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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Lori View Post

    I've presented you with demographic facts, but go ahead and continue to fabricate security threats. Sensationalism is not going to help anyone.

    There is no threat of "population expansionism" today.

    The Caucasus, specifically the South, is in dire need of a population exchange along with an exchange of territories. Don't even mention the North (It's a nightmare).

    That fat rat Serzh disagrees. Hes willing to send our heritage and heartland down the river.

    I am not entirely sure if we would be able to take more land from the Azeris. We managed to grab back some of our lands during one of their weakest periods. I don't know if it is possible again, especially with arsenal we have.

    Turks are an ethnic group
    Azeris and Turks refer to Pres. Sargsyan the same way you do.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      ***Translated from Armenian***

      "Thanks to the consistent work of Armenia Ministry of Defense Military Police Special Operations Service, "particularly large amount of time to receive a bribe - 5 thousand dollars," was arrested in Yerevan's Mashtots Military Commissariat 2nd Lieutenant Colonel Shant, Avetisyan. The Secretary of the Ministry of Defense spokesman, wrote on Facebook."


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by armnuke View Post
        ***Translated from Armenian***

        "Thanks to the consistent work of Armenia Ministry of Defense Military Police Special Operations Service, "particularly large amount of time to receive a bribe - 5 thousand dollars," was arrested in Yerevan's Mashtots Military Commissariat 2nd Lieutenant Colonel Shant, Avetisyan. The Secretary of the Ministry of Defense spokesman, wrote on Facebook."
        *while receiving a particularly large amount of bribe -- $5000

        gotta love google translate


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Lori View Post

          I am not entirely sure if we would be able to take more land from the Azeris. We managed to grab back some of our lands during one of their weakest periods. I don't know if it is possible again, especially with arsenal we have.
          It is very much possible.....everytime they attack we get the momentum to move forward they then boom the big boys stop us on the tracks politically. Our forces may not have as many toys but they got the will, revenge, and liberate land. Azeris know its not their land.

          Turks are an ethnic group
          B0zkurts are our mortal enemy.......they will stop at nothing to behead you.
          B0zkurt Hunter


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by armnuke View Post
            Azeris and Turks refer to Pres. Sargsyan the same way you do.
            Okay? That doesn't mean its not true lol.

            Ex-President Kocharyan: Azerbaijan did not solve a single strategic military problem

            Azerbaijan must have underestimated the military preparedness of the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army and the readiness of Armenians to oppose its aggression, Armenia’s former president Robert Kocharyan said on June 1 in his first published remarks on the April war.

            “The price of the launched military operation and its growing scale were apparently getting unacceptable for Baku and the war was stopped,” the former Armenian and Karabakh leader said in an interview with his unofficial website,

            “I would not evaluate what happed as a victory or a defeat. Azerbaijani troops occupied a number of our positions, but did not solve a single strategic military problem. The euphoria of a military victory in Baku is absolutely groundless. At the same time, we did not regain what we lost, which does not add to our optimism regardless of the size of the loss. Besides, the human casualties during the four days of hostilities are unusually and unacceptably high for us.”

            Kocharyan said that the hostilities also made it clear that “even under the disturbed military balance there is no easy military solution to the conflict.” “And this may really push the stalled negotiating process forward,” he added.

            In his interview Kocharyan also described the painful reaction of the society to the fact that Azerbaijan started to exceed the Armenian side by the quality of its weaponry as “understandable”.

            “It was no secret, but one thing is knowing it, and another thing is seeing it in the battlefield. The irony is that Armenia, which is a member of the [Russian-led] Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and hosts a Russian military base in its territory, noticeably yielded to the adversary by the quality of armaments,” he said. “Everyone wanted to believe that a military alliance with Russia would guarantee at least the preservation of the military balance and hence the security of Armenia and Karabakh.”

            Kocharyan, who led Armenia as president in 1998-2008, went on to criticize the current leadership of Armenia for not doing enough to supply the army with the necessary technical equipment.

            “It is not normal when a commander controls the course of engagement with a mobile phone, when there are no night-vision gun-sights at platoon points and there is a shortage of bullet-proof vests for mobilized personnel. It is necessary to fill all existing gaps and it is clear that work in this direction is being conducted today.”

            Kocharyan also addressed the behavior of some members of the CSTO during the escalation of the conflict in April, saying that they were “not compatible with our common membership in this military alliance.”

            As for the campaign against corruption and monopolies that Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan announced in the wake of the Karabakh hostilities, Kocharyan said that “the government is supposed to engage in it on a daily basis.”

            Looks like internal politics are about to get interesting again.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by Lori View Post
              Okay? That doesn't mean its not true lol.
              The issue is not if it does or it doesn't. It's deeper than that.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Առաջնագծի զինվորները


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Armenian Military Portal
                    📷 #Media@armenian_military_portal - В ходе четырёхдневной войны Армия обороны Арцаха не потеряла ни одного беспилотника. 7 апреля всего один БЛА был потерян – один из модификаций БЛА «X-55». Вражеская пропаганда заявила, что беспилотник «был посажен на землю специальным способом». Однако это является глупостью, ибо БЛА «X-55» изначально разработан таким образом, что его невозможно «посадить» без физического воздействия. Любые «специальные способы» конкретно против БЛА «X-55» не могут дать желаемого результата. В ходе разведывательного полета армянский беспилотник оказался на территории контролируемой врагом в результате остановки двигателя, о чём свидетельствует открытое парашютное отделение.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
                      Armenian Military Portal
                      �� #Media@armenian_military_portal - В ходе четырёхдневной войны Армия обороны Арцаха не потеряла ни одного беспилотника. 7 апреля всего один БЛА был потерян – один из модификаций БЛА «X-55». Вражеская пропаганда заявила, что беспилотник «был посажен на землю специальным способом». Однако это является глупостью, ибо БЛА «X-55» изначально разработан таким образом, что его невозможно «посадить» без физического воздействия. Любые «специальные способы» конкретно против БЛА «X-55» не могут дать желаемого результата. В ходе разведывательного полета армянский беспилотник оказался на территории контролируемой врагом в результате остановки двигателя, о чём свидетельствует открытое парашютное отделение.
                      Didn't we halt production of the Krunk in favor of the X-55?

                      Also why don't we install these remote weapon stations on our GAZ-Tigrs? Russians did it with theirs...(Arbalet-DM)

                      RIP vvvv
                      Last edited by Lori; 06-02-2016, 03:01 AM.

