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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    The Armenian-Turkish border is controlled by Russian border guards


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Originally posted by Federate View Post
      g the Lazika, Didgori etc. creates jobs for them in the military industribal field. What is questionable is the military value of these domestic productions. I question Georgia's ability to mass produce these. And even if they can, it would probably be cheaper to buy Russian IFVs and the such from Ukraine and simply upgrade them. Anyway, it is not like the Russians can't obliterate these new toys. This is mostly Misha trying to save face after the humiliation his army suffered in 2008. They want the morale of the country to rise.
      By that logic, massive government spending towards party hats and
      Halloween costumes is also a wise decision because it creates jobs. In other words, you also have to look at the usefulness of the product being made for that country (and in Georgia's case armament is not useful).


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by davidoga View Post
        By that logic, massive government spending towards party hats and
        Halloween costumes is also a wise decision because it creates jobs. In other words, you also have to look at the usefulness of the product being made for that country (and in Georgia's case armament is not useful).
        Developing your own domestic military industry is useful and important for a country since it will create skill. It's a nascent industry that's vital for overall national security. Their problem is that their enemy is Russia and they can't even come close to competing with them. And they chose to build useless sh!t like Didgori (when they already have multiple types of IFVs that are better). But I guess you have to start somewhere...
        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Federate View Post
          Developing your own domestic military industry is useful and important for a country since it will create skill. It's a nascent industry that's vital for overall national security. Their problem is that their enemy is Russia and they can't even come close to competing with them. And they chose to build useless sh!t like Didgori (when they already have multiple types of IFVs that are better). But I guess you have to start somewhere...
          As far as I can see, any future Russo-Georgian conflict will be the result for provocation from Georgia. Therefore,this buildup can only hurt them. But yeah, they do have to start somewhere.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
            if you are armenian citizen and 18 years old, they may not let you out of airport so easily
            not "easily"...definitely u will not pass.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              The last closed border in Europe: PHOTOS
              19:06, 25 May, 2012

              YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS: Border is never calm. This is an expression of a person, who is responsible for the defense of 120 km section of the Armenian-Turkish border. Commander of Armavir frontier detachment Alexander Zlobin is presenting the situation in the section entrusted to him with calmness typical of an experienced border guard.

              The commander’s confidence, in all appearances, comes from the rich history of the frontier detachment of Armavir: it was founded still in 1924 and has given 3 soviet heroes throughout its history.

              Today, too, our border guards continue the traditions of their hero grandfathers. From 1943 up today about 900 persons, trespassed the border of the above-mentioned section, have been arrested: local residents show support to the border gourds in this issue.

              “Our main goal is to secure the protection of interests of Armenia and Russia in the sphere of border defence,” said Alexander Zobkin. He informed that in Armavir section of Armenian-Turkish border during this year has been recorded one case of border infringement and three cases of border regime violation. To fulfill their tasks Russian border guards also cooperate with province authorities of Armenia.

              Processes of rearrangement and updating are currently underway in the frontier services of Armenia and Russia. “The staff is being replenished, and the buildings -- reconstructed,” said Zlobin.

              He noted that last year two border turnpikes of the Armenian-Turkish border were reequipped, and this year -- one. Zlobin also stressed that they strive to replenish the frontier forces with contractual servicemen mostly, who are mainly Armenian citizens. “This year’s replenishments will give an opportunity to enhance the border defense process,” he said.

              The frontier guards, conscientiously fulfilling their duty, live with an ordinary life too. Their children attend the nearby school and kindergarten. The detachment also has its own museum; here the glorious history of the detachment is presented.

              May 28 marks the Border Guards Day. “Armenpress” news agency staff joins all congratulations.
              The Armenian national under-21 football team gets ready for the game with Montenegro’s youth football team. As Armenpress was reported by the Football...

              Last edited by burjuin; 05-25-2012, 03:05 PM.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Last edited by burjuin; 05-25-2012, 03:05 PM.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  new uniform for border guards? ^^


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by davidoga View Post
                    For Russia to destroy the pipeline, it would have to cross all of Georgia (including the capital), which is not something they will be able to justify. If/when BTC is attacked, it will be by Armenia/NKR.
                    unless saka gives russia casus belli by closing border with Armenia, or maybe NATO intervening in conflict, since any NATO forces in georgia is unacceptable to russia, that would be end of georgia(yet again)


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      The Armenian-Turkish border is controlled by Russian border guards

