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Politics in Hayastan

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  • Re: Politics in Hayastan

    Originally posted by Artashes View Post
    Honesty, decency, integrity, are great benchmarks.
    Honesty, decency, integrity = Trust ... What makes a society function.


    • Re: Politics in Hayastan

      Former Karabakh Army Chief Criticizes Change Of Defense Minister
      October 17, 2016

      . Ruzanna Stepanian

      Armenia -- Former Karabakh Army commander Samvel Babayan gives an
      interview to, Yerevan, 17Oct2016

      Samvel Babayan, Nagorno-Karabakh's former top military commander, on
      Monday criticized President Serzh Sarkisian for dismissing Armenia's
      Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian in a government reshuffle completed
      early this month.

      "I don't think that replacing Seyran Ohanian at this stage was the
      right decision," Babayan told RFE/RL's Armenian service (
      in an interview. "Of all members of the current military leadership I
      accepted [Ohanian] more than anyone else," he said.

      Babayan, who is critical of Armenia's current leadership, led
      Karabakh's Armenian-backed Defense Army from 1993-1999. Ohanian was
      the chief of the army staff during most of his tenure.

      Babayan also criticized Sarkisian's choice of the new defense
      minister, Vigen Sargsian, on the grounds that unlike Ohanian, the
      41-year-old former chief of the presidential staff is a civilian.

      "Today Armenia is in a state of war," he said. "Only countries like
      France or Germany or other European states can afford [having civilian
      defense minister.] I don't think now is the right time for Armenia to
      have a civilian defense minister."

      The retired Karabakh general claimed in that regard that Azerbaijan is
      gearing up for a "large-scale and prolonged war" with the
      Armenians. "Unfortunately, we don't want to analyze that correctly,"
      he said.

      Babayan, 51, became Karabakh's most powerful man after a
      Russian-mediated truce stopped the Armenian-Azerbaijani war in
      1994. He was arrested in 2000 and subsequently sentenced to 14 years
      in prison for allegedly masterminding a botched attempt on the life of
      Arkady Ghukasian, the then Karabakh president.

      Immediately after being set free in 2004, Babayan relocated to Yerevan
      where he set up there his own political party. He emigrated to Russia
      in 2011 for still unclear reasons.

      Babayan returned to Armenia in late May, citing the increased risk of
      renewed war with Azerbaijan. He criticized the Sarkisian
      administration's response to Azerbaijan's massive military buildup in
      the years leading up to four-day hostilities around Karabakh that
      broke out in early April.

      Babayan received a hero's welcome from hundreds of Karabakh Armenian
      supporters when he arrived in Stepanakert in early June. He pledged to
      help boost Karabakh's security, while claiming that he is not pursuing
      any "political objectives." The Karabakh army's current commander,
      General Levon Mnatsakanian, accused him of exploiting the April
      fighting for his personal ambitions.

      Babayan insisted on Monday that he is still "not engaged in politics."
      But he said he stands ready to back a political force that would share
      his views. He did not name any of the existing opposition groups among
      his potential political allies.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Politics in Hayastan

        I think Babayan is misleading in his comments.
        Ohanyan's military skills and insight are being fully used in his new post as head of military operational command. It looks to me the govt has separated the financial conduct/accounting of the military from the operational conduct of the military.
        Better transparency of finance without the loss of Ohanyan's gifted military insight.
        My guess is the new defense minister will not be the one to make criticle military decisions on the active battlefield. That will be left to experienced veterans such as Ohanyan. The new defense minister will insure the financial conduct of our military is kept clean.
        I think this is a good move along with new PM choice.
        Much is gained and nothing is lost but corruption.
        Lookin good.


        • Re: Politics in Hayastan


          • Re: Politics in Hayastan

            Gyumri Mayor Acquires 3 Private Homes "Overnight"

            16:17, October 21, 2016

            The list of properties owned by Samvel Balasanyan has dramatically changes since he became mayor of Gyumri, Armenia’s second largest city, four years ago.
            After being reelected mayor during a muncipal council boycott on October 2, Balasanyan filed a financial disclosure as per the law.
            He declared three private houses, a manufacturing unit, and other properties.

            Balasanyan owned none of these properties before becoming Gyumri mayor in 2012.The three private homes never appeared in the disclosure Balasanyan filed in 2013, 2014 or 2015.

            The law, however, states that any acquisition or sale of property by officials and their spouses must be duly recorded in said disclosures.
            As for cash assets, Balasanyan declared 2.9 million AMD (US$6,100) and $13,000. The Gyumri mayor only declared revenue of 2.078 million AMD in wages.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Gagik Tsarukyan has returned to politics. What a disgrace.


              • Re: Politics in Hayastan

                Raffi Hovannisian met with Seyran Ohanyan and Aram Sargsyanx
                xMonday, January 16 2017
                Tatevik Shahunyan

                ArmInfo. On Jan 16, HeritagexParty leader Raffi Hovannisian told reporters that he had met withx Seyran Ohanyan and Aram Sargsyan. He noted that the meeting coveredxissues related to pre-electoral cooperation.x

                Hovannisian did not refute the information that Heritage Partyx experiences discrepancies about cooperation with Seyran Ohanyan. Inx particular, Zaruhi Postanjyan, Styopa Safaryan and Anahit Bakhshyanx consider the ex-defense minister guilty of the 1 March 2018 eventsx that resulted in 10 fatalities. Hovannisian said that no person isx faultless. He also pointed out that it would be expedient to hear tox Ohanyan's position and apologies. Hovannisian noted that everyone isx responsible for the March 1 events - President Sargsyan,x oppositionist Pashinyan and Raffi Hovannisian himself. As regards thex discrepancies inside the party, Hovannisian thinks nothing willx happen if the Heritage Party members run in the election as membersx of different blocs - for instance, Postanjyan, Safaryan and Bakhshyanx in the "Yelk" bloc of Nikol Pashinyan, Aram Sargsyan and Edmonx Marukyan; and Armen Martirosyan and Hovsep Khursudyan as members of ax bloc with Seyran Ohanyan. Raffi Hovannisian also confessed his fault,x saying that Martirosyan, Bakhshyan and Safaryan should have receivedx seats in Parliament under the Heritage Party list.

                - See more at:
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by ASALA2116 View Post
                  Gagik Tsarukyan has returned to politics. What a disgrace.
                  Have you seen the video of his daughter's (or son's) wedding?

                  How to turn Armenia into a clown nation..put Tsarukyan as PM.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by armnuke View Post
                    Have you seen the video of his daughter's (or son's) wedding?

                    How to turn Armenia into a clown nation..put Tsarukyan as PM.
                    When such a corrupt figure is even walking around freely as the law doesn't imply to him you know the nation is failing , well those in charge .


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by ASALA2116 View Post
                      Gagik Tsarukyan has returned to politics. What a disgrace.
                      I don't know much of the politicians or the oligarchy in Armenia. For some reason I know of this annoying hasarag character as Gagik gabig.
                      Hope the citizen will be smart and not vote for this humiliating idiot.

