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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Բելառուսական անձնագրով հայն այցելել է Ադրբեջան ու հասել ծնողների տուն. Լապշինը տեսանյութ է հրապարակել



    • For people that do not know Russian ... This ^^^ Video is about

      "On July 9, prominent Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli tourism blogger Alexander Lapshin posted a video on his Facebook page where a man — presenting himself to be Armenian — explains how he was able to visit Azerbaijan with a Belarusian passport.

      “The Armenian with a Belarusian passport was able to arrive in Azerbaijan and reach his parents’ home in Ganja (Kirovabad),” Lapshin wrote

      Lapshin said that Azerbaijan bans the entry of ethnic Armenians to the country based on its racist policies.

      “His short film shows the poverty, evilness, horrible Armenophobia and the nationwide spy-mania in Azerbaijan. The man later went to Armenia and Karabakh,” Lapshin wrote.

      Regarding the Armenian blogger’s parents, Lapshin wrote that Armenians fled Ganja during the Karabakh war and their homes were taken by Azerbaijanis. Lapshin noted that Azerbaijani security forces failed to notice the ethnicity of the young man, and he was able to film the coverage and return home safely.

      According to Lapshin, the Armenian blogger took a great risk by filming in Azerbaijan — simply walking in Ganja or asking about the homes of Armenians could have led to his murder or arrest.

      “We expect an addition to the honorary list: the blacklist of Azerbaijan,” Lapshin joked.

      Lapshin made international media headlines in 2017 for being arrested in Belarus and extradited to Azerbaijan after Baku issued an arrest warrant for his “unauthorized visit” to Artsakh."


      • Well, in the clip above it’s the only overwhelming reality of azery fear and hatred towards everybody else. We’re not talking only about against Armenians. They hate Russians, Georgians, each other.
        Amazing how fearful and hateful they are towards strangers in general.
        They are fearfull of everything.
        This clip will create uproar inAzerbaijan about russian speaking Armenians traveling there. Any subsequent Russian speaking traveler will be prosecuted.
        Now we need English speaking western looking and Turkish speaking “Turkish” Armenian bloggers to go and film their miserable people , low lives, so they’ll panic on any stranger showing up there and sink even deeper in isolation.
        Last edited by Hakob; 07-10-2018, 06:42 AM.


        • "Azerbaijan Jails 14 Over Online Discussions Of Power Outage, Shooting"

          Azerbaijan's Interior Ministry says 14 people have been sentenced to jail terms ranging from 10 to 30 days for online comments about a massive power outage and a high-profile shooting last week.

          I feel sorry for all the people that are going to be jailed in the Armenian video. Not really! I hope they all go to jail ))


          • Originally posted by Hakob View Post
            Well, in the clip above it’s the only overwhelming reality of azery fear and hatred towards everybody else. We’re not talking only about against Armenians. They hate Russians, Georgians, each other.
            Amazing how fearful and hateful they are towards strangers in general.
            They are fearfull of everything.
            This clip will create uproar inAzerbaijan about russian speaking Armenians traveling there. Any subsequent Russian speaking traveler will be prosecuted.
            Now we need English speaking western looking and Turkish speaking “Turkish” Armenian bloggers to go and film their miserable people , low lives, so they’ll panic on any stranger showing up there and sink even deeper in isolation.
            It will be interesting to see if Azerbaijan manages to get this kid sent over there like they did with Lapshin, both were carrying passports from Belarus.


            • I just was watching Samvel Babayan’s speech in welcoming ceremony in Artsakh. He indicated that their current government is very receptive about political, economic and defence ideas and improvements and promises deep changes.
              I have an idea like most of us do and hope that they implement it in Artsakh.
              Arming everybody there.
              There have been talks about arming population in borde r areas in Armenia, but that is hard to do for political reasons.
              But in Artsakh population will be very easy to train and control for the right use of arms. Anyway, every male there knows about arms, but in villages and towns people are unarmed.
              In worst case scenario within hours of start of hostilities general population in most places could face the enemy.
              Give an AK to every able body with enough ammunition, but don’t send them home like in zwitserland but keep them in small armories near their homes. Like every village should have an armory in village administrative building or even school. Village chief, armory guard, 2-6 other designates should all have the Keyes. Every able body, males from 18-60, females from 18-50 should have their numbered designated weapon and be responsible under armory official or designated person watchful eye and instructions in cleaning and keeping their rifles in order.
              Every rifle owner will have their appointment day in every month to show up to armory for this task. Also, several times a year they will take their rifle to shooting range and practice shooting the 10-20 bullets that government assigns to them.
              If you go to armory and ask the official for a tour, he will show you orderly readiness.
              - Here is Hovhannesyan family, 3 able bodies (3rifles on rack under sign with full magazines and spares).
              - Here is Babayan family 5 rifle’s, Sargsians 4 etc...
              There should also be certain number of RPG launchers and rounds sitting there per certain number of people.
              For example, in a village of 100 able citizens there should be let’s say 5 RPG launchers and 20 rounds. Every citizen should go tru instructions of how to arm, aim and shoot the RPG.
              Also a military official should have a day of training maybe twice a year with every such group about defence of their area, the topography, best possible tactics for evacuation of children and elderly and their defence.
              Imagine, minutes after first shots are fired, while army is busy repelling attacks and mounting counter attacks, middle aged men will be armed ready and moving to gathering points to form the units and go to frontline, while their wives and parents will be armed and ready to destroy any azery that shows up as they evacuate children and elderly and tend the needy.
              This, Azery government can never do with its own population because minorities will start cyvil war right away.
              But for us this could be one of the best answers to azery military buildup. Cheap and simple. With the price of one SU30 you can arm half the Artsakh population.
              Azeris will know that whatever happens in frontline, it is impossible even under best scenario to enter and massacre that they are used to.
              As azeris slow down and are stopped, our army will destroy their equipment, wear them down in few days and start the advance.
              Like Yamamoto once said about US population, “America can never be invaded because population is so well armed that there will be rifle firing at us from behind every tree or blade of grass”.
              Last edited by Hakob; 07-10-2018, 05:05 PM.


              • One observation!
                We buy by Russian internal prices.
                So we don’t need brand new ones but can get stock rifles from Russian armory depots.
                For about $100 a pop $10million will get you 100000 rifles plus for another $50for 750 round can the other $10 million will get -2k rounds per rifle (1k for 10 years training and 1k for action).
                Enough to arm every able person and some in Artsakh.
                You keep 80-100000 rifles in people’s hands and 30000 general army, no 9 million or 15 million strong country can take on with this without their own demise. Specially when there is 2-3 million angry brothers of Artsakh hitting them too.
                I am not even counting how sheepish azeris are when it comes to serious fight.
                Last edited by Hakob; 07-10-2018, 05:23 PM.


                • Very bad idea to arm the civilians, it will make them legitimate military targets. Civilians should stay civilians. Those couple of AK's will do nothing. It's already very easy for those who want it ( and that's very important) to be armed in hours if war starts.

                  Karabakh is militarized enough already. What we need are big weapons like artillery, tanks, AA, missiles,... Not some AK's


                  • The only thing that is going to stop this perpetual turkic harassment is a small nuke tested on one of their cities.

                    "Yuri Oganesov granted citizenship of Armenia

                    Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Oganesov, scientific leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at the Dubna Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the PM’s Office reported."

                    During the meeting the sides also discussed different issues relating to the implementation of programs...


                    • Հայաստանում ռուսական ավիաբազան համալրվել է երկու «ՄիԳ-29»-ով 13:18, 10.07.2018

                      «Էրեբունի» ռուսական ավիացիոն ավիաբազան համալրվել է չորրորդ սերնդի երկու բազմանպատակային թեթեւ ճակատային «ՄիԳ-29» կործանիչներով: Այս մասին տեղեկացնում են Հարավային ռազմական օկրուգի մամուլի ծառայությունից:
                      «Արդիականացումից հետո ռուսական ավիաբազային թողնված «ՄիԳ-29» օդանավերը թույլ են տալիս օդային սահմանները հուսալիորեն պաշտպանել ԱՊՀ երկրների ՀՕՊ միացյալ համակարգի շրջանակում եւ կանոնավոր կերպով ուսումնական թռիչքներ կատարել միավորման մարտական պատրաստության նորմատիվային ծրագրերով»,- նշված է հաղորդագրության մեջ:
                      Միավորման ինժեներատեխնիկական կազմը մեկ ամսվա ընթացքում կկատարի օդանավերի հավաքումը եւ դրանք շարք մտցնելը, որից հետո օդանավակայանում կհատկացվեն հատուկ սարքավորված կայանատեղիներ:

