ilham Aliyev

        13.08.2011 16:00
        BAKU, August 14 - 1NEWS.AZ

        As reported IA REGNUM, 13-year-old schoolgirl from Khankendi Adeline Avagimyan wrote a letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev .

        The editorial board of the agency response received the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan on this appeal of the young women of Khankendi, Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, directed on behalf of the Head of the Department of Political Analysis and Information Support of the Presidential Administration Elnur Aslanov AR.

        Introducing the text of the response unchanged.

        "Dear Adeline,

        Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is attentive to every citizen of Azerbaijan appeals to President Ilham Aliyev, and therefore your letter could not go unanswered.

        I sincerely hope that you wrote this letter to herself without any armchair political strategists, based on their unfeigned desire to live in peace and the desire to return to our home, called the Southern Caucasus harmony and stability.

        You write that I was born and live in the city of Stepanakert. In fact, this city is called Khankendi. You write that you love your land, because Karabakh - your home, as well as the birthplace of your father and mother and grandparents.

        But just like you, consider their homeland Khankendi Azeris, mom and dad and grandparents were born there. After all, this city was founded in the XVIII century the Karabakh khans, one of the heads of state entities created by the Azerbaijanis of the time.

        It originated as a settlement for the rest members of the Khan family and close friends. For convenience, the Khans first palaces were laid a few kilometers from the capital of the Khanate Panahabad, now the town of Shusha, the mountain slopes.

        The village, which from time to time lived only members of the Khan family was named "Hanyn Candy", which translated to Azeri means "village of Khan" and later followed him finally stuck the name "Khankendi" - "Khan village." Only in 1923, after more than 100 years after its creation, Khankendi renamed Stepanakert, in honor of the Bolshevik Stepan Shahumyan.

        By the way, you will probably be interested to know that this is the Shusha and Karabakh Khanate came into the Russian Empire under Kurekchay contract, signed May 14, 1805 between Ibrahim Khan of Shusha and Karabakh forces and the All-Russian General Prince Paul Tsitsianov.

        If you look at the text signed by the treatise, as well as the signatories, that nowhere is there even a hint of any political role of the Armenians in Karabakh. While we certainly do not deny that Armenians lived in Nagorno-Karabakh, but they accounted for only a minority of the total population.

        Does not attempt to read your boring lectures on the history of the region, let me note that massively populated the South Caucasus, including Karabakh, Armenians began only after the entry of these lands into the Russian Empire. In Turkmanchai treaty of 1828 divided Azerbaijan between Russia and Persia, negotiated terms of migration from South Azerbaijan, which became part of Persia, conquered by Russia in the Caucasus and out of here all who wants it.

        As a result, under this Agreement tens of thousands of Muslims - the people left the Caucasus Azerbaijan khanates, converted to Christianity in Russia, and settled in Southern Azerbaijan.

        To the Caucasus, on the historical lands of Azerbaijanis, on the initiative of Colonel Lazarev (incidentally, an Armenian by nationality) and the Russian ambassador to Persia, AS Griboyedov were resettled tens of thousands of Armenians. Thus, the tsarist administration pursuing its own goals changed to some extent, the ethnic composition of the Nagorno-Karabakh.

        Hopefully, one of the stars of nights, which are particularly beautiful Karabakh, when you look at the sky and dream about their future together, you ask about his grandfather. As well as not be amiss to remind them - your dad and mom, grandma and grandpa, that in 1978 the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh celebrated the 150th anniversary of their resettlement, and in honor of this monument was erected in the village Maragashen - Leninavan Mardakert - Agdarinskogo area.

        However, the relocation of a monument in honor of the first Armenian families in Karabakh, was destroyed by Armenian forces in 1988 in the initial period of war in Karabakh.

        Now Adeline imagine that not only in Khankendi, but also in other cities captured by Armenian and Azerbaijani districts - Shusha, Khojali Askeran, Khojavend, Agder and Hadrut in place of his childhood in Lachin, Kelbajar, Aghdam, Jebrail, Fizuli Qubadli and Zengilane, homeland of their ancestors can not go back nearly a million Azeris.

        Your peers, the Azerbaijanis nourish hope someday to see the home of his grandparents, the graves of their ancestors. I hope that you will know how to hurt for almost two decades, but it's more than you have lived. What do you think, to live away from their homes?

