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Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

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  • #61
    Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

    Ah the morron found that you can translate on the interet tufta lagodner@ xxxe sag shat vad ban e turk linel@ asuni pese gesh e, esherit debil en u sag el galuboj lagot ner en: hayer khasknan inch qsem


    • #62
      Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

      child you are very sweety


      • #63
        Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

        I'm a child I speak more languages than you'll ever do, You say you're 18 but you sound a child of 10 or do all turks sound dum.


        • #64
          Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

          Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
          I'm a child I speak more languages than you'll ever do, You say you're 18 but you sound a child of 10 or do all turks sound dum.
          Not important,If my native country is my real target,others are not important!You haven't country,You and all diaspora duplicate other nations,like as monkeys!so you know more language in normal
          at last, only English enough for me,it is international !
          Last edited by YAFES; 08-08-2007, 03:46 PM.


          • #65
            Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

            That animate image for Kurds


            • #66
              Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

              Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
              I'm a child I speak more languages than you'll ever do,...
              good boy

              could you please talk about yourself more , about your skills, your boundless knowledge about languages and other subjects? tell us how clever are you...?


              • #67
                Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                Originally posted by YAFES View Post
                child you are very sweety


                • #68
                  Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                  Originally posted by platanus View Post
                  you didn't answer me how old are you? 6 or 8?

                  wow!!! I am affected a lot, good come back, perfect slogan!!

                  anyway... let's come back to the real world... could you tell me where was ottoman empire ? and where is Turkey now? where is these lands now? do you know geography?
                  "OHHH yeahhh they will never belong to turks" hey dude are you living in mars ? these lands are belong to us and we have been living on these lands for about 1000 years...please give up dreaming and living in mars and come back to the real world...I have begun to feel pity for you KarotheGreat, you should see a doctor
                  1000 years in van? 1000 years in kurdistan?

                  Then why sultan selim fought against the safavids? 1071 isn t the occupancy date of van.

                  your history books (kemal kara or another xxxx) are full with lies.

                  Do you think hittites or sumerians or scythians or kurds and the whole were turk, like your garbage history arguments (the sun language theory).

                  or are you ignorant like the other turk who doesnt
                  know anything about turan?


                  • #69
                    Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                    Originally posted by YAFES View Post
                    hey I am 18! but I will learn forthcoming!I cant speak françese! TRANSLATE your posts!

                    hey ermeni çevir şu yazdığını hasta etme adamı! TURKİSH

                    Übersetz dein schreiben auf englisch ! Germen ok?
                    the translation of this nonsence sentence written in turkish:
                    "you armenian! translate what you write don t make me mad"


                    • #70
                      Re: Kurdish minortiy in Armenia

                      Originally posted by YAFES View Post
                      Yarabbi bize sabır ihsan eyle!
                      * Bismil -lâ-hir- Rahmân-ir'Rahıym
                      * İzâa câaaae nasrullaahi vel fethu * Ve raeytennâase yedhu-lüüne fii diynillahi efvâacâa
                      * Fesebbih bihamdi rabbike vesteğfirhü innehüü kâane tevvaâbâa
                      * Bismil -lâ-hir- Rahmân-ir'Rahıym
                      * Tebbet yedâaa ebiylehebivve tebbe * Mâa ağnâa anhü mâalü-hüü ve mâa keseb * Se yaslâa nâaran zâate
                      * Vemraetühüü hammâatel hatab * Fii ciydihâa hablüm mim mesed
                      * Bismil -lâ-hir- Rahmân-ir'Rahıym
                      * Kul euuzü birabbil felak * Min şerri maa halak * Ve min şerri ğaasikın izâa vekab * Ve min şerrin neffâasati fil 'ukad
                      * Ve min şerri haasidin izâa hased
                      *Bismil -lâ-hir- Rahmân-ir'Rahıym
                      * Kul hüvellâahü ehad * Ellâahüs samed * Lem yelid ve lem yüüled * Velem yeküllehüü küfüven ehad
                      Yarabbim bu ermenilere akıl fikir ihsan eyle,bunların şerrinden bizi koru! AMİN

                      and the other:
                      one prayer in arabic and the a desire in turkish

                      "God give those armenians intelligence and protect us from their evil"

                      ban the turks

