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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    That was so hardcore. Even for Azeris.

    I like this guy.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Originally posted by Artashes View Post
      Again I ask ... Does anyone know how I can get Serj's response in English?
      If not, can anyone tell me date & time this took place as well as the location and the group Serj is addressing and the specific turk (fraudulently called azer...) that Serj is responding to.
      Any help is appreciated.
      Sincerely, Artashes
      Mr. Samad Seiydov (Azerbaijan) – Mr. Sargsyan, you mentioned about territorial integrity and territorial claims. Azerbaijan has been occupied by Armenia, 20% of Azerbaijan has been occupied by Armenia, and seven regions which never belonged to Nagorno Karabakh are under occupation. At the same time you have territorial claims to Turkey, at the same time you have territorial claims to Georgia; you are playing game with European integration and going to Customs Union. Do you think that this kind of policy has future?

      Serzh Sargsyan – The policy you’ve mentioned has no future, but the policy you’ve mentioned has nothing to do with us. We have never made any territorial claims to Turkey. If there is just one such claim, one such statement you can point out, I’ll ask for your forgiveness; it would be nice if you collected at least some information on that issue. As for Georgia, now this is something new for me. Regarding Georgia these is some news, this is ridiculous for us and for the Georgians. I don’t know whom are you representing but how can one try to drive a wedge between two brotherly nations? I believe all European structures, including the PACE are constantly supporting the expression of the states’ free will and it is Armenia’s problem whether she will join the Customs Union, European Union, of the Organization of Islamic Conference. Why should we be accountable to you on this issue? What does it mean – to play games? I am not a sportsman, probably you, in your younger years were engaged in that kind of activities. We are not playing games, we are implementing policy and we do it based on our people’s interest. As for the 20 percent of “occupied” Azerbaijani territories, first I would request that you refresh your arithmetical skills, second, change your attitude towards Armenia. I request because right now in one of the mentioned here four UN resolutions it is stated that Armenia has nothing to do with the military actions in Nagorno Karabakh, because the Security Council set up a special commission and that issue was specially examined. Yes, today we consider the RA, her armed forces to be a security guarantor for the people of NK. I state right here: if Azerbaijan starts military actions against Nagorno Karabakh, the Republic of Armenia will defend Nagorno Karabakh with all her capabilities. Shouldn’t have started military action and now complain of occupation. Now Azerbaijan is threatening us with the military offensive. I have no doubt if such offensive takes place, a couple of months later the Azeris will be complaining not of 20 but of 25 or 30 percent; shouldn’t have started military actions.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Thank you Etchmiadzin.
        That's a difficult job being a diplomat.
        I would have messed up for sure.
        I probably would have said something like ... I never claimed any turk land. When have you ever heard me lay claim to the Altaic mountains? When have you ever heard me lay claim to the nomadic stepp lands? When have you ever heard of me lay claim to Mongolia?
        Oh ya, I'd have ...
        They want to call me when the talkin part is over.
        Thanks for the interpretation.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Armenia should have state committee for military industry – Security Council chief

          February 01, 2014 | 13:45

          YEREVAN. – A government-affiliated state committee for military industry should be formed in Armenia.

          Armenian National Security Council (NSC) Secretary Arthur Baghdasaryan stated the abovementioned at a press conference on Saturday.

          In his view, military industry-related matters need to be coordinated by a separate organization.

          “This is extremely important for our country. I should note that the neighboring countries are carrying this out.

          “Turkey has major facilities that coordinate military industry. There is a military industry ministry in Azerbaijan. Separate facilities likewise deal with these issues in all other CSTO countries.

          “I think it is expedient to create such an organization at us, too,” Baghdasaryan said.

          The NSC chief added that he already has submitted a respective proposal to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

          Arthur Baghdasaryan noted that the military industry in Armenia has great development prospects, and it also will create new jobs.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Stepanavan airport will be renovated in 2014

            February 01, 2014 | 13:25

            YEREVAN. – Secretary of Armenia’s National Security Council Arthur Baghdasaryan said the airport of Stepanavan, in Armenia’s north, will be renovated in 2014.

            The airport will be used for the flights of the ministries of emergency situations of CSTO member states.

            “Besides, the airport will host civilian flights, of course,” Baghdasaryan told reporters on Saturday.

            The airport of Stepanavan was built in 1982, but has not been functioning since 2006. The government decided to transfer the airport to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia in 2013.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Even in Baku people scoff at statement of Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense on 77-year-old ‘‘Armenian saboteur’’

              The statement of the Azerbaijani Minister of Defense on the detention of 77-year-old “Armenian saboteur” on 28th of January, 2014 causes laughter and disbelief even in Baku. Note that the citizen of Armenia, Mamikon Khojoyan on that day crossed the state border and ended up in the area controlled by Azerbaijan.

