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Regional geopolitics

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  • Re: Regional geopolitics

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post

    Read more at:
    Kav litzi, hangardz tarkmanutyan skhal lini.
    Te votch anlurtch haydararutyun e. Hayasdanum tchga deghagayvadz votch mi pan, vor gara hasnel etkan heru.... i harg e yete khoske russ-turkagan baderazmi massin tchi.
    Isg vorbess transit, russnere votch mi badjar tchunen Hayasdanov antznelu....
    Haziv haz mi had Antonov yen hastzenum... el ur mnatz transit, yerp turkyan, vrasdanen u atrbeyjane otayn jampen paken....



    • Re: Regional geopolitics

      21 ноября 2015

      Сирийские курды готовят сюрпризы для США и Турции?

      Через три дня после серии терактов в Париже распространилась информация о том, что США и Турция всё-таки намерены начать наземные операции в целях взятия под контроль сирийско-турецкой границы. Если это соответствует действительности, то мир сталкивается с резким изменением тактики скрытых покровителей группировки «Исламское государство». Мишенью США и Турции станут именно курды — сторонники самых популярных в Северной Сирии «Партии Демократический союз» и «Отрядов народной самообороны», а не боевики «Исламского государства». Возможно, что наглый демарш Анкары с вызовом в МИД посла России в Турции Андрея Карлова и выражением ему протеста в связи с действиями российских Воздушно-космических сил (ВКС) «против сирийских туркоманов» связан не только с тем, что армия Сирии и её союзники активно контратакуют в северо-западном и северо-восточном направлениях от Алеппо и уже освободили ряд туркоманских селений в означенных зонах. «Проблема туркоманов» в Ираке и Сирии — всегда удобный повод для Анкары к вмешательству во внутренние дела этих соседних стран, тут нет неожиданности. Но вот совместный план США и Турции по установлению контроля над сирийско-турецкой границей с сирийской стороны — это реальная угроза. Причём, в первую очередь, — для курдов Сирии.
      Напомним, что именно Турция и США стремились оккупировать территории Северной Сирии глубиной до 50 км от сирийско-турецкой границы с целью создания так называемой «зоны безопасности». Здесь должны были сгруппироваться «умеренные сирийские оппозиционеры», т. е. по сути — террористы, коль скоро уже и на российском, и на западном телевидении полковники «Свободной сирийской армии» откровенно признают: «Бойцы „Исламского государства“ и „Джебхат ан-Нусра“ — наши братья, у нас с ними хорошие контакты».
      Под свои цели американцы ещё в середине октября текущего года сколотили новейшую «умеренную сирийскую оппозицию», назвав её «Демократическими силами Сирии» и втиснув в неё откровенно бандитскую арабо-курдскую группировку «Фаджр аль-Хуррия». Вскоре в Эрбиле американцы же сколачивают некую «Демократическую партию Курдистана Сирии», ну, а отряды «Фаджр аль-Хуррия» по сути становятся вооружённой силой как бы именно «Демократической партии Курдистана Сирии». Всё названное, видимо, осколки обанкротившегося Курдского национального совета, пытавшегося в 2012−14 гг. поднять курдов Сирии на борьбу с режимом Башара Асада и позиционировавшего себя в качестве выразителя интересов сирийских курдов в контактах с «умеренной сирийской оппозицией», Западом и Турцией. Однако «Партия Демократический союз» и «Отряды народной самообороны» курдов категорическим ультиматумом начать войну с Турцией, если турки предпримут интервенцию в Северную Сирию, с одной стороны, заставили Вашингтон и Анкару отказаться от плана вторжения и оккупации 50-километровой «зоны безопасности». С другой — вынудили США вступить с ними в контакт и переговоры.
      Понятно, что на возвращение к прежнему плану американцев и турок подтолкнули успешные действия ВКС России и коалиции сирийской регулярной армии с её «полевыми союзниками» — при таких темпах контрнаступления, сирийская часть границы с Турцией вполне может быть зачищена от террористов уже к 31 декабря. Но, как оказалось, причина и в том, что антитурецки настроенные «Партия Демократический союз» и «Народная самооборона курдов» также усиленно готовятся к предстоящим тектоническим изменениям в оперативной обстановке на сирийских фронтах. Это следует из информации, распространённой проамериканской частью курдов о том, что в ночь на 10 ноября возобновились аресты проамериканских курдов, и это уже третья волна подобных арестов в этом году. Это сразу напомнило о том, что именно из-за позиций по американо-турецкому плану оккупации Северной Сирии внутри самих сирийских курдов, ориентировочно, с лета 2014 г. шли и продолжаются серьёзные трения. Так, Курдский национальный совет объявил, что он и союзнические с ним организации находятся «в состоянии конфликта с «Партией Демократический союз», и обвиняет их в сотрудничестве с правительством Асада, а также в силовом давлении на проамериканских курдов. Вспомнилось также, что «антитурецкие» курды, в свою очередь, обвиняли своих оппонентов в том, что «они незаконно пытаются сформировать свою собственную армию», альтернативную «Народной самообороне курдов», и готовы к предательству, вступив в сговор с Анкарой.
