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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Գերմանական SIM ընկերությունը ներկայացրել է ԱԹՍ-ների ճնշման համակարգ. ArmHiTec

    Posted on Հոկտեմբեր 20, 2016 by Գարիկ Հարությունյան | Leave a comment

    Տեղեկատվական անվտանգության և ՌԷՊ համակարգերի ոլորտում մասնագիտացած գերմանական Secure Information Management (SIM) ընկերությունը Երևանում անցկացված ArmHiTec-2016 ցուցահանդեսի ժամանակ ներկայացրել է արտադրանքի լայն տեսականի, այդ թվում՝ անօդաչու թռչող սարքերի կապի խանգարման կրովի կայան:

    ԱԹՍ-ների դեմ պայքարող համակարգը մոտ 15 կգ է

    Խանգարումների կայանը նախատեսված է մասնավոր և պետական օբյեկտները ԱԹՍ-ների անցանկալի ներխուժումից պաշտպանելու համար:

    Ընկերության ներկայացուցիչըի լրագրողներին հայտնել է, որ կայանը կարող է ճնշել ԱԹՍ-ների ռազմական և քաղաքացիական GPS հաճախությունները, ինչպես նաև ԱԹՍ-ների նկարածի տեսահեռարձակումն ապահովող ռադիոկապի հաճախությունները:

    Ընկերության ներկայացրած սարքի միջոցով անօդաչուները կարելի է «ճնշել» մինչև 500 մետր հեռավորությունից:

    Ցուցահանդեսի ժամանակ ընկերության տաղավարում ներկայացվել են նաև սարքավորումներ, որոնք ճնշում են ինքնաշեն պայթուցիկների պայթեցման ռադիոազդանշանները: Սարքավորումները նախատեսված են շարասյուններն ուղեկցող մեքենաների համար:

    Ռադիոխանգարումների փոքր չափի սարքավորումները պայթուցիկ սարքերից պաշտպանությունն ապահովում են ինչպես զանգվածային միջոցառումների ժամանակ, այնպես էլ անհատների կամ խմբերի համար՝ շարժման մեջ և կանգառներում:

    Գերմանական SIM ընկերության տաղավարը ArmHiTec-2016 ցուցահանդեսում

    Սարքավորումը խանգարումներով ազդում է պայթուցիկ սարքի պայթեցման ազդանշանն ընդունող հանգույցի վրա, ինչի արդյունքում այն չի կարողանում ընդունել պայթեցման հրահանգը:

    Բացի այս, ընկերությունն արտադրում է նաև լազերային ինֆրակարմիր լուսավորիչներ՝ գիշերային տեսանելիության սարքերի համար, ձայնա- և տեսահսկման ու հետախուզման սարքեր, ինչպես նաև անհատական պաշտպանության միջոցներ (զրահաբաճկոններ, սաղավարտներ):

    Հայաստանում գերմանական SIM ընկերության ներկայացուցիչը Severus Miles ընկերությունն է, որ զբաղվում է բարձր տեխնոլոգիաների հիմքով սարքավորումների նախագծման և արտադրության հարցերով:


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Originally posted by AstalaVist View Post
      Babayan before '93 and Babayan after '93 are two different persons.

      He is the puppet of Kocharyan who is desperately trying to do everything to get the power back. After the April war they are clearly trying to creat a panic among the people in NKR. They know how important is having the support of the people in NKR.

      -As much as it sounds strange- having the backing of NKR is the key for gaining the power in Armenia.
      Heh that sounds a lot like hriastan and USA.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by burjuin View Post
        In English: Armenian T-72 tanks to be upgraded to T-72B3 locally


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by armnuke View Post
          Azeri SF failed inflitration attempt reported in Southern NKR, no KIA reported from our side.
          An Azeri casualty from last night confirmed by Their MoD has not announced it as usual.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan



            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by burjuin View Post
              That'a great news.

              I am glad that we are not going for T-90A. It would have been a terrible invesment in every aspect.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by AstalaVist View Post
                That'a great news.

                I am glad that we are not going for T-90A. It would have been a terrible invesment in every aspect.
                I have a nice read about the B3.

