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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Originally posted by Armenian
    Russia, China denounce U.S. plans for global missile defense

    This is trully historic statement. I just wonder how would Western media spin it?.....


    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Originally posted by North Pole View Post
      This is trully historic statement. I just wonder how would Western media spin it?.....
      BBC news said "Russia China denounce the missile defense".


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Chinese Earthquake Captured in Wedding Photos

        When the major quake hit, lots of stones fell off the church buildings all of a sudden. Since there was no where to hide, everyone except the photographer who captured this precious moment, got down on their knee and held their head down.

        People mourn China earthquake dead with air sirens wailing in grief

        Pupils holding candles mourn during a silent tribute in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, May 19, 2008. Millions of people in China and overseas observed three minutes silence at 2:28 p.m. Monday to mourn thousands of people killed in an earthquake which hit the nation's southwestern regions a week ago. Across the country, air raid sirens, cars, trains and ship horns wailed in grief as the people fell silent. (Xinhua/Li Yong)

        Donald Tsang Yam-kuen (C, Front), chief executive of the HKSAR and other officials mourn during a suspension at the government headquarterse in Hong Kong, south China, May 19, 2008。 (Xinhua/Gong Lei)

        People mourn China earthquake dead - Xinhua

        Russian doctors and rescuers help quake-hit China
        Russian doctors and emergency workers have arrived in China's Sichuan province, which has been hit by the country’s deadliest earthquake in more than two decades. Russia's Emergency Ministry has also sent specialist rescue teams with heavy equipment and dogs, and a mobile hospital is due to follow.

        VIDEO - RussiaToday : News : Russian doctors and rescuers help quake-hit China
        RussiaToday : News : Russian doctors and rescuers help quake-hit China
        VIDEO - RussiaToday : News : Moscow offers mobile hospital to quake-hit China

        The second of four Russian planes packed with humanitarian supplies has taken off for southwestern China with emergency aid for victims of Monday’s devastating earthquake. The IL-76 aircraft is carrying 30 tonnes of supplies, including tents, blankets and mattresses.
        Russia’s Emergency Ministry says it's ready to send rescuers and doctors who have vast experience in relief operations.
        RussiaToday : News : Moscow offers mobile hospital to quake-hit China

        Russia to send 9 planes with emergency aid to quake-hit China
        24/ 05/ 2008

        VIDEO - RussiaToday : News : 9 more Russian aid-planes head to China

        MOSCOW, May 24 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will send nine military planes to China on Saturday carrying equipment for the ongoing relief operation following the May 12 earthquake that has left over 60,000 dead, a defense official said.
        Gen. Vladimir Isakov, a deputy defense minister, said: "Nine planes will urgently be sent to deliver 23 mobile kitchens, 300 large army tents, and 3,000 woolen blankets."
        Eight of the planes will be Il-76s flying from the Domna airbase in Chita, East Siberia, and one will be an An-124, which is now being loaded at the Chkalovsky airbase near Moscow.

        RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia to send 9 planes with emergency aid to quake-hit China


        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          I remember earthquake in Armenia of 1988. There was a report in the media back then about the Soviet cargo aid plane that crashed in the mountains of Armenia due to bad weather... Does anyone know if there is a cross at the crash site?
          Last edited by North Pole; 05-24-2008, 07:52 AM.


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            Originally posted by North Pole View Post
            I remember earthquake in Armenia of 1988. There was a report in the media back then about the Soviet cargo aid plane that crashed in the mountains of Armenia due to bad weather... Does anyone know if there is a cross at the crash site?
            The plane was from Yugoslavia: Antonov-12 cargo plane. I believe there is a memorial at the crash site.


            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              Originally posted by Angessa View Post
              Those skinheads are also like terroist supported and armed by western intelligences agency CIA, Mossad and MI-6. They are scum and traitors and shames me to see them in Russia. There should be no remorse taken against them and should be tried as treason and put to death for racial murders or life in jail for lesser crimes.
              Angessa, racists and criminals exist in all societies, especially within large nations going through rough economic times. Even in the United States there is a problem with racists (Neonazis, KKK, White Supremacists, various Hispanic racist groups, Mexican racist, Black racist groups). However, one of the major differences between the US and the Russia Federation is that in the US the central authorities are much more effective, much more efficient, in their management and control over the general population. Also, the US has not had a serious socioeconomic breakdown the kind of which post Soviet Russia has experianced. In any given country where there is economic crisis and/or weakened central government social order suffers and crime increases as a result. In hard socioeconomic times, natives in any given country tend persecute those who they 'perceive' to be outsiders taking advantage of their nation. What's more, it's no secret that since the Soviet collapse, Russia has had severe problems with all types of social disorders and criminal groups. Many of these criminal groups in question are/were being manipulated by western interests. Nonetheless, I am glad that authorities in Moscow have began to combat this serious problem, a problem incidentally that is detrimental to Russia's national progression. Some time ago I posted the following comments regarding Russian racists:

