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Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

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  • Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

    For reasons unbeknownst to most of the world, the late Azeri leader is venerated all over Azerbaijan. Every year, Azeri political leaders (and their spouses) issue statements that range from the platitudinous to the ridiculous:

    The best way to honour former President Heydar Aliyev's memory is to continue to develop Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev has said.

    "Heydar Aliyev's service to Azerbaijan lived on in the hearts of the people." –Ilham Aliyev
    “We can see the indelible traces of the genius of Heydar Aliyev on every page of our contemporary history.” –Mehriban Aliyeva
    How do Armenians remember Heydar Aliyev? Is there any truth to the rumor that he participated in the unveiling of the "We Are Our Mountains" monument in Nagorno-Karabagh? Was the whole Heydar Aliyev personality cult perpetuated by his son, or was he revered by the Azeri people even before? Finally, who's your favorite Turkic leader with a personality cult – Atatürk, Aliyev, or Türkmenbashi?

    Have at it, folks.
    Last edited by TomServo; 05-11-2011, 05:55 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

    Heydar Aliyev got on his knees for Leonid Brezhnev during the Soviet era and in return Brezhnev patted him and Azerbaijan's head for awhile and he became the leader of the SSR. Then USSR collapsed and he was seen as the only leader and the 'founder' of Republic of Azerbaijan. He was also leading them during the "Ermeni terrorizm" in Karabakh so he developed more affection by his beloved Azerbaboon 'nation'. It's really an identity crisis problem.

    He became larger than life when he died and his son has helped in the further advancement of his personality cult. He was big when he was alive and he got bigger when he died. They erect statues of him everywhere they can in the world, or basically whoever can get a nice deal on oil from Azerbaijan these days (Romania, Hungary). I haven't seen much opinion on him personally by Armenians but I can't suspect they are better than his son given that he perpetuated genocides of Armenian all over his sh!thole country.

    My favourite is Nursultan Nazarbayev simply because he wins elections with a 95.5% margin.
    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • #3
      Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

      Originally posted by TomServo View Post
      Finally, who's your favorite Turkic leader with a personality cult – Atatürk, Aliyev, or Türkmenbashi?

      Have at it, folks.
      Türkmenbashi easily wins hand down - even Aliyev didn't dare rename the months after himself and his mother.

      His early death was such a loss to the world of mad dictators. And he only had 11 friends.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • #4
        Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

        Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
        His early death was such a loss to the world of mad dictators. And he only had 11 friends.
        I'm surprised there are still 11 people using MySpace!


        • #5
          Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

          Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
          Türkmenbashi easily wins hand down - even Aliyev didn't dare rename the months after himself and his mother.

          His early death was such a loss to the world of mad dictators. And he only had 11 friends.
          That guy is hilarious
          Saparmurat Niyazov -- President of Turkmenistan

          Niyazov was president of Turkmenistan and later promoted himself to President for Life. He seized power after the breakup of the Soviet Union, filling the vacuum left by Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin. He also looked like Emeril Lagasse.

          Niyazov had a penchant for renaming things. He renamed the months of the year, with January named "Turkmenbashi," which means Father of the Turkmen, a name he gave himself. He also changed the names of the days of the week to things like "Young Day" and "Spirituality Day" ("Twinkie Twin Day" was presumably discussed but ultimately not selected). He also changed the word "bread" to "Gurbansoltan" which incidentally was the name of his mother, suggesting that one of his fantasies was to see his mother eaten alive by poor people.
          Niyazov outlawed beards on men and makeup on television anchors, and prohibited both chewing tobacco and lip-syncing on Turkmenistan soil. In lieu of tobacco, he suggested that people chew on bones, which he argued would strengthen their teeth. The types of bones and how to obtain them were left to the imagination of the populace.

          This Neutrality Arch includes a golden statue of Niyazov that rotates to face the sun. For reals.
          He also wrote a book called Ruhnama, which meant "Book of the Soul." Students were required to study it in schools and or be demolished. Memorization of the book was even required for getting a driver's license. Niyazov told his people that as a result of a pact made between him and Allah, anybody who read his book three times would automatically go to heaven.

