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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Victory is in attack - Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan

    19:39 - 4/May/2016

    Artsakh has passed all the phases necessary for being recognized as a
    state but has not yet reached recognition neither by international
    organizations nor separate countries, General-Mayor Arkady
    Ter-Tadevosyan (Commandos) said. “I am a military men and I do not
    interfere in such issues. Competent people must deal with it, but I
    know that Armenia and Artsakh must be a united state. We all are
    Armenians and we live side by side. We do not need borders, two
    presidents, two premiers,” he said speaking to

    Commandos said he does not agree with the opinion that in April war we
    had a brilliant victory. “Yes we stopped the adversary, made its plans
    fail, but it is not enough. We have analyzed our mistakes, picked up
    necessary lessons and today we are ready for attack. We must break the
    enemy and move forward. I know one thing we should not defend we
    should attack. The victory is in attack,” the General-Mayor said.

    In his words Azerbaijan’s plans were failed thanks to our soldiers.
    The Azerbaijanis hoped to break our counterattack taking into account
    the circumstance that the attacker usually wins but they did not reach
    any success. “We should not forget that Azerbaijanis have good
    instructors and they have good weaponry that is why we should always
    be ready but not for defense but attack,” Arkady Ter-Tadevosyan said.

    Փնտրում ե՞ք խաղադրույքների հրաշալի կայքեր։ Շատ լավ, բարեբախտաբար Դուք հայտնվել եք ճիշտ տեղում։ Երբ խոսքը գնում է խաղադրույքների լավագույն կայքերի մասին, մենք դրա գիտակն ենք։
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Notes from Karabakh – May 4
      01:17, May 5, 2016

      Edik Baghdasaryan
      Today I met soldiers elevated to the rank of officer. I met them in their frontline positions where fierce fighting raged during the first week of April.

      There were many soldiers who were singled out for their actions in repulsing the Azerbaijani offensive. Yesterday, five such conscript soldiers were bestowed the rank of lieutenant.

      Spotting an officer walking along the edge of the road near the Mataghis military base, a staffer from the Artsakh Ministry of Defense Press Corps asked the driver to stop the car.

      - Vartan, hello, what’s up? How are you?

      - All is good. We’re preparing to advance.

      - Really?

      - Yes. Is there anything else to do?

      The Niva ascends the road to the upper Talish positions where fierce battles raged in early April. The first encounter was at the position where Masis Mouradyan serves. The platoon was waiting. They knew that someone from the ministry was coming. Colonel Norayr Mkrtchyan shows the soldiers the order from the minister and says that Masis Mouradyan has been made a lieutenant.

      “You stood your ground until the end and put the land of Armenia on a firm footing,” Mkrtchyan tells the soldiers.

      Masis is nineteen years-old. As Lieutenant Mkrtchyan congratulates the soldiers, in turn, he jokes, “If I had known that I could have made lieutenant like this, I would have never attended the Vazgen Sargsyan military institute.”

      On April 2, Masis was able to get his platoon quickly to the frontline and eventually repel the attacking Azerbaijani forces.

      Gor Avagyan was the hero of the day in the next position we visited. During the early April fighting, Gor took over command when the company and third platoon commanders were killed. Gor was very reticent about talking. He didn’t want to be asked about what happened that day. I took me awhile to get him to open up. When I asked him about the fighting, he replied, “No. I’d rather not talk about it. My relatives will get anxious. It’s best they don’t know what happened here.”

      Gor Avagyan’s platoon

      After reading out the minister’s decree, Lieutenant Mkrtchyan told the soldiers, “We are destined to always bear arms. We live in a region where it’s impossible not to bear arms. Our weapons are our strength. You are our strength. You stopped the Azerbaijani aggression. You and your officers did that.”

      Artour Aghasyan is the fourth soldier to have been promoted. The nineteen year-old says they are waiting for the order to retake the lost positions. “If the artillery helps, we’ll take those positions within an hour,” says Artour. The young man was awarded the Military Cross, second class.

      Samvel Safaryan is the fifth newly promoted lieutenant. When I asked Samvel why he decided to remain in the army, he said, “I made the decision during this fighting. I feel that I am needed here.”

      When talking to these soldiers who fought in the April war, you become even more convinced that there isn’t an army in the world with soldiers such as these.

      Photos: Armen Yeramishyan


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Azerbaijan under siege: A friend of Israel in need of our support
        By Israel Barouk
        April 6, 2016

        I was very troubled by the images of a school hit by the rockets
        fired at innocent civilians by Armenian forces--those occupying a
        large swath of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

        Having just recently returned from Israel, I felt an unnerving sense
        of familiarity upon learning that Armenians had been firing at
        Azerbaijani residential neighborhoods, with the sole intent of
        murdering civilians.

        By all evidence and appearances, who they are shooting at seems not to
        matter to them.