              Racism in Russia

              Since the "Neonazis" of Russia have made news again I would like to briefly make a few comments about Armenian and Russian relations in the context of racist attacks against Armenians living in Russia. I initially did not want to discuss this topic at all because I saw it as unconnected to the true intent of this blog. What's more, this is a sociological problem in Russia that many non-Russian immigrants face and has no bearing on the geopolitical/geostrategic aspects of Russo-Armenian relations. The fact of the matter is, Russian Neonazis or "skinheads" as they are at times called, represent the Russian Federation just as much as the "KKK" or "White Power" degenerates represent the United States of America. However, since many individuals keep brining up this matter every time Russian-Armenian issues are discussed, I felt obligated to make a few comments and move on.

              During the last several years several dozen Armenians have been murdered in what have appeared to be racially motivated killings. While it is common knowledge that Russians generally speaking tend to be a chauvinistic people, an aggressive people, what's not clear is who is committing the murders of Armenians in Russia and why. It is now becoming more and more obvious that Armenians in Russia are being targeted by special interests either due to business related calculations or political, they want to drive a wedge between Russia and Armenia. After all, there are large numbers of Turkic peoples and Jews living within boundaries of the Russian Federation, there are also large numbers of Georgian and Chechen organized crime rings in Russia. The aforementioned will always be a danger towards Armenians for they see us as their competitors and historic enemies. On an interesting note - seems like on of the leaders of one of Russia's largest right-wing extremist organization, of all people, is a Jew.

              It should also be pointed out that a vast majority of killings involving Armenians in Russia have been mob related. None of this, however, means that the average Russian on the street will have warm sentiments towards foreigners in Russia, especially Caucasians, whom they see as taking advantage of the nation. It is also well known that many Armenian immigrants in Russia bring shame upon our people, similar to many Armenians in southern California. However, unlike in the United States, where the standard of living remains high and the socio-political climate stable, the Russian Federation has been suffering severe social malaise and economic depression for well over a decade. As a result of this socio-political and financial upheavals, Russians have naturally began to grow increasingly intolerant and aggressive towards non-ethnic Russians living amongst them.

              I would like to point out a US funded government study conducted in the mid-90s that revealed one out of six Russian adolescents at the time were mentally/emotionally disturbed. That is a staggering number - one out of six children in Russia had metal problems. Those children incidentally are now young adults with mental problems. It is well known that the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union saw a drastic rise in violent crime, severe corruption, unemployment, moral degradation, broken families and illiteracy. Today there are perhaps millions of troubled and disgruntled young men and women roaming the streets of major cities in Russia. And these are in essence the vulnerable citizens of the country that are being manipulated to do the dirty work of special interests, be it the FSB, organized crime, or foreign based entities.

              Broadly speaking, it is in all peoples psyche to be chauvinistic, it's a human trait. Aren't we Armenians chauvinistic in our own special way? Aren't we smarter than non-Armenians, the "otars"? Don't Armenians look down on Russian men as being drunkards? Don't Armenian men look at Western women, specifically Russian women, as whores? And it's not just us, don't the English, French and the Spaniards boast about their former empires? Aren't Germans and Japanese still arrogant? And how do you think the term the "ugly American" came into existence? If Russians are more high nosed than the average westerner it's because for the past several centuries they have been a major military power, economic power, political power, cultural power. And unlike many of the other major powers around them, they continue to be one today. Also, Russians seem to have had enough of foreigners meddling into their businesses.

