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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Out of topic.

    January 28, 2015 14:12
    "Baby boom" continues in Artsakh
    Last year, 2428 children were born in Artsakh, up by 57 on the previous year.

    STEPANAKERT, JANUARY 28, ARTSAKHPRESS: NKR National Statistical Service informed "Artsakhpress" about it. In 2014, compared to 2013, a growth in the number of births was recorded in Kashatagh region (222 instead of 186) and in the capital of the country (1076 instead of 974).

    During the past year compared to 2013, the number of deaths was reduced by 35 and comprised 1309. The population growth rate in 2014 was 1119 persons, exceeding 2013 data by more than 92 persons.

    According to the source, the official number of people arriving in Artsakh in 2014 was 946, while that of leaving the country was amounted to 578. The mechanical growth was amounted to 56 persons.

    During the reporting period, 1412 marriages were recorded in the country, increasing by 450 compared to the previous year, the number of divorces also increased – 212 instead of 185 in 2013.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Armenian Army


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        We have been making drones for some time now and I wonder if we can make armed drones? Armed drones would be great at helping us guard our borders and limiting the loss of our soldiers. I also recall a device which monitored ground vibrations and was to be used on the border to alert us of approaching enemy. Does anyone know anything about these topics?
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          They are working on that. many competitions were held for drones throwing objects.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
            We have been making drones for some time now and I wonder if we can make armed drones? Armed drones would be great at helping us guard our borders and limiting the loss of our soldiers. I also recall a device which monitored ground vibrations and was to be used on the border to alert us of approaching enemy. Does anyone know anything about these topics?
            Few countries make drones with combat capabilities (UCAV). Israel & the US are the leaders in this. I think even Russia doesn't make any combat drones. Interestingly enough, Iran does. I wish we could just buy those drones from them but sanctions & international reputation make all this impossible.

            It may take years to develop a significant combat-capable drone but if we do, it will be a huge leap for our country at a military-scientific level.
            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Բորդյուժա. Աշնանը ՀԱՊԿ-ի խոշոր զորավարժություններ կանցկացվեն ՀՀ-ում 18:43,


              2015թ. աշնանը Հայաստանում կանցկացվեն Հավաքական անվտանգության պայմանագրի կազմակերպության երկրների խաղարարար ուժերի խոշոր զինավարժություններ, լրագրողներին հայտարարել է ՀԱՊԿ-ի գլխավոր քարտուղար Նիկոլայ Բորդյուժան։
              «Սեպտեմբեր-հոկտեմբերին Հայաստանում տեղի կունենա ՀԱՊԿ խաղարարար ուժերի խոշոր վարժանքներ», - ասել է Ն. Բորդյուժան, հայտնում է «Ինտերֆաքս-ԱԲՀ»-ն։
              Նա նաեւ հավելել է, որ օպերատիվ արձագանքման հավաքական ուժերի խոշոր մարզանքներ են ծրագրված։
              ՀԱՊԿ-ին 6 երկիր է անդամակցում՝ ՌԴ, Հայաստան, Բելառուս, Ղազախստան, Ղրղզստան եւ Տաջիկստան։


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Բորդյուժա. Ռազմատեխնիկայի արտադրությունը Ուկրաինայից կտեղափոխվի ՀԱՊԿ երկրներ 20:02,


                Հավաքական անվտանգության պայմանագրի շրջանակներում ստեղծվում է հանձնաժողով, որը կզբաղվի ռազմական արտադրանքի ներմուծման փոխարինման ծրագրով, այդ թվում նաեւ՝ Ուկրաինայում։ Այդ մասին լրագրողներին հայտարարել է Կազմակերպության գլխավոր քարտուղար Նիկոլայ Բորդյուժան։

                «Ռազմատեխնիկական համագործակցության հարցերով զբաղվող միջպետական հանձնաժողովի վերաբերյալ փոփոխություններ են իրականացվել, եւ այժմ այդ հանձնաժողովի անդամները կլինեն անդամ-երկրների փոխվարչապետները, ովքեր պատասխանատու են ռազմաարդյունաբերական համալիրի համար։ Դա թույլ կտա հաշվի առնել եւ առավելագույնս օգտագործել նախկինում Ուկրաինայում արտադրվող ռազմական տեխնիկայի եւ սարքավորումների արտադրության՝ ՀԱՊԿ պետություններում գոյություն ունեցող բոլոր հնարավորությունները, տարածքում», -հայտարարել է Բորդյուժան։
                Նրա խոսքով նման հնարավորություններ ունեն Ղազախստանը, Բելառուսը, Հայաստանը, Ղրղզստանը։
                «Դա հանձնաժողով է, նրա գործունեությունը ամենից առաջ ամփոփվում է ներմուծման փոխարինման ծրագրի իրացման մեջ։ Դատելով ամենից՝ այն կղեկավարի ՌԴ-ի փոխվարչապետ Դմիտրի Ռոգոզինը», - ասել է Ն. Բորդյուժան։


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Yeni Musavat, Azerbaijan
                  Jan 24 2015

                  Russia behind rising Armenian-Azeri tensions

                  Azerbaijan on the verge of a new 'mini-war': commentary and details

                  by Teymur Hasanli

                  Tensions between the Azerbaijani army and the occupying forces on the
                  contact line have risen to an extreme degree in recent days. Tensions
                  rose not only in Nagornyy Karabakh, but also along the state border
                  between Azerbaijan and Armenia. It is noteworthy that Armenia is
                  incurring heavy losses at the front line these days. In January alone
                  more than 12 Armenian servicemen were killed and tens were wounded.

