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The truth about Khojalu

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  • ashot24
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Its kind of funny- they are claiming Armenians killed Armenians in the Sumgait massacre. Both varieties of turcks are notorious liars but the azeris at least make it funny.
    Not only that, they also claim we planned and started the riots...

    Who believes them anyways? Nobody. Not a single country recognizes the Khojaly "genocide", not even Turkey has done officially, curious isn't it? Why must it be? Everybody know it was no such thing, it's just a well performed lie they created to pose as the victims of a "horrible aggression", intended to make the international community say "OMG! Look at that! Let's help the Azeries"! it didn't serve them back then, and it will not serve them now. Lies have short legs

    Just these Turks and Azeries are capable of lying in such a cynical way, of killing their own people in order to gain something from it, since they cannot convice anybody's with facts or truth for they don't have it, they recur to extorsion, lies, threats, and conscience-buying to reach their goals.

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    That is nothing new either. They learned that one from their big brother turcky-lets take some armenian mass graves and claim they are the remains of turckish victims. I am not claiming armenians never commited attrocities but the turckish trackrecord of cheap decietfullness speaks for itself.
    Ղուբայի «ադրբեջանական գերեզմանոցում» կարող են հայեր թաղված լինել
    18:28 • 25.03.10

    Դեռևս 2009թ. դեկտեմբերի 30-ին Ադրբեջանի նախագահ Իլհամ Ալիևը հրահանգ էր ստորագրել Ղուբա քաղաքում «Ցեղասպանության զոհերի հիշատակի հուշաhամալիր» կանգնեցնելու մասին։ Ադրբեջանական կողմի պնդումների համաձայն՝ այն վայրում, որտեղ կառուցվելու է հուշարձանը, իբրև թաղված են ադրբեջանցիներ, որոնց սպանել են հայերը անցյալ դարասկզբին։

    Այսօր կայացած մամուլի ասուլիսում Հայոց ցեղասպանության թանգարան-ինստիտուտի տնօրեն, պատմաբան Հայկ Դեմոյանը նշեց, թե այդ նույն տեղում կարող են հայեր թաղված լինել։ Իր կարծիքը նա հիմնավորեց Ղուբա շրջանի նահանգապետ Գելովանիի նոթագրություններով, որտեղ նա նշել էր, որ 1918թ. Ղուբայի բանտերում բազմաթիվ հայ կալանավորներ են եղել։ Նահանգապետն իր նոթերում խոսել էր 115 մարդու մասին։ Հարկ է նշել, որ ադրբեջանական կողմը պնդում է, թե Ղուբա շրջանում հայեր չեն ապրել։

    Անդրադառնալով Ղուբայի շիրիմներին՝ Դեմոյանը նշեց, որ պեղումների արդյունքում հայտնաբերվել է մոտ 180 գանգ, այդ թվում՝ երեխաների։ Պատմաբանը ենթադրում է, որ դրանք, հնարավոր է, ադրբեջանցիների կողմից սպանված հայկական ընտանիքներն են։ Ըստ պատմաբանի՝ այսօր չկա որևէ փաստաթուղթ կամ նամակ, որտեղ սպանվածների բարեկամները մտահոգություն կհայտնեին իրենց հարազատների անհետացման կապացությամբ։ Դա կարող է վկայել այն մասին, որ ոչնչացվել է ամբողջական հայկական բնակավայր։

    Դեմոյանը նաև նշեց, որ մինչև հիմա որևէ հետազոտության կամ փորձաքննության արդյունք չի հրապարակվել։ «Ես անձամբ պատրաստ եմ ֆինանսավորել ԴՆԹ անալիզը»,- նշեց նա։

    Հայկ Դեմոյանը նաև հավելեց, որ ադրբեջանական կողմը՝ պնդելով իր այս տեսակետը, ծուղակի մեջ է գցել նախագահ Իլհամ Ալիևին։

    Last edited by ashot24; 03-29-2010, 10:45 AM.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
    and now theyre claiming they found a mass grave in guba which proves Armenians massacred azeris in 1918.

    Azerbaijani victims of Armenian massacre to be identified
    Mon 29 March 2010 | 11:59 GMT Text size:

    The identities of the victims of massacres committed by Armenians in Azerbaijan's northern Guba District in 1918 are to be established.

    The relevant instruction was sent to the Guba Prosecutor's Office on the basis of an order from the prosecutor general of Azerbaijan, dated 15 March 2010.

    According to Guba District prosecutor Nazim Hajiyev, the list of over 16,000 civilians brutally murdered in Guba between 1 and 10 May 1918 will be drawn up first. The prosecutor has been working on this for several days and intends to ask the relevant state structures for assistance.

    Hajiyev said that the identities of some of the victims had already been established.

    The information gleaned will be part of an exhibition at the memorial complex which will be built at the site of a mass grave in Guba District.