              Nonetheless, the hard reality today is that certain street elements in Russia are being used towards sinister purposes by special interest groups and government agencies. This situation will not change for some time. Thus, we Armenians have to work with what we have. Armenians in Russia, our largest diasporan community numbering around 2 million, need to be more proactive in fostering better relations with their Russian neighbors. Armenian migrants in Russia need to have more respect towards their host nation and its laws. To remedy these problems, Armenian community groups need to be assembled. Cultural awareness programs like the ones recently commissioned by the authorities in Moscow need to increase in number and scope. Individual Armenians need to work on this, Armenian businessmen need to work on this, Armenian officials need to work on this, our Church leadership needs to work on this.

              We have had a natural alliance with Russia for severals centuries. Our relations with the Russian nation actually goes back a thousand years. We have also had our political problems with them as well. In the big geopolitical picture, however, today and for the foreseeable future, Armenia and Russia will need each other. I personally don't foresee any obstacles getting in the way of Armenia's crucial strategic alliance with the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, due to our geopolitical predicaments in the Caucasus we need the Russian Federation much more than they need us. And therein lies the danger for us. For us, our relationship with Moscow is a simple matter of survival. For Russia, their relationship with Armenia is simply a matter of geopolitical calculations. Nevertheless, the strategic relationship between these two friendly nations seems to be heading towards a very good direction and no "skinhead" will be able to put a stop to it.

              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations


                Russian racists in demonstrations in Moscow

                “The manifestations of fascism appeared in Russia after the defeat of the Soviet Union”, said NA Deputy Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan referring to manifestations of race discrimination in Russia. «Russia suffered a defeat in the cold war. The ideological defeat was that communism proved to be ideologically empty; the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia lost territories which later became its enemy. The economic defeat was that the whole economy of the Soviet Union collapsed, and the fact that Russia continues to survive is conditioned by the natural resources and not by the development of the economy», Vahan Hovhannisyan said. According to him, the skinheads who speak about the Aryan spirit and the purity of the blood know nothing about fascism. “If for example Mussolini or Franco who were the founders of fascism appeared in the Russian Underground, the skinheads could beat them too as they do not differ from the Armenians in the color of their skin. So the basis of such violations is not ideological; it is simply the frustration of the society expressed through such horrible acts”. Vahan Hovhannisyan thinks that Russia does not combat against these phenomena properly. As for the attitude of the Armenian authorities, he is not aware of it. In an interview to “A1+” deputy of the Russian State Duma Alexander Dzasokhov noted that he treats the Armenians living both in Armenia and out of it with deep respect. “I have many Armenian friends. Every death is a tragedy, but it does not refer to Armenians more than to other nations. The Armenians living Russia are part of our history. We also have many Armenian professionals in the Law enforcement agency. We must join our efforts in order to prevent suchlike cases in future. ”


                Putin Names Fighting Ethnic Hatred Top Priority for Russia

                Russian neonazis demonstrate

                Russia`s President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with political party leaders that an appropriate response would be soon given to racial, interethnic and inter-religious hatred, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Wednesday. “Those who preach racial, national or religious hatred must know that their views will provoke an appropriate response,” he said and added that it is evident that countering extremism is not only a state responsibility, although the state should address it first and foremost. According to the president, civil society and political parties should have a clear position in regard to the problem. Putin also noticed that ordinary citizens in particular should change their attitude toward crimes concerned with racial, interethnic and inter-religious hatred. The president thinks that the wording of laws countering extremist activity should be absolutely clear, and that punishment should be inevitable and appropriate to the gravity of the crime. Putin thanked lawmakers for adopting laws making it possible to ban extremist parties from participating in elections. Increasing violence aimed at people with non-Slavic appearance has prompted Russian and foreign human rights groups in recent months to raise concerns over the alarming spread of racist and xenophobic attitudes in the country.


                Murder of ethnic Armenian in Moscow – “blow on Russia’s image on the threshold of G8 summit”

                Armenians in Yerevan protesting the murder of Armenians in Russia

                Non-Governmental Russia’s Armenians Union (RAU), which once succeeded in liberation of Russian seamen, held captive in Nigeria, is planning to protest against xenophobia in Russia now. As RAU Head Ara Abramyan has informed REGNUM, the organization prepares protest actions in connection with murder of 19-year-old ethnic Armenian, Russian citizen Artur Sardaryan, committed in car of Moscow suburban electric train. According to the RAU leader, first of all, the murderers wished to damage Russia’s image, “to lead it astray, out of the way of democracy and development.” Ara Abramyan is sure that “Nazis have deliberately chosen for their bloody crime time, preceding St. Petersburg G8 summit.” “It is an obvious provocation, directed not against Armenians as such, but one, which directly strikes on Russia’s image on the threshold of such important event,” the RAU head believes.

                It is worth reminding that Artur Sardaryan was murdered on May 25 in a Moscow suburban electric train. According to eye-witnesses, the crime was committed by group of young men, scanning “Long live Russia!” and other nationalistic slogans. Only on May 29, the murder received publicity. As REGNUM informed, Sardaryan headed to his home town of Pushkino. At least two persons stopped the train, operating emergency break, and ran away, after the murderer attacked. Office of Transport Public Prosecutor at Russian Railway’s Yaroslavl Line instituted proceedings in connection with murder, committed by a group of people and caused by national hatred. About a month earlier, analogous case took place in Moscow Pushkinskaya metro station, when 17-year-old student, born in Armenia, Vigen Abramyants was murdered in presence of numerous witnesses.


                Annually Azeri Criminal Groupings in Russia Assign $50 Million for Murders of Armenians

                Armenians protesting racist attacks in Russia

                “Annually Azeri criminal groupings assign $50 million for the organization of murders of Armenians,” Russia FM’s Advisor for Nationalities in 1999-2001 Vsevolod Maryan stated during round-table discussions dedicated to the crimes committed in Russia through national hatred. In his words, the situation should be given a straightforward account. “The reports of press are a tiny part of what’s really going on. At least 3000 Armenians were killed in Russia during recent ten years,” Maryan said.

                In his opinion, the crimes through national hatred originate from the collapse of the USSR. But if at that times they were spontaneous, now “they are organized by a ruling grouping, not only Russian but the Azeri one as well.” “Anyone, rich or poor, can fall victim to nationalist policy in Russia. It will concern not the “persons of Caucasian nationality”, as Yuri Lujkov (the Mayor of Moscow) called them, but Armenians,” Vsevolod Maryan considers. He motivates it by the fact that “while Armenian honestly earn money Azeris establish contacts with powerful structures in Russia”. That is why the killed Caucasians turn out to be Armenians. “Armenians are deliberately killed in Russia in order to drive the last nail into the coffin in the South Caucasus,” Vsevolod Maryan resumed, reported IA Regnum.


                Armenians of Moscow don’t participate in initiatives of Caucasian peoples

                The Armenian community of Moscow doesn’t take part in the initiatives of “representatives of Caucasian peoples,” Yuri Navoyan, the chairman of the Russian-Armenian Commonwealth NGO told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. “Various organizations always want to involve Armenians in the settlement of their problems with Russia. However, everyone should solve problems without using the representatives of other nationalities. This is our position,” Mr Navoyan said. Representatives of Caucasian peoples are planning a picket for July 13. The action will be held against leaders of ultranational groupings inciting national hatred. The coordination council of the Azeri youth is going to join the picket, reported.


                Authorities declare war on racist gangs

                Following a week which has seen one gang of extremists receive long prison terms – including life sentences - and another skinhead gang arrested and charged with racist killings, it seems there might be light at the end of the tunnel as the forces of law and order get to grips with the scourge of racist violence on the streets of Moscow.

                Skinhead gang charged with 19 racial murders

                Eight young men and one woman are due to stand trial accused of 19 murders and 13 attempted murders. The Moscow Prosecutor’s Office brought the charges after an investigation into more than three dozen racial attacks around the city between August 2006 and April 2007. Currently eight of the nine so-called ‘skinheads’ are in custody. One has been released on condition he remains in the city. Last April two Moscow students, Artur Ryno and his friend Pavel Skachevsky were arrested on suspicion of killing an Armenian businessman. Later Ryno confessed to 37 racially-motivated crimes, and more arrests followed. A total of nine people aged from 16 to 22 are now charged with murder or attempted murder. Investigators say the members of the gang kept in touch via mobile phones and the Internet. Then they would get together for what they called ‘actions’. Their attacks were always sudden and had one purpose only - to kill. The gang went out on manhunts in the evenings, attacking men they considered non-Slavic.

                Alarming record

                Fifty-three people have been killed in hate crimes this year, which is three times as many as over the same period in 2007. These figures have motivated authorities to take a tougher stance. Now more crimes are being investigated as racial attacks – and, crucially, more are coming to court. Earlier this week eight extremists were found guilty of a 2006 explosion in the Cherkizovo market that left 14 dead and 47 injured, most of whom were immigrants from the North Caucasus and East Asia.