              The article published in Azerbaijani News portal titled “Saboteur-77-year-old madman Mamikon” accompanied with the photos of the detainee says, “The Azerbaijani Media circulates the photos of Armenian saboteur who appears to be older than 65! It’s time already for the Azerbaijani News Agencies really to learn how to work without such blunders. Now look at that saboteur! One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry! What can I say? There is nothing to add; these photos say everything.”

              It’s noteworthy that earlier the Azerbaijani Media reported that the Armenian citizen was detained by local residents who handed him over the military. The Secretary of Azerbaijani State Commission on prisoners of war, hostages and missing persons Shahin Sailov informed the journalists that Khojoyan is a civilian. He was detained in Alibeili village of Tovuz region of Azerbaijan and handed over to the military.

              Later, in the statement of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense 77-year-old man turned out to be a “conductor of subversive group” and he was no longer detained by the civilians, the residents of the border village but by the Azerbaijani military. Furthermore in initial reports of Azerbaijani Media there was no word about the fact that Khojoyan was wounded, whereas the latest statement of the Ministry of Defense claims that the detained man is wounded.

              Famous Azerbaijani political observer Rauf Mirkadirov in his article “Very funny situation amid local engagements and human losses” published on the website of Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo brings forward the words of Vagif Dyargakhli, the head of the Press service of the Ministry of Defense that the detained 77-year-old Mamikon Khojoyan “is a saboteur and is well aware of the topography.”

              Mirkadirov quotes Kamo Chobanyan, the headman of Verin Karmiraghbyur village of Tavush region of Armenia who stated that the detainee 77-year-old Mamikon Khojoyan is a resident of the village who suffers from mental illness and is registered at the specialized clinic.

              “At noon the villagers saw him carrying a bucket. They asked him where he was going and he answered “to pick grapes.” How there can be grapes in the winter? The gardens are situated eight km far from the village, thus he went down and accidently crossed the border,” Chobanyan said that he himself learnt about what happened from the Azerbaijani Media when saw the photos of his fellow villager.

              Mirkadirov therefore calls for the respect for Azerbaijani servicemen, who are claimed to have a “victory” over “old-man saboteur.”

              “Don’t you think that the Armenians could have found a younger scout- saboteur who would have been familiar with the topography? This is not serious: 77-year-old half dead man. Secondly, it turns out that the Armenians don’t respect our army at all as they send 77-year-old men to fight against us. Gentlemen, we should respect our own army! I don’t think that our soldiers there at the forefront every day risk their lives for the reports of similar kind like their victory over old man saboteur…Besides, the old man was noticed, detained and headed over by the similar villagers but from our side. This is not a tragedy but a very funny situation…” Mirkadirov sums up.

              On its turn, political scientist of Baku, Zardusht Alizadeh in an interview with the Azerbaijani service of British Broadcasting Corporation BBC said: “the Azerbaijanis present the poor Armenian as a saboteur but this doesn’t mean that it is the truth.”

              Alizadeh noted that this kind of cases when the detained Armenian citizens were accused of espionage as well happened before. “But there was no evidence,” the Azerbaijani political scientist added.b
              Source: Panorama. am


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Armenian peacekeepers in Afghanistan


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  On January 19 in the night Azerbaijanis started sabotage on Armenian-Azerbaijani frontline and the strained situation lasted for the whole passing week. Press service of Artsakh Defense Army informs about this.  According to the source, the enemy fired on Armenian positions and used also some heavy military technique. Azerbaijanis also showed some activities in the […]

                  Azerbaijani army had 8 losses during the last week
                  Today - 18:36

                  On January 19 in the night Azerbaijanis started sabotage on Armenian-Azerbaijani frontline and the strained situation lasted for the whole passing week. Press service of Artsakh Defense Army informs about this.

                  According to the source, the enemy fired on Armenian positions and used also some heavy military technique. Azerbaijanis also showed some activities in the air.

                  In general, the ceasefire regime was violated by the enemy for neary 1700 times and more than 10.000 shots were fired towards Armenian border-keepers.

                  Armenian side lost two soldiers as a result of Azerbaijani actions. At the same time Azerbaijanis had 8 victims and more than 20 wounded soldiers as a result of their own sabotage.

                  Armenian forces manage to keep the situation under control in the border.
                  General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Armenia and Belgium continue military cooperation

                    On January 30 Armenian first deputy minister Davit Tonoyan hosted Belgian military attache to Armenia Iv Quveliere /residence in Moscow/. Press service of Armenian Ministry of Defense informs about this.

                    Mr. Tonoyan welcomed the military attache for the first time at Armenian Ministry of Defense and noted that there was great potential to deepen Armenian-Belgian military cooperation.

                    Military attache confirmed Belgian readiness to continue cooperation with Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

                    Some other issues were also on agenda of the meeting.
                    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Zinuj (01.02.2014)