                In 2011, it was decided to stop buying new tanks of the T-90 family. The Ministry of Defense decided that the T-80 and modifications will not be upgraded, and all funds would be used for the overhaul and modernization of the existing T-72. Contract for the modernization of tanks was signed in May 2012 as part of a broader agreement that should load the capacities "Uralvagonzavod" at least three years. The general public was introduced only in 2013 to the T-72B3 Main Battle Tank. According to the Defense Ministry, by the end of the 2013 year land forces received more than 270 vehicles of this modification.
                According to the military, the tank is well established both at competitions and in service, and in 2014 the delivery of upgraded vehicles to the troops continued. Omsk Plant of transport machine building, where the T-72B was designed almost 30 years earlier, is turning them into modern T-72B3.
                The T-72B3 is actually a compromise between price and capabilities, adjusted for state armored forces and future emergence of a new technology. Since the T-72B3 is a relatively simple modernization of the T-72B, established in the late eighties, the appearance of these armored vehicles varies by only a few small details. However, such "trifles" can have a significant impact on the performance and capabilities of combat vehicle.
                The T-72B3 inherits from its predecessor only the only the hull and turret. The new chassis and a more powerful engine increases the manoeuvrability of the tank and, as a consequence, survival on the battlefield. It has an improved 125 mm gun, with a 15% lower dispersion of projectiles on target compared to the T-72, and when firing on the move, by 1.7 times. In addition, the machine is equipped with a sighting system, allows to fire not only gunner, but the commander of a tank-guided missiles, sensors while shooting, a new radio station and armor units. After the modernization it is claimed to be comparable to the T-90, currently the most modern Russian tanks.
                Funding agreements were more than six billion rubles. In addition to these funds, the company would receive another 6.2 billion rubles for the modernization of production.
                In Alabino in August 2013 at the site of an educational complex Taman Division demonstrated last modification "semdesyatdvoyki" - T-72B3, looks different with the latest multi-channel gunner's sight "Sosna-U" and the lack of IR illuminator L-4A "Moon" next to the mask gun. Earlier in the T-72B was used active-passive night sight, some modes use an infrared searchlight L-4A "Moon". At the T-72B3 spotlight absent due to application of a new sight with night channel. Compared with the T-72B3 first series turret on the site of the IR illuminator L-4A "Moon" is covered by blocks WHD "Kontakt-5."
                The new multi-channel gunner's sight "Sosna-U." This device allows the gunner to find targets with optical and thermal channels. In addition, the "Pine-U" is equipped with a laser range finder and control system anti-tank missiles. Thus, using only one device can perform the gunner in the combat several necessary functions.
                Unfortunately, when creating the T-72B3 tank designers made an ambiguous or even a controversial technical decision. External units sight "Sosna-U" placed inside the light-armored housing, protecting them from bullets and shrapnel. In the stowed position, the front window of the housing lid. The latter is attached to the casing by means of bolts. Because of this, before shooting the crew must leave the car and manually remove the cover of the sight. Housing cover sight on domestic tanks are usually equipped with devices to open them with jobs crew. For some reason, the project T-72B3 used as the original, but a strange decision - is unknown.
                Tank got a new 125-mm gun 2A46M-5, a new radio VHF P-168-25U-2 "Aqueduct", a new fire-fighting equipment (PPO), and a new multi-channel gunner's sight (ISM) "Pine-U." The sight has 4 channels: optical, thermal, laser rangefinder channel and the control channel anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). ISM "Sosna-U" is set instead of the regular sight-guidance device 1K-13-49. Old Gunner 1A40-1 left in the regular place as a substitute. The commander of the unit received TKN-3MK with the system "double", which provides the opportunity of fire commander.
                At the T-72B3 installed built-in dynamic protection (WHD) "Kontakt-5", and not a new DZ "Relic", which protects the tank from modern tandem ammunition; Tank has not received anti-aircraft machine-gun closed installation (TAL) - remained open LSD with manual control.
                Instead of 1000-horsepower V-92S2, which is mounted on the T-90A (Object 188A) and the upgraded T-72BA (Object 184A), the T-72B3 used a completely renovated B-84-1 capacity of 840 hp Driving performance of the T-72B3 remained at the same level as that of the T-72B. Therefore, the mobility characteristics are not increased. The tank is equipped with GLONASS receivers / GPS.
                The cost of major repairs to the modernization of the T-72B3 is 52 mln. Rubles. Of these, about 30 mln. Rubles go for the overhaul of the tank and its diesel V-84-1. Purchase cost of the T-90A is abou 70 mln. Rubles. (2009) to 118 mln. Rubles. (2011).