                Human rights activists see rays of hope

                ”The fact that this case found its way to court, and the example of people sentenced to life for the Cherkizovo market blast shows that we are moving in the right direction - but there's still a lot to do,” Semyon Charny from the Moscow Human Rights Bureau believes. Russia's hate crimes are attracting greater attention from society, media and the authorities. Last spring, a billboard campaign in the streets of Moscow promoted racial tolerance. However, only the next few years will show whether this will be enough to resolve the problem.

                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Hikmet Haji-zade: "To be our true friend Russia should reject support of Armenian aggression in Karabakh"

                  Day.Az interview with famous political scientist Hikmet Haji-zade.

                  -How do you assess current state of Azerbaijani-Russian relations?

                  Though a definite "calm and business-like tone" is observed in our relations from exterior, unfortunately, this is a deceptive impression. Russia continues to support Armenian aggressors and put pressure on Azerbaijan in different issue. For example, Russia demands from Azerbaijan to stop economic and political support to Georgia and weaken ties with the West and Turkey. On the whole, the situation is far from being ideal. Merely, unlike Georgie, Azerbaijan does not present offenses and claims towards Russia on the international arena and I think this policy is correct.

                  -Can we count on the cardinal closing of ties between Azerbaijan and Russia under the new President Dmitri Medvedev?

                  -The cardinal closing of ties between our countries can occur only when Russia rejects the support of Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, which will also promote the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Yet, it is not likely to occur soon. The Russian elite and society are at present in euphoria about the Putin policy in such issues and oil funds, the smallest part of which go to Russian budget officers and pensioners.

                  -But will Russia benefit more from relations with Azerbaijan or Armenia?

                  Everything depends on what Russia considers to be profitable for it. If following the USSR collapse Russia would have intended to become a democratic national state (as Turkey did following the collapse of the Osman empire) Azerbaijan would be a more favorable partner than Armenia. Unfortunately, the nostalgia about the empire have dominated other feelings and intentions and now, instead of learning to produce ars, Russia again prepares its old rockets. Russia does not want to maintain friendship, cooperate or trade, but it wants to rule! But it will not attain it, as world has changed and it is not so strong as previously.

                  -What do you think about the arguments, used by CSTO secretary general Nikolay Bordyuzha, who spoke of prospects, our country would have following its return to this organization?

                  -Nikolay Bordyuzha, speaking about the advantages of the CSTO, has not made a single comment about the Karabakh conflict. And it is not clear how we will cooperate in the sphere of security with such a member of the organization as Armenia, and Russia, by the way, which supports its aggression. Bordyuzha mentioned such spheres of interaction within the organization as a combat with drugs, illegal migration, cooperation in combat with calamities, but he said nothing of the main point! In his interview he had mentioned the word "NATO" several times, it seems that Russia is anxious about both Georgian membership in this organization and expanding cooperation of Azerbaijan with NATO. But who is to be blamed for the attempt of our countries and Ukraine to escape from Russia's pressing influence? I want to hope that the new president of Russia will think over this issue.

                  -By the way, let's talk again about the new president of Russia. A number of analysts and political scientists noted following Medvedev's being elected the President, that the Korean will start rejecting its empire ambition, stop hopping for restoration of its influence on the whole territory of the former USSR and support separatists, concentrating on the resolution of social internal problems. But now we observe intensification of the Crimea tatars in Ukraine, conflicts in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, raising of the Lezgiun issue in Azerbaijan. Does it mean that Medvedev, in fact, fulfills functions of a representative, leaving the power to the Prime Minister of Russia Putin?

                  -I also hope that Medvedev will change Russia's aggressive empire policy and I want to hope that if he decides to do it, he will not be alone, he will be supported by the world society; the currently silent liberals within the Russian government; and, by the way, a part of the militaristic elite of Russia can not disagree that Putin has caused Russia to quarrel with the remaining world and that it is time to moderate the intentions and deal with the urgent internal problems. Thus, it will be much easier for Medvedev that it may initially seem.

                  -Do you agree that the resolution of the UN General Assembly on support of right of refugees and displaced persons to return to their homes in Abkhazia adds to the optimism of the Azerbaijani and Georgian sides, striving for the peaceful resolution of existing conflicts both in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as Nagorno Karabakh?