                  [Passage omitted: The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry press service
                  report on the killing of two Armenian servicemen on 23 January]

                  It is interesting that whether it is in the Karabakh zone or
                  Azerbaijan's border districts there are quite a few officers and
                  contract servicemen among the killed Armenian servicemen. This means
                  that the sufficiently professional forces of the adversary are
                  suffering strong blows and this, without a doubt, gives our army the
                  bragging rights. However, some analysts believe the latest tensions on
                  the contact line, which grew into bloody clashes and episodically
                  involved the use of large calibre weapons, may be the herald of a
                  horrible plan.

                  Russia's motives

                  We know from experience that it is Russia which is the most interested
                  party in such developments. The "three days of war" that occurred in
                  the conflict zone in August 2014 were blamed on Moscow as the main
                  instigator. (Back then, in the first days of the provocation, neither
                  the Azerbaijani commander-in-chief, nor the defence minister were in
                  the country).

                  German Chancellor Angela Merkel mentioned the same possibility for the
                  first time on behalf of her state at the news conference she held with
                  Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Berlin two days ago [22
                  January]. She openly said that Russia has a role in frequent
                  violations of the cease-fire at the front line. Naturally, such
                  statements irritate Moscow. This statement by Merkel prompted an
                  immediate negative response from Moscow.

                  Three reasons

                  However, regardless of the response, once more it is the northern
                  neighbour that seems interested in taking the situation on the
                  Armenian-Azerbaijani front line to another critical level. There are
                  at least three important reasons to draw this conclusion.

                  First, the resumption on the massive scale of military operations in
                  Ukraine (Donbas) could make the Kremlin interested in creating another
                  military hotbed to distract attention from the increasing pressure
                  from the West and to fill the international agenda with other topics.
                  We should not forget that Russia still remains an empire and
                  throughout history in such complicated situation it "found comfort"
                  and sought ways out of the crises in war scenarios.

                  As the second important factor we can cite that lately the West, and
                  especially Germany, has displayed the wish to become more active and
                  enterprising in settling the Karabakh conflict and even to become an
                  OSCE Minsk Group co-chair.

                  If we consider seriously that the Karabakh conflict for Moscow is
                  primarily a geopolitical issue, a means to bolster its positions in
                  the South Caucasus, then it is possible that by imitating the danger
                  of a new war Russia wants to hype its own importance and political
                  weight and show that it is not realistic for the conflict to be
                  resolved without Moscow. In other words, it is sending the West a
                  warning that with regards to this matter the Russian factor is a
                  factor that is crucial and has to be reckoned with.

                  Developments in Armenia

                  The final and third is the Armenian factor. It is known that after
                  Russian serviceman Valeriy Permyakov from the military base in Gyumri
                  shot dead an Armenian family of seven people passions are running high
                  in this country. Ordinary people are very angry at Russia and its
                  military base. There are even demands to move the base out of the
                  country and such calls are increasing. Despite the efforts of the
                  local authorities the situation has reached a critical level and has
                  politicized and turned against Moscow.

                  Apologies and condolences by Russian officials did not work. Almost
                  every day a Russian flag is burnt in Armenia. Reports about the killed
                  servicemen at the front line cannot diminish these passions. A large
                  march is planned to take place in Yerevan's Freedom Square on 26
                  January against Russia. The protesters will demand from both the
                  Armenian and Russian leaders to transfer Valeriy Permyakov to Armenia.

                  As a result of anti-Russian sentiments reaching such an undesirable
                  level in Armenia, a desire could have emerged to punish the "ingrate
                  Armenians". Incidentally, a number of Russian political and military
                  experts have voiced the following opinion about putting the enraged
                  Armenians in their place: "should Russia withdraw from Armenia, the
                  Armenian state will cease to exist". It is possible that since such
                  warnings had no effect the Kremlin decided to teach a harsher lesson
                  to its ally through encouraging military operations on the frontline.
                  Hardly anyone can do this better than Russians can.

                  Foreign analysis

                  Meanwhile, foreign "brain centres" often mention Nagornyy Karabakh
                  among regions with the high likelihood of a new war. The Ukrainian
                  website said on the conflict possible across the world in
                  2015 Nagornyy Karabakh may be one of the hotbeds of a new war.

                  "Chastened, Armenia went to the Eurasian Union as it feared a second
                  Karabakh war. Nobody wanted this. However, the global landscape has
                  changed and 2015 may be the year of wars. These wars include ones
                  between China and Myanmar, Japan and Russia in the Far East; between
                  Russia and Ukraine, Turkey and Greece in Europe; between Armenia and
                  Azerbaijan in the Caucasus and the West-East conflict that will shake
                  the world," the website reported.

                  Not long ago experts of the National Security Council under the US
                  president warned that this year the risk of a war in the Karabakh
                  conflict zone is quite high and linked this rink with the Russian

                  [Groong note: the above was translated from Azeri]
                  Hayastan or Bust.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Armenian Army