        I'm sure you realize that if in some corner of the globe was born or that the Armenian girl and her parents, it does not give reason to believe this land historically Armenian territory.

        You probably know that the American pop singer of Armenian origin, Cher, whose real name is Sherilyn Sarkisian was born in SSHA.A famous French actor and singer of Armenian prishozhdeniya Charles Aznavour was born in Paris.

        But this does not mean that the United States, or a separate California, France, Paris, or separately, are the ancient provinces of Armenia. While I fully admit that this claim history textbooks, from which you draw your knowledge in school Khankendi and adults who surround you.

        They are adults, of course, many have seen in my life and have a right to their own opinion. Just when the next time they start telling you about that Karabakh has always been allegedly historically Armenian territory, remind them of the 150th anniversary of the resettlement of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh.

        When the adults will talk about what Artsakh - an ancient province of Armenia, remind them the words of a prominent Armenian historian, academician Suren Tigranovich Yeremyan, who wrote about drevnealbanskih, not the old Armenian, Artsakh and Utic.

        And when the adults will approve of Sumgait, Baku and Kirovabad, let them, above all, will tell you about the massacres and killings in Gafane, Meghri Askeran, Gukarke. They have suffered much more Armenians Azerbaijanis, Armenians in Azerbaijan than urban areas.

        Ask the adults who had been there at least one Azerbaijani, who took part in pogroms against their compatriots in other parts of Gukarke and Armenia, like Sumgait killer Edward Grigorian? They found that at least one resident of Armenia, Azerbaijani ukryvshy in his life and saved his neighbor?

        Adeline, you now 13 years old. The same number were many of the Azerbaijanis, who brutally and inhumanely deprived of life February 26, 1992 in Khojali, solely in order to, in the words of the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, "break the stereotype." Remember that date. It was a real genocide.

        Among the 613 people killed in Khojaly were 106 women and 63 children, 70 elderly people. 25 children lost both parents, another 76 were injured and 19 were taken hostage in order to further exchange.

        Many of these children were younger than you, Adeline, and some of them were burned alive, beheaded him, gouged out his eyes babies. Believe that it is extremely difficult to write these words without tears in his eyes. This date has gone down in history as one of the bloodiest crimes against humanity. No war can justify such a barbaric and monstrous actions.

        You wrote that the elder told you about that "before the war, even 50 or 100 years ago, when there were Azerbaijanis, in event of death of their exported from Karabakh and buried in their true homeland, because we knew that this was not their homeland , not their land. Therefore, there is almost no Azerbaijani cemeteries ...".

        You probably should know that what you really only confirms the fact of mass destruction, Azerbaijan, Muslim cemeteries, temples and mausoleums in the Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas.

        You who have never seen the Azerbaijanis would be interesting, especially about your grandparents will not tell, that in Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan's only around the town of Shusha was 37 Azerbaijani villages, where there were 21 large cemetery.

        In the city of Shusha was 2 large Azeri cemetery: "Mirza Hasan" and "Peace Faseh." There was a cemetery around the old mosque Yukhari Geyhar Aga and Aga Ashagi Geyhar in the center of the town of Shusha, which are now destroyed.

        Ancient cemeteries were in the villages Gaybaly, Gushchular, Zaryfly, Safi Khanlar, Halfaly, Hanalei, Gushchu etc. Did your grandparents have forgotten about Azerbaijani cemeteries that have been around nearly every mosque in Nagorno-Karabakh, in the town Dzhydyr duzu around the mausoleum Molla Panah Vagif, as well as below the town of Shusha?

        If in Nagorno-Karabakh is not prohibited by the Internet, then using the program "Google Earth", filmed in space with photographs you will see the ruined, deserted Azerbaijani cities, villages, mosques and cemeteries, located just a few miles from your home. Gaping black spots look like from space around the cemetery sat Tyr, Ahylly, Salaketin, Garabagly, Amirallar, Mughanli and other settlements Khojavend.

        Downtown Khojavend (Martuni), where the Armenians were relocated in 1930, was an ancient cemetery and mausoleum Ashygly Gumbez Gosh, that Armenians destroyed in 1989. By the way, near the town of Khojavend, near the front is the oldest cemetery "Nargiztepe" where buried Oghuz khan and Garaja Shepherd, which is told in the 7th century epic "Dada-Gorgud". In the town of "Fyndygly yastan" there was an ancient Azerbaijani cemetery where the graves of some age greater than 2500-3000 years. This list is easily extended.

