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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by burjuin View Post
    Antcatc maisyan tonerin ais nkarneri heginake ir entanikov tehapohvele Artcakx mshtakan bnakutyan hamar
    Ինչ լավ լուր։ Որտեղի՞ց են տեղափոխվել։ Հաջողությո՛ւն նրանց։

    More parade and parade-related videos:

    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Ադրբեջանին վաճառված 64 ռուսական ուղղաթիռները մինչև տարվա վերջ Բաքվում կլինեն

        Ռուսաստանի և Ադրբեջանի միջև կնքված պայմանագրերի համաձայն՝ մինչև 2012թ. վերջը Բաքու կհասցվի 64 ռազմական ուղղաթիռ։ Ադրբեջանը Ռուսաստանից գնել է 40 ռազմատրանսպորտային ՄԻ–17–Վ1 տեսակի ուղղաթիռ և 24 մարտական ՄԻ–35Մ։

        Սա մարտական ավիատեխնիկայի գնման ամենախոշոր գործարքն է Ադրբեջանի և Ռուսաստանի միջև։ Ռուսական լրատվամիջոցները հայտնում են, որ ուղղաթիռները կտեղափոխի «Օբորոնպրոմ» ընկերության հսկողության տակ գտնվող երկու ձեռնարկություն՝ «Կազանի ուղղաթիռների գործարանը» և «Ռոսվերտոլը»։

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Ադրբեջանին վաճառված 64 ռուսական ուղղաթիռները մինչև տարվա վերջ Բաքվում կլինեն

          Ռուսաստանի և Ադրբեջանի միջև կնքված պայմանագրերի համաձայն՝ մինչև 2012թ. վերջը Բաքու կհասցվի 64 ռազմական ուղղաթիռ։ Ադրբեջանը Ռուսաստանից գնել է 40 ռազմատրանսպորտային ՄԻ–17–Վ1 տեսակի ուղղաթիռ և 24 մարտական ՄԻ–35Մ։

          Սա մարտական ավիատեխնիկայի գնման ամենախոշոր գործարքն է Ադրբեջանի և Ռուսաստանի միջև։ Ռուսական լրատվամիջոցները հայտնում են, որ ուղղաթիռները կտեղափոխի «Օբորոնպրոմ» ընկերության հսկողության տակ գտնվող երկու ձեռնարկություն՝ «Կազանի ուղղաթիռների գործարանը» և «Ռոսվերտոլը»։

          what Russans doing? if they are with Armenia so they must recognize azeri as agressor and stop selling weapons,otherwise they hiting us from back


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            As wikipedia says we have inherited 30 tupolev 16s from soviet union that is now off service.
            I have 2 questions in my mind related to this article.1)Is this article a relable source?and folowing question is if it is cant we upgrade them and use them in case of war to bomb the enemies trenches and nearby cities?


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              What do airforces usually do when a plane is off service, do they take them to storage or they sell it to a third country?
              Last edited by argin; 05-14-2012, 09:59 PM.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                This idiot made me laugh for almost 30 minuts lol
                'Armenians are bluffing, hinting at possibility of strikes on Baku'
                Mon 14 May 2012 10:22 GMT | 3:22 Local Time
                Text size:

                Vladimir Timoshenko
                News.Az interviews Azerbaijani military expert Vladimir Timoshenko, a lieutenant general (retired) in the air defence forces and former MP.
                Armenian military expert Artsrun Ovanisyan, evaluating the military parade held in Karabakh, drew attention to the air defense units and tank units which, according to him, already became a brigade. He also noted that long-range military hardware was first demonstrated, suggesting that the army can provide a powerful counter-attack at a distance of 300 km. How serious is this candid hint to the address of Baku?

                There is no doubt that they have such weapons. But their air defense forces are designed not for counter-attack but to destroy air targets. Therefore, it is unclear by what they intend to apply counter-strike at 300 km. As for the formation of their brigades, one or two divisions can be called both regiment and brigade. This title does not increase the weight of armed forces. But the exact point here is that they realize that sooner or later they will have to return the occupied territories, and they are preparing for this. I think that the demonstrated weapons on their parade pose no threat.

                Do you think that in case of war, Armenians will not be able to strike on Baku?

                This is nonsense. This Ovanisyan is not expert at all. We say that we are not going to attack Armenia.

                But the Armenians sometimes are talking about the possibility of a preemptive strike.

