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Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

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  • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

    Turkish tank commander dead as Kurdish YPG knocked-out two Turkish tanks around Jarablus, Syria.


    • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

      turkish chik chik chik chik chik chik chik ... chik chik chik chik chik chik chik chik assuming is a short for getchik as in lets go


      • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

        helouheburaboura ugalibaga, hyyyyyyy helouheburaboura ugalibaga, hyyyyyyy it should be kurdish for let's get the wheels and they all yell Yessss


        • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

          "Rockets hit airport in Turkey’s southeast

          Passengers at Diyarbakir Airport, in the southeast Turkish province of the same name, have sought shelter in a terminal building after an apparent rocket attack, local media report. The airport is used for both military and civilian purposes."

          Passengers at Diyarbakir Airport, in the southeast Turkish province of the same name, on Saturday night sought shelter in a terminal building after an apparent rocket attack, local media report. The airport is used for both military and civilian purposes.


          • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

            Video: Kurds devastate Turkish Army assets in northern Syria
            By Izat Charkatli - 28/08/2016

            Aleppo, Syria (3:43 A.M.) – Footage emerged of the predominantly Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) targeting a Turkish tank along with a munitions depot belonging to the Turkish-backed jihadists operating northeast Aleppo.

            So far, a Turkish soldier was killed while two other were wounded in operations against the SDF. Three Turkish tanks were reportedly destroyed as they aided the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in its operations.

            Notably, Turkish-backed forces continued their advance against ISIS capturing half a dozen villages hardly with any clashes as Islamic State militants seem in a mass retreat spree.


            • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

              Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
              Video: Kurds devastate Turkish Army assets in northern Syria
              "US-armed YPG targets Turkish tanks clearing Daesh in Jarablus, one soldier killed"

              One Turkish soldier has been killed and three others injured in a rocket attack by the U.S.-sponsored YPG terror group, who launched against two tanks...

              "This highly advanced U.S.-made anti-tank missile could now be on Syria’s frontline"


              • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes


                • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes


                  • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

                    Turkish-backed rebels attempt to hijack Kurdish gains against ISIS
                    By Leith Fadel - 30/08/2016

                    Map of northern Aleppo by Faylaq Al-Sham's official media wing
                    Aleppo, Syria (3:30 A.M.) – The Turkish-backed “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) and their Islamist allies are attempting to capitalize on the gains made by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in northeastern Aleppo.

                    Earlier this month, the SDF managed to liberate the key town of Menbeij after a long battle with the Islamic State terrorists.

                    Following Menbeij’s liberation, the SDF pushed further south in a new attempt to expel the Islamic State terrorists from the northeastern countryside of Aleppo.

                    Now, the Turkish-backed rebels are attempting to hijack these victories from the SDF and Kurdish-led “People’s Protection Units” (YPG), leaving them with only two options: 1) leave and live or 2) fight and die.

                    For the Kurdish forces and their Arab allies, giving up Menbeij after sacrificing several hundred fighters to liberate it would be appalling; however, the Turkish regime could not care less about their plight.

                    In fact, the Turkish-backed rebels reportedly crossed the Sajur River in northern Aleppo on Monday and captured the village of ‘Ayn Al-Dadat in northern Menbeij.

                    The Kurdish forces are now on high-alert after the Turkish-backed rebels made their first major push towards Menbeij on Monday.

                    Despite the repeated threats made by the Turkish regime, the Kurdish forces remain defiant and optimistic in northern Aleppo, as they promise to defend the area from any unwanted guests.


                    • Re: Kurdish-Turkish Clashes

                      Heavy fighting in Tatvan, on the shore of lake Van. Reports that PKK is trying to take control of the village. TR reinforcements will come from Bitlis, reports that PKK has planted IEDs on the road.

