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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    War Fears Rise Over Russia-Georgia Tension

    Tensions remain high between Russia and Georgia over the breakaway Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In this report from Washington, VOA Senior Correspondent André de Nesnera says some analysts fear the crisis could escalate to a war. The Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia declared their independence from Tbilisi in the early 1990s. And since then, every Georgian leader, including current President Mikhail Saakashvili, has vowed to bring them back under Georgia's control. No country has recognized Abkhazia or South Ossetia as independent states. But Princeton University's Jason Lyall says Russia's relations with the two regions are very tight.

    "They are very close and becoming increasingly so over time. In fact there is concern in Abkhazia and South Ossetia that Russia is annexing them very slowly, almost by stealth, that they are bringing them inside the fold. The leaderships, obviously, have close ties but now Abkhazia and South Ossetia are almost entirely dependent on Russia for their economies. And so both economies are actually now run on the ruble and they have transportation links to Russia only," said Lyall.

    Tensions between Moscow and Tbilisi increased in April when Moscow decided to step up its political and commercial ties with the two separatist regions - moves that infuriated Georgian officials. During that month, an unmanned Georgian reconnaissance plane was shot down over Abkhazia. Georgian officials said it was brought down by a Russian fighter plane, but Moscow denied the charge. An international panel investigating the incident subsequently said the drone was shot down by the Russians. On July 8, Russia raised tensions further by flying four jets for 40 minutes over South Ossetian territory. Russian officials said the action was taken to deter Georgians from resorting to military action either in South Ossetia or Abkhazia. And unlike previous occasions, this time, the Russians took responsibility for the over-flights.

    Moscow's acknowledgment of sending warplanes over the volatile region coincided with a visit to Tbilisi by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. She repeated Washington's support of Georgia's bid to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Analyst James Sherr, with the London-based Royal United Services Institute, says for Moscow resolving the Abkhaz-South Ossetia issue is directly linked to Georgia's NATO aspirations. "On more than one occasion, Russian representatives have said very firmly that they would assist Tbilisi in resolving these conflicts if Georgia abandoned its pro-NATO course. And when one hears that, it is clear, therefore, that the Russians are deliberately being unhelpful at the moment: the linkage between those conflicts, Russian policy and Georgia's NATO aspirations is therefore very explicit," said Sherr. Many experts, including Robert Legvold from Columbia University, say tensions are so high they could lead to a full-scale war.

    "I do not think the Russians, despite their extreme military reaction at this point, in fact want it to get to a conflict. I cannot imagine that the Georgians do in this circumstance either. But as we know, military conflicts often occur even when nobody wants them to occur because of the way things intervene and because there are third parties," he said. "The Abkhaz too and the South Ossetians have a role to play in this and one of roles players like this have in conflicts of this sort is to act as a trigger." Legvold and others say the only way forward is through diplomacy. They say the first order of business is to find ways to defuse the tension there and then tackle the substantive differences between Russia and Georgia over the breakaway regions. But analysts say that would mean both sides would need to compromise. And at this stage, it appears that neither Moscow nor Tbilisi is willing to do so.


    Georgia Gearing up for “Immediate Response”, Russia Flexing Muscles with “Caucasus Frontier 2008”

    1,625 Georgian military servicemen are taking part in a large-scale international military training, alongside US forces, known as Immediate Response at the site of the fourth infantry brigade of Vaziani base. This training is the first of its kind to be held in Georgia and is part of the joint Georgian-American project. Within the program, command-headquarter training is being carried out with land force brigades. One of the tasks Georgian and American soldiers had to fulfill together was patrolling near the selected settled area where an unexpected attack recently took place. Georgian and American military personnel evacuated local population and withdrew wounded people from the site. The Georgian-American trainings coincided with the Russian military exercises near the Georgia-Russia border. The Georgian Foreign Ministry said that these trainings, Dubbed Caucasus Frontier 2008, launched by Russia’s North Caucasian Military District (SKVO) on July 15 in close proximity of the border, are a continuation of Russia’s aggressive policy.

    The exercises involve units of the North Caucasus Military District, mainly the 58th Army, the 4th Air Force Army, Interior Ministry troops, and border guards. They include some 8,000 Russian military personnel, about 700 armor units and over 30 aircraft. Russia has said, “In connection with an escalation in tension in the Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-Ossetian conflict zones, issues related to involvement in special peace enforcement operations in the zones of armed conflict will also be worked out during the exercises.” On July 10 Colonel General Sergey Makarov, the commander of SKVO, said that Russia’s North Caucasian Military District was ready to provide assistance to Russian peacekeepers in Abkhazia and South Ossetia if needed. Tbilisi claims that Russia’s “aggressive policy” poses a threat to peace and stability in the entire Caucasus region. Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry representatives say the plans for Immediate Response training began last December.

