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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Perhaps we have not yet fully grasped the immense historic and geopolitical implications of the strategic alliance emerging between the Russian Federation and China. We are, nonetheless, witnessing the gradual birth of the next unsurpassed, unchallenged, global superpower, potentially the most dominant political, military and economic force of the twenty-first century. The center of geopolitical gravity is once again shifting East. What was only a fantastic dream for some, a terrible nightmare for others, has finally become reality.



    Medvedev's China visit to carry forward China-Russia strategic ties

    Russia & China sign nuclear deal:

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is to pay his first visit to China on Friday, in a move analysts say will push forward the China-Russia strategic partnership and map out a blueprint for bilateral ties in future. As China is to be the first non-Commonwealth of Independent States member country of Medvedev's first tour abroad since he was sworn in on May 7, the visit marked the importance attached by the two countries to their strategic partnership of cooperation, said Ma Zhengang, director of the China Institute of International Studies. "The visit shows the valued, special, strategic meaning and stability of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation," Ma said.


    During the presidency of Vladimir Putin, Medvedev's predecessor, Chinese-Russian relations were promoted to a "historic high". Chinese President Hu Jintao and Putin met five times last year and laid out the blueprint for the development of the strategic partnership of cooperation in its second decade. The two countries have done much to enhance the material and social foundations of bilateral ties, enabling them to develop steadily and deeply within a mature political framework, Ma said. In the economic sphere, bilateral trade volume surged from 10.67 billion U.S. dollars in 2000 to 48.17 billion dollars last year. The fast-growing trade fulfilled the need of speedy economic growth of both countries, which shows that economic cooperation between the two countries is becoming increasingly substantial and bringing benefits to both peoples, Ma said. As a key part of the Sino-Russian strategic relations, the two states hosted theme years to boost social exchanges: the Year of Russia in China in 2006 and the Year of China in Russia in 2007. Medvedev, then first deputy prime minister and Russia's chairman of the theme years' organizing committee, said such activities were pioneer projects and had yielded remarkable achievements.


    The China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation entered its second decade in 2007. This year marks the end of the first phase of the Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. Medvedev's visit at such a time would enable the two state leaders to make strategic plans for future development and hold in-depth discussion on further cooperation, analysts said. Meanwhile, China and Russia, with rising economies, have focused on conducting wide cooperation under globalization. "New booming economies play increasing roles in promoting the world economy, under which China and Russia would consider fresh cooperation," said Jiang Yi, expert with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. As both are permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia have played important roles in seeking solutions to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and Iran's nuclear program. They are both mediators in the six-party talks on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and international talks concerning Iran. Both members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China and Russia have actively cooperated in maintaining regional peace and security, fighting the "three evil forces" of terrorism, extremism and separatism, cracking down on drugs and arms trafficking and boosting regional economic cooperation. Russian Ambassador to China Sergey Razov said the two sides would sign series of documents, including one expressing both views on major international and regional issues. "China and Russia, facing the changing international situation, share the willingness of expressing common views and playing constructive roles in international and regional issues," Jiang said.


    Hearing of the May 12 earthquake in southwest China that claimed more than 51,000 lives, Medvedev sent a letter of condolence the same day to President Hu, followed by four batches of aid materials and rescue teams. Russia's fast reaction and generous assistance showed not only its care and humanitarian spirit, but also reflected the understanding and friendship between the Russian and Chinese peoples, Jiang said. The Russian government has promised to send a "high-level" delegation to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in August. The Russian delegation, composed of about 470 members, will be one of the largest delegations to the Games, said Razov. Analysts called for more efforts from the two nations to cement the material and social foundations of bilateral ties, such as optimizing trade structure, regulating trade orders, two-way investment and expanding new cooperation projects.