          Then in 2005, Niyazov launched a copy of it into space for aliens to read. This is as good a time as any to mention that Niyazov was illiterate.
          Finally, to cement his legacy of batxxxx lunacy, he ordered that an ice palace be built in the capital of Turkmenistan, which as you may know is a desert country.

          What happened to him?

          Niyazov's life was marred by assassination attempts that probably surprised nobody but himself. But blessed by the spirits of the Turkmen, he escaped every one of them before dying of cardiac arrest in 2006, which may have been a result of being poisoned, presumably by some 16-year-old Turkman who failed his driver's license exam.
          History is loaded with power-hungry jerks who rule over their countries' fearful populations like the Predator in a laser tag match. Oftentimes these people are infamous not just for their cruelty, but also for their bafflingly insane and self-indulgent antics.


          • #6
            Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

            Celebration of a flower

            Today in Azerbaijan for the ninth time said the most important holiday of the year - holiday colors. Officially, the holiday was born in honor of Heydar Aliyev's birthday, but knowledgeable people say that nobody in the world does not know exactly when the next "national leader of Azerbaijan is blessed filthy tent of the nomadic Kurds Alirza his first cry. Presumably, Heydar Aliyev was born somewhere in the late twenties, of unknown age, the same day, when born of a black sheep, a lamb with a white rear right paw broke away from the mother's nipple and began their own to graze on the young green grass Syunik foothills. Maybe it really happened in May, although a lot depends on the altitude above sea level on the day wandered relatives newborn Haydar.
            Whatever it was, Heydar Aliyev was born. And then, having lived for 80 (plus or minus 5) years, and took, and died, as happens with all mortals, including those with fathers of nations, and with national leaders, and even the father of all Turks. Heydar Aliyev died, too, knows where and who knows when. Presumably, at some stage of the journey between Ankara and the U.S. Cleveland, in the period from 1 st to 7 th August 2003.
            Unexpected, I would say, ripening death of Heydar highly pleased Azeri population, who built on this feast of flowers, fireworks and fireworks. However, this rapid expression of joy came to him, that is, the population of Azerbaijan, sideways, and now a respectful son of Heydar causes them all to rejoice in the day of the alleged (or suspected to day?) The birth of his father. With the same colors, fireworks, only in a much larger scale. And called this act festival of flowers.
            Judging from the photos, annually and abundantly demonstrated by the Azeri media, on the feast of colors are used primarily imported from fifty states flowers and ordinary home-grown chamomile, roses, violets, and various other gerbera with cloves. Of these colors are woven carpets, some small animals with a person younger Haydar, as well as different compositions with pretensions to the art of ikebana. That is, this day is really a holiday for florists, and executive positions. First sold in this day its entire stock zavyanuvshih flowers, the latter written reports, which argue the huge costs fabulous prices on spring flowers and high transport costs.
            Meanwhile, I have an idea, the implementation of which can save tens of millions of budget funds in Azerbaijan (only this year, Azerbaijan imported for the Festival of Flowers 100 million flowers), as well as fully express the value for Azerbaijan, Heydar. I believe that Ilham have to abandon the Flower Festival and organize holiday flower. Of course, I understand that Ilham used to replicate his dad, especially in the form of monuments, names of clubs, hair salons, palaces, ships, and so on, but it is in color, this process mindless clone would cost to stop. And limited to one big flower. Taking into account the partiality of Ilham to megalomania, we can offer him the biggest flower in the world - amorfofallos.
            This flower is not only remarkable for its size - fixed amorfofallos high five and a half feet - but also fully meets the realities of Azerbaijan, is not by chance it is also called devil's tongue, snake palm, and (Warning), corpse flower. My idea, I dare to hope, will appeal the Azerbaijani leadership, for all these name of a flower is fully responsible habits, character, and the current state of Heydar Aliyev. We also note that the amorphous (c), translated from Greek as "formless", that the second part of the name of a flower, I hope everything is clear without any translation.
            Amorfofallos, as has been said, a giant flower, and can compete in this respect with any of the 7894 monument to Heydar Aliyev.