        Adeline, you know the truth before, would be enough for your parents the courage to look into your eyes and say that Karabakh was not the Azerbaijani cemeteries?

        I would not want to bore you an abundance of historical facts, but no less cunning and are talking about that "70 years ago by the name of the head of Stalin deliberately gave our land to Azerbaijan".

        The fact that Stalin did not have the right to vote and simply took part in the meeting where the majority ultimately voted to "leave the mountainous part of Karabakh within Azerbaijan." And all this talk about the alleged transfer of these lands are only an interpretation of the history of the Armenian way.

        A similar relationship and attempts to make merit legitimate the illegal decision of a unilateral withdrawal of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region (Nagorno-Karabakh) from Azerbaijan, in violation of the Federal and international law.

        Adeline, to my deep regret, the adults telling you about the roots of our conflict, severely garbles history and ignore the facts. You are deeply mistaken, when you write about the fact that Heydar Aliyev started a war against your people.

        Azeris are not taken in 1989 by a unilateral decision on behalf of the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh, which, first, to ignore the opinion of the Azerbaijani community, and secondly, violated the due course of law.

        By the way, you probably should know that to this day the international community continues to consider the Nagorno-Karabakh part of Azerbaijan, as evidenced by the resolutions of many international organizations, including the well-known to you the UN General Assembly.

        And, incidentally, not Azerbaijanis unleashed a conflict in which Armenians were attacked by Azerbaijani villages, towns and villages, carried out ethnic cleansing against the peaceful Azerbaijani population of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is advisable to emphasize that it is due to Heydar Aliyev, who returned to Baku in June 1993, in May 1994 was signed the cease-fire. So, your father was able to return home alive, and 4 years after it came into being you.


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          You write that you never saw the Azerbaijanis. I see. Such is now the time has come that historically Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh remained Azerbaijanis in Armenia - no one but the Armenians.

          In Azerbaijan there are representatives happily dozens of different nationalities, including the Armenians, who are your peers can see here. You write that in your spare time think about it a lot.

          Here and think about how it happened, that Armenia is now mono-ethnic, and Azerbaijan - a multinational state? If you do not know what a mono-ethnic state, refer to adults. They are, in the case of Armenia, will explain to you the value of the word.

          Unfortunately, now between our two neighboring nations raging conflict, which began even before your birth, and is still unresolved. I understand that you are a lot of thinking and reading about Azerbaijanis, including the genetic incompatibility between representatives of our peoples. After all, this thesis was voiced by the second President of Armenia Robert Kocharian and are now actively being replicated Armenian newspapers and Internet sites.

          So know, Adeline, that many years ago to power in Germany came to the same politicians who talked about the genetics of the purity of the Aryan race. As a result, this policy has led to a mass genocide of xxxs in Germany, as well as the beginning of World War II.

          This war has claimed tens of millions of lives. We do not want war, we want a happy, peaceful co-existence of Azerbaijanis and Armenians in the developing, prosperous region called the Southern Caucasus, which includes Azerbaijan, and Armenia.

          There was a time when we, Armenians and Azerbaijanis have lived peacefully in a single state called the Soviet Union. At that time it was created many joint Azerbaijani-Armenian families, and the great Soviet and Azerbaijani singer Muslim Magomayev sing songs of the Armenian and Soviet composer Arno Babajanian. Ask mom or dad with my grandfather and grandmother - they'll tell you about those times.

          The South Caucasus is sure to become a peaceful, just as we're together say their word, we solve the conflict and return to their homes. His early decision - to hand over, including the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh, which include you. And nobody has the right to deny you the opportunity to live in their own land in Karabakh, as well as no one has the right to deprive hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis right to return to their homes in Khankendi, Shusha, Khojaly Askeran, Khojavend, Agder, Hadrut, Lachin , Kelbajar, Aghdam, Jebrail, Fizuli Gubadli, and Zengilane.

          Perhaps you feel that this land has always been as barren, uninhabited and undeveloped. Your fault for this error is not present - you see only cut off from Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh - a ruined and bloodless war. But there were other times when the region flourished, when living there was higher than in the entire South Caucasus, where there was no ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis.