    “Immediate Response” is an annual bilateral security cooperation program carried out by the US coalition army together with partner countries. The goal of the program is to facilitate cooperation and compliance between the US military forces and its allies as well as deepening partnership between Georgia and the USA.told Georgian Times that 1 625 military servicemen are taking part in the training program, among them 425 are Georgian and 1200 American soldiers. Under the Immediate Response program, Azeri, Ukrainian and Armenian soldiers are also undergoing training. Aleksandre Osepashvili, deputy head of Georgian armed forces’ united headquarter, vice-colonel says that the training presents military personnel with new technology, computer systems, and a simulation center. Alongside with theory and practice, soldiers are also being taught how to conduct humanitarian operations in emergencies. The trainings are also based on joint operations between Georgian and American militaries in Iraq. Two US helicopters are part of the program for carrying out evacuation and medical activities.

    William Bigaret, head of the US south European forces, said that the main goal of the training program would be to provide compliance between Georgian and American soldiers and develop cooperation between Georgia-US armed forces. Murad Khomauri, representative of Defense Ministry, head of the training process says that Immediate Response is being implemented in two stages. The first stage envisages field activities and commander-headquarter teaching. “The soldiers are trained in shooting, tactical preparation and humanitarian operations during natural disasters,” said Khomauri. At the beginning of training program William Bigaret, head of the US south European forces declared that the joint training at Vaziani military base would facilitate understanding and cooperation between professional militaries of ally countries. On July 21, Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili attended the command-headquarter training of Immediate Response program and reported that he was quite pleased.

    “This is a unique opportunity to undergo a month-long training together with the representatives of the best army in the world. New military school is established in Georgia. The new skills we master will remain here for centuries,” Saakashvili said in his address to officers. Zaza Gogava, head of the Georgian armed forces’ united headquarter states that even though before now many trainings were held in Georgia, currently the goal of the training concerns synchronization of military sub-divisions representing various countries. According to the American servicemen who are taking part in the training, the goal of the program is to develop interrelation methods for coalition contingent and this aim is achieved. The program will officially finish on July 31.


    In related news:

    Armen Ashotyan: Georgia may find itself between Azerbaijan’s Scylla and Turkey’s Charybdis

    Georgia is engaged in a number of projects pointed at Armenia while the latter would never venture such projects, an Armenian parliamentarian said. “Armenia maintains neutrality in the Russian-Georgian relations. Now, it’s important to know whether Georgia’s policy against Armenia is imposed from outside or it’s the republic’s own goal. I am hopeful that it’s an imposed policy. Georgia risks to find itself between Azerbaijan’s Scylla and Turkey’s Charybdis,” Armen Ashotyan, member of the RA parliament and the Republican Party of Armenia, said during a Yerevan-Tbilisi TV space bridge. “It’s also important to clarify where the Kars-Baku railroad will lead. Will it stretch toward Russia and Iran or will it become a train ferry with Central Asia.” He also said that it’s at least naïve to position Kars-Baku as a regional and secure o project. “Armenia is concerned about it own interests while Georgia doesn’t understand that it isolates Armenia on orders from Azerbaijan and Turkey,” Ashotyan said.

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    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Russian generals want to deploy missiles and bombers in Belarus

      After menacing but rather loose statements of the Kremlin on readiness to give an “adequate asymmetric” answer to possible deployment of US anti-missile systems in the Central Europe, variants of hypothetical responses appeared. Belarus is mentioned in a number of them. According to general-major Viktar Esin, first vice president of the Academy of Security, Defense Law Order and Problems, deployment of Iskander-M missiles, able to hit anti-missile elements in the Czech Republic may be discussed. He thinks another possible response is using of air base Machulishchy (near Minsk) for strategic bomber aircrafts. Finally, the general found it necessary to remind that Topol mobile missiles were deployed in Belarus in the Soviet Times. Though Russia and Belarus signed numerous military contracts, this readiness to use territory of a foreign country to solve one’s own security problems arouse, to put it mildly, bewilderment. For example, the Czech Republic and Poland as well as the United States are NATO members. However, long negotiations were conducted with them on a similar purpose, moreover negotiations with Warsaw are far from the end. Besides, positions of the sides and concrete conditions of contracts are open to the public there, “BDG” newspaper notes. It is beyond the question that an objective of such statements is to make the Europeans be nervous about their participating in anti-missile systems. However, this clamor pursues another, absolutely propagandist, aim - to demonstrate the population of the country that “Russia is getting up from knees”.

