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Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

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  • #21
    Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

    Originally posted by TomServo
    Well many Americans can be idiots.
    yes and many idiots can be(come) Americans.


    • #22
      Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

      Originally posted by gmd

      middle eastern. some were even surprised that i was not muslim.

      this sentence is enough to answer wether u r real armenian aryan or not.
      u answered ur question by urself.


      • #23
        Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

        Originally posted by karoaper
        Btw, ceghakron is about reversing the tide of self-hate or low self-worth that pervades some in our Diaspora, mostly in Glendale. What does that have to do with talk of purity, of blatant racism against peoples or races that have had no contact with Armenians, let alone had negative affect on them.

        Yes chgitem de jahel es der te khelkt a pakas, baic mtatseladzevt lriv lriv shinvatsa.

        the founder of armenian youth federation tseghagron (Garegin njdeh)
        has wrote a book called (armenians:cradle of aryans in asia)
        go and read that book and educate ur self.
        chkidem ove jahele mechernis.

        and most of the ceghagron parties in armenia are neo nazi.
        are they jahel too ?

        maybe for you.
        every body who is not multicultural zionist race destroyer like you
        is jahel ?

        and btw there are lots of good armenians in SF
        and lots of non armenian white nationalists which show
        love to armenian race which i have never seen before.

        i got banned cause of some few stupid russian skinheads.
        and one moderator.
        i crossed the line.and it was sortly my fault.
        i will never change my mind.and i will die on the same thoughts
        of garegin njdeh.


        and im not american.
        i live in syrian arab republic.

        and if u see the hateness between some semitic nations and armenias.
        u will know that hitler was right when he said
        that semitics and aryans are enemies.
        most of the things that he said is hapening now.
        Last edited by Aryan_Hye; 10-13-2006, 04:42 PM.


        • #24
          Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

          Originally posted by Aryan_Hye
          the founder of armenian youth federation tseghagron (Garegin njdeh)
          has wrote a book called (armenians:cradle of aryans in asia)
          go and read that book and educate ur self.
          chkidem ove jahele mechernis.

          and most of the ceghagron parties in armenia are neo nazi.
          are they jahel too ?

          maybe for you.
          every body who is not multicultural zionist race destroyer like you
          is jahel ?

          and btw there are lots of good armenians in SF
          and lots of non armenian white nationalists which show
          love to armenian race which i have never seen before.

          i got banned cause of some few stupid russian skinheads.
          and one moderator.
          i crossed the line.and it was sortly my fault.
          i will never change my mind.and i will die on the same thoughts
          of garegin njdeh.

          RACE TRAITORS.

          and im not american.
          i live in syrian arab republic.

          and if u see the hateness between some semitic nations and armenias.
          u will know that hitler was right when he said
          that semitics and aryans are enemies.
          most of the things that he said is hapening now.
          were in syria do you live? why do you live among semitic people if you hate them?....why won't you settle in armenia....?


          • #25
            Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

            Originally posted by Aryan_Hye

            we are pure aryans.and we deserve to be nazis.
            like how some of our grandparents had right in 3rd
            reich to live like germans.and even to marry with german

            that gloury of armenians were all cause of our aryan roots.
            You absolute fukk up degenerate


            • #26
              Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

              Originally posted by Kamo
              You absolute fukk up degenerate
              the only degenerate here is you with your name of a "comunist hero"


              • #27
                Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                Originally posted by Aryan_Hye
                the founder of armenian youth federation tseghagron (Garegin njdeh)
                has wrote a book called (armenians:cradle of aryans in asia)
                go and read that book and educate ur self.
                chkidem ove jahele mechernis.

                and most of the ceghagron parties in armenia are neo nazi.
                are they jahel too ?

                maybe for you.
                every body who is not multicultural zionist race destroyer like you
                is jahel ?

                and btw there are lots of good armenians in SF
                and lots of non armenian white nationalists which show
                love to armenian race which i have never seen before.

                i got banned cause of some few stupid russian skinheads.
                and one moderator.
                i crossed the line.and it was sortly my fault.
                i will never change my mind.and i will die on the same thoughts
                of garegin njdeh.

                CAUSE IM REAL ARMENIAN.
                RACE TRAITORS.

                and im not american.
                i live in syrian arab republic.

                and if u see the hateness between some semitic nations and armenias.
                u will know that hitler was right when he said
                that semitics and aryans are enemies.
                most of the things that he said is hapening now.
                Why are you wasting your energy to this persons? They have no education about this stuff, where the hell can now that in German occupied Sevastopol only local Armenians and German soldiers had the right to visit restaurants, and that after Germans entered the city all officers settled in Armenian district, where the hell they can know that Armenian divisions of SS were entering battle with sounds of zurna and dhol, where the hell they can know that more than 10 000 Armenian legioners were married with German women while Armenian divisions were located in Eastern Prussia, they can't know that ARMENIAN SOLDIERS OF WEHRMACHT(GERMAN ARMY) WERE FORCED TO STUDY HISTORY OF ARMENIAN PEOPLE by German military High Command, they know nothing about OPERATION "GERTRUD", WHICH WAS HITLERS PLAN TO INVADE TURKEY IN 1943, if they even read this they wont believe, because they are brainwashed citizens of Zion, they believe in xxxish media more than their national leaders like Dro, Nzhdeh, they tell they know what was Nzhdeh talking about, but they are lying! They cant explain what was Nzhdeh doing in occupied Crimea in 1943, they dont know why Martin Borman would tell about Dro "MY BELOVED FRIEND, HERO OF BASH APARAN"...
                You are right, some of this people dont have the real Aryan Armenian blood in them, they cant understand what we are saying, it's for them like a chineese alphabeth...


                • #28
                  Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                  I wonder how many of these nazi hero armenian traitors murdered armenian soldiers fighting in the red army. War criminals


                  • #29
                    Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                    What i read here is really entertaining, Armenian-Kurdish friendship.Oh my god!
                    Don't you know that the thing called Armenian Genocide was done by the Kurds? Until 1915, the Kurds were living in mountains.After that time they learned living in houses which belonged to the Armenians before.They became rich with the money stolen from your ancestors.They raped Armenian women, even children.I had listened stories from Kurds in Bingol, a man was boosting with his grandfather's performance who raped a woman in front of her husband.It was really disgusting.

                    They also inherited your culture.Today what we know as Kurdish music,dance etc. is totally Armenian.Of course the Kurds are not as civilized as you and perform these in primitive ways.If I were you, I would investigate what Kurds did in those years.You would face unbelievable barbaric stories.


                    • #30
                      Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Aryan_Hye
                      we are pure aryans.and we deserve to be nazis....
                      Deserve? Oh what a great prize!!!

                      By the way, how are you so sure that you are "pure"? Do you have proof of your "pureness"? How do you know your great great great great grandmother wasn't raped by a mongol at some point?
                      this post = teh win.

