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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      No Alternative to Karabakh’s Recognition says David Babayan

      YEREVAN (Armenpress)—There is no alternative to the recognition of Karabakh’s independence and the restoration of the complete negotiation format, said Spokesman of Nagorno-Karabakh’s President, David Babayan.

      “Azerbaijan insists on the phased option which is a form of delaying the process, seeking to obtain a more advantageous position. If Azerbaijan is trying to show that it is interested in the conflict settlement and doesn’t see any option than the phased one, it must recognize the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s independence; we will also recognize Azerbaijan and will sit around the negotiation table to discuss various issues. There is no other option. Karabakh’s independence must be recognized, the complete negotiation format must be restored, and time will show the rest. At the same time everyone must understand one thing: there cannot be a return to the past, in terms of the borders as well,” Babayan said.

      There is no alternative to the recognition of Karabakh’s independence and the restoration of the complete negotiation format, said Spokesman of Nagorno-Karabakh’s President, David Babayan.

      Referring to the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement that this time success is closer than ever before, Babayan said it is probably related to the implementation of the investigation mechanisms.

      “Taking into account that currently discussions are being held over implementation of mechanisms, I think that this statement is associated with it since at this stage we do not see any step by Azerbaijan towards the comprehensive settlement. Quite the contrary, the destructive statements still continue. They hinder the process of the implementation of these mechanisms, but they do not openly talk about it. Thus, we should wait and work towards the implementation of these mechanisms,” Babayan said.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by armnuke View Post
        Now that we have the know-how to produce these goodies, it will be easy to stick em on a tank or a helicopter.
        those goodies are for export mainly to Russia, 1000 will be produced first year and after 5500 a year, Armenian army to recive only 300 in year. If iam right then we are buying western plates and assemlbing them in Yerevan, Russia is baned to get western technologies, so thats why Russians cant make such exemplars but buy them from armos =)


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by armnuke View Post
          Habibi Vrej, you are wrong.
          I have a reliable source right inside Rossoboronexport/Uralvagonzavod. Two days ago he told me around 50% of the weapons of the $200 million loan have been delivered.

          Check the pictures to find out why Lars was closed and what caused the landslide. Lars is not a desert flatland.

          If the Russians stop the gas they know very well that we have an energy-rich friendly country to our south.

          We all love conspiracy, but at some point it's good to keep it simple without "@si @sav"
          Sorry to say, your source is wrong.
          Mine is first hand, and unfortunately you are wrong.

          Lars is a montain pass as we have dozens, that has the bad habit to obey orders from Tiflis or Moskwa.
          The scenario is pretty much the same every time Russia tries to blackmail the regime, same period, same story.

          The gas pipe to Kajaran Meghri was granted free to Russia, long ago....


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
            Sorry to say, your source is wrong.
            Mine is first hand, and unfortunately you are wrong.

            Lars is a montain pass as we have dozens, that has the bad habit to obey orders from Tiflis or Moskwa.
            The scenario is pretty much the same every time Russia tries to blackmail the regime, same period, same story.

            The gas pipe to Kajaran Meghri was granted free to Russia, long ago....
            Agree to disagree brother.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Poroshenko in Azerbaijan: "President of Ukraine Poroshenko backs return of Nagorny Karabakh under Azerbaijan control."


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by HyeFighter2 View Post
                those goodies are for export mainly to Russia, 1000 will be produced first year and after 5500 a year, Armenian army to recive only 300 in year. If iam right then we are buying western plates and assemlbing them in Yerevan, Russia is baned to get western technologies, so thats why Russians cant make such exemplars but buy them from armos =)
                Buying Western plates and assembling them in Armenia does not need an investment of $31 million, and will get you in serious trouble with the West. That's one.
                Two: when sanctions are lifted, this plant will shut down if that is the case.
                You can't base an investment on something like that, and I don't believe that's the case.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by ayrudzi View Post
                  I agree but even though Iranians are very close to us genetically Georgians, Assyrians, turks ( turkified armenians, and anatolians) and azeris ( turkified lezgins, and Aghvanks) are much closer
                  Georgians do not have Indo-European origins; Assyrians are a Semitic people; Turks are an Altaic people;

                  The closest standing nation to the Armenian people genetically are Persians. Arguably, the Talysh, also an Iranian people, are even closer.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
                    Georgians do not have Indo-European origins; Assyrians are a Semitic people; Turks are an Altaic people;

                    The closest standing nation to the Armenian people genetically are Persians. Arguably, the Talysh, also an Iranian people, are even closer.
                    I said turkified Armenians and anatolians not original turks which only make up around 15-20% of modern turks. Modern turks for the most part are the turkifed natives of the land. You are looking into the language im looking into genetics. The Assyrians are made up of people who were not semetic but were semetizied later also language and genetics is not the same. Swedish people speak indo european language but are far from Armenians geneticaly. THere are numerouse genetic studies out there just google armenian dna and you will get many. Here is one link but like i said there is a lot of info when u google armenian dna

                    Discover satisfies everyday curiosity with relevant and approachable science news, feature articles, photos and more.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      can someone please repost the full version link (that includes the cussing) of the Azeri troop movements and nothing being done about it on our part despite them being in our clear view. thanks