                Why? This is excluded. In our circumstances it is impossible. For what can they make a preemptive strike? Because we, for example, can group our forces in order to clear the enemy from our territory? No. If we make the pre-emptive strike, there will remain nothing living in Karabakh.

                There are always vulnerabilities. But cities are rarely provided with full protection. Moscow today is more or less armed with latest weapons, the system S-400. The city in this sense has always been in the ring of protection. We don’t do it, don’t invest in defense of Baku, because we don’t have such a goal. We are preparing for the release of our lands. We are not aggressors, and not trying to attack anyone. Our feet will not step on the land of Armenia.

                What about Iran? There are also hints about the possibility of strikes on Azerbaijan if it joins the anti-Iranian coalition.

                Iran is not going to attack. It has so many problems now. Moreover, what purpose it may serve by attacking Azerbaijan? Do you know how many stimuli are there in the world? For the emergence of a real threat, there has to be real steps against Iran. And what in the friendship of Azerbaijan is directed against Iran? Sovereign states have the right to build their foreign policy on mutually beneficial terms.
                This is what we are doing. Therefore, Iran has no reason, and I'm sure, no plans to attack Azerbaijan. We are not a nuclear power. Yes, there are all sorts of inconsistencies, the Caspian Sea, North Iran and a number of other issues. But today we do not make any demarches in respect of Iran, do not give anyone our airfields for strikes against Iran, etc. We in our foreign policy do not allow ill-considered steps. We monitor the situation and are responsible for all of our steps. So what you say is excluded.

                Despite the accelerated arming of Azerbaijan with modern weapons, the military-political leadership of Armenia declares that it is able to provide the balance of power in the region. What is the situation in reality?

                They just have loose tongue. What else can they say? They come up with such statements due to two factors: the desire to reassure their people, and to some extent to try to warn Azerbaijan against military operations. But we are stronger.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  This one is redicilus woooow
                  The civilians participated in the parade instead of military servicemen and military equipments shown during the event were brought from Armenia

                  Baku – APA. Armenian newspapers and other sources bring the reports on Armenian military parade held in Khankendi on May 9 to light disclosing the parade show. According to those sources, the separatist regime faced with personnel problems while organizing the so-called parade and involved the demobilized civilians paying first $450 and then $380 to them. But some people were not paid and when they protested it the regime promised to solve the problem soon.

                  The photos showed that young civilians participated in the parade instead of the servicemen. The shirts worn under the uniforms and shoes unmasked them.

                  According to the last statistics given by the Armenians, more than one million people left Armenia in the past 4-5 years creating human resources problem for the army. Armenian leadership can not complete ordinary military unit and another serious problem for them is related to Nagorno Karabakh. There are no more civilians in Nagorno Karabakh and just military servicemen could be seen everywhere. The separatist regime claimed that military equipments and armaments demonstrated in the parade belonged to them. But outside authors and other Armenian sources said this report was wrong. UAZ, S-125 missile, KRUG missiles, Mercedes ML, Nissan Patrol, KamAZ, D-30, antiaircraft missile system, Mi 8 helicopters were brought from Armenia and then used in the parade.

                  The military equipments, vehicles and arms demonstrated in Yerevan parade on September 21, 2011 then were brought to Nagorno Karabakh and used in Khankendi parade on May 9, 2012. They made same cosmetic changes on vehicles and then demonstrated it.

                  13 helicopters were brought from Armenia, but 10 of them were demonstrated in the parade. Three others were out of order probably.

                  The white car carried the “general” in Khankendi parade was used by Armenian defense minister Seyran Ohanyan on September 21, 2011 when he reviewed troops in Yerevan.

                  Former militant Jirayr Safliyan, who takes opposite position against Sargsyan and leaders of separatist regime now, refused to participate in this parade because of above-mentioned issues. He said all Armenian army is protecting the current regime, but not the country and people. According to him, the Armenian defense ministry has no exact program and in case of attack, Armenian army can rely only on Russia and it is an intellectual servitude. Safliyan said it was delusion to speak about the combat readiness of the army.

                  The Armenia’s measures to find a way out give boomerang effect and work against itself


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by argin View Post
                    What do airforces usually do when a plane is off service, do they take them to storage or they sell it to a third country?
                    taking a wild guess, either sell them for scrap, or upgrade them.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by argin View Post
                      What do airforces usually do when a plane is off service, do they take them to storage or they sell it to a third country?
                      It depends on the age/lifecycle of the plane, if it's to old it will be scrapped or stored. If not, they will try to sell it to others, if that doesn’t happen they will scrape or store it anyway.