      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


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      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Russia begins production of new aircraft carriers

        Russia has launched the production of new aircraft carriers, said Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Vysotsky Friday. "The Navy continues the construction of new strategic missile cruisers, multi-purpose submarines, frigates, corvettes, amphibious ships, trawlers, warfare vessels and service boats," Vysotsky was quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency as saying in an interview on the eve of Russia's Navy Day. "The fleet will have more powerful ships in the future: state-of-the-art multi-purpose mine-carriers and aircraft carriers. The relevant works have already begun," he said. Vysotsky said earlier that it is necessary for the Russian Navyto have five to six aircraft carriers in its Pacific and Northern fleets


        Russia to have 5-6 aircraft carriers in Northern, Pacific Fleets

        Russia will create 5-6 aircraft carrier groups in the Northern and Pacific Fleets, the Navy commander said on Sunday. Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky said the Navy command had decided to build sea-borne aircraft carrier systems for these fleets instead of simply aircraft carriers. "Everything must work in a system, including aircraft carriers. We have called them sea-borne aircraft carrier systems, which will be based in the Northern and Pacific Fleets. The construction of such systems will begin after 2012," Vysotsky said before reviewing a military parade on the occasion of Navy Day in Russia. Vysotsky said new sea-borne aircraft carrier systems will operate in close contact with Russia's orbital group of military satellites, and also with the Air Force and air defense. At present, Russia has only one operational aircraft carrier, the Nikolai Kuznetsov, which was commissioned in the early 1990s and has recently re-entered service after a prolonged overhaul. The ship, also known as Project 1143.5 heavy aircraft carrier, is currently deployed with Russia's Northern Fleet and has recently participated in a two-month tour to the Mediterranean as part of Russia's plans to resume its continual presence in different regions of the world's seas.

        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


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        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Russia prioritizes nuclear triad, hi-tech weaponry in future wars

          The nuclear triad of ballistic missiles, nuclear-powered submarines and strategic bombers will remain the core of the Russian armed forces for the next two decades, a draft military doctrine says. The document called "The new face of the Russian Armed Forces until 2030" is still being developed by the General Staff and will be ready, according to some military sources, by the fall 2008. The first part of the doctrine is an assessment of Russia's geopolitical role in the world and the variety of external global, regional and local threats to its national security, including military ones. The second part covers the development and restructuring of the Russian armed forces with priority given to information technologies and warfare, space technologies and even nanotechnologies. The draft document says the Russian armed forces will rely heavily on high-precision conventional weaponry developed on the basis of artificial intelligence and nanotechnologies. Nanotechnologies are already widely used in special alloys for armor, "stealth" technologies and explosives, but Russian designers of new weapons systems are planning to extend their application even further - to create miniaturized and highly effective weapons on the battlefield including remote-controlled aerial vehicles, mini-submarines, mini-boats and robots. At the same time, Russia will continue to maintain a strong nuclear potential as a reliable deterrent to potential threats. Russia's nuclear arsenal currently totals about 4,147 warheads on 848 delivery vehicles. Russia's Strategic Missile Forces will continue the deployment of new ballistic missile systems, the modernization of strategic command-and-control networks and the development of enhanced warheads and their delivery vehicles. At present, Russia deploys Topol-M ballistic missiles as the mainstay of its land-based component of the nuclear triad. As of December 2007, Russia's SMF operated 48 silo-based and three mobile Topol-M missile systems. The country will put an average of three mobile and 3-4 silo-based Topol-M ballistic missile systems into operation every year. Russia will also modernize and expand its fleet of strategic bombers and create a national air-and-space defense network. According to various sources, the Russian Air Force currently deploys 141 Tu-22M3 Backfire bombers, 40 Tu-95MS Bear bombers, and 14 Tu-160 Blackjack planes. Russia plans to build at least one new Tu-160 bomber every one or two years to increase the number of available aircraft to 30. According to the new doctrine, the Russian Navy will prioritize the deployment of fourth-generation nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft-carrier task groups. Russia will completely modernize the naval component of its nuclear triad by 2016. Fourth-generation Borey-class nuclear-powered submarines armed with Bulava ballistic missiles will form the core of Russia's fleet of modern strategic submarines. Aircraft-carrier task groups will consist of an aircraft carrier, escort ships and support vessels. "Three task groups will be in service with the Northern Fleet and another three with the Pacific Fleet," a defense ministry source said. Russia is gradually shifting the focus of its geopolitical interests toward the Arctic and will increase its military presence in the region. The Defense Ministry has already announced plans to expand the presence of the Russian Navy in the world's oceans, including the Arctic, and extend the operational range of submarines deployed in the northern latitudes.


          Strategic bombers to hold live firing drills in central Russia

          Russian Tu-22M3 Backfire strategic bombers will participate in a series of exercises involving live firing drills in central Russia on August 4-8, an Air Force spokesman said on Friday. The Tu-22M3 Backfire-C is a supersonic, swing-wing, long-range strategic bomber that Russia uses mainly to patrol the skies over its southern borders, Central Asia and the Black Sea region. "During the exercises the crews will practice simulated bomber runs at testing grounds in the Novgorod and the Saratov regions," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said. There are at least 141 Tu-22M3 bombers in service with Russian Air Force. The Tu-22M3 has a flight range of 6,800 km (4,300 miles) and can carry a 24,000 kg (52,910 lb) payload, including nuclear bombs and cruise missiles fitted with nuclear or conventional warheads.


