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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    "7000 Year Old DNA Found in Artsakh Cave Matches Genes of Modern Armenians"

    Archaeologists working in caves in Azokh, Artsakh have found that the genetic makeup of the tooth belonging to an individual 7000 years ago perfectly matches with the genetic makeup of modern Armenians.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Yes, we are as our ancenters and forfathers. I didn,t ment to trow in DNA in its essence, lol guys.

      We and Persians are different race but damn we are close. Love persian women, so beautiful.
      Btw, my wife is Armenian about fire snd love.
      B0zkurt Hunter


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          BTW, guys
          As far as Gorgians we gave them our mojo
          As far as turks they stole our mojo

          We are as we have always been, the survivors that is.........however now we are more agressive and pissed off where turks have become weaker, not counting weapons, just as one on one.

          This is why we will never ever loose again against our mortal enemy because we have become strong in soul.

          Long live Armenia, Armenians
          Long live Artsakh, our epicenter of future power against wolfs.
          B0zkurt Hunter


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            2nd karabakh war


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              ADL, Major Jewish Groups Snub Invite to Trump Hotel Hanukkah Party in DC

              More and more Jewish groups are backing out of the high-profile Hanukkah party; even White House Jewish liaisons refused invites to be honored at the Trump Hotel bash.

              Dec 14, 2016 10:56 AM

              By Debra Nussbaum Cohen (New York)

              NEW YORK – Malcolm Hoenlein may be standing in a largely empty, ornate Trump International Hotel ballroom late Wednesday afternoon during the Conference of Presidents’ now-infamous Hanukkah party.

              It is well known that eight of the Conference of Presidents’ left-of-center member organizations, including the Union for Reform Judaism and National Council of Jewish Women, pulled out of the event. They cited reasons ranging from the fact that the party is being co-hosted by the embassy of Azerbaijan, a Muslim-led country with a questionable human rights record, to the fact that it is being held in a new hotel property owned by the president-elect, which raises questions about the appearance of trying to curry favor with him.

              What has not been known, until now, is that several of the Conference’s centrist member groups – core constituents including the ADL, the American Jewish Committee, Hadassah and Jewish Federations of North America – are also refusing to attend the party.

              Sources at the ADL, AJC and Hadassah confirmed that they will not participate, as did someone close to JFNA.

              “These groups seem to care more about displaying their partisan anti-Trump animus than about the serious mistake of offending the next president of the United States, which would negatively impact our joint duty to promote strong U.S.-Israel relations,” Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America – which is definitely attending the Conference party – told Haaretz. “I doubt these groups would have complained if we had booked a ‘Clinton’ hotel after a Hilary Clinton victory.”

              What’s more, the Conference invited the current and three former Obama White House liaisons to the Jewish community to be honored and attend its party. All declined to participate at any level. To be fair, they will all likely be at the White House Hanukkah reception – Obama's final Jewish party in the White House – which starts at 6:30 P.M. local time.

              The Conference’s Hoenlein did not respond to several emails sent by Haaretz seeking his comment.

              His organization’s party, timed to allow people to go to both its party and the White House reception, is slated to take place at the Trump hotel a few blocks away from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. The Conference gathering will take place in the Trump hotel’s Lincoln Library, which the hotel’s website describes as having 16 foot coffered ceilings, ornate millwork, gilded mirrors and velvet draperies.

              The mainstream Conference member agencies have not put made public statements about their decision.

              “Nobody’s going. The reasons are obvious,” said one Washington Jewish insider. “It is highly embarrassing for Malcolm Hoenlein.”

              Hoenlein “obviously did not anticipate the backlash” against holding it in a Trump hotel, said another. “He really didn’t know what he was doing.”

              Some of the mainstream Conference member executives offered public explanations for why they aren’t going.

              Janice Weinman, Hadassah’s CEO, told Haaretz that her organization has an executive committee meeting ending just in time for her to take a 4 P.M. flight to Washington for the White House party.

              Someone close to the JFNA said that its leaders “are traveling home” and “have other commitments.”

              One of the White House Jewish liaisons struck a different tone, telling Haaretz, “are you kidding? I was getting invitations to the protest and I know half the people who are going to that,” speaking of the If Not Now-organized demonstration planned for outside the hotel.

              If Not Now is a grassroots protest group whose main focus has been the Israeli occupation, but since Trump’s election has been busy demonstrating against the Trump administration and the Jewish groups it views as cozying up to the president-elect. Hundreds of people turned out to protest outside the Zionist Organization of America’s recent annual banquet, which expected to host Trump adviser Steve Bannon. His Breitbart News agency has proudly promoted white supremacist groups. Bannon never showed up.

              The remaining Conference of Presidents member organizations apparently still planning to attend the Hanukkah party include relatively small groups like the ZOA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (or CAMERA) and Emunah of America as well as some larger ones like the Orthodox Union.

              “A number of the groups are seemingly not that distressed by the Trump administration’s direction. It seems pretty clear that there is a strong desire to protect access for the full agenda, one piece of which is Israel,” said Gideon Aranoff, CEO of Ameinu, one of the Conference member institutions that earlier pulled out of the Chanukah party.

              “From our perspective it’s worse for the Jewish community, worse for Israel, and worse for Jewish-Muslim relations to appear to be currying favor with the Trump administration, so holding this event at his hotel is a terrible mistake,” Aranoff told Haaretz.

              About the author: Debra Nussbaum Cohen writes from New York for Haaretz and is a contributing editor at The Forward. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and New York magazine. She also authored "Celebrating Your New Jewish Daughter: Creating Jewish Ways to Welcome Baby Girls into the Covenant" (Jewish Lights).

              Link to article: ADL, major Jewish groups snub invite to Trump Hotel Hanukkah party in DC
              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Trump business terminates three overseas projects

                  The Trump Organization has recently terminated three overseas deals in what the company's attorney described to CNN on Thursday as "housecleaning."

                  Alan Garten said the Trump Organization terminated its licensing deal for a Trump Hotel in Baku Azerbaijan.
                  In addition, the company has terminated its business licensing deals in Rio de Janeiro for both a hotel project and a five-building office complex that was part of the Marvelous Port Redevelopment plan.
                  "These deals are terminated under the applicable agreements" in which they were originally licensed under, Garten told CNN.
                  There have been growing questions about the potential conflicts of interest posed by Trump's continued business interests with the Trump Organization. A CNN poll released last month found that 6 in 10 Americans believe the President-elect is not doing enough to address his potential conflicts of interest.
                  Trump owns or has a position in more than 500 companies, according to a CNN analysis. That includes about 150 that have done business in at least 25 foreign countries, including Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
                  Trump was supposed to hold a news conference on Thursday to announce how he was distancing himself from his business as he took office, but that event was postponed earlier this week until January.
                  And rather than face reporters, Trump took to Twitter to reiterate that he's planning to hand over his businesses to his children before he takes office next month.
                  "Even though I am not mandated by law to do so, I will be leaving my busineses (sic) before January 20th so that I can focus full time on the presidency," Trump wrote on Twitter.

                  The Trump Organization has recently terminated three overseas deals in what the company’s attorney described to CNN on Thursday as “housecleaning.”


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by Joseph View Post
                    ADL, Major Jewish Groups Snub Invite to Trump Hotel Hanukkah Party in DC
                    The whole equation went from human rights suppression to (3) way divide. Muslims - jews - White Supremacists. I don't think we Armenians could have done any better job screwing it to this level.
                    The sultan not only exposed his human rights records, he is splitting weakening the shekels in the US and infuriating Trump. Good job!

                    You can see what it turned out to be. It is very funny

                    Use the mouse or turn your phone to look around this interactive video.Filmed and Edited by Ford FischerHundreds of “Jewish Resistance” movement protesters m...

                    "We demand that the Conference of Presidents cancel its Hanukkah Party at the Trump Hotel, and we warmly invite Jews to march with us as we tell our out-of-t...


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Notice at 2:38 in this video the azeri "secret" agent walking and texting his boss "we fked it royally"

                      "We demand that the Conference of Presidents cancel its Hanukkah Party at the Trump Hotel, and we warmly invite Jews to march with us as we tell our out-of-t...