          Now, living in Nagorno-Karabakh, unfortunately, is worse than Armenia, from which escape people. Prophecy has come true, Anastas Mikoyan, who said: "The Dashnaks - agents of the Armenian government, seeking incorporation of Karabakh into Armenia, but it's for the people of Karabakh would be to lose a source of life - Baku, and contact the Erivan, which had never been in no way connected." I am sure that adults have already told you who the Anastas Mikoyan.

          Unfortunately, in Yerevan, and did not realize that occupied the territory of neighboring states and conducting ethnic cleansing in Azerbaijan, and Armenia, destroying towns and villages in Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions, Armenia, in fact, lost! She lost the political and economic future of the Armenian people, such as you are young, and, today, being the second worst economy in the world is sinking into the abyss.

          "Today, in Armenia, a new generation of girls who have no chance to marry, because all the boys to leave the country," - wrote recently Armenian political and social activist Karine Danielian, in a letter to the government.

          You are now 13 years old Adeline, but after a while you also think about starting a family, you begin to think about that very human happiness, which is looking at distant stars seem so close and real.

          But this is not the Azerbaijanis driven Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh and the Armenian people to that life. This is done by those who started the adventure of Karabakh, who ran and now manages Armenia. His own life is very good, but the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh - badly. But worst of all, when hundreds of thousands of people in Karabakh and Armenia are held hostage to the warlords and extremists half-witted. Everything could be different, Adeline.

          And the last. Folk wisdom says that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. I invite you, Adeline, to visit Baku, Ganja, Sumgait, Azerbaijan to visit the area, to see their development and a new look.

          Come with parents, with father, mother, grandmother and grandfather, they were not hearsay should be familiar Azeri hospitality and creative nature of my people. Come along and see how many loses occupied by Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh. I am sure that after you change the view and the Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis about whom you have never seen. "

          If you guys paid attention they did not respond to any of her questions, they just spewed there propaganda.


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            The next meaningless complaint by Azerbaijanis
            BY TIMES.AM AT 16 AUGUST, 2011, 6:35 PM

            Azerbaijani media often publishes complaints referred to some organizations, which use Armenian names for Armenian lands and do not spread disinformation, which is widely used by Azerbaijanis. This time Azerbaijanis are angry with “Magic Jack”, America’s popular phone equipment firm.

            “Magic Jack” which gives opportunity its users to make internet phone calls to almost any country throughout the world listed Artsakh under Armenia in its International Rates. This is quite normal, as everybody knows Artsakh is ancient Armenian land.

            But Azerbaijanis are unable to understand that this and started struggle against the noted company.

            They have sent messages, but no answer is got.



            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Today.Az » Politics » Mubariz Ahmadoglu: Tehran is engaged in Armenizing ancient Azerbaijani lands

              16 August 2011 [17:54] - Today.Az

              The trilateral relations of Armenia, Vatican and Iran seem to be very warm. The meeting of Iranian president Ahmadinejad with Pope Benedict XVI is not just a deal. Iran has many politicians and even religious figures which denied the commandment of the Holy Quran (We see here some kind of progress as we condemn conflicts between Islam and Christianity). Though, for the current Iranian government, this doesn’t create any handicap to spoil common spiritual values of both Islam and Christianity.

              Representing Armenian neighboring countries as Christian territories was almost becoming a doctrine in Vatican-Armenian relations. Armenians, who belong to Gregorian doctrine, can become biased towards both Catholic and Orthodox Christians in accordance with their goals. They think now it's time for Catholics, so they try to get closer to the Catholic Christians and trying to represent themselves as their friends.

              Thus, they are now engaged in representing non-Muslim monuments located in the territories of the four neighboring countries as Armenian belongings with Catholic-Christian origin. To prove this falsehood, they have launched several projects in Armenia-Vatican-Iran triangle. They spend large amount of funds to those projects in the territories of the neighboring countries while no Armenian neither Apostle Church nor the Armenian government does not make any efforts to preserve 700-800 year old monuments in its own territory. Vatican and Iran are also amongst those who fund these projects.

              We don't know the exact amount of money allocated by the official Tehran to support these projects but the Iranian ambassador to Armenia has already informed about these allocations. These archeological projects have been already launched.