    Thousands of Azerbaijanis were killed in Guba District in March 1918, when Armenians went on the rampage. The massacre was carried out on the order of Bolshevik leader, ethnic Armenian Stepan Shaumyan.

    That is nothing new either. They learned that one from their big brother turcky-lets take some armenian mass graves and claim they are the remains of turckish victims. I am not claiming armenians never commited attrocities but the turckish trackrecord of cheap decietfullness speaks for itself.

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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Its kind of funny- they are claiming Armenians killed Armenians in the Sumgait massacre. Both varieties of turcks are notorious liars but the azeris at least make it funny.
    and now theyre claiming they found a mass grave in guba which proves Armenians massacred azeris in 1918.

    Azerbaijani victims of Armenian massacre to be identified
    Mon 29 March 2010 | 11:59 GMT Text size:

    The identities of the victims of massacres committed by Armenians in Azerbaijan's northern Guba District in 1918 are to be established.

    The relevant instruction was sent to the Guba Prosecutor's Office on the basis of an order from the prosecutor general of Azerbaijan, dated 15 March 2010.

    According to Guba District prosecutor Nazim Hajiyev, the list of over 16,000 civilians brutally murdered in Guba between 1 and 10 May 1918 will be drawn up first. The prosecutor has been working on this for several days and intends to ask the relevant state structures for assistance.

    Hajiyev said that the identities of some of the victims had already been established.

    The information gleaned will be part of an exhibition at the memorial complex which will be built at the site of a mass grave in Guba District.

    Thousands of Azerbaijanis were killed in Guba District in March 1918, when Armenians went on the rampage. The massacre was carried out on the order of Bolshevik leader, ethnic Armenian Stepan Shaumyan.


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  • Haykakan
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Its kind of funny- they are claiming Armenians killed Armenians in the Sumgait massacre. Both varieties of turcks are notorious liars but the azeris at least make it funny.

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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Azerbaijan permanent representative to UN accuses Armenian representative of lie
    29.03.2010 20:56

    Azerbaijan, Baku, March 29 /Trend News, S.Agayeva/

    Azerbaijan's permanent representation to the UN distributed a letter of reply to a letter from the permanent representation of Armenia to the UN regarding the Khojaly events.

    The letter reflects the cruelty of the armed forces of Armenia against Azerbaijani civilians, the views of foreign media representatives, who witnessed the atrocity committed by Armenian armed forces against civilians, and the views of the Armenian servicemen and intellectuals, who participated in the slaughter, press service of Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reported.

    "I would like to draw your attention to the letter dated 24 February 2010 from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations, contained in document A/64/680-S/2010/102. This letter, which purports to respond to my letter addressed to you in connection with the eighteenth anniversary of an unprecedented massacre of the Azerbaijani population in the town of Khojaly (A/64/658-S/2010/78 of 8 February 2010), is not a single example of sophisticated and blatant falsification, by means of which the Armenian side attempts to deny its responsibility for the serious crimes committed during the aggression against Azerbaijan," the permanent representative of Azerbaijan to the UN, ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev said in his letter.

    "The Armenian side feigns ignorance of the fact that its responsibility for the brutal killings during one night from 25 to 26 February 1992 of 613 residents of Khojaly is recognized and documented by numerous independent sources, eyewitnesses of the tragedy, as well as admitted by Armenia's high-ranking officials and public sources," the letter says.

    "Thus, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia omits clarifying the words of his country's then defence minister and current President, Serzh Sargsyan, who unequivocally admitted culpability for extermination of the inhabitants of Khojaly (Thomas de Wall, Black Garden. Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War (New York and London: New York University Press, 2003), p. 172), as well as the revelations of another Armenian author who gave a detailed account of how Armenian soldiers had been killing the residents of Khojaly (Markar Melkonian, My Brother's Road. An American's Fateful Journey to Armenia (London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2005), pp. 213-214)," the diplomat says in his letter.

    "The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia refers to ambiguous, politically motivated and groundless interpretations of the events in Khojaly, according to which the Azerbaijanis themselves allegedly "prevented the evacuation of the local civilian population from the military operation zone" and "the Azerbaijani militia shot those who attempted to flee" in order "to utilize civilian losses of such a magnitude" for internal political purposes. It is no coincidence that such a preposterous idea immediately collapses like a house of cards under the weight of evidence testifying of a situation diametrically opposite to that represented by the Armenian side," Mehdiyev said.

    According to Mehdiyev, the Armenian propaganda is not fastidious about any means it uses in attempts to enlist at least a kind of support to its cynical allegations. Thus, while manipulating the content of the Helsinki Watch report of 1992, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia seems to have forgotten that this non-governmental human rights organization had officially responded to the gross misinterpretation of its position by the Armenian side.

