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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    A closer look at Leletepe. The hill Azeris took on the southern borders. It's with English subtitles.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        I hope it's true. Any confirmation?

        Azeris speak of great casualties overnight - Video

        11:57, 27 Apr 2016
        Siranush Ghazanchyan

        The Defense Ministry presents an intercepted recording of a phone
        conversation between two Azerbaijanis speaking about a number of
        casualties on the Azerbaijani side.

        Defense Ministry Spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan shared the video on
        his Facebook page.

        General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by AbuSindi View Post

          A closer look at Leletepe. The hill Azeris took on the southern borders. It's with English subtitles.
          I don't think they're going to get away with this


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

  Ոչ ոք պաշտոնական հաղորդագրությունում չի գրելու, թե հայկական զինված ուժերը երբ են նախահարձակ եղել, երբ են առաջինը խփել։ Միշտ էլ գրելու են, որ մենք հրադադարը պահպանում ենք, իսկ թշնամին՝ ոչ։ Միշտ էլ գրելու են, որ մենք չենք ուզում կրակել, իսկ հակառակորդը համը հանում է և այլն։ Մի քիչ թեթև տարեք։16/04/27/if-the-war-resumes-we-will-not-only-repel-them-but-advance-ourselves-karabakh-dm-tells-the-washington-post/

            If the war resumes we will not only repel them but advance ourselves: Karabakh DM tells the Washington Post
            12:27, 27 Apr 2016Siranush Ghazanchyan

            By David Ignatius
            The Washington Post
            Stepanakert, Nagorno Karabakh

            The military commander of this breakaway Armenian republic predicted in an interview here Monday that a fragile cease-fire could collapse within days. By that night, Azerbaijani shelling had killed two Armenian soldiers in a northern border town, amid accusations by each side that the other had violated the truce.

            The “frozen conflict” here, stalemated for 22 years, exploded on April 2, when Azerbaijani forces attacked across the 200-kilometer front line. The Azerbaijanis seized ground for the first time since the previous war ended in 1994. Russia negotiated a quick truce that began April 5, but as Monday’s fighting showed, another all-out conflict seems perilously close.

            Karabakh is one of the world’s least-discussed and most intractable quarrels. The mostly Armenian population violently seceded from Azerbaijan in a two-year war. Since then, Russia, France and the United States have sponsored a mediation effort, but it has been fruitless: Azerbaijan demands that land once inside its borders be returned; the Armenians insist they aren’t leaving. Rather than softening over time, anger seems to be hardening on both sides.

            Russia is opportunistically in the middle. Moscow says it wants to broker a lasting peace deal, but it has also been arming both sides. The United States also hopes to prevent a wider conflict but has little diplomatic leverage. The Azerbaijanis, judging by their strident social media, feel emboldened by their recent offensive; the Armenians feel isolated and increasingly reconciled to what one former peace activist here described to me as a state of “permanent war.”

            Lt. Gen. Levon Mnatsakanyan, the defense minister of this self-declared republic, said his forces hadn’t expected the broad attack on April 2. But he said there had been warning signs: Since August, 21 Armenian soldiers had been killed and 113 wounded in attacks along the so-called “line of control.” And Azerbaijan had been restocking its arsenal with new Russian tanks, Israeli drones and Turkish missiles. The Armenian side, reassured by a supposed “strategic alliance” with Russia, didn’t expect a big Azerbaijani offensive.

            “Tactically, maybe they have registered some successes,” Mnatsakanyan conceded. “But I would say that considering all the force they used, it’s rather a defeat for them.” He claims the Azerbaijanis had lost 24 tanks in the four-day battle in early April. The two sides have radically different casualty counts, and it’s impossible to independently verify the numbers. But Azerbaijani commentary has treated the campaign as a major victory after the smoldering defeat of the 1992-1994 war.

            Mnatsakanyan insisted that Armenian troops could defend Karabakh without Russian help: “The result of the four-day war shows that the equipment we have and our combat readiness is okay for stopping any adversaries.” If the war resumes, he says, “we will not only repel them but advance ourselves.”

            Talking to Armenian residents of Karabakh, I came away with a sense of growing militancy here, as in Azerbaijan.

            Garen Ohanjanyan, the former peace activist, says this latest war has changed his view about the possibility for reconciliation. After the last war ended, he helped foster dialogue with Azerbaijanis. Now, he says, he has given up on peace and wants Armenian forces to destroy Azerbaijani economic targets. In the past month, he explains, “our nation lost its illusions.”

            “Maybe my generation became too relaxed in these past years,” says Ashot Sarkissyan, a 27-year-old who works with a local nongovernmental organization and also serves in an antiaircraft defense unit. “Why didn’t we use this time to become strong enough to deter them from a war?”

            Anahit Danielyan, who heads the Stepanakert Press Club, says she used to try to stay in touch online with Azerbaijani journalists. Now, she says, “I’m starting to feel this hatred from my colleagues in Azerbaijan. . . . This new war has somehow changed our perceptions of each other.”

            On the road to the airport, a visitor can see the national monument, a huge stone statue of an old man and woman — heads only, the bodies seemingly buried in the hillside. The official name is “We Are Our Mountains.” The implicit message is: We aren’t moving. What seems ahead is a long, unyielding conflict.

            I visited Karabakh with several other foreign journalists and a member of the European Parliament on a trip organized by the Armenian government. The 90-minute helicopter flight took us over stunning mountainous terrain to this lush, isolated enclave whose name means “black garden.” During my brief visit, the place seemed a bit like Switzerland in the Caucasus — not just the mountains but also the tidy streets, hillside farms and fiercely independent people.
            General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Edik Baghdasaryan

              Գիշերը մեկ զոհ ենք ունեցել։ Մեր հրետանին նորից փայլուն է աշխատել։ Հակառակորդը կարծես թե սկսել է գիտակցել, թե ինչ կարող է պատահել առաջիկայում եւ բնակավայրերը սկսել են դատարկվել։ Բնակավայրերի դատարկվելու մասին տեղեկությունները հաստատել է նաեւ Եվրոպայում ապաստան խնդրած մի ադրբեջանցի ծանոթ բլոգեր։

              Գիշերը մեկ զոհ ենք ունեցել։ Մեր հրետանին նորից փայլուն է աշխատել։ Հակառակորդը կարծես թե սկսել է գիտակցել, թե ինչ կարող է պատահել առաջիկայում եւ բնակավայրերը սկսել են դատարկվել։ Բնակավայրերի...
              Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Volunteers get ammunition in Yerevan and they are ready to go to Karabakh

                Last edited by burjuin; 04-27-2016, 04:39 AM.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  We'll see

                  Karabakh: Defense Army reports “considerable” Azeri losses in punitive actions
                  April 27, 2016

                  Nagorno-Karabakh’s Defense Army says Azerbaijani troops suffered “considerable” casualties and loss of military hardware as a result of its punitive actions and “targeted” strikes carried out overnight.

                  According to the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s (NKR) Ministry of Defense, the actions were undertaken to “neutralize” aggressive actions of the Azerbaijani side.

                  The official news from Stepanakert came amid reported success of Karabakh troops in regaining some of the ground near the line of contact apparently lost during the April 2-5 operations. In particular, it is speculated that Armenians restored control over some strategic heights near Talish.

                  Meanwhile, the Karabakh military accused Azerbaijan of continuing to violate the ceasefire agreement reached between the conflicting parties on April 5 and resorting to the use of “the foulest and most diabolic means in its arsenal.”

                  The ceasefire reached verbally by the chiefs of the general staffs of the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces in Moscow put an end to heavy fighting in the conflict zone that claimed scores of military as well as civilian lives on both sides.

                  “Given the current situation, the NKR Ministry of Defense advises that the opposing party respect the ceasefire agreement reached between the parties and warns it against targeting civilian settlements. Otherwise, it is the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan that will bear full responsibility for the consequences,” it said in its statement.

                  The Karabakh military reports that intensive fire along the entire perimeter of the Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact observed on April 26 continued overnight, with Azerbaijan using almost all means of artillery at its disposal, including mortars, howitzers as well as MM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers.

                  One Defense Army soldier, 20-yearold Hayk Minasyan, was fatally wounded in the skirmishes, it added.
                  General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Ռազմական փորձագետ Ալեքսեյ Ռամմը ապրիլյան քառօրյա պատերազմը ղարաբաղյան հակամարտության գոտում անվանում է «հետախուզություն մարտով» կամ «մարտական հետախույզ»: Հենց այսպես է …

                      Azeris like Talysh retreat was a mass escape . (Russian source: Military-Industrial Courier)

                      April's four-day military expert Alexei Ramme war in Karabakh calls the " intelligence battle" or "military intelligence ."

                      That's how he titled his article , which was published in Russian " military-industrial messenger » (ВПК) specialized military magazine.

                      She said , in the latest clashes have brought to the conflicting parties and the strengths of the bid . The author comes to the conclusion that the army continues to exceed the enemy moral qualities , which in turn relies on the availability of technical superiority and advanced equipment .

                      NKR Defense Army Commander , he borrowed from the Israeli army to defend the Golan Heights experience possible attacks from Syria. In addition, the deployed position and reinforced as required by statute and engineering instructions still fighting the Soviet times.
                      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