      Итак, курды Сирии, ориентированные на Иран и Россию, а также Башара Асада, возобновили аресты своих соплеменников, ориентированных на США. Зная их ярую антитурецкость, нетрудно понять, что в Северной Сирии курды «между собой» обвиняют членов и Курдского национального совета, и «Демократической партии Курдистана Сирии» в «предательстве» и попытке служения интересам Турции. Понятно также, что «традиционные» курдские силы Сирии ведут некую СВОЮ игру с американцами. Остаётся понять, для чего же «антитурецкие» курды Сирии арестовывают проамериканских соплеменников. На наш взгляд, кое-что прояснил ряд сообщений от 13 ноября. Во-первых, при поддержке американской авиации курды Ирака начали довольно скоротечную и удачную операцию по освобождению одного из ареалов иракских езидов — горного городка Синджар (Шангал) в провинции Нейнава (Ниневия). Но что интересно — оказывается, в освобождении участвовали не только иракские курды и езидские добровольцы, но и… повстанцы Курдской рабочей партии (PKK) из числа турецких курдов. Во всяком случае, так сообщали корреспонденты ÊzîdîPress. Во-вторых, параллельно бойцы PKK возобновили атаки на турецких военных и жандармерию в юго-восточной Турции, на этот раз у городка Сильван (вилайет Диярбекир) и в сторону вилайета Ширнак — того самого, где летом курды пытались провозгласить «Ширнакскую автономию». Один из местных депутатов в Twitter охарактеризовал спецоперацию турецких силовиков в Сильване, которая проводится при поддержке вертолётов и танков, как «бойню», и это уже напоминает расправы турок над городками Джизре и Юксекова. К тому же курдские источники сообщили, что «в Австрии найден мёртвым племянник Абдуллы Оджалана Хусейн Йылдырым». Волей-неволей, при сведении этих информаций в единую цепочку приходится предположить, что всё это — последствия того, что вскоре после проведения в Турции парламентских выборов экс-лидер PKK призвал курдских политических деятелей более не посещать его в тюрьме и, вообще, «забыть о нём». Тем самым Оджалан развязал руки не только своим сопартийцам, но и всем курдам региона, питающим ненависть к Турции и США как главному спонсору экспансии Анкары против Сирии и Ирака, на деле — против курдов этих стран.
      Тем не менее, создаётся впечатление, что вскоре «что-то» произойдёт и в Ираке, и в Сирии, в том числе в среде курдов. Освобождение езидского Синджара означает, что прервана сухопутная связь между двумя «столицами» «Исламского халифата» — иракским Мосулом и сирийской Раккой. Будут ли курды в Ираке штурмовать Мосул, сказать трудно. Но вот что сирийские курды вполне могут попытаться самостоятельно освободить Ракку, и именно поэтому отряды PKK попытались отвлечь на себя внимание Анкары атаками в Сильване и Ширнаке — это выглядит вполне вероятным. Ещё большим неприятным сюрпризом для США и Турции может стать то, что курды, освободив Ракку, передадут город под контроль армии Сирии. Ведь общеизвестно, что курды, в том числе и в Турции, свыше года обвиняют именно Анкару в том, что турки используют группировку «Исламское государство» для осуществления «геноцида курдов».
      Ближневосточная редакция EADaily


      • Re: Regional geopolitics


        14:32, 26 Nov 2015
        Siranush Ghazanchyan


        Iran's Fars news agency reports on gains made by the Syrian Army and
        National Defense Forces in the area around the port of Latakia.

        Syrian government forces made gains against terrorist groups in
        Latakia Province, in the west of Syria close to the border with Turkey,
        Fars News reported.

        "The Syrian Army alongside the country's National Defense Forces
        (NDF) on Wednesday continued pushing back the militant groups in
        Latakia province and restored full security to at least five more
        key regions in the Northern part of the coastal province."

        The government forces regained control of several high points and hills
        in the region, killing many militants in the process, Fars reported.

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        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Regional geopolitics

          back print

          US impose more sanctions on Russia over Syria

          News | 26.11.2015 | 09:49

          PressTV - The United States has imposed more sanctions against Russia for supporting the Syrian government, while Moscow has denounced the move, saying Washington is playing “geo-political games”.

          The US Treasury Department on Wednesday announced that four Russian individuals and six entities, including a bank, have been added to Washington’s sanctions list.

          US officials said they were involved in supporting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

          Moscow has slammed the latest round of sanctions, accusing Washington of playing “geo-political games” on Syria.

          Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday Moscow cannot understand the reason for the fresh punitive measure.

          "It is clear that this is a new, complicated moment in relations," RIA Novosti quoted Ryabkov as saying.

          The sanctions came after NATO member Turkey shot down a Russian warplane, claiming the warplane had repeatedly violated its air space.

          Russian President Vladimir Putin said the jet had been attacked when it was 1 kilometer inside Syria.

          He warned of "serious consequences" and called it a “stab in the back” administered by "the accomplices of terrorists."

          "We will never tolerate such crimes like the one committed today," Putin said.

          Russia has been conducting airstrikes on Daesh positions at the request of the Syrian government since September 30.

          Syria has been gripped by deadly violence since March 2011. The United States and its regional allies - especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey - have been supporting the militants operating inside Syria since the beginning of the crisis.

          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Regional geopolitics

            Russia strikes back at Turkey by cutting business ties

            AP | Nov 26, 2015, 09.14 PM IST



            • Russia plans to cut economic ties with Turkey.

            • Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered his government to also draft sanctions against Turkey.

            • Russia is the largest destination for Turkey's exports.


            Watch: Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet near Syrian border

            Watch: Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet near Syrian border


            Watch: Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet near Syrian border

            Watch: Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet near Syrian border

            PM Modi departs for UK, Turkey

            Five migrants die, dozens missing after boats sink off Turkey

            ISIS jihadist blows himself in Turkey, 4 cops injured

            Greece: More migrants arrive on Lesbos from Turkey


            MOSCOW: Russia plans to retaliate against Turkey for the downing of a warplane by imposing sanctions, cutting economic ties and scrapping major investment projects.

            Since the plane was shot down Tuesday in disputed circumstances on the Syria-Turkey border, Russia has already restricted tourism, left Turkish trucks stranded at the border and announced the confiscation of large quantities of Turkish food imports.

            On Thursday, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered his government to also draft sanctions against Turkey within the next two days in response to the downing of the Russian Su-24, which he described as an ``act of aggression against our country.''

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            The sanctions will include "restrictions and bans on Turkish economic structures operating in Russian territory, restrictions and bans on deliveries of products, including foodstuffs,'' as well as on labor and services.


            Overall, the nosedive in relations threatens billions of dollars of international trade, as well as further complicating the Syrian conflict.
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Regional geopolitics

              Jet shooting is US warning to Russia: American writer

              News | 26.11.2015 | 23:19

              PressTV - The shooting down of a Russian jet by Turkey is a warning to Russia by the United States to stop fighting Western-backed terrorists in Syria, says Walt Peretto, an American writer and sociopolitical psychologist.

              On Tuesday, NATO member Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer jet, claiming the aircraft had repeatedly violated its air space.

              Russian President Vladimir Putin said the jet had been attacked when it was 1 kilometer inside Syria. He warned of "serious consequences" and called it a “stab in the back” administered by "the accomplices of terrorists."

              Russia has been conducting airstrikes on Daesh (ISIL) positions at the request of the Syrian government since September 30.

              Commenting to Press TV on Thursday, Peretto said that “this really is a warning to Russia to stop interfering with operations by NATO to further destabilize Syria by terrorizing its population into fleeing the country in droves.”

              “The proxies for these operations are what is called ISIS in the mainstream media,” he said, using an alternative acronym for the terrorist organization.

              The analyst added that the Takfiri group is “sold to the [Western] public as a Muslim fundamentalist militant group whose goal is to establish a caliphate in defiance of Western foreign policy. In fact they are Western foreign policy.”

              “Russia is legitimately trying to stop these Western proxies in order to help the terrorized Syrian people and to help their allies in Damascus hold onto power,” he noted.

              “Meanwhile, the West is pretending to see ISIS as a terrorist threat while arming, funding, and leading these terrorists. This whole situation is a joke while real people are being victimized all in the name of regime change in Damascus,” Peretto said.

              “If ISIS was truly a Muslim fundamentalist entity the West would eradicate them before they gained any strength and before they could actually hold any real estate. Also if they were independent of the West they would naturally declare Israel as their number one enemy and attack them,” he pointed out.

              “They don't attack Israel because they are Israel, and they are the United States and they are NATO,” the commentator emphasized.

              “Russia is independent of these criminal operations and they have chosen to coordinate strategic strikes against these criminals posing as Islamic fundamentalist terrorists,” he stated.

              “Of course, this throws a monkey wrench into these operations but the West can't admit it because then they would be admitting that these are Western-led operations,” he said.

              “So their only way to retaliate is to strike Russian aircraft claiming that they violated Turkish airspace. This would be equivalent to Britain shooting down a Canadian fighter during World War II for violating their airspace,” the journalist argued.

              “If NATO is serious about fighting [Takfiri] terrorism why would they shoot down a Russian plane when Russia has been the only outside nation that is actually fighting the terrorists? The answer is because Turkey, the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and NATO are the actual terrorists,” the American writer concluded.
              Hayastan or Bust.


              • Re: Regional geopolitics

                Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                Jet shooting is US warning to Russia: American writer

                News | 26.11.2015 | 23:19

                PressTV - The shooting down of a Russian jet by Turkey is a warning to Russia by the United States to stop fighting Western-backed terrorists in Syria, says Walt Peretto, an American writer and sociopolitical psychologist.

                On Tuesday, NATO member Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer jet, claiming the aircraft had repeatedly violated its air space.

                Russian President Vladimir Putin said the jet had been attacked when it was 1 kilometer inside Syria. He warned of "serious consequences" and called it a “stab in the back” administered by "the accomplices of terrorists."

                Russia has been conducting airstrikes on Daesh (ISIL) positions at the request of the Syrian government since September 30.

                Commenting to Press TV on Thursday, Peretto said that “this really is a warning to Russia to stop interfering with operations by NATO to further destabilize Syria by terrorizing its population into fleeing the country in droves.”

                “The proxies for these operations are what is called ISIS in the mainstream media,” he said, using an alternative acronym for the terrorist organization.

                The analyst added that the Takfiri group is “sold to the [Western] public as a Muslim fundamentalist militant group whose goal is to establish a caliphate in defiance of Western foreign policy. In fact they are Western foreign policy.”

                “Russia is legitimately trying to stop these Western proxies in order to help the terrorized Syrian people and to help their allies in Damascus hold onto power,” he noted.

                “Meanwhile, the West is pretending to see ISIS as a terrorist threat while arming, funding, and leading these terrorists. This whole situation is a joke while real people are being victimized all in the name of regime change in Damascus,” Peretto said.

                “If ISIS was truly a Muslim fundamentalist entity the West would eradicate them before they gained any strength and before they could actually hold any real estate. Also if they were independent of the West they would naturally declare Israel as their number one enemy and attack them,” he pointed out.

                “They don't attack Israel because they are Israel, and they are the United States and they are NATO,” the commentator emphasized.

                “Russia is independent of these criminal operations and they have chosen to coordinate strategic strikes against these criminals posing as Islamic fundamentalist terrorists,” he stated.

                “Of course, this throws a monkey wrench into these operations but the West can't admit it because then they would be admitting that these are Western-led operations,” he said.

                “So their only way to retaliate is to strike Russian aircraft claiming that they violated Turkish airspace. This would be equivalent to Britain shooting down a Canadian fighter during World War II for violating their airspace,” the journalist argued.

                “If NATO is serious about fighting [Takfiri] terrorism why would they shoot down a Russian plane when Russia has been the only outside nation that is actually fighting the terrorists? The answer is because Turkey, the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and NATO are the actual terrorists,” the American writer concluded.
                The above post mirrors what I've been posting on the fraud ridden conduct of USA/eu/sood/yahood.
                The above article of course is written much better than my post but is identicle to my evaluation of the actual reality .
                Dispite the west et al spin doctors depiction (fraud) , this above post is based in reality and not spin (propaganda).
                Excellent post.


                • Re: Regional geopolitics

                  What will downing of Russian jet mean for Turkey-Russia relations?
                  By Mark Lowen
                  BBC Turkey correspondent
                  25 November 2015

                  Russia has bitterly condemned the downing of its fighter jet on the Turkey-Syria border, with President Putin calling it "a stab in the back". But what will it mean for Turkey-Russia relations?
                  When Recep Tayyip Erdogan went from prime minister to president last year, he was accused of "pulling a Putin".
                  The two men do indeed have stark similarities: both have cultivated a strongman image, adored by their supporters but hated by opponents for eroding democracy and leading their countries into diplomatic isolation.
                  And both will respond to this latest crisis in the same way: with tough talk and flexing of muscles.
                  Vladimir Putin called the Turkish strike "a stab in the back" carried out by "accomplices of terror". President Erdogan revelled in announcing the downing of the plane, receiving a standing ovation from his audience.

                  In fact, the reaction of both leaders is largely for domestic consumption.
                  Chess master in the Kremlin
                  The popularity of each president is fuelled by nationalism: in Mr Putin's case, his support soared with Russia's annexation of Crimea.
                  For Mr Erdogan, it's his nationalist rhetoric and hard line against Kurdish rebels that produced a crushing victory in the recent election.
                  Turkish nationalism undoubtedly played a large part in the decision to bring down the plane. Many Turks feel a connection with the Turkic-speaking minority in Syria, the Turkmens, whose ethnicity they share.
                  As Turkmen rebels have joined the uprising against the Assad regime in Syria, they've been pounded by Russian air strikes and 1,600 are thought to have fled towards the Turkish border in recent days.
                  Ankara makes great show of supporting Turkey's brethren - with open arms and ready firepower.

                  But the government here was irritated too by Russia's airspace violations last month - Turkish F16s harassed by a missile defence system and a Russian jet escorted out of Turkish airspace.
                  Warnings were issued - and, Ankara says, ignored. The violation this time lasted all of 17 seconds, according to Turkey. But a decision was taken that enough is enough.
                  All eyes now are on the chess master in the Kremlin, waiting for his next move.
                  'Grand coalition'
                  Russia has already announced a suspension of military cooperation with Turkey and warned tourists not to visit the country for fear of terrorism, a large Russian tour operator duly cancelling flights.
                  But the Russian ambassador to Ankara has not been recalled and there's even talk that both foreign ministers could meet in the coming days.
                  It points to the idea that the harsh words may not in fact be matched by action, that the fears of a serious military escalation could prove unfounded.
                  The reason: that in the wake of the Paris attacks and the bombing of the Russian plane over Sinai, a grand coalition against Islamic State was beginning to form.
                  Vladimir Putin was inching his country out of isolation after the Ukraine crisis, pictured in a huddle with President Obama at the G20 summit last week.
                  A united front is slowly building against a common enemy. And that might cool heads now.

                  Ankara and Moscow have a complicated relationship at the best of times and Russia's military intervention in Syria has infuriated Turkey, a staunch opponent of President Assad.
                  But the two sides need each other. Russia is Turkey's second largest trading partner. Sixty per cent of Turkey's energy is imported from Russia and last year, Turkey was the biggest foreign destination for Russian tourists.
                  Economic interests may mean both presidents step down swiftly from the moral high ground.
                  This is not to ignore the gravity of the situation: the first time in over half a century that a Nato member has shot down a Russian plane, the potential for escalation and a bilateral relationship plunged into crisis.
                  Another trait that both strongmen share is unpredictability. And that is what's perhaps most worrying.


                  • Re: Regional geopolitics

                    Russia sends clear message to Turkey: Don't try it again

                    Russia does not intend to go to war with Turkey, writes Sarah Rainsford, but its message to Turkey and its allies is clear: don't try it again.

                    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                    • Re: Regional geopolitics

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post

                      November 25 2015

                      As we have already informed, today, the Turkey downed a Russian
                      military aircraft in the territory of Syria. In this context, the
                      head of the Center for Regional Studies, a political analyst Richard
                      Giragosian opines that the threat of an outbreak of military tension
                      between Russia and Turkey, the US and the partners always existed in
                      Syria. To the question of whether the deployment of Russian military
                      bases in Armenia is not a threat for the security of Armenia, Mr.

                      Giragosian replied, "The Russian military bases deployed in Armenia
                      can be used in Syria to indicate an operative assistance to RF air
                      campaign. This should not be addressed negatively because, as a result,
                      Armenia's importance becomes obvious".

                      Tatev HARUTYUNYAN

                      Read more at:
                      Although one might get bits and pieces of factual info from r giragosian , my impression after reading this guys views is he's a USA politicle propagandist.
                      I personally stopped reading his opinion (garbage) some time ago.
                      A paid schill by ... Guess who.
                      To make any connection to Russia/Syria actions and Hayastan is uncalled for and does our country a disservice.