    Russia & China sign nuclear deal

    Russia and China have signed a billion dollar nuclear deal, in another sign of strengthening relations. The agreement was announced shortly after Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Beijing, as part of his first overseas trip as president. The deal covers the construction of a uranium enrichment plant in China and the delivery of low-enriched uranium from Russia. "Since we produce enough enriched uranium to cover our needs, we haven’t been building integrated uranium enrichment plants for some time now. So, in terms of engineering, it will be interesting to build a modern one from scratch," said Sergey Kirienko, Head of Russia’s Nuclear Energy Agency. Tourism, aviation, banking, investment and trade deals were also announced. Medvedev has so far met China’s President Hu Jintao and is due to meet other senior officials. His visit comes as some Chinese regions recover from a powerful earthquake, which rocked the country earlier this month and killed more than 55,000 people. President Medvedev says Russia will continue to provide more aid and assistance to deal with the aftermath of the quake. While relatively unknown in the West, Medvedev is well known in China. While Deputy Prime-Minister, he was responsible for the organisation of the Year of Russia in China. He visited the country both as an official and as a tourist. “Since 2001 co-operation between Russia and China has significantly grown in all spheres. Now we are on the threshold of forming a new plan that will lead to additional dynamics in our relations,” Dmitry Medvedev said. China is one of Russia's biggest trading partners. Since 2001 trade turnover between the countries has increased more than five-fold. Hu Jintao is expected to visit Russia next year.


    Russia, China denounce U.S. plans for global missile defense

    The presidents of Russia and China denounced in a joint statement on Friday U.S. moves to establish a global missile defense system, saying the plans threaten the global strategic balance. The declaration is one of several signed after talks between Russia's Dmitry Medvedev and China's Hu Jintao in Beijing. "The parties believe that the construction of a global missile defense system, including the deployment of such a system in some regions of the world... does not contribute to maintaining a strategic balance and stability, and runs counter to international efforts to control arms and non-proliferation," the declaration said. The plans also weaken "confidence-building measures between countries and the consolidation of regional stability," the statement said. Russia and China have taken a shared stance on many global issues in recent years, often opposing the position of the U.S. The U.S.-proposed European part of the global missile defense shield will see the deployment of 10 missile interceptors in Poland and a radar site in the neighboring Czech Republic. Moscow is opposed to the plans, saying the shield would threaten Russia's national security. The plans have proved the main bone of contention in relations between the U.S. and Russia, and were the focus of two meetings between the countries' top diplomats and defense chiefs last October and in March this year.


    China-Russia bilateral trade hits $48 bln in 2007

    Bilateral trade between Russia and China reached $48.2 billion in 2007, with Chinese exports to Russia doubling over the last four years as Russian exports fell slightly, Russia's trade mission in Beijing said on Thursday. Speaking on the eve of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's May 23-24 visit to China, Sergei Tsyplakov said that Russian exports to China were dominated by raw materials, while the share of Russian machinery and technological products, including military hardware, was declining. "Exports of Russian machinery tools to China lack large-scale joint projects... in the short-term it is difficult to count on major sales of Russian technology on the Chinese market," said the trade envoy. According to Tsyplakov, Russia is currently experiencing an influx of consumer electronic and household goods as well as machine tools from China, the latter amounting to 30% in 2007 of all Chinese exports to Russia. In 2007, a trade surplus in favor of China was registered for the first time in bilateral relations, the trade envoy said, adding that the trend was set to continue, "in the long-term." According to the trade mission, over the period 2003-2007, Chinese exports to Russia doubled from 5.8% to 12.2%, while Russian exports to China fell from 6.2% to 4.5%. Last year Russian exports to China grew 12.1% to $19.67 billion while Chinese exports to Russia went up 79.9% to $28.48 billion. Russia and China earlier set a joint goal of increasing bilateral trade to $60 billion and possibly to $80 billion by 2010.