                  -Yes, I agree with it. Both Azerbaijan and Georgia should increase efforts in this direction. We should inform the world society about injustice to our peoples and the UN is an important tribune for execution of this task. I consider that most, reading this statement, will say that the UN is only a talking ship and everything depending on super states, which care only about their pockets. But today it is not like this. Not completely like this. Beginning from late 20th century, the community of the countries-voters for the government are becoming stronger and control their elite and public opinion usually contains more morals than the pragmatic policy of the governments. Each year the demand of voters for conduction of fair and moral internal and external policy become more effective. And we should appeal not only to super states and elite but also to world democratic society.

                  -Then why don't the GUAM countries develop a plan on private support of separatism in Russia in a response to Russia's actions towards the GUAM member-states?

                  -This is a difficult question. Initially GUAM countries seem not so strong to revenge Russia this way. But on the other side, if we recall the recent history, for example, the Chechen war, we have witnessed that in the mid 1990s both Azerbaijan and Georgia under Schevarnadze supported the Chechen fights for independence. Thousands of Chechens and Dudayev's representatives came in Baku. Schevarnadze helped them even more. But in the result, Russia suppressed the Chechen rebellion and putting a pressure on Azerbaijan, made it reject the active support of Chechens. It is unpleasant to recall it, considering the Azerbaijani-Russian relations. But who is to be blamed for it? Today Russian politicians, before speaking about our eternal friendship, should see the root of the problem. To become out true friend, Russia should reject its support to the Armenian aggression in Karabakh.

                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    There has been some debate regarding Russian-Armenian relations within Armenian society as of late. While most Armenians generally speaking tend to be pro-Russia, some within our society are rightfully concerned about Armenia's growing dependence on the Russian Federation. Since Armenia is landlocked and surrounded by enemies, Armenians fear that Moscow may one day betray Armenia, as it had done in the past. While Armenian nationalists support Armenia's strategic alliance with the Russian Federation, some within this group are stating that Yerevan needs to be more forceful with Moscow. They want official Yerevan to more-or-less dictate its terms of friendship with the Russian Federation. The following are my comments to these complaints:


                    What political "leverage" does official Yerevan have today when it comes to dealing with Russia other than promising Moscow that Armenia will serve Russia's interests within the Caucasus? Joining the USA/NATO camp?

                    Please think through your answers before posting it. Many have been stating that we Armenians need to "play tough" with Russia. The complaints are that Russia is taking over Armenia. Armenia is turning into an "outpost" of Russia. Russian is strangling us. They will betray us. Etc... These complaints have been some of the major slogans for those who attack the current government in Yerevan, including the treasonous criminal, Levon Petrosian. Needless to say, these slogans are also being publicized and disseminated throughout Armenian society by western interests as well.

                    We need to be "tough" with Moscow and "dictate" our terms of friendship, you say. You expect Armenia to do this now? In the Caucasus? With the kind of neighbors we have? In the political, economic situation we are in? Have you people gone totally mad?!?!?!

                    You want to fuck with Gazprom?

                    The EU and the US put together have not been able to fuck with Gazprom. What if Gazprom says no gas or oil for you Yerevan until you get your act straight. What does Yerevan do in such a situation? Ask Baku, Tbilisi or Ankara for gas and oil supplies? Forget your embattled Iran, they need Russia just as much as we do, if not more. Iran will never sabotage its relations with Moscow over us, nor would they openly side with us due to the Islamic factor.

                    You want to sabotage Armenia's nuclear fuel provisions?

                    What if Moscow stops all nuclear fuel shipments to Armenia. Armenian's nuclear power plant provide 40% of Armenia's energy needs. What will Yerevan do then? Ask the US for nuclear fuel?

                    You want to sabotage Armenian CIS military protection?

                    What if Moscow decided to lift that protection, one that has essentially kept Turkey on the WEST side of the Arax.

                    You want to sabotage Armenia's access to low cost modern armaments?

                    Who will train and equip our military? USA? Turkey? Azerbaijan? Israel? Iran?

                    You want to sabotage the diplomatic support Artsakh receives from Moscow?

                    What if Russia began to side with Baku over the Artsakh issue due to Armenia's wish to "play tough" with Moscow? Who do we then ask for political help regarding Artsakh? China?