        The current crisis is part of a longstanding conflict that began in
        the early 1990s, when Armenia brutally invaded and ethnically cleansed
        Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh region and the surrounding seven
        districts, which together account for nearly 20 percent of sovereign
        Azerbaijani land. That same occupation continues to this day.

        The most recent escalation of hostilities by Armenia can certainly be
        regarded as a well-orchestrated public relations stunt to counteract
        the hugely successful trip by the president of Azerbaijan to the US
        last week. Embarrassed by the warm reception of President Ilham Aliyev
        in Washington, DC, as well as US Secretary of State John Kerry's
        reiteration of strong US support for Azerbaijan's territorial
        integrity, Armenia--the host of the second largest Russian military
        base in the world--decided to resort to armed provocations.

        These hostilities are indicative of the lack of respect Armenia has
        for not only for the lives of its own citizens, but also those of the
        innocent citizens and community members caught up in the broad
        campaign by Armenia and its lobby to discredit and injure
        Azerbaijan--the longstanding secular majority-Muslim ally to the
        United States, the State of Israel, and a leader in the international
        fight against terrorism and extremism. The crucial partner for the
        West in the region and the standalone ally for peace among Muslim
        nations, Azerbaijan faces a multi-faceted enemy, one that engages in
        actual and inhumane warfare on the ground while simultaneously
        terrorizing the media and the public with a different set of weapons.

        Revision and manipulation are tools used by terrorists the world over;
        the State of Israel is far too familiar with this problem. However,
        Armenian propagandists are unique in using the rise of Islamophobia to
        prevent the public from understanding what is a very straightforward
        issue. By constantly presenting the conflict as "a conflict between
        Christian Armenians and Muslim Azerbaijanis"--a terminology which was
        unfortunately also borrowed by some Western media outlets--Armenia is
        inserting a deceitful narrative in order to obtain Western public
        sympathy for something very wrong, namely unlawful occupation and
        brutal ethnic cleansing.

        And this all targeting a country known for multi-faith harmony and a
        longstanding history of peaceful coexistence between Muslims, Jews and
        Christians--and most importantly, a country Armenia is illegally
        occupying. While Armenia terrorizes Azerbaijan, its proponents use the
        mere fact that Azerbaijan is a majority- Muslim nation, however
        peaceful and democratic, to prevent a fearful and otherwise uninformed
        public from sympathizing with the actual victims, or from even knowing
        the difference.

        Many may not know it, but Azerbaijan was home to one of the world's
        earliest Christian states, accepting Christianity as a state religion
        in 313 CE. Since then, Christianity has shaped the history of the
        country, and today around half a million Christians call Azerbaijan
        home and continue to live peacefully there with their Muslim and
        Jewish brothers and sisters.

        Despite over 20 years of Armenian invasion and offenses, the
        Azerbaijan capital city of Baku boasts an enviable Armenian-Christian
        cathedral, renovated and maintained with Azerbaijani government funds
        and support, as the country supports the independence and freedom of
        every religion represented by its people, and is known for it. Even
        the Armenian Catholicos Karekin II was amazed at the high standards of
        maintenance of the cathedral and its library of 5,000 ancient Armenian
        books, while visiting Baku in 2010 at the invitation of Azerbaijan.

        The Armenian occupation and campaign of terror against Azerbaijan's
        Karabakh region is a classic case of a war motivated by radical ethno-
        nationalism and unlawful territorial claims; it has nothing to do with
        religion. The goal of portraying it as an inter-religious conflict is
        to generate fear in order to manipulate public discourse, with the
        intent of keeping the conversation far away from what is plain, simple
        and true.

        Again, the list of parallels to what supporters of Israel deal with in
        the world of a misinformed and mislead media are endless.

        This is not a fair fight; there are occupiers and the occupied, just
        as we distinguish between soldier and terrorist. We must demand our
        leadership take the only correct side in this conflict, and condemn
        terrorism and continue to support and applaud our allies. Heaven knows
        we need such friends now more than ever before and it's safe to say we
        can't afford to lose them, whether through bad diplomacy or by the
        shattering impact of brutal war.

        So as the Armenian army and its proxies continue to unload shells on
        Azerbaijani residential communities to this very hour, it's a moral
        imperative that our leaders and the greater public are abundantly
        clear that Nagorno-Karabakh is an internationally recognized region of
        Azerbaijan, under illegal military occupation by Armenia's armed
        forces, which the international community has publicly condemned.
        International courts have condemned the ethnic cleansing against
        Azerbaijani civilians. The associated massacres committed against
        Azerbaijanis have been classified as crimes against humanity.
        President Reuven Rivlin referred to Armenian atrocities against
        Azerbaijani civilians in the 1990s as an example of "modern day
        genocide." Today we have the opportunity to stand up and intervene,
        before it happens again.