    Russia, China close to deal on ESPO oil pipeline branch

    State-owned Russian oil firm Rosneft and China’s CNPC are in the final stages of talks to build an oil pipeline branch from Russia’s Far East to China, Russia’s president said Thursday. “We have a basic agreement on this [branch]... We hope that all the main provisions, the main parameters for future cooperation will be agreed,” Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with Chinese journalists ahead of his visit to China, set for May 23-24. Under an agreement signed between China National Petroleum Corporation and Transneft, the oil pipeline operator, the construction of the pipeline branch will be funded by China. The ESPO pipeline is slated to pump up to 1.6 million barrels of crude per day from Siberia to Russia’s Far East and then on to China and the Asia-Pacific region. The pipeline’s first leg, estimated at $11 billion, was expected to be commissioned in December 2008. However, Transneft said in February that the commissioning of the project would be delayed from late 2008 to late 2009. The second leg will stretch for 2,100 kilometers (1,304 miles) from Skovorodino to the Pacific. It will pump 367.5 million barrels of oil annually. The capacity of the Taishet-Skovorodino pipeline, being built as part of the project’s first leg, is also expected to increase to 588 million barrels from the initial 220.5 million bbl.


    Medvedev says Russia-China force to be reckoned with

    Russia's new President Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday that the world could not ignore the joint voice of his country and China, even if their alliance was facing criticism. Medvedev was in Beijing as part of his first foreign trip since taking office. The two countries have increasingly coordinated positions at the United Nations on a range of international issues. "Russian-Chinese cooperation has today emerged as a key factor in international security, without which it is impossible for the international community to take major decisions," Medvedev told students at Peking University. "Maybe not everybody likes the strategic cooperation between our two countries, but we understand that this cooperation is in the interest of our people and we will boost it whether or not it pleases some people," he said. A day earlier, Medvedev and Chinese President Hu Jintao in a joint statement denounced US plans to build a global missile defence shield. Russia has been outraged by US plans to build the shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, former Soviet bloc countries in Eastern Europe. Russia and China have also been uneasy about US-Japanese cooperation on a missile shield. Medvedev was winding up his first trip as president after stopping in energy-rich Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic. Since taking office, Medvedev has refrained from openly assailing the West in the style of his mentor and predecessor Putin, who remains highly influential in the prime minister's post. China and Russia are veto-wielding permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, where they have been coordinating their positions on controversial issues such as the Iranian nuclear issue and Kosovan independence, which they both oppose.

    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Troops clash with militants in Ingushetia, south Russia

      Russian Interior Ministry troops were involved in a shootout with militants on Saturday morning in the North Caucasus republic of Ingushetia, a local police source said. No troops were injured in the clash, which occurred at around 10:00 a.m. Moscow time in the Sunzhensky District, the source told RIA Novosti, adding that there was no information on fatalities among the illegal armed group. "Troops clashed with a group of nine gunmen, about 1 kilometer from the town of Gandalbos, and then about 3 kilometers from the town another clash occurred with another group of militants numbering about 30." However, a spokesman for the Ingush Interior Ministry said that the ministry has no information confirming the shootouts in the republic. The spokesman said that on Friday two Interior Ministry troops were wounded after an unidentified explosive device went off in the Sunzhensky District. "They were both hospitalized and the doctors say their lives are not in danger," he said. Sporadic terrorist attacks and militant clashes remain common in Russia's North Caucasus republics, although the active phase of the Kremlin campaign to fight militants and terrorists in Chechnya is officially over. Violence often spills over into neighboring republics, in particular Ingushetia and Daghestan.


      Russian Interior Ministry Conducts Military Exercises Near Ossetia And Ingushetia

      Russian Interior Ministry movable commandos have their military exercises near a border of South Ossetia and the restive southern Russian region of Ingushetia some 90 km outside Vladikavkaz on May 22, 2008. Ingushetia, which neighbours Chechnya, frequently sees clashes between insurgents and Russian security forces. The local population share close ethnic ties and the Sunni branch of Islam with the Chechen people.
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Russian 'killer of aircraft carriers' starts drills in Pacific