            How easy to guess the most limited Azerbaijani opposition, it is not only in size amorfofallosa. A flower consists of two components: the feminine and masculine. Masculine amorfofallosa, despite the root "amorfos, quite a formed. Amorfofallos in honor of dad in the center of Baku, Ilham will look very symbolic: no one is "used" feminine nature of Azerbaijan as Heydar Aliyev. So I find what this flower to flower to celebrate the holiday - the birthday of "national leader" of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev.
            Have the flower one feature: it's incredibly smelly. Knowledgeable people say that amorfofallos simultaneously exudes the smell of rotten eggs, rotten fish and rotting corpses. However, I believe that Baku citizens and visitors of the Azerbaijani capital would not be against the smell all these perfumes for Haydar. In the end, during the life of the inhabitants of Azerbaijan, Heydar and such tests are transferred. Let more be tolerated. Especially because amorfofallos blooms only seven - ten days, living in Azerbaijan, Heydar suffered as much from 1969.
            Another argument in favor of issuing amorfofallosa after the alleged birthday of Heydar. This flower, just like Gaydar, every autumn dies, it is completely dries up and falls again to be reborn in the spring. Caucasian Turks, being the best florist - and not just Florist - in the world, can ensure that their amorfofallos begin to bloom exactly at the right day - May 10. And coming from Heidar-amorfofallosa flavor decaying corpse will usher in Baku on the whole a great holiday - came the next Chief birthday in Azerbaijan.

            Sagatel BAKVESHINYAN
            PS for the main ceremonies of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mehtiyev. At the University of Bonn is a rare instance of amorfofallosa, which blooms at the same time more "fragrant" flowers. In the case of Azerbaijan it can be used as a symbol of the continuity of the Aliyev family. While in Bonn very much value their amorfofallosom, I think you should Prestressing and buy a flower along with the staff.


            • #7
              Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

              Azeris believe Heydar Aliyev’s ghost pushed Emmy out of Eurovision

              May 13, 2011 - 13:12 AMT

              PanARMENIAN.Net - With the recent publications, the Azerbaijani media pursues two definite goals – to cast a slur upon Armenians and glorify the Aliyev clan. Often these goals are combined in one article. Any topic is suitable for this purpose – starting from the Armenian President’s speech up to Eurovision song contest.

              Armenia’s Emmy has not qualified for Eurovision 2011 final. According to, “this is a result of diligent and dedicated work of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his team that is strategically aimed at the Azerbaijani people’s prosperity.”

              It is too difficult to find a logical link between Emmy’s failure to get through to the contest final and diligent work of the Azerbaijani President, taking into consideration the fact that though Eurovision is considered to be an unofficial platform for political games, officially it is a song contest where presidents and their teams have nothing to do.

              Moreover, it is very symbolic for the Azerbaijani media that Emmy failed on May 10 – birthday of “Azerbaijan’s pan-national leader” Heydar Aliyev, who according to publications, also contributed considerably to Armenia’s failure at the song contest.

              Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


              • #8
                Re: Heydar Aliyev's Birthday

                Flower festival in Baku on fictional birthday
                When listing all the accomplishments and titles of Heydar Baba, it is not useless to recall that it was under his rule that Azerbaijan lost seven regions of the safety zone, suffered a defeat in the war and got hundreds of thousands of refugees, who will never receive a single penny from petrodollars.

                May 10 marks the birthday of national leader of Azerbaijan, Father of the Nation, founder of modern Azerbaijan, former senior functionary of the CPSU Central Committee, member of the Political Bureau, KGB general Heydar Aliyev. Of all his titles, a good half of which is not mentioned, the most important is, perhaps, the rank of KGB general, which he received for concentrated displacement of Armenians from Azerbaijan and Karabakh, as well as... for establishing ties with Turkey and Iran. These ties proved very helpful to Azerbaijan after the collapse of the Soviet Union and they are now.
                May 10, 2011
                PanARMENIAN.Net - May 10 marks the official birthday of Heydar Aliyev, who, if alive, would turn 88. However, in none of his biographies there’s the exact date and year of birth given. Some sources say that before the World War II Aliyev changed his date of birth, not to be drafted and immediately went to serve in the People’s Commissariat for Interior Affairs, which automatically “saved” him from joining the army. By the way, according to various sources, he is not an Azerbaijani but a Kurd, and was born not in Nakhichevan but in Sisian, Armenia. Only some time after his birth the family moved to Nakhichevan. But be that as it may – the life and death of this man were all false and fraudulent. The date of Aliyev’s death is shrouded in secrecy – only the year and place of his death are definite. Heydar Aliyev died at the Cleveland Clinic in the U.S. after undergoing several unsuccessful heart operations. He died on August 1, 2003 but Azerbaijani people were notified of his death only on December 12...

                Former press secretary of the Turkish Embassy in Baku, Turgut Er, author of the acclaimed book “From Freedom to Tyranny” about Heydar Aliyev, condemns the Azerbaijani authorities for creating an authoritarian regime, exploiting its people and the resources of the country. On the question of what caused Dawn to take up the pen and amass as many enemies, he replied: “I worked in Azerbaijan from 1993 to 2001. Many things I have seen and know I have not written about. If I published it, the scandal would be even greater, and many people in your country would have to leave. I thought hard, and the worse the situation became in Azerbaijan, the more I wanted to reveal the reasons for it. When I hear the authorities praising themselves for their great achievements in democracy, and at the same time people drown in blood, I feel very bad. When you see that a 17-year old boy, the son of a government minister, is the head of a large holding in Azerbaijan and is a billionaire, or that a year after his appointment some minister owns large business structures, it is terrible. And this horror is greater because this regime wants everything to continue!”

                After publication of the book, Azerbaijani authorities accused Er of slander and anti-Azerbaijani activities, as he revealed Heydar Aliyev’s two-faced policy, and noted that very often Aliyev acted in his own interests, rather than in the interests of his people.

                The ex-diplomat considers it his patriotic duty to inform the present and future generations of Azerbaijanis and Turks about what really happened in Azerbaijan in the ‘90s and who is responsible for it. “Is it a secret that it was Heydar Aliyev who came to power and gave the Armenians six regions, and caused the deaths of thousands of soldiers in Karabakh? He accused the government of the Popular Front of inactivity, promised to return Karabakh, but in fact, he inflicted a crushing blow on Azerbaijan. And now they compare that man with Ataturk, and call him the father of nation?” exclaims Er, quite fairly.

                He believes the oil strategy of the country was laid long before Aliyev; he would never have dared to expel Russian troops from the country, and to invite western oil companies. This was done prior to him. “The first thing Aliyev tried to do when he came to power was to freeze oil contracts in order to please Russia , and when he did not manage to do so, he began to realize them, but in worse conditions. But he and his family have become very rich. Here it is - his praised oil strategy!” Er said sarcastically. “Having handed over the territory around Karabakh, Aliyev could do nothing better than to bow to the Russians, disband the most combat-ready units and increase the number of police officers from 9.000 to 150.000. This was done not for the liberation of Karabakh, but to ensure that this regime could rule with impunity and get richer at the expense of the people. Those who love their country would never do this; it is the behavior of a monarch who despises the common people, and who puts his throne above all else in the world,” the Turkish diplomat said.

                And humorously treats the fact that Azerbaijani authorities may serve him with the charge of libel: “Our court will uphold everything I have said, because I have all the documents, and I will submit them to court. Will the authorities say that there was no Bishkek protocol, that Suret Huseynov was not appointed by Heydar Aliyev, that special-mission units were not executed and that many other things are not his doing?

                For several years now Flower Festival is held in Azerbaijan on May 10 in honor of Heydar Aliyev. Well, and Victory Day in Baku was celebrated in the best traditions of the genre. A large group of Karabakh war veterans led by holder of the Azerbaijan Flag Order, “legendary” scout Ibad Huseynov and deputy of the Milli Mejlis Agil Abbas, as well as commanders of military units that took part in the Karabakh war, laid flowers at the tomb of Heydar Aliyev, thus observing the Day of Victory in Great Patriotic War.