        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Zeytun View Post
          Aren't those radar obsolete ?? We need to buy new radars.
          Armenia is getting new radars soon (part of the 200 million dollar loan deal)(russia will also be installing a new radar center in armenia)


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Obsolete or not.
            Compare the Saudi army and the Iranian army.
            The Saudis have much more modern shiny weaponry, but we all know the outcome of a war.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by Zeytun View Post
              Aren't those radar obsolete ?? We need to buy new radars.
              This was mentioned before.

              "Now here is a Country that we don’t often hear much about, but it has a tale worth telling. Armenia is located in the deep southeast corner of the central European block of CIS and known to Russia as the Northern Caucasus District. For many years Russian has had a heavy air defence (AD) equipment presence around Yerevan, which is the capital City of Armenia and the location of the 102nd Military Base at Gyumri, where all radar is under Russian control, and little elsewhere, so it may not be too surprising that the Yerevan Scientific Research Institute of Communications has announced development of a trio of air defence radars much along the lines, it seems, to the Russian approach with it’s 55Zh6ME NEBO M Series; VHF-band RLM-M, D-band RLM-D and GHI-band RLM-S although the Armenian’s air defence system has not yet been linked to any specific weapons.

              Whilst Armenia is known to have improved a couple of its imported radars from Russia, for example the 9K33 Osa-AK radars had their Russian UV-67 TWTs replaced with broad-band, solid-state, low-noise ShUVC-75 TWTs from the Armenian Company Jamhar-DD. This same Company also provided the ShUVC-15N upgrades to replace the original UV-15N in their SNR-125M LOW BLOW radars, but the Armenian’s reported trio of new radars is believed to be the Country’s first indigenous military products of their type.

              The radars are identified as MShR-200, a probable A-band system that looks similar to P-18 SPOON REST; MON-3 and MON-5, possible E- and D-band systems respectively whose antennas are not too dissimilar to the South African UMKHONTO and the Chinese Type 305B respectively, although not to suggest that there might have been any input directly from those sources, but they do have attributes to commend them.

              Based on available drawings, the MON-3 has a possible 6x10 phased array, which would be quite small for an E-band system, but there may have been financial constraints. Similarly so with the MON-5 that appears to have a folding AESA array of two 8x10 (total 160) transmit – receive modules (TRM). One leading question perhaps is where would Armenia have found the budget to develop such system, especially if it was from base zero. Guestimating, perhaps, with the recognition that it would lose some important military electronics production capability in the Ukraine, Russia has looked elsewhere for more ‘friendly’ solutions, and that might just be Armenia in the short term, although Russia has announced that it intends to offset its losses nearer to Moscow. We will have to wait and see."

              Provides detailed radar information is support of electronic warfare research and development.

              Auto Translate from Russian

              "Belonging to the NKR, Artsakh Defense Army, the modernized Armenian scientific-production enterprise LLC «Jamhar - DD» antiaircraft missile system (SAM) "Osa-AK" during the four-day war between Azerbaijan and Karabakh-Artsakh knocks belong to Azerbaijan unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Israeli production.

              It should be noted that a number of Armenian enterprises headed by LLC «Jamhar - D.D.» and CJSC «Patnesh» carried out a comprehensive modernization SAM "Osa-AK". It is known for the implementation of the following works: the installation of an upgraded digital selection system moving target radar; installation of modernized input amplifier receiving sections SHUVCH-75; installation of upgraded television-optical sight "TOV-M."

              It is known that "TOV-M" can operate in two modes - with wide and narrow field of view. When working in color mode, the sensitivity is 0.01 lux, and increased to 0.001 lux in monochrome. The device can be equipped with lenses of the two samples:

              150 mm - provides 4.11-fold increase,
              500 mm - 13.8 provides magnification.

              Originally installed television camera replaced with a new day / night camera with digital devices to charge connection resolution 600x500 pixels. It provides better resolution and contrast under standard conditions and in low light. Previously installed television lights TLU-44 (55) have been replaced with a modern eight-inch LCD display, which enables a high quality play received a new camera image of the target at long range."

              Last edited by Azad; 05-05-2016, 07:37 AM.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by armo12 View Post
                Armenia is getting new radars soon (part of the 200 million dollar loan deal)(russia will also be installing a new radar center in armenia)
                Radars are all very well but is it part of the original shopping list which included the Iskander.

                Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by londontsi View Post
                  Radars are all very well but is it part of the original shopping list which included the Iskander.

                  I will tell you what's up with this $200 million loan.

                  We had the Smerch MLRS before this loan.

                  The MoD is selling us the idea that they're buying Smerch with this loan, while I believe they're buying Iskanders.

                  They will show us the Smerch we already had and tell you it was received as part of the $200M package, while keeping the Iskanders secret.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Any news from the front lines?? It's been a few days and the last thing I heard was that azeris were building up.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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