        The Varyag, a Russian Slava-class missile cruiser dubbed 'the killer of aircraft carriers,' has started a series of live-firing exercises in the Pacific for the first time since a recent overhaul, a fleet spokesman said Monday. Varyag, the flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet, was commissioned in Russia's Pacific Fleet in 1989 and re-entered service in early 2008 following a major refit that lasted almost a year. "The Varyag's crew is scheduled to conduct a series of live firing drills against ground, surface, and air targets," said Captain 1st Rank Roman Martov. He said the exercise was aimed at checking the performance of all on-board weapons systems. "The cruiser is equipped with a powerful array of missile systems, torpedoes and artillery systems," Martov said, adding that NATO experts had dubbed Russian combat ships of this class "the killer of aircraft carriers," as it can carry 1,000kg of high-explosives, or a tactical nuclear warhead out to a range of 300 nautical miles. The Slava-class missile cruiser was designed as a surface strike ship with some anti-air and ASW capability. The sixteen SS-N-12 Sandbox nuclear-capable supersonic anti-ship missiles are mounted in four pairs on either side of the superstructure, giving the ship a distinctive appearance. In addition, the cruiser reportedly carries 64 SA-N-6 Grumble long-range surface-to-air missiles (SAM) and 40 SA-N-4 Gecko short-range SAMs. Two other ships of this class, the Moskva and Marshal Ustinov, are in service with Russia's Black Sea Fleet and Northern Fleet, respectively.

        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


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        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Yushenko and Saakashvilli go to NATO:


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            Turkey reaffirms support for Nabucco plan

            The Turkish president emphasized his country's interest in the Nabucco pipeline project in a meeting with his Austrian counterpart in Ankara. Turkish President Abdullah Gul said Tuesday his country had the political will to back the 2,000-mile project and saw it as a way to provide energy security for Europe, the Turkish daily Hurriyet said. Gul said his country was a link to the eastern and southern energy corridors of Europe and saw it as a viable opportunity to ease Europe of its dependency on Russian gas supplies. The $5.8 billion Nabucco pipeline is slated for construction in 2010. It would run through Turkey and southeastern Europe to bring gas to the Middle East and Central Asia. Austrian President Heinz Fischer said the Nabucco project was on the agenda for Tuesday's talks with Gul as well as discussions regarding Turkey's admission into the European Union.


            In related news:


            The European Union is more anxious about possible renewal of war in Karabakh with regards to energy security, as some communications are only 20 kilometers away from the conflict area, Johannes Rau, German expert, doctor of philology, professor, member of the Forum on international security under the academy of leading staff of Bunderswer, said in an interview with Speaking about the threat of resumption of military actions, the expert said this way of conflict resolution is possible, but extremely dangerous. "All communications are passing via Azerbaijan. Some of them are only 20 kilometers away from the conflict area. Therefore, the energy security of Europe requires peaceful resolution of the conflict. But I do not rule out the second variant as well," he said. According to Johannes Rau, the resumption of war is dangerous, primarily, for the European Union and the United States. "Perhaps, even Russia would be less anxious about the renewal of hostilities, while the European Union and the United States will have a serious reason to be anxious," the expert noted.

            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              Turkey In Between: Syria-Israel & Georgia-Russia

              Adding to its much coveted resume as “Europe’s bridge to the Middle East”, Turkey has now been officially recognized as the facilitator of talks between Israel and Syria. Whether or not the Israeli media agrees with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s motivations for publicizing the existence of talks, Turkey can at least shine in the warm spotlight of international recognition for a few weeks. While most Turkish diplomatic activity in the Arab Middle East other than with Iraq follows a mechanical approach, Turkey’s role as a mediator between Israel and Syria is uncharacteristically complex. There exists a very clear logic behind Turkey’s effort to mingle in the affairs of these two countries.

              Compared to its relationship with neighbor Iran, Turkey’s rapport with Syria is relatively underdeveloped. Perhaps the most significant reason for this is the incredible backwardness of Syria’s Baathist state-controlled economy, which is also responsible for the incredible backwardness of Syria’s regional foreign policy. Syria’s problematic approach last affected Turkey in a dramatic way in 1998. Syria gave refuge to PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, much to the disgrace of Turkish public opinion that had designated Ocalan as a terrorist. Syria would ultimately harbor the Kurdish leader in Damascus until the threat of a Turkish invasion successfully forced his eviction. In comparison, Turkey’s rapport with Israel has proved quite dynamic. Successive Turkish governments and the Turkish military have pursued a symbiotic relationship with Israel despite the risk of alienating Turkey even further in the eyes of the Arab World. Both countries, similarly focused on linking themselves with the West, have cooperated through military exchanges and natural resource transfers. In addition, Turkey hopes to court the sympathy of the Israeli lobby in Washington as a means of counter-balancing the influence of the Armenian lobby on American foreign policy.

              While no observer could claim that Turkey’s efforts will actually make a significant difference in solving the issues that separate Israel and Syria, Turkey’s actions will help it acquire some additional credibility with pundits who influence EU opinion. This alone could be reason for Turkey to exert its diplomatic energy. The highly involved nature of Turkey’s interest in affairs south of its border stands in tremendous contrast with its attitudes concerning the tumultuous political situation to its north-east. Turkey has chosen a relatively silent course as Georgia struggles to deal with breakaway Abkhazia and omnipresent Russia. (On Monday, the UN announced that a Russian jet did indeed shoot down a Georgian unmanned surveillance drone patrolling over Abkhazia.)

              Other than its relations with Armenia, which are “very well” defined, Turkey’s diplomatic intentions in the greater Caucasus region and Central Asia have been unclear ever since the failure of its Pan-Turkism initiative in the 1990s. While Turkish construction companies and textile producers have been keen to acquire contracts and conduct foreign direct investment projects, Turkey’s main interest in the region has been its role as a conduit for Central Asian energy exports to Europe and beyond. Turkey’s energy interests in Central Asia have understandably run counter to those of Russia, which are monopolistic by nature. Turkey’s concern for its trade relations with Russia must also not be overlooked. Roughly 70% of the country’s natural gas supplies come from Russia, worth approximately $2bn. In addition, Turkish companies currently boast $4.5bn in foreign direct investments in Russia, while Russia companies have $3bn in Turkey. Therefore, the rather undefined character of Turkey’s relations with the Caucasus and Central Asia is most likely due to its disinterest in provoking Russia’s wrath.

              In contrast, provoking Russia’s wrath has been one of the main occupations of Georgia’s second post-Soviet Union president, Mikhael Saakashvili. Saakashvili’s attempts to overhaul his country’s economy and mentality, often in brazen defiance of Russia, have won him a large following in the West. The US is widely believed to have provided the George Washington University Law School trained lawyer with the necessary moral support and financial backing to overcome considerable odds. While Turkey has shown such great interest in helping Israel resolve its issues with Syria, it has comparatively neglected neighboring Georgia’s plight. Although comparing Georgia to Israel on a geopolitical scale is like weighing a bowling ball against a golf ball, it is nevertheless unfortunate that Turkey chooses not to more publicly support the Caucasus’ own geopolitical David against the Russian Goliath.

              Turkey does in fact give military support to Georgia in the form of training and funding. While the monetary figure of this military support is dwarfed in comparison to that provided by the US, Turkey is probably Georgia’s second largest military donor state. The two countries have also successfully cooperated together on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline project – the cornerstone of Turkey’s design to become an energy transfer hub. A new train connection between Azerbaijan, Georgian and Russia will also encourage closer trade relations. Saakashvili is reputedly trying to transform his country into a fully-functional democracy and regional economic force, both of which would be beneficial to Turkish interests. While Georgia is still far from realizing this dream, Saakashvili’s goals are noble and most likely much more of a near-term reality than expecting Baathist Syria to dramatically evolve.

