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Regional geopolitics

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  • Re: Regional geopolitics

    BREAKING: Russian jets enter Turkish airspace to pound Islamist rebels in rural Idlib
    By Chris Tomson - 02/04/2017

    DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:05 A.M.) – On Saturday evening, Russian warplanes lit up the skies over the Syrian-Turkish border as numerous sorties were conducted in northern Idlib.

    According to an eye witness close to Al-Masdar News, at least ten airstrikes were observed around midnight as Russian jets targeted positions held by Ahrar Al-Sham and Jaish Al-Islam near the towns of Al-Kafeer and Babsqa.

    Amid the Russian aerial bombardment, a weapons depot was blown to smithereens, causing significant destruction. In addition, Russian airstrikes targeted a military base controlled by Daraya rebels whom were evacuated from the Syrian capital in August, 2016.

    The eye witness added that three Russian jets briefly entered Turkish airspace to conduct the overnight airstrikes. Turkish anti-aircraft units did not respond, the source said.

    Footage of the Russian airstrikes inside Syria from the town of Reyhanlı in Turkey:

    Dozens of militants were reportedly killed by the surprise airstrikes which left rebel forces without warning due to Russian jets attacking from an unexpected angle.

    A number of pictures surfaced online moments ago showing scores of deceased Islamist fighters. Below, a fighter from Daraya was among the fighters claimed to be dead:


    • Re: Regional geopolitics

      British pilot beaten in Switzerland after boasting of his bombing against Serbia
      By Paul Antonopoulos - 03/04/2017

      BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:09 A.M.) – A British RAF pilot who boasted in a Swiss restaurant of bombing Serbia in 1999, was beaten up by a patron, according to Serbian media.

      Serbian media reported that the pilot was dining with a local politician in Zurich before a Serb, identified as Rade S. (seen above), sitting on a nearby table overheard the pilot boasting of his involvement as part of NATO’s 72 day airstrikes across Serbia which targeted not only military, but civilian infrastructure.

      Serbian media reported that Rade told the pilot: “Next time you see your broken face in the mirror, you’ll remember all the innocent Serb kids you killed”.

      Media also reported that Rade fled Zurich after the altercation.


      • Re: Regional geopolitics

        With 78.4 percent of the votes counted, Lenin Moreno led with 38.83 percent against right-winger Guillermo Lasso’s 28.63 percent.
        Ecuador's ruling-party candidatexLenin Moreno claimed victory Monday nightxin the country's presidential electionxagainst conservative candidate Guillermo Lasso, who is yet toxacknowledge defeat after several exit polls showed he was leading by a relatively safe margin.
        After his victory, Moreno tweeted: "With my heart in my hand, I thank all those who in peace and harmony went to vote. I will be the President of all and you will help me."
        According to the National Electoral Council, Moreno wonx51 percent of the votes while his right-wing rival Lasso won 49 percent, with more than 94 percent of the votes counted. The head of the council, Juan Pablo Pozo, declared the results and reportedly said: "Ecuador deserves the ethical responsibility from its political actors to recognize the democratic decision made by the people at the ballot box."
        However, Lasso called for a recount, claiming he won by six points according to three exit polls.x"They've toyed with popular will," Lasso told an Ecuadorian television station Sunday, before the declaration of the winner, according to Reuters.
        After Moreno won, Lasso posted on Twitter:x"Let's not be provoked. We will act democratically and with respect for authorities but firmly to defend the people's will. We're not fools, nor are the Ecuadorian people."
        The leftist government has been in power for the last three elections under President Rafael Correa whose policies helped improve access to healthcare and education, as well to reducexpoverty. However, his government was also criticized for corruption, media censorship and also for not adhering to many of its environmental promises. On the other side, Lasso offered a pro-business program, which promised tax cuts and an increase in the number of jobs in the country ofx15 million. But his alternative sounded contradictory to his own actions; Lasso is accused of tax avoidance through several offshore accounts, according to the Guardian.
        PresidentxRafael Correa, who supported Moreno in the election, celebrated the outcome and said "The moral fraud of the right-wing won't go unpunished," referring to Lasso's claims that he was winning based on three exit polls.
        Numerous supporters of Lasso protested outside the electoral council office Sunday night, shoutingx"No to fraud, yes to democracy!," according to Reuters. Reacting on Twitter, Correaxsaid: "Outbreaks of violence in Quito, Esmeraldas, Ibarra and Azogues. That they fail at the ballot box, they want to achieve it by force."
        Moreno's victory also camexas a relief for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been living at the Ecuadorian embassy in London since he was granted asylum underxCorrea's government in 2012. Lasso had promised to ask Assange to leave the embassy, if he wasxelected, calling the WikiLeaks founder a burden on the country's taxpayers, USA Today reported.xAssange took shelter in the embassy while fighting against his extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted on allegations of sexual misconduct.
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Regional geopolitics

          Every time the EU tells the turks to get lost, they start getting lost Eastwards.
          Reason why I always supported turks to be admitted into the EU to lessen the threat we face from them.

          "Turkey starts mine-clearing along the borders with Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan

          Efforts to clear mines have been launched on Mount Ararat in Turkey’s eastern province of Igdir as part of a project financed by the European Union and Turkey in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ....

          ^^^ While this is happening, Eastern turks are sweating and posting headlines ...

          "Turkey wants good relations with all its neighbors, but won't open its border with Armenia until it withdraws from the Azerbaijani lands"

          "Armenian-Turkish border not to open unless Azerbaijani lands .."
          Last edited by Azad; 04-05-2017, 11:33 PM.