    Furthermore, the letter of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia is yet another illustration of the Armenian side's "forgetfulness" as to the chronology of events pertaining to the beginning of the present-day stage of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Mehdiyev said. According to him, thus, the Armenian side passes over in silence that the events in some Azerbaijani cities, notably in Sumgait on 26-28 February 1988, were preceded by a number of illegal declarations and decisions taken with a view to securing the unilateral secession of Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan, attacks at the end of 1987 on the Azerbaijanis in Khankandi (during the Soviet period - Stepanakert) and Armenia, resulting in a flood of Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons who were directed, among other places, to Sumgait. It must be also recalled that on the eve of disturbances in Sumgait, namely on 22 February 1988, near the settlement of Asgaran on the Khankandi-Aghdam highway, the Armenians opened fire on a peaceful demonstration, killing two Azerbaijani youths.

    "While trying to qualify the events in Sumgait as either "pogroms" or "massacre" against Armenians, the Armenian propaganda at the same time prefers not to mention at all a number of circumstances that are of vital importance in elucidating the true causes of these events. Indeed, on 26-28 February 1988, 26 Armenians and Azerbaijanis were killed in Sumgait. It is notable that one of the leading figures in these disturbances was a certain Edward Grigorian, an Armenian and native of Sumgait, who was directly involved in the killings and violence against the Armenians," the letter says.

    "Whereas it has been internationally recognized that the occupation by force of the Nagorny Karabakh region and adjacent areas of Azerbaijan and the ethnic cleansing of the captured territories constitute a flagrant breach by the Republic of Armenia of its obligations under international law, it is curious that the Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as "a peaceful demand of the Nagorno-Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination"," the permanent representative of Azerbaijan says.

    "The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan made it clear more than once, and I am instructed to point it out once again, that Armenia's claims to the application of the principle of self-determination are contrary to and unsustainable in international law. Otherwise, this would be tantamount to accepting the results of a violation of fundamental norms of international law, including, in particular, those relating to the most serious international crimes as well as a rule prohibiting the use of force," Mehdiyev concluded.

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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
    Azerbaijan’s Military Prosecutor's office gave a birth to a mouse. It was dead.
    that was a good article

    List presented for the public display with names of people declared as wanted is ridiculous. Although Azerbaijani prosecutors not for the first time went squash, yet let’s report them that in the list there are people who at the moment of operation were outside of NKR, as well as long deceased. The vast majority of people, whose names were so carefully refined and lovingly fitted in the list by Azerbaijani commissaires Maigret had nothing to do with the operation by suppressing Khojaly firing points, releasing airport and destructing illegal armed and bandit groups on the NKR’s territory.

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Azerbaijan’s Military Prosecutor's office gave a birth to a mouse. It was dead.

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Glorious Victory of Armenian Weaponry

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  • Federate
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    NG: Azerbaijanis themselves question that civilians were killed by Armenians
    05.03.2010 12:08 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Timed to the anniversary of Sumgait pogroms – massacres of Armenians in the Azerbaijani Sumgait between 26 and 28 February 1988, Azerbaijan held events in memory of tragic events in Khojalu of 1992 on 26 February, Sergei Zvyagin wrote in his article "Khodjalu: truth and fiction” in Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

    "The very definition of "Khojalu events" of February 1992 is not correct. During suppression of firing points near the Khojalu village there were virtually no casualties among civilians in the village, since they had the opportunity to leave the village via the corridor created by Karabakh for the unarmed civilian population. The availability of that corridor never been questioned by observers, including Azerbaijan.

    Nearly a hundred dead residents Khojalu were found at 11-12 km from the village, on the field between the Armenian village Nakhichevanik, situated at the administrative border with the former Aghdam region of Azerbaijan SSR, and the Azerbaijani positions near Aghdam. That area then was fully controlled by the National Front of Azerbaijan (NFA), being in opposition to pro-communist President Mutalibov.

    Moreover, a day after journalists arrived at this place, including foreign ones, some people again returned to the field to desecrate some corpses before the visit of foreign media representatives," Zvyagin wrote.

    "The massacre in Khojaly can be included in the "track record" of the Azerbaijani militants," the newspaper wrote. It pursued two aims: firstly, to remove from the political arena Ayaz Mutalibov, unnecessary after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and secondly, to obtain a pretext to start supported by Ankara a noisy campaign on charging the Armenians in the inhuman methods of warfare.

    "Today the promotion of "Khojali project" has different political and ideological goals, while the means have remained unchanged: the lies and falsification.

    The massacre of Khojalu inhabitants near Aghdam is the same crime of Azerbaijani national chauvinism, as pogroms of Armenians in Sumgait in February 1988, in Baku in January 1990, the massacre in the Karabakh village of Maraga in April 1992.

    Unfortunately, these events have not received adequate legal, political and moral assessment so far that leads to the cynical distortion of reality in advocacy for official Baku," Sergei Zvyagin said.

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  • Karabed
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by SevSpitak View Post materials to be published in a book
    Armine Adibekyan, the president of the initiative told that it cost $108 and 80 cents to construct the site
    Who knew you could achieve so much with so little.
    Great move by the Xenophobia preventing initiative.

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