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Who owns what in Armenia

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  • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

    When it comes to news , I agree with you that the focus of the press is mainly on negative things. And some of the them exist only to criticize the government and spread despair (specially Lragir).
    A similar idea to the ones you are mentioning is that of the minister of the diaspora about Armenians from the diaspora opening bank accounts in Armenian banks that might be a good idea.


    • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

      Although corruption takes place throughout the world , it is not to be written off by simply saying "everyone does it".
      I agree , to only focus on the NEGITIVE , is direlect and just plain wrong. As regularly reported by members of this club are many positive and constructive things . These positive reports are generally found in the Hayastan news ,(although probably not "the rag"etc.
      17 million = shameful?? $1.70/diaspora??? Completely disagree on both accounts. Those telethons and other fund raisers are both extremely helpful and extremely appreciated by the "home team".
      Not all the estimated (guess) 8/10 million diaspora carry an Armenian identity in their hearts. Certainly not anywhere near that many participate in Hayastan's rise from the ashes. C'mon , the $1.70 figure is something out of Lragir reporting and has nothing to do with reality.
      Half of my family ended up in Said Egypt and then Mexico and finally in USA. The other half (some) ended up in France and then got to USA. All came with nothing but the cloths on their back. It took two generation before any disposable wealth was gathered. I am surprised that such a traumatized people could manage such.
      Your ideas and many others ideas on how to help our homeland are an important part of being Armenian and always welcome. That includes the fund raising ideas as well !!!
      It is not appropriate to diminish the significant (huge) moneys sent home by well intentioned diaspora.
      Without exclusively seeing only the NEGITIVE , we still **NEED** to address the blatant corruption and cronyism in our country.
      When we seek new ideas on how to help Armenia , this absolutely needs to include --- NEW--- ideas on how to appropriately address the ingrained corruption.
      My guess is is probably at least 50% of diaspora are simply world citizens and not participating Hayr. If one then discounts children , the struggling masses etc , then you can see a generous and truly concerned people's.
      We've come along ways and need to go along ways further.
      It's gonna take all of use to bring the positives into reality .


      • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

        Originally posted by Gevz View Post

        Corruption is bad
        Stealing is bad

        BUT we don't need to be reminded 24/7 about it.
        Yes we have

        The corrupt is shameless, unpatriotic and happy to destroy lives and country for their gratification.

        The best scenario for the corrupt is his criminal action to be forgotten.

        That is the reason we must keep the population alert and the criminals in focus.

        If 24/7 is not producing results what results will it produce if less effort was spent on highlighting them.

        I would say even more criminally minded people will take that course since they know the payback is only to live through short period of embarrassment.

        By doing so we also put to shame the practitioner of the law as well as highlighting the inadequacy of the legal structures and legal process.

        Last edited by londontsi; 05-27-2015, 02:50 AM.
        Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
        Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
        Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


        • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

          Originally posted by londontsi View Post
          Yes we have

          The corrupt is shameless, unpatriotic and happy to destroy lives and country for their gratification.

          The best scenario for the corrupt is his criminal action to be forgotten.

          That is the reason we must keep the population alert and the criminals in focus.

          If 24/7 is not producing results what results will it produce if less effort was spent on highlighting them.

          I would say even more criminally minded people will take that course since they know the payback is only to live through short period of embarrassment.

          By doing so we also put to shame the practitioner of the law as well as highlighting the inadequacy of the legal structures and legal process.

          These spy-news agencies(hetq,lragir,armenianow,1in,azatutuyn,a1pl us,) report nothing but negative - i have yet to see a positive article from these sources it's either someone stole something,someone raped someone,someone hanged himself,someone shot himself because he was in debt,someone in the army got bashed, the front line is full of 18 yr olds that have no idea, etc etc.

          Seriously... i actually feel like kicking one of these journalists in the head i would love to do that.


