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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Հայկական կողմի պատասխան քայլերից հետո Տավուշի մարզում թշնամու կրակահերթերը դադարել են:


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Armynia
        Mission of Armenian people and Jesus Christ

        1. The Genocide and First Republic of Armenia were The Crucification of Jesus Christ

        2. The Second Republic of Armenia was temporary death of Jesus Christ

        3. The Third Republic of Armenia is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

        The Third Republic of Armenia is the Third day in which Jesus Resurrected

        After Resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days on Earth before his students started to recognized him.

        So when Armenia becomes 40 years old nation Artsakh will be recognized from which we will start to build powerful country.

        Please cut the crap out.

        I am Christian and I believe in God.

        However everything has its place.

        Politics and Religion do not mix.

        Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
        Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
        Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Armenia President chairs “special” session of government (PHOTOS)
          16:01, 04.09.2015
          Theme: Politics

          YEREVAN. – The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Friday convened and chaired a provisory meeting of the Cabinet, within the framework of the Shant (Lightning) 2015 strategic command and staff military exercises being held from Thursday to Sunday.

          At the talk, the ministers presented the course of performing the assignments given to them in their respective domains, and which stem from the scenario of the aforesaid maneuvers.

          The President, for his part, underscored these military drills. He also stressed that the ultimate goal of these exercises is to be prepared to take the most effective measures in case of actual events.

          Once the Cabinet members’ reports were heard and relevant decisions were made, the respective instructions were given to ensure the implementation of these decisions.

          Armenia News -
          Within the framework of the Shant (Lightning) 2015 strategic command and staff military exercises…


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            20:59 03/09/2015 » Politics
            Armenian president convenes sitting of National Security Council

            As part of Shant-2015 strategic command and staff exercises held on September 3-4, Armenian President, Chairman of Armenia’s National Security Council Serzh Sargsyan convened this evening a conditional sitting of the National Security Council to provide information about the situation developing with regard to Armenia in recent days according to the scenario of the exercises, the presidential press service reports.

            Reports based on the playable situation were made at the sitting, and proposals were put forward. The responsible officials of state agencies received instructions relevant to the scenario.

            The president underlined the importance of the drills in terms of taking prompt and efficient actions in a particular situation and inspecting the state bodies’ capabilities and preparedness for such situations.

            To remind, during a briefing held by Armenian Defense Ministry’s Defense Policy Department yesterday, military attaches of foreign states accredited to Armenia and representatives of international organizations were provided with information about ‘Shant-2015’ military command and staff exercises due in Armenia on September 3-6, Armenian Defense Ministry said. Officials of Armenian Defense Ministry stressed that Shant-2015 are planned military exercises of all-republican significance and aim to check the mobilization readiness of state and military command bodies in the process of the state’s immediate preparations for defense and repulsion of an aggression, the ability to bring forces into a higher level of readiness, and to raise the level of interaction and coordination of actions. Those present were told that given the military-political situation around Armenia and in adjacent territories, the enemy and the situation in the drills’ fictional scenario were brought into line with reality as much as possible.



            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Armenia parliament holds “special” session at night
              10:12, 05.09.2015
              Theme: Politics, Society

              YEREVAN. – The National Assembly (NA) of Armenia convened a special provisory session on Saturday at 1:30am, within the framework of the Shant (Lightning) 2015 strategic command and staff military exercises being held from Thursday to Sunday.

              There was solely one matter on the session’s agenda: The President of Armenia declaring martial law in the country.

              The NA resolution on holding the session behind closed doors was adopted by voting.

              A presidential representative was the keynote speaker at the event.

              The Armenian parliament ended the special provisory session at 2am.
              Armenia News -
              Within the framework of the Shant (Lightning) 2015 strategic command and staff military exercises…


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                15:55 04/09/2015 » Society
                CSTO representatives arrive in Armenia as part of Shant-2015 command & staff drills

                Representatives of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) arrived in Armenia as part of “Shant-2015” strategic command and staff military exercises held in Armenia on September 3-6.

                A working group of CSTO’s Secretariat and Joint Staff came to Armenia on September 2 to take part as observers in Shant-2015 drills and provide relevant advice, Armenian Defense Ministry said.

                As was reported, during a briefing held on September 2 by Armenian Defense Ministry’s Defense Policy Department, Yerevan-based military attaches of foreign states and representatives of international organizations were provided with information about ‘Shant-2015’ military command and staff exercises due in Armenia on September 3-6. Officials of Armenian Defense Ministry said that Shant-2015 are planned military exercises of all-republican significance and aim to check the mobilization readiness of state and military command bodies in the process of the state’s immediate preparations for defense and repulsion of an aggression, the ability to bring forces into a higher level of readiness, and to raise the level of interaction and coordination of actions. Those present were told that given the military-political situation around Armenia and in adjacent territories, the enemy and the situation in the drills’ fictional scenario were maximally brought into line with reality.

                On the evening of September 3, Armenian President, Chairman of Armenia’s National Security Council Serzh Sargsyan convened a mock emergency sitting of the National Security Council to provide information about the situation developing around Armenia in recent days according to the scenario of the exercises, the presidential press service reported. Reports stemming from the imaginary situation were made at the sitting, and proposals were put forward. The responsible officials of state agencies received instructions relevant to the scenario. The president underlined the importance of the drills in terms of taking prompt and efficient actions in particular situations and inspecting the state bodies’ capabilities and preparedness for such situations.



                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  All state authorities and agencies are ready to make rapid and level-headed decisions in any situation planned by the scenario. Deputy Chief of the General...


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    100 freedom fighters leave Artsakh for Armenian-Azerbaijani border
                    On the initiative of the Union of Artsakh Freedom Fighters, 100 veterans (freedom fighters) set for the Armenian-Azerbaijani border in Tavush province, headed by Nagorno Karabakh Republic Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan and the union's chairman, Samvel Karapetyan.

                    “We are ready to serve our country in all its corners. We would even go to Western Armenia to set the other parts of our homeland free,” a member of the union noted, according to Artsakhpress.

                    The union’s Chief of Staff also confirmed the freedom fighters’ readiness to protect the country and ensure the people's safety.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Azerbaijani Defense Ministry: 7 Armenian soldiers killed, a lot more wounded over last week
                      [ 05 September 2015 16:42 ]
                      “Armenian armed units have violated the ceasefire regime a total of 834 times in different directions along the contact line throughout the week, using mortar launchers and large-caliber machines guns as well”

                      Baku. Javid Zeynalli – APA. “The situation on the contact line remains tense. Armenian armed units have violated the ceasefire regime a total of 834 times in different directions along the contact line throughout the week, using mortar launchers and large-caliber machines guns as well,” the Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

                      Having properly assessed the operational conditions, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan have intercepted all provocative attempts of the enemy, firing 1,017 shots overall at its outposts, positions, and trenches.

                      “As a result of adequate actions taken against the enemy by force, 7 soldiers of the Armenian Armed Forces have been killed and a lot more wounded in various direction throughout the week.

                      The Armed Forces of Azerbaijan are in full control of the operational conditions along the entire line of contact,” the ministry said.

