Originally posted by Haykakan
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Mr, you are a liar.
Please do post any personal messages we are supposed to have exchanged.
To exchange with someone, to take the time, I need to respect him.
Since day one, your username was such a joke, I can't refrain from smiling every time I see it. Anybody speaking Armenian will understand what I mean....
And yes, I remember asking you the strange nature of your username... I do not remember your answer, but what I do remember on your character is:
- the moron recycling 100 years old dogmas, playing teacher while his knowledge of economics is questionable, and geopolitics, nil.
- the mega Moron advocating hand over of liverated lowlands of Artsakh, since they are not populated, and useless.....
- a would be chekevarist (not the gerilla romantic aspect, you do not have idea about) proto communist, unhappy in the heart of capitalism.
- slave minded russophile. Period.
Now on the lamb thing, I had forgot, but you remebered me:
- please notice how I was against Iranians then, while you were for turkish sheperds, for stupid economic would bes, .... in fact it was for Liska's poket.
- Your knowledge of Armenia is a tourist's (kebab), coming here once every decade, and even so.... as an economist, i invite you to have a look on sheep numbers before and after 1988 in Armenia, as well as cows. ....., and the few sheep that is left is mainly Yezidi sheperds due, and the sizeable part of that sheep is exported to islamic countries.
- we Armenians eat mainly pig, and cow. It is a fact. Sheep meat smells the turk, at least in every corner of Armenia I have been (not oligarkhic circles), we use to say: Torki hod a kyam....
- If my englisg does dot suit your taste, it is your problem. For me it is fine