              Armenian experts, conducting archeological researches in the Iranian territory, represented these territories as "Armenian lands". Karapetian called Iran's Garadagh province as "Parsapatunik", Makun as "Artas", Khoy as "Ger" and Salmas as "Zareavan".

              During the one-month exploration, these Armenian experts aimed to prove that the monuments located in that territories belonged to Christian-Armenian origin. In their opinion, there are 4000-45000 Christian monuments. The goal of Karapetian, who called the territory stretching from Maku to Salmas as "ancient Armenian-Van Kingdom" is definitely clear. We have already talked about it several times.

              Armenians have bought several top officials in Iran to make the Southern Azerbaijan territory and Armenian land official. Their biggest backer in this job is Vatican. If to consider the recent visit of the Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archeology head to Armenia, we can see an obvious link in these issues. One of the managers of these projects is Sherli Avetian, head of Tehran Museum. Meanwhile, Karapetyan expressed his satisfaction with the current state of Armenian monuments in Iranian territory. His mission these will last for several more years.

              Let's summarize what's going on in Armenia-Vatican-Iran triangle: Armenians' active work to Christianize the Azerbaijani territories in Iran in front of the eyes of the Supreme Religious Leader and the support of Iran in this job is clearly visible. It can be inferred that by Armenizing the Azerbaijani lands, the Iran's religious and administrative government tries to get rid of Armenia and Vatican, since Iran has become a slave of the Armenian government due to anti-Azerbaijani passion and Armenia duly uses this passion for its ambitions.

              Supposedly, the official Tehran has already accepted the opinion about Iran's weakening and destruction. The fact that the US left Iraq and Afghanistan generates a very risky condition for Iran and increases the chance of war. Some groups of people in Tehran are trying to officially Armenize the lands beforehand thus preventing Azerbaijan to get any share after the destruction.

              Armenians will reach this goal with the help of Vatican but this will not erase the risk of war in Iran. The war is inevitable. Everything that happens in Arab-Muslim world is connected with Iran. Armenians will further precipitate the war against Iran. Let the Iranian officials remember the role of Armenians in Iraq in triggering the US's war against this country. The anti-Azerbaijani ambition of the official Tehran has power to destroy the whole Iranian country.

              Mubariz Ahmadoglu, Azerbaijani MP

              So now Armenia, Iran and the Vatican are working together to make Armenianize "ancient azeri land".


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Xorowo=Khoroshow=good in paruski.

                Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Armenia. Besides, don't the Azerbaijanis have enough land?
                talk about greed.


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  I really do not trust anyone else to truly have Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh's best interests at heart.
                  Whenever I hear this or that country or people want to help, preserve, etc. something of Armenia and
                  her history I think: ah-oh.

                  I wonder what they want out of the deal.
                  I guess it is my not so trusting nature where other non-Armenians are concerned.
                  I guess more could be done by Armenians for their own land, churches, etc.
                  But I often wonder the long term strategic planning for agendas......


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    MP: Secret network in Google conducts Armenization of part of Azerbaijan's territory

                    Azerbaijan, Baku, Aug. 17 /Trend, K.Zarbaliyeva/

                    A secret network is dealing with linking part of Azerbaijan's territory with Armenia and conducting Armenization of Azerbaijani toponyms, MP Aydin Mirzazade told Trend, commenting on distortion of facts and presentation of Azerbaijani territories as Armenian lands in "Google Earth".

                    Recently the territory of Ordubad and Sederek districts of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, including the Hegram village, were noted as the territory of Armenia on this website.

                    Mirzazade does not believe that the German or Japanese experts are engaged in falsifying the map of Azerbaijan, noting that it is profitable for Armenia and pro-Armenian nationalist circles.

                    "They are trying to conduct Armenization of the territory of Azerbaijan and our toponyms.

                    Saying that the Azerbaijani public has been concerned over this problem for long, Mirzazade stressed that in books and on maps issued by printing companies of foreign countries, in Internet search engines, part of Azerbaijan's territory is shown as the territory of Armenia, Azerbaijani toponyms are shown in Armenian language.

                    "If such facts would be detected only in some cases, it would be possible to call it accidental, but it has become systemic. There are hundreds of such facts. After appeals of citizens and state agencies of Azerbaijan, developers of these maps promptly begin to make changes and apologize to Azerbaijan," said Mirzazade.