          Russia’s military plans worry Europe

          Russia calls for new European security system:

          Russia’s bullish plans, unveiled recently, to build up to six aircraft carrier battlegroups and upgrade its nuclear submarine fleet are part of a worrying trend. They provide further evidence that Moscow’s military revival, initiated by Vladimir Putin and continued by his presidential successor, Dmitry Medvedev, may in time pose some unwelcome challenges for Europeans determined to believe the days of east-west confrontation are over. Parallel Russian proposals for inclusive new European security structures that could in theory supplant Nato and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe are the political window-dressing for Moscow’s burgeoning ambition. And physical pressure on unfavoured neighbours, such as Nato aspirant Georgia or Baltic breakaways Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, is a reminder that ‘the Bear is back’, or thinks he is. Russia is testing a new intercontinental missile, the Bulava-M, whose main claim to fame is its supposed ability to pierce any defensive missile shield. Memo from Moscow to George Bush and his east European collaborators: take your Star Wars interceptors and go jump. The penetration of Georgian airspace by four Russian jets last month was less subtle still. Georgia claims a new Caucasus conflict is being hatched in the Kremlin. “The pressure comes in many ways,” a Baltic region diplomat said, speaking of life on Europe’s edge. “There is political interference using money, the use of oil and gas supplies as a weapon, there is cyber-warfare, there is the military. They (the Russians) try to keep us weak and worried. What they really want is a good question.” One answer is that resurgent Russia, buoyantly bobbing on a sea of oil revenue, is ready to use any tool, from arms build-up and sabre-rattling to diplomatic blockading (as over Kosovo) to political assassination (as in London), to regain the top-table status and leverage lost when the USSR imploded. Nobody is suggesting a return to the scenarios that kept Nato planners busy during the Cold War, working out how to repel a Soviet sweep across the north European plain. All the same, European governments and their militaries seem unprepared, unwilling or divided – or all three – over how to deal with this emerging behavioural pattern.


          In related news:

          Russia to Face Host of External, Including Military, Threats - Strategy Until 2030

          Russia will remain a target for various external global, and regional threats, including possible threats of a military nature, according to the draft Strategy of building the Russian Armed Forces until 2030, a copy of which was made available to Interfax-AVN. "Analysis of the trends in the development of the military and political situation has shown that in the designated period Russia will remain, due to its geopolitical location, a target of various external global, regional and local threats, including military ones," the document says. Among the potential threats to Russia's military security the document names, in particular: the possession by a number of nations of deployed and ready to be used strategic nuclear forces, military operations conducted by leading foreign nations in disregard of international law, the efforts to oust Russia from the organizations in charge of global and regional security, a breach of arms control treaties and agreements, the U.S. course toward global leadership, the expansion by NATO allies of their military presence in the regions bordering with Russia. "The leading nations' growing technological and military- technical advantage over Russia enables them to develop next- generation weapons faster and equip their armies with such weapons on a massive scale," the document says. "The deployment of the U.S. missile shield in Europe and the Far East may lead to the disruption of the existing balance of strategic forces and undermine global and regional stability in general," it says.


          Putin Wants to Restore Position in Cuba

          Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stated at the presidium of the Russian government on Monday that Russia “should restore its position in Cuba and other countries.” He was listening to Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin’s account of his trip to Cuba as cochairman of the Russian-intergovernmental Cuban commission. The prime minister asked how many years it has been since the commission has been active, and Sechin responded that the last meeting was in April of this year. “We founded nine working groups to implement specific projects and we will report to you o additional proposals by January,” Sechin told Putin. Sechin added that he met with Cuban head of state Raul Castro while there. “He said to tell you hello,” Sechin said. Putin asked about Fidel Castro’s health. “Those questions were not discussed at the meeting, but he always says remembers you contacts with gratitude,” Sechin replied. During the meeting of the Russian-Cuban commission, Sechin said, priorities for cooperation in energy, mining, agriculture, transportation, tourism and banking were set. In addition, agreements were signed on the purchase by Cuba of Russian Tu-204 airplanes and airplane engines and a separate agreement was signed on the assembly of KAMAZ trucks in Cuba. Sechin noted that automakers AvtoVAZ, ZiL and GAZ are also negotiating with Cuba.


          Chavez trip builds Russian alliance, worries Washington

          The main story from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’ recent tour to Belarus, Portugal, Spain and Russia was his visit to Moscow July 22-23. Chavez and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed on banking cooperation, