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Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

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  • #31
    Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

    Azerbaijan: Tackling Ethnicity and Conflict No Easy Task

    Reporter describes how things get very personal if you ask people how they feel about Armenians.
    By Shahla Sultanova - Caucasus
    CRS Issue 636,
    26 Mar 12
    My interview for a scholarship at the Caucasus School of Journalism and Media Management in Georgia was going well, when Professor Tinatin Tsomaia asked me whether I would mind studying alongside an Armenian.

    “And this Armenian is from Nagorny Karabakh,” she added.

    I knew that objecting might cost me the scholarship, but I could not help myself.

    The Story Behind the Story gives an insight into the work that goes into IWPR articles and the challenges faced by our trainees at every stage of the editorial process.
    “You have an Armenian student from Nagorny Karabakh?” I said. “Don’t expect me to be tolerant. That’s Azerbaijani land. It should be Azerbaijanis at your school.”

    I was raised in the north of Azerbaijan in the ethnic Avar community, so my family did not experience the trauma caused by the Karabakh war. We did not witness the exodus of refugees who lost their homes and their loved ones. We never heard gunfire or saw people killed.

    Nevertheless, like many young people in Azerbaijan, I had been conditioned by the media and my teachers to hate Armenians.

    Fortunately, I got the scholarship anyway. On our first day at the school of journalism, all the students sat in a Tbilisi café introducing ourselves. We just said our first names, so we had no idea of each other’s ethnic origin.

    I sat next to a girl with hazel eyes who smiled all the time. Charmed by her friendliness and taking her for a Georgian, I chatted to her. It was only in class that I discovered she was the Armenian student from Nagorny Karabakh, Lilit Asryan.

    I could not maintain my reserve for long. Her positive energy made me smile back at her when we worked on group projects, and I soon reversed my views altogether. She was a great person, not just some Armenian.

    By the end, Lilit was my best friend at college. We never discussed Nagorny Karabakh, guessing it would take us nowhere. But along with the other Armenian students at on the course, she removed all my prejudices against the nation.

    Since returning to Azerbaijan, I have often been criticised by friends and colleagues for my tolerant attitudes towards Armenians.

    I had to face the same issues when I was gathering material for a jointly-authored piece on history textbooks, called History Lessons in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    When I asked an Azerbaijani school pupil, “Is it OK to call Armenians fascists and bandits in textbooks?,” his teacher got angry with me. She accused me of asking the “wrong” questions and “brainwashing” her pupils. For her, those were the right terms to use about Armenians, and that was that.

    The author of one of the history texts under discussion, Tofig Veliyev, accused me of acting against the interests of the Azerbaijani nation when I asked him if it was necessary to describe the Armenians as ‘fascists’ in his book. He said I was siding with the Armenians, and I should change my ways.

    I asked the people I interviewed as many questions as I could. That made the grandfather of one interviewee, schoolgirl Guljennet Huseynli, suspicious and he asked whether I knew anything about the Karabakh war.

    “I don think you know enough to report on this issue,” he said. “You’re asking such provocative questions. Of course young people will hate them [Armenians]. That’s the way it should be.”

    He knew I was from the north of Azerbaijan, which is mostly populated by minorities, and he said my ethnicity would lead me to write a biased story.

    My facial features caused me problems. Because I don’t look like a typical Azerbaijani, people asked me whether I was of mixed ethnicity. When I told them I was an Avar, that put them on their guard me.

    “It isn’t right for an Avar to cover issues like Nagorny Karabakh. You need to be an ethnic Azerbaijani to understand what we really feel,” one person I approached said.

    Faig Shahbazli, head of the education ministry’s publications department, was very friendly during the interview I conducted with him, but then he stopped and asked whether I was from a mixed marriage.

    Fearing he would say the same thing as other interviewees, I replied, “No. Both my parents are Azerbaijani,” lying about my ethnicity for the first time in my life.

    I have to note, however, that some people welcomed the idea of writing about how Azerbaijani and Armenian history books describe the other side. They tended to be middle-aged Azerbaijanis who had Armenian friends before the conflict.

    IWPR - Institute for War & Peace Reporting gives voice to people at the frontlines of conflict and transition to help them drive change.


    • #32
      Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

      Azerbaijanis Flock to Iran for Food, Medicines

      Everything is cheaper south of the border, and healthcare is perceived as better as well.
      By Samira Ahmedbeyli - Caucasus
      CRS Issue 643,
      28 May 12

      People from southern Azerbaijan make regular trips to neighbouring Iran to buy food and access healthcare. Despite the crowds and obstructive officials at the border crossing, they say it is still worth the effort for the money they save.

      For some commentators, the cross-border trade is also a cause for alarm, where some see it as another avenue through which Tehran can project its influence. Despite cultural similarities between the two nations, post-Soviet Azerbaijan and Islamic Iran maintain an uneasy coexistence.

      “There are many unemployed people like me in Astara, and most of the men in work have insecure temporary jobs and earn a maximum of 200 manats [250 US dollars] a month,” Akif Huseynov, from the border town of Astara, said. “How can you feed a family on that amount? We have to go to Iran, where everything is half the price it is here.”

      The frontier separates Astara from its Iranian namesake, and long queues form at customs as people from other parts of southern Azerbaijan like Lenkoran and Lerik join the locals on their shopping forays.

      Huseynov said Iranian officials were helpful and did not stop people going home with bagloads of food they had bought – in contrast to their Azerbaijani counterparts.

      “Each time we go, our customs officers take half our food away from us and discard it. Supposedly you’re not allowed to bring in more than ten kilograms of foodstuffs, and they say you have to pay one or two manats for every extra kilogram. That makes the cost the same as it is in Astara, and you’d have to ask why you even went to Iran,” he said.

      Before walking across to the Iranian side, would-be visitors have to wait inside one of a pair of caged enclosures, which lead to customs in Astara.

      When an IWPR reporter visited, a crowd of Azerbaijani nationals were kept waiting in one of these for three hours. The other enclosure, designated for foreign citizens, was faster, though it still took an hour. A cleaner pointed the journalist to this faster route, which she said she could enter in return for a “small fee”.

      “You can see this horror show every day from early in the morning until 12 or one o’clock,” said Maqsud, a man from Yardimli in southern Azerbaijan. “The majority of these people are lie me, going to Iran for food. First you have to wait two or three hours just to get inside the cage, then you have to stand inside it for about the same amount of time. It’s closed off on all sides and people often get ill there. And it takes an hour for the border guards to open the door while you’re shouting at them.”

      Despite this treatment, Maqsud said he went to Iran twice a month.

      “I am a teacher on 240 manats [a month]. If I don’t go to Iran to get food, my family will starve,” he said. “Of course you can shell out ten or 15 manats and go via the left-hand cage which is meant for foreigners. People are allowed through quicker and you don’t have to wait nearly as long. But I can buy a lot of food in Iran for that money, so it’s a shame to give it to the border guards.”

      Asen Hashimli, a member of the opposition Musavat party who lives in Iran, said the situation was an indictment of conditions in Azerbaijan.

      “All these people are going to Iran for cheap food, manufactured goods and medicines. And it isn’t the first year this has been happening,” he said. “Medicines in Iran are low in price and high in quality. For poor Azerbaijanis, Iran has become the only hope of feeding their families and getting treatment. And sadly, Azerbaijani customs exploit them.”

      Safura Qadimova is among those who have benefited from Iran’s healthcare system.

      “I’ve been married eight years, but we didn’t have children. I underwent endless tests and treatment, amounting to over 5,000 manats,” she said. “In the end, my friends advised me to go to Iran. I spent 400 dollars there and it only took a month – after the first course of treatment, I got pregnant immediately.”

      Natig Ibadov, Astara’s deputy mayor with special responsibility for healthcare, acknowledged that local residents often went to Iran for treatment, but he insisted the town’s new hospital would improve matters.

      “It’s got everything. The president set aside another two million manats to build a second wing. Now we’ll be able to treat our own patients and there will be no need to go to Iran,” Ibadov said.

      The hospital is certainly large and looks well-equipped. But when this IWPR contributor visited it, there was not a single patient in sight, just doctors and nurses sitting drinking tea.

      Hashimli said the hospital would do little to stem the flow of people heading for Iran.

      “If we don’t have decent doctors, and the ones we do have think only about getting money from their patients, then who’s going to go there?” he asked. “Everyone is still going to Iran.”

      Hashimli said the government needed to pay more attention to southern parts of Azerbaijan because of their strategically sensitive location.

      “It’s no secret that Iran wields influence in southern areas of Azerbaijan. And now it’s expanding its influence because of the local population’s needs,” he said. “Our government has to take this seriously. It must provide people with work and create the conditions for them to live decent lives, to study and to access medical treatment, so that citizens of Azerbaijan aren’t reliant on Iran.”

      Samira Ahmedbeyli is an IWPR reporter on Azerbaijan.


      • #33
        Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

        Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
        Azerbaijan: Tackling Ethnicity and Conflict No Easy Task

        Reporter describes how things get very personal if you ask people how they feel about Armenians.
        dont bother. It's a lost cause. azeris wont last that long.


        • #34
          Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

          Several things wrong in above posts.
          General time frame in above posts are around 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th century ad.
          Many claims of Caucasian language(but with large percentage of Iranic /Turkic words.
          Also stated that Caucasian (Albanian) is not related to Albanian of contemporary Albanian.
          All wrong.
          Approx. 6th century bc a large group of people showed up in the watershed between what is now Georgia and the Caspian sea.
          Those people are directly related to the people who occupied what is now known as modern Albania.
          Their are virtually none of these people left of the original(old Albanians) in that distinct form.
          The closest are the Udi.
          The Udi before they became Udi were these (old Albanians) that were attacked by a precursor Iranic (Parthic) people's. The (Irons) spoken of are those precursor Iranic .
          The other people's spoken of are a result of following waves of Turkic/Hunic invaders that we're either from the breakup of the original Mongol army or waves of people(Turkic/Hunic) that were pushed out(escaped)
          From the original formation of the original Mongol army.
          Their are no Caucasian Albanians before about 6 th century bc.
          Those (old Albanians) start their history then and cannot remember(or don't want to) were they came from.
          Those original Albanians predate all the other people's who claim ancestors their.
          The Armenians had been living from their to the Caspian for thousands of years before 600 bc.
          Look at the names of of mountains streams etc. to easily see our original presence.
          Also the Hurrians and Subartians predate the Albanian arrival and were the original part of us(Armenian) that were pushed out of the region.
          The claim(bull sh-t) by any and all Turk/Hunic/Mongolics is nothing more than another attempt by them to legitimize their false claim to be indeginous to the area.
          Armenia had small kingdoms scattered throughout the area long before anyone else showed up.
          Their is more and it can be found but you cannot talk of 3/4/5/6th century ad and call those people original


          • #35
            Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

            Artashes, do you claim that the now day Balkanian Albanians are originally from the Transcaucasus?
            Our Aghvans on the north-eastern shores of the Kur river and the Albans of Kosovo and Pristina are related??????

            Is there any trace of such migration?
            How come they did such a migration, while we were at the middle?
            Those guys language is caucasian related???


            • #36
              Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

              Also let me make an example here.
              The Talish were originally old Albanian/Udi.
              Those people's pushed us out but many isolated armenian communities were trapped and absorbed before the Turkic invasions began(long before).
              We occupied the entire shallow water Caspian coast and little bit more since archaic times and there are hidden Armenian communities Evan to this day.
              If one tries to find oldest place names you will see this.
              Also there are hidden ancient Armenian kingdoms from this early period that have never been found(no one is looking for them).


              • #37
                Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

                Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
                Artashes, do you claim that the now day Balkanian Albanians are originally from the Transcaucasus?
                Our Aghvans on the north-eastern shores of the Kur river and the Albans of Kosovo and Pristina are related??????

                Is there any trace of such migration?
                How come they did such a migration, while we were at the middle?
                Those guys language is caucasian related???
                No, I'm not saying the Albanians of modern Balkans originated in the Caucasian mountains.
                I'm saying the Albanians of the Balkans and the old Albanians that came into the Caucasians about 6th century bc ad the same people.
                It was about the same time period that both came into the respective areas.
                The language is only related to both Albania and Caucasian to about 6th century bc.


                • #38
                  Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

                  Also, the Pristina etc. Albans that you speak of are a mixture of the(Albans) and Turkic/Hunic which is why the Serbs hate them. They are the last holdout of the mongoloidic invasions and the Serbs haven't forgot.
                  Only the west and Russia wants to forget that there is no european or Anatolian Turk or Hun.


                  • #39
                    Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

                    Also you ask: are there any trace of these migrations and why did they make these migrations and why we're we in the middle?
                    First:why were we in the middle--- look at the watershed of trans-caucasia.
                    We naturally moved into these areas as the water receded.
                    Are there any traces of these migrations? Yes.
                    Look to the migration studies by virtually any acknowledged scholar of today(but not Turkic/Hunic ? Scholars?).
                    The question of why these people and others made these migrations is is obscured by the mists of time.
                    All or at least many are in a historical period that is either almost completely lost or remembered in archaic or fantasy form if at all.
                    This section of history is only found in artifacts or archaic myth.
                    A big war happened that virtually everyone has forgotten about.
                    Only in the wildest myths can you see this time(big migrations are aftermath).


                    • #40
                      Re: Artsakh, Lezgistan, Avaristan, Taloshistan

                      Also, the Aghvans you speak of are us(Armenians) that were one(of many) that were isolated when the main body of us were pushed out.
                      Look at their(Aghvans) language.
                      Look to oldest place/area names in Aghvans area.