                    He believes that the true solution to the problem is operationability and fairness.
                    "While detecting such cases, it needs to appeal and point to the truth. I believe that this process will take a lot of time. We will many times face with the falsification of Azerbaijan's map. We must be careful and exercise efficiency, must appeal to the executive structure of the Google and require the elimination of errors," said the MP.

                    A secret network is dealing with linking part of Azerbaijan's territory with Armenia and conducting Armenization of Azerbaijani toponyms


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Mr and Mrs Ambassador: Bizarre job share - in Armenia for British embassy

                      The Foreign Office has been accused of making Britain a laughing stock by appointing a married couple to share a senior diplomatic appointment.

                      Jonathan Aves and his wife Katherine Leach will take turns to be the ambassador to Armenia, each doing the job for four months while the other spends that time looking after their children.
                      Critics in the former Soviet republic say the unusual arrangement means Britain is displaying a ‘lack of serious¬ness’ towards the country.

                      The controversy comes after it was revealed that the current ambassador recently married an Armenian woman working at the British Embassy.

                      The two developments have led to local politicians nicknaming the British mission the ‘love embassy’.
                      Mr Aves, 51, and his 41-year-old wife will both have the title of ambassador when they move to the Armenian ¬capital, Yerevan, next January with their children Maddie, seven, Mimi, four, and Joe, two.
                      But the announcement has surprised many Armenians and there is concern that it could reduce Britain’s standing in the country, an important ally in the strategically sensitive Caucasus region between Europe and Asia.

                      Although the Armenian government was obliged to accept the dual appointment, veteran diplomat Arman Navasardyan was critical.

                      ‘The British do not take us Armenians seriously. I doubt whether they would send a couple to the United States or many other countries,’ said the country’s former deputy foreign minister.
                      ‘Ambassadors normally spend their first two years getting to know the country and only the third year brings real returns. Yet here we have a wife as ambassador for a few months, then her husband. Then what? Madam again?

                      ‘The attitude here is predictable – raised eyebrows and laughter. We don’t understand why Armenia should be treated in this manner.’

                      The Foreign Office was so keen to avoid causing offence that it sent its Central Asia regional director, Laurie Bristow, to Yerevan in June to discuss the proposal with ministers.
                      But the arrangement has caused particular amusement in the landlocked country because the current ambassador, Charles Lonsdale, 46, married his Armenian Press secretary two months ago.
                      The only other country where there is a similar dual appointment is Zambia, where the job of High Commissioner – equivalent in rank to ambassador – is shared by Tom Carter and his wife Carolyn Davidson.

                      An official Armenian source, who asked not to be named, said: ‘There was some surprise but we were told this was the latest trend in the Foreign Office and that a similar scheme worked well in Zambia.

                      ‘Now the British have the letters A to Z covered by this arrangement, no doubt more will follow. My question is whether they would foist such a self-indulgent plan on a country they think of as important.’

                      Britain recognised Armenia as an independent state in 1991 after the fall of the Soviet Union, and the two governments have strong trade and diplomatic links.
                      Mr Aves was a lecturer in Russian studies at Sussex University before joining the Foreign Office, and his wife worked in public opinion research prior to her diplomatic career. The couple, from Brentwood, Essex, recently completed a joint posting at the British Embassy in Tokyo but the move to Yerevan will be their first ambassadorial role.

                      Ms Leach said: ‘Doing the job jointly will enhance our effectiveness at work, as well as giving us both the chance to spend time with our children while they are young.

                      ‘We will keep each other closely informed during each four-month period, keep good records, agree a joint approach on key issues and ¬decisions, and will often attend the same events and meet the same ¬people as ambassador and spouse.’

                      A Foreign Office spokesman said: ‘Joint postings are a modern way of working which help deliver the best possible diplomatic service in the host country.

                      ‘They also provide better value for the UK taxpayer as they keep families together and reduce travel and shipping costs.’

                      'Ambassadors normally spend their first two years getting to know the country and only the third year brings real returns. Yet here wee have a wife as an ambassador for a few months, then her husband. Then what? Madam again? The attitude here is predictable - raised eyebrows and laughter. We don't understand why Armenia should be treated in this manner.'

                      Arman Navasardyan
                      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests

