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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by burjuin View Post
    At around 0:15 notice the sheep in Kill Dim youtube sheep running.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


      17:38 â~@¢ 10.12.15

      A serviceman of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army was seriously
      wounded in a military post on December 9, according to a spokesperson
      of Armenia's Ministry of Defense.

      Speaking to, Artsrun Hovhannisyan said that the soldier, Razmik
      Abrahamyan, is now under treatment at the Ministry's Central Military
      Clinical Hospital. He added that his condition is now estimated as
      grave but stable.

      A deputy director of the hospital, Artashes Khachatryan, later told
      our correspondent that Abrahamyan had received a piercing bullet
      wound in the chest.

      He was immediately operated on by the clinic's specialists who later
      hospitalized him.

      A serviceman of the NagornoKarabakh Defense Army was wounded seriously in a military post on December 9, according to a spokesperson of Armenia’s Ministry of Defense Speaking to Tertam, Artsrun Hovhann
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Watching this video, it seems like the Azeri position is terrible-- looks like we could cause 20-30 casualties and destroy that set of buildings with about an hour of sustained shelling (most of the troops ran into the trench, while commander bolted in his car, and this seems to be a large plain with no natural protection). Is this true on the Artsakh side too, or are our vanguard units more heavily protected, at least by natural obstacles?


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Is it possible we are the ones escalating the recent tension due to the politics currently going in our country? Is it possible Russia has given the order for us to increase the tension in hopes to indirectly going to war with turkey? I mean as much as azerbaijan is run by a pile of xxxx, I suspect we aren't angels 100% of the time.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by bayhye View Post
            Watching this video, it seems like the Azeri position is terrible-- looks like we could cause 20-30 casualties and destroy that set of buildings with about an hour of sustained shelling (most of the troops ran into the trench, while commander bolted in his car, and this seems to be a large plain with no natural protection). Is this true on the Artsakh side too, or are our vanguard units more heavily protected, at least by natural obstacles?
            This shelling occurred just east of Aghdam sector I believe- after Aghdam the land is flat terrain/plains all the way to Baku. Armenian positions are almost always strategically located in higher terrain with better composition- the Azeris hold some favorable ground on the border with N.E. Armenia/ Tavush but elsewhere it is apparent that the Armenian military chose positions carefully and utilize several lines of defenses. The Azeri attitude towards defensive positions seem to suggest they are makeshift and very temporary with little regards to much practical usage if incurring a direct attack. Indeed, if Armenian forces wanted to, the Azeri position could have been shelled for a more prolonged period of time with perhaps a few more 82mm mortars and the damage would of course been multiplied but I believe the point was made.
            General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by Shant03 View Post
              Is it possible we are the ones escalating the recent tension due to the politics currently going in our country? Is it possible Russia has given the order for us to increase the tension in hopes to indirectly going to war with turkey? I mean as much as azerbaijan is run by a pile of xxxx, I suspect we aren't angels 100% of the time.
              Sure it is possible. What is going on politically in Hayastan and Azerbadjan are similar and both can use this to distract the bad situation at home. The azeris have been escalating things for a long time so I do not feel bad if we return the favor.
              Hayastan or Bust.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                There is nothing Armenian about Lragir.
                Is Armenpress ok? If not we have Azbarez and Panarmenian reporting too. I'm not gonna list RFE because I'm sure you're allergic to that too.

                Azerbaijan once again showed by using tanks against Artsakh that it is a crazy, fascist, terrorist state. Its policy and steps do not fit in sound reasoning....

                Anyway, why won't we take out that s*cker with an Anti-tank guided missile?


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by londontsi View Post
                  Since I was one of the contributors which your comment could apply to I feel the need to respond.

                  First things first, I am not offended by your comments, in fact I do not feel anything other than take note of your comments.
                  I wish similarly you would take the comments made by others in good faith.
                  You do not have to agree with what is being said and do not demand the same.

                  If people make critical remarks usually it is something specific, it up to you to respond to that point or not.

                  As far as our authorities doctoring material for purposes of propaganda I suggest if they do not do that they would be failing in their duties.
                  Propaganda is used by all, both for its own people as well as the enemy. The other side is the same, only competences differs.

                  If you think our army is whiter than white and the most trusted institution, the fact is it is being accused for coercing young conscripts to vote in a particular way during the recent elections.

                  Despite the fact that you admit by saying you seem to insist we should listen and believe everything the authorities dish out.

                  I respect you answer...let's agree to disagree! I do not wish to engage in a futile discussion with you about your claims on so called "coercions", as you have made your political affiliation very clear multiple times in this forum and multiple times have been directed by moderators to take the political discussion elsewhere. Just a piece of brotherly advice, because in the end there are no enemies here...we are all Armenians with different opinions and that's everyone's right (to have an opinion i.e.). Here's what I do not believe in. I do not believe that the armed forces of our country are necessarily commanded by the best of officers. I do not believe that the Armenian government is not corrupt. I do not believe that we currently are in our best situation both in Armenia and in the diaspora. HOWEVER, I do believe that throwing accusations about our army without any sensible proof just because your point of view (or the point of view of the people you support) failed in the recent referendum (it was a referendum not an election) is a very serious issue. I do believe that there are also good people in the Armenia, who are void of corruption and who are working day and night for a better Armenia and not seeing this and painting everything black is one of the reasons why Armenia has problems developing as a nation. I do believe that within the current power struggle in Armenia there is no one I trust less than the people who are ready to take Armenia to a bloody revolution with unknown consequences, for their own agenda. Especially when this struggle is headed by an Ex-President who sold Karabakh to Azerbaijan, an American Spy who had been on CIA payroll since the 90s and a young fellow who in 2008 called upon the soldiers of the Armenian army to "not obey their orders and pass on to his side"...just one question...what would have happened if a squadron of our armed forces had passed to the other side and opened fire on another squadron of soldier who didn't pass? A massacre in down town Yerevan...but it's ok for these people, because that's what they were required to do.

                  Armenia is not the best of nations...true...there is alot of corruption and bad seed...also true! but there are also good things going on there...and I have seen it with my own eyes with every time I have been there. Taking into account what Western backed revolutions did to Georgia and Ukraine, I don't think that's the best viable option now. Armenia needs an evolution, not a revolution... and evolution starts by respecting government institutions (not the people but the institutions). If you have a problem with the people in our govt...that's your right...most of them are not the best of people around anyway. But when you start mixing between our defense institutions and the data coming from it with what you think about the government in Armenia...then there's a serious mix up here which you need to tackle!

                  Anyway! I thank you for your very respectful answer and hope that one day we'll have a country we can all equally say we are proud of.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    I heard the baboons took out a tank, was that real?


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Ak105 View Post
                      I heard the baboons took out a tank, was that real?
                      Ya they did,they are playing the game of "I could" but they can't,the minut they start a war it's a sweet March to Baku for our troops,when a general escapes,what can it be said about the actual coward 18 years olds soldiers that don't have any nationalism