                    You want to sabotage the desperately needed $1 billion trade we have with Russia?

                    What if Russia placed an embargo on Armenian produced goods. What if Moscow pulled out their hundreds of millions of dollars of investments in Armenia. What if the trade we have with them was lost.

                    You want to sabotage the disparately needed money transfers Armenia gets from Russia?

                    What if Russian imposed visa restriction on Armenians traveling to Russia. What if Russia imposed restrictions on transferring money to Armenia. Where will the hundreds of thousands of Armenian migrant workers go work and send money home from? Iran? Turkey? EU?

                    It's not a happy feeling, but yeah they got us by the balls.

                    They also need us but no way near as much as we need them. For us, our relations with Russia is simply a matter of survival. For them, their relations with us is simply a matter of geopolitical calculation. Thus, Armenia is walking a very fine line in the Caucasus. We need to take this unique opportunity the Russian Federation is currently giving us to build a powerful and prosperous nation. When was the last time Armenia had geopolitical importance for a major power? We need to fully embrace the Russian Federation and actively participate in its politician, economic and social layers. We have a major superpower right next to us who is on friendly terms with us, let's take advantage of this situation. What we don't need now, however, are individuals like you causing undue tension between Yerevan and Moscow.

                    Push comes to shove, Moscow can take all of the aforementioned measures against Armenia and 'still' keep their control over the Caucasus. Look at Georgia, they literally have billions of dollars being pumped into their republic from USA, EU, Saudi Arabia, Turkey; they have American and Turkish military and diplomatic help; they have all the sea access they need to trade with Europe and beyond; they have free flowing oil coming in from Azerbaijan; yet due to Moscow, the nation of Georgia today is under a serious threat of breaking up. Azerbaijan is another example of how helpless nations in the Caucasus are against Russia. Baku is essentially a hostage to Moscow.

                    What has Russia done for us...

                    1) To begin with they give us geopolitical clout, crucial on the world stage.

                    2) They indirectly allow us maintain control over Artsakh.

                    3) They run our nuclear reactors and provide us with crucially needed nuclear fuel.

                    4) They provide us with a trade opportunity in the tune of approximately $1 billion.

                    5) They allow easy access (without visas) to their nation for Armenian migrant worker that in turn send back to Armenia approximately $1 billion.

                    6) They provide us with cheep (sometimes free) modern military hardware and training.

                    7) They provide us with, relatively speaking, cheep gas.

                    8) They pump into Armenia's economy hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments.

                    9) They protect Armenia under the CIS's military umbrella.

                    10) They are a natural buffer against the spread of pan-Turkism in the region and they keep Turkey on the West side of the Arax river.

                    The aforementioned is what keeps Armenia alive today, not the Armenian Diaspora or Western handouts. Besides, what more do we want? Spoon feeding? Perhaps a nice massage for all Armenian citizens by Putin? What happened to our pride and intellect? Why do we demand and expect good treatment simply because we are "Armenian" when we know that such things don't exist in politics without appropriate geopolitical factors. Let me remind us again that regardless of how wonderful we are as a nation, regardless of how long our wonderful history is, regardless of how wonderful our cultural heritage is, regardless of how many wonderful Armenians have served Mother Russia - geopolitically speaking, a tiny, landlocked, resource-less, impoverished Armenia, surrounded by enemies, is useless and worthless on the international scene.

                    So, when you pray at nights, if you pray, make sure you say a little prayer for the Kremlin, because in this very complex and unforgiving world, they have decided that Armenia's existence in the Caucasus serves their interests.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Analysis: Russian-Armenian Gas Talks Inconclusive

                      The Armenian government and Russia's Gazprom energy giant have failed to reach a final agreement on the price of Russian natural gas for Armenia, which is due to rise significantly next year. The issue dominated talks in Yerevan on May 19 between President Serzh Sarkisian and Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian (no relation to Serzh), and visiting Gazprom CEO Aleksei Miller. Both Tigran Sarkisian and Energy Minister Armen Movsisian refused to comment on the talks when approached by RFE/RL on May 20. In January 2006, Gazprom nearly doubled the price of the gas it supplied Armenia, from $54 to $110 per thousand cubic meters. However, the cost for Armenian corporate and individual consumers remained virtually unchanged until this month due to a controversial April 2006 agreement that left more Armenian energy assets under Russian ownership. In particular, Gazprom consolidated its controlling stake in Armenia's gas-distribution network and paid $249 million for an incomplete but modern thermal power plant located in the central town of Hrazdan.