          By reporting it 24/7 they are not doing anything about it. you know why? Because if it was doing anything positive we would have no corruption now, we would have everything that most developed countries have. It just proves that all this BS SPY AGENCY are doing this for

          1. get armenians out of armenia
          2. making our army weak and population having no trust in our army to send there kids ( this is a major thing when things like 18 year olds serving with no idea at the front line - what do you think this means?) at one point it was reported that karabakhtsi don't serve on the frontline and it was proven to be false ( this is all done to lose faith in the armed forces and parents panic etc)

          in short.

          all i'm saying is we should ban certain media channels in Armenia this has to happen now rather than later when its to late they are a cancer.


          • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

            Originally posted by Gevz View Post
            These spy-news agencies(hetq,lragir,armenianow,1in,azatutuyn,a1pl us,) report nothing but negative - i have yet to see a positive article from these sources it's either someone stole something,someone raped someone,someone hanged himself,someone shot himself because he was in debt,someone in the army got bashed, the front line is full of 18 yr olds that have no idea, etc etc.

            Seriously... i actually feel like kicking one of these journalists in the head i would love to do that.

            I think you should check the meaning of the word spy in a dictionary before you use it.
            Probably you mean treacherous, specially the one who are in the pay of foreign forces or Governments(?)
            Different thing and far more serious.

            The news agencies you have mentioned do not all fall into the same category.

            Some specialise in publicizing actions by the privileged which are not in the public or nations interest.
            Some are propagandists of some dubious powers
            Some peddle lies
            and some you clearly you disagree with.

            As an example I will only highlight Hetq which is frequently invited to visit the front lines etc. and yet
            it can be very critical where it has to, obviously not to your taste.

            An honest publication with a patriotic mission will not miss out negative events because one negative event can destroy the country
            but ten positive events will not propel it in the top league.
            This is where we should use our intellect to categorise them.
            Not just by calling them pro-government or anti-government.

            Originally posted by Gevz
            By reporting it 24/7 they are not doing anything about it. you know why? Because if it was doing anything positive we would have no corruption now, we would have everything that most developed countries have. It just proves that all this BS SPY AGENCY are doing this for

            1. get armenians out of armenia
            2. making our army weak and population having no trust in our army to send there kids ( this is a major thing when things like 18 year olds serving with no idea at the front line - what do you think this means?) at one point it was reported that karabakhtsi don't serve on the frontline and it was proven to be false ( this is all done to lose faith in the armed forces and parents panic etc)

            in short.

            all i'm saying is we should ban certain media channels in Armenia this has to happen now rather than later when its to late they are a cancer.

            Most bizarre logic.

            The fact is the corruption is within the government structures. They have the levers of powers.
            The only way a corrupt government can stay in power by rewarding in such a way to keep that structure intact.

            I have never heard so much nonsense about people leaving the country because they read in the papers that there is corruption.
            The fact is corruption an ineffective government go hand in hand.
            The motivation to perform is not there because they can rely on those who will deliver the votes.

            As a result the country’s potential is squanderd and the effect on the economy, lack of inward investment, unemployment, poverty etc.

            Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
            Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
            Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


            • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

              Originally posted by Gevz View Post
              These spy-news agencies(hetq,lragir,armenianow,1in,azatutuyn,a1pl us,) report nothing but negative
              Pretty much refer to what londontsi said. lumping those publications together is lazy and makes you sound highly ignorant and paranoid

              Lragir pretty much only publishes unfounded trash that is full of speculation, rumors, and opinion. It rarely reports facts, and it has a clear editorial policy to be negative.

              ArmeniaNow is Lragir light. It's a slightly less disgusting version of Lragir, with much of the same flaws. It has a few good writers, who are drowned out by the trash

              Hetq is a investigative journalist site that investigates and reports facts. Armenia is fortunate to have it considering there isn't another source similar to it. They have uncovered many cases of theft and fraud by our criminal government. They report facts and views from all source, and there isn't an editorial agenda like the above two

              Azatututyun only reports facts. There is never any opinion. It only reports events in the most basic factual way with minimum opinion. In fact I would say I see more coverage of positive events than negative events. Its editorial policy is drastically different than the parent organization RFERL


              • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                Originally posted by Gevz View Post
                These spy-news agencies(hetq,lragir,armenianow,1in,azatutuyn,a1pl us,) report nothing but negative - i have yet to see a positive article from these sources it's either someone stole something,someone raped someone,someone hanged himself,someone shot himself because he was in debt,someone in the army got bashed, the front line is full of 18 yr olds that have no idea, etc etc.

                Seriously... i actually feel like kicking one of these journalists in the head i would love to do that.

                While news about crime and corruption must be reported, the good news must also be given generous coverage

                Damaging Armenia's reputation to foreign and Armenian investors is bound to harm Armenia's economy


                • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                  Originally posted by Mher View Post
                  Pretty much refer to what londontsi said. lumping those publications together is lazy and makes you sound highly ignorant and paranoid

                  Lragir pretty much only publishes unfounded trash that is full of speculation, rumors, and opinion. It rarely reports facts, and it has a clear editorial policy to be negative.

                  ArmeniaNow is Lragir light. It's a slightly less disgusting version of Lragir, with much of the same flaws. It has a few good writers, who are drowned out by the trash

                  Hetq is a investigative journalist site that investigates and reports facts. Armenia is fortunate to have it considering there isn't another source similar to it. They have uncovered many cases of theft and fraud by our criminal government. They report facts and views from all source, and there isn't an editorial agenda like the above two

                  Azatututyun only reports facts. There is never any opinion. It only reports events in the most basic factual way with minimum opinion. In fact I would say I see more coverage of positive events than negative events. Its editorial policy is drastically different than the parent organization RFERL
                  20 years ago we didn't have azatutuyn or pathetic hetq but we citizens of Armenia managed to get on with life. BTW 'HETQ' ain't the only investigative journalist in Armenia and 2nd they are a spy agent.


                  • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                    Originally posted by Gevz View Post
                    ..... BTW 'HETQ' ain't the only investigative journalist in Armenia and 2nd they are a spy agent.
                    Could you please give reasons and justification for your statements about HETQ.

                    I spent some time on their website and I could not see why you may think they are "spy agent".

                    PS. Also perhaps what should we understand by your description "spy agent" .....<< լրտես գործակալ >>

                    To me a paper needs balls made of steel to write articles like this

                    Why doesn't the Prime minister make an immediate statement to refute contents of such articles.

                    Last edited by londontsi; 05-27-2015, 04:00 PM.
                    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                    • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                      Originally posted by londontsi View Post
                      Could you please give reasons and justification for your statements about HETQ.

                      I spent some time on their website and I could not see why you may think they are "spy agent".

                      PS. Also perhaps what should we understand by your description "spy agent" .....<< լրտես գործակալ >>

                      To me a paper needs balls made of steel to write articles like this

                      Why doesn't the Prime minister make an immediate statement to refute contents of such articles.

                      It takes balls of steel because you have someone powerful behind you.

                      Since you read Hetq please provide me with 10 positive articles / things that they have written about in the last 2months? Here are hetq's current articles.

                      I could go on but i rather not. They have been reporting about problems/investigating problems inside the country for a good 10 years as far as i can remember - HAS ANYTHING CHANGED IN THAT 10 YEARS? HAS ANY CORRUPT OFFICIAL LOST A SLEEP OVER IT? HAS ANYONE BEEN LOCKED UP FOR 20 YEARS?

                      Answer is NO.

                      Clearly what they are doing is not helping 'fix' the problem. The reason why i call them spy agents because they do nothing good for the homeland but damage and brainwash and make people upset and eventually those same good citizens get fed up and leave the country - if you can't see a problem in this we are on a different page.