                At the IX International Exhibition of Arms, Military Equipment and Ammunition Russia Arms Expo (RAE 2013), which began work today in Nizhny Tagil, in the exposition of "Research and Production Corporation" Uralvagonzavod "JSC SPC" MSC "presented two of his products. Demonstrated for the first time a full-scale sample of the modified active protection of objects of armored vehicles "Arena-E" on the modernized tanks T-72B3.
                Protection sector in azimuth at the complex expanded to circular. If the previous modification of anti-tank guided missile hit and anti-tank grenades, the new designed and more to destroy the artillery shells cumulative. Instead monobloc radar are telltale signs, the new "Arena-E" is equipped with a multi radar, distributed along the contour of the turret. Reduction in the number of protective ammunition. The total mass of the complex is reduced by more than half.
                More than 70 modernized T-72B3 tanks will be put into service in the Russian Eastern Military District before the end of 2015. A motorized infantry brigade in Russia's Kemerovo Region received 15 modernized T-72B3 tanks, official representative of the Central Military District Col. Yaroslav Roschupkin announced 1 March 2015. The new tanks replace the T-72B1 tanks that are still in service in a number of military units at the Russian Eastern Military District.
                More than ten modernized tanks T-72B3 entered the compound motorized infantry of the Western Military District / ZVO / stationed in the Moscow region in October 2015. The head of the press service district Oleg Kochetkov spoke to journalists. "Currently, the staff of Panzer divisions Division is testing the new combat vehicles in the field. Ahead test crews modern technology live fire", - he said.
                T-72B3 is a version of the T-72 modernized to the level of T-90, said Kochetkov. Fires 125-mm smoothbore gun, thanks to its modernization have the opportunity to use new armor-piercing projectiles. Accuracy both places, and in the movement enhanced by modern tank installed on a ballistic computer, an improved stabilizer and machine tracking.
                In addition, T-72B3 has the latest fire control system. Digital ballistic computer allows several times to reduce the time made calculations and increase their efficiency. Thermal sight of the main channel ensures reliable operation of the devices guidance in all weather conditions, regardless of the time of day.
                "Uralvagonzavod" would sign a contract at the end of March 2016 with the Russian Defense Ministerstrom worth over 2.5 billion rubles for the modernization of 150 tanks T-72B to the level of the T-72B3, said "Izvestia" on 10 March 2016 referring to the deputy general director of "Uralvagonzavod" Alexei Zharich. This report is a bit confusing, because the upgrade is with a more powerful engine, which is to the T-72B3M [aka T-72B4] standard.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  All in all the value for money is top notch, but what makes me very happy is that these will be assembled in Armenia and our guys will be familiar to the new tech. Also, the thermal imaging systems will be Armenian-made.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Sargsyan: Armenia Defense Ministry is able to raise and solve issues
                    20:41, 21.10.2016
                    Theme: Politics

                    YEREVAN. - The armed forces and Defense Ministry of Armenia are the strongest and most well-established state structures.

                    Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan, who left for Artsakh with the Chief of the General Staff of Armenian Armed Forces Friday, said the aforementioned in an interview with Armenia TV.

                    In his words, returning to the Defense Ministry after thirteen years, he saw that these years have been rather productive. ''The Ministry is distinguished for its ability to raise and solve issues. I can see the same in the troops. This is the result of long years of work, which lays a good ground for organizing the future activities,'' Sargsyan said.

                    According to the Minister, the second strength of the Armenian army is the fighting spirit of the soldiers. Among the weaknesses of the army are the unique expression of public love to the Armed Forces and undervaluation of the officers' work, he noted.

                    In Sarsgyan's words, it is necessary to dramatically raise the social status of the officers. ''Serious steps will be taken in this direction before the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Armed Forces (28 January 2017),'' Sargsyan assured.

                    The Minister also added that the country shouldn't engage in arms race but find innovative solutions.

                    Armenia News -
                    In his words, returning to the Defense Ministry after thirteen years, he saw that these years have been rather productive...


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Children of martyrs from April's 4-Day War get 5 million AMD donation from Armenia's Grand Candy.