                      By contrast, Gazprom raised the gas price for Georgia and Azerbaijan from $60 to $110 in early 2006, and again in November of that year to $230 per thousand cubic meters as of January 2007. The Armenian government has since used the money from the sale of the Hrazdan facility to subsidize gas prices, but admitted last month that those funds are almost exhausted and that subsidies would end as of May 1. This resulted in a 50 percent increase in the retail price of gas supplied to Armenian households and business entities. With another Gazprom price hike planned for January 2009, they will likely go up further. Karen Karapetian, chairman of the board of the Armenian natural-gas distribution company ArmRosGazprom, was quoted by Noyan Tapan on April 16 as downplaying the impact of the price hike on consumers. He said the 89,000 households that currently use up to 300 cubic meters per month will only pay an additional 700 drams ($2.20), while those consuming between 300-500 cubic meters will pay an additional 1,000-1,100 drams. The tariff for commercial consumers will remain unchanged at $159 per thousand cubic meters (compared with $257-$283 in neighboring Georgia.)

                      Gazprom said last week that by 2011, Armenia will have to pay for Russian gas at world prices that are currently above $200 per thousand cubic meters. According to the press offices of the Armenian president and prime minister, Miller reaffirmed this during his meetings in Yerevan. President Sarkisian's office said the two sides have agreed that the gas price will be raised to that level "step by step." In doing that, it said, they will take into account the fact that Gazprom now owns 72 percent of ArmRosGazprom. A separate statement by the Armenian government said the first increase will come into effect on January 1, 2009. It said Miller and Prime Minister Sarkisian agreed that the extent of that price rise will be determined by Gazprom and the Armenian side through further negotiations that will be held within the "shortest possible period." "The parties expressed confidence that a final decision on the issue under discussion will be taken soon," the statement added. The increased cost of natural gas has added to inflationary pressures on the Armenian economy mainly resulting from rising international prices of fuel, wheat, and other imported foodstuffs. Russian gas has become the No. 1 source of winter heating for the population. It is also widely used, in liquefied and pressurized forms, by public transport and private cars.


                      Russia to continue managing Armenia power plant

                      Russian company INTER RAO UES will continue managing the Metsamor nuclear power station in Armenia after its initial contract expires later this year, according to company officials. Since 2003 Metsamor has been operated by Unified Energy Systems, part of INTER RAO UES, in a five-year arrangement to help Armenia pay off its USD 40 million debt to Russia for providing uranium. Head of the INTER RAO board of directors Andrey Rapoport said that the company plans to build a new power plant to replace the Soviet-built Metsamor plant, which supplies the country with around 40 percent of its electricity supply. Armenia is under pressure from the EU to shut down Metsamor due to safety concerns over its lack of a containment system to deal with potential radioactive leaks. Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsesyan has said that if a new plant is built Metsamor can be shut down before it is due to in 2016.


                      RA President, Gazprom CEO discuss refinery construction in Armenia

                      Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan met Monday with Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller, the RA leader’s press office reported. Welcoming the guest, the President said that in the name of Gazprom, Armenia has a reliable and promising partner. He voiced confidence that the cooperation will develop successfully, acquiring new dimensions. The parties mentioned with satisfaction that in recent years ArmRusgazprom’s activities have been rather efficient, the figures impressive and the very fact that the company has increased the volume of gas consumption speaks not only about the company’s growth but also proves the sustainable growth of the Armenian economy as a whole. Among other achievements, the recent increase in gas consumption by the population of Armenia was mentioned. According to the President, as a result of a large-scale gasification of the country, today Armenia is among the countries with the highest level of gas consumption. Referring to the gas tariffs and price making, Mr Miller informed that starting from 2011 Gazprom plans to introduce equal tariffs for the internal consumption as well as for the exported gas. It was agreed to change the prices gradually until 2011, taking into account that Gazprom holds 72 per cent of the ArmRusgazprom as well as the necessity to make the entire process predictable and affordable for the Armenian consumers. M Sargsyan and Mr Miller also negotiated construction of a refinery and other investment programs implemented by Gazprom within the energy system of Armenia.

                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