          • Re: Regional geopolitics

            Jihadist rebels launch large-scale offensive in northern Latakia
            By Leith Fadel - 06/04/20170

            BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.)- Minutes ago, the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP), and Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a new offensive in the northern countryside of Latakia this morning, targeting the strategic village of Kinsibba that is under the control of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

            Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and their allies began the assault by firing a barrage of artillery shells and rockets toward the Syrian Arab Army’s positions in the Kinsibba countryside of northern Latakia.

            While no storming has been reported yet by local activists, the jihadist rebels are expected to begin their ground assault in the coming hours as they look to take control of Kinsibba from the Syrian Arab Army.

            Kinsibba is considered an imperative village in northern Latakia because it is at one of the highest points in the Kurdish Mountains; it has been under the Syrian Army’s control since early 2016.


            • Re: Regional geopolitics

              Plan to service UK F-35 jets in Turkey sparks security concerns
              By Brian Wheeler, BBC
              Political reporter

              Security concerns have been raised about plans to carry out major servicing work on the UK's new F-35 fighter jets in Turkey.
              SNP MP George Kerevan is to call for an inquiry into the policy in the light of last year's attempted coup in Turkey and tensions with its Nato partners.
              Major repairs to RAF combat jets have previously been carried out in the UK.

              The Ministry of Defence said the F-35 was an international project with a global support network.
              Turkey was selected by the US department of defence's joint programme office, based near the Pentagon, to provide "deep maintenance" and repair of engines for all F-35 aircraft based in Europe.
              There will also be engine repair facilities in Australia and North America.
              But Mr Kerevan said the UK should consider setting up back-up facilities.
              "The UK should have options in the event of a diplomatic crisis with Turkey," he told BBC News.
              "I want to know what alternative arrangements are in place if it became impossible to have the the engines overhauled."
              The MP is writing to the defence select committee to ask it to investigate.
              James Mattis and Michael FallonImage copyrightREUTERS
              Image caption
              James Mattis and Michael Fallon announced a new training hub for the UK

              Mark Bobbi, principal analyst at IHS Jane's, said the MP was right to raise the issue.
              "My concern is that any cessation of Turkish engine maintenance would strain customer operations of the F-35," he told BBC News.
              "If such is in the context of combat operations in the Middle East, then the issue becomes very serious indeed."

              He said there was "far less concern" about the theft of intellectual property or "reverse engineering" if an F-35 "fell into the wrong hands" because aircraft engines are extremely difficult to replicate.

              But he added: "F-35 partners, all of them, should be concerned with Turkey and be ready to respond quickly to any political, social, or 'military' crisis."
              The F-35, formerly known as the Joint Strike Fighter, is being built by US defence giant Lockheed Martin in partnership with other countries including the UK, which makes about 15% of the components.

              The UK has so far ordered 24 of the jets, the first of which are due to go into service with the RAF and the Royal Navy next year.
              The short take-off and vertical landing planes, which will be known as the Lightning II, are set to be deployed on the UK's two new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers.
              The nine F-35 partner nations - US, UK, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands and Turkey - will share maintenance tasks, with UK companies handling repairs to electronics and ejector seats at a facility in North Wales.

              The Ministry of Defence said this system would ensure "the UK's security of supply of F-35 engines is not impacted".
              "F-35 is an international programme, with maintenance and repair hubs in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific and a global support network that ensures security of supply for all involved," said an MoD spokesman.

              Defence Secretary Michael Fallon last week announced funding for a £40m training, engineering and maintenance hub for F-35s at RAF Marham, in Norfolk, at a joint press conference with US counterpart General James Mattis.

              Tensions between Turkey and its Nato partners have been running high since last July's failed military coup.
              President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has fired hundreds of senior military staff serving at Nato in Europe and the United States.


              • Re: Regional geopolitics

                It was only days ago that the US administration said they are backing off Asad.
                The Shekelists went on full fledge rearrangement of the situation.
                Now they are attacking Syria and Russia on all fronts.

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                Attacking Russia at the same time to use the BS as a leverage with Syria.

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                • Re: Regional geopolitics

                  It was couple days ago they removed the pro Russian link to the White House

                  "Trump Removes Stephen Bannon From National Security Council Post"

                  In short Trump got orders from an "entity" more powerful than himself for this 180 degree turn. It all happened in less than a week.


                  • Re: Regional geopolitics

                    Some good read on his entourage shifting to the Shekelist front man. A zionists traveling freely in the Middle East.

                    Donald Trump’s two closest aides are fighting “nonstop” and often “face-to-face,” officials say — and it’s even uglier in private.

                    If Jared Kushner were interested in upholding the values that the vast majority of American Jews share he would have distanced himself from the Trump campaign many months ago.


                    • Re: Regional geopolitics

                      Around half a million Syrians died to turn Syria to another Islamist hole to please the shekel land. Apparently they are now concerned.
                      Funny how it was all orchestrated weeks before it happened.

                      "Following the reports of the alleged attack on Tuesday, Netanyahu said that “there’s no, none, no excuse whatsoever for the deliberate attacks on civilians and on children, especially, with cruel and outlawed chemical weapons.”

                      The Israeli PM also urged the “international community to fulfill its obligation from 2013 to fully and finally remove these horrible weapons from Syria.”

                      Russian President Vladimir Putin told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a telephone conversation that it was unacceptable to make “groundless” accusations concerning the alleged chemical weapons incident that took place in Syria earlier this week.

                      It is all in Russia's hand now. Time for another "event" to shift the attention away from the "event".