              If Turkey wishes to demonstrate its constructive potential to influence the affairs of the surrounding regions, it would be well-served by addressing an issue that is clearly within its means and in its natural sphere of influence. Sadly for Georgia, Ankara is either too scared to compromise economic relations with Russia or too consumed by the international notoriety it receives from pursuing “peace in the Middle East” as opposed to in the Caucasus.

              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                Armenian, again - thank you for all your efforts, thank you for the information.
                I wish I'd have more spare time to chat with you. I will, however, try to do so as soon as......

                But for now, Armenian, let me ask you something.... Do you think those Armenians who live in Russia today will go to Armenia to defend their Motherland in case of a war?



                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                  Russian 'killer of aircraft carriers' starts drills in Pacific

                  [CENTER]The Varyag, a Russian Slava-class missile cruiser dubbed 'the killer of aircraft carriers,' has started a series of live-firing exercises in the Pacific for the first time since a recent overhaul, a fleet spokesman said Monday.
                  Here's some related info for you:

                  Russian Navy resumes constant presence in world's oceans

                  05/ 12/ 2007

                  MOSCOW, December 5 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Navy has resumed its continual presence in different regions of the world's oceans, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov told the president at a meeting in the Kremlin on Wednesday.
                  "There are plans to dispatch ships to the northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea from now to February 3, 2008. The expedition is aimed at ensuring a naval presence and establishing conditions for secure Russian navigation," Serdyukov told Vladimir Putin.
                  The minister said an aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser, two anti-submarine ships and a tanker left for the Mediterranean on Wednesday, where they will be joined by a Black Sea Fleet missile cruiser and a tanker.
                  Russia's strategic bombers have since carried out over 70 patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans, as well as the Black Sea, a senior Air Force official said on Tuesday, adding that NATO interceptor aircraft had escorted Russian bombers during almost all their patrols.

                  READ MORE -

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                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    Originally posted by North Pole View Post
                    Do you think those Armenians who live in Russia today will go to Armenia to defend their Motherland in case of a war?
                    That's a loaded question and an unfair one to ask because you are asking me to speak for others.

                    Nevertheless, there are approximately two million Armenians living in Russia, if not more. Of this number approximately one million ended up in the Russian Federation in the years following the total economic collapse in Armenia which occurred as a result of the fall of the Soviet Union. Armenians in Russia tend to be more-or-less Russified. Their ties to the Armenian republic however is very organic because many have close relatives and friends living in Armenia. During the first war in Nagorno Karabagh, when Armenia's hold on the territory was in danger, many Armenian volunteers from across the former Soviet Union (especially those with experience in the Afghanistan war) participated in the war as officers, trainers, experts, ect. Today the Armenian Army as well as the Nagorno Karabagh Army is well funded, well trained and well equipped. Thus, we hope there won't be a need to have Armenians from around the world to physically join the fight. However, if God forbid the need arises one day I have no doubt there will be plenty within Armenia's vast diaspora that will defend the Armenian Homeland physically and financially.

                    Let me ask you a question: What do you remember of the war in Nagorno Karabagh and what do you think about its geopolitical ramifications?
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                      Today the Armenian Army as well as the Nagorno Karabagh Army is well funded, well trained and well equipped. Thus, we hope there won't be a need to have Armenians from around the world to physically join the fight. However, if God forbid the need arises one day I have no doubt there will be plenty within Armenia's vast diaspora that will defend the Armenian Homeland physically and financially.
                      Armenia's army is not in its best condition as the general atmosphere seems to be that people do not want to serve, at least from what i've heard. There needs to be a major reform in Armenia's army to get rid of beatings and corrupt officers in order to boost the morale of our young heroes. Levin Ter-Petrosoglu's divisive agenda with regards to Armenians from Armenia and Armenians from Artsakh does not help the situation as well as people more and more blindly believe that so-called "Karabakhtsis" are the root of their problems and would not want to risk their lives dying for it. Very sad.

                      I hope i'm totally wrong.
                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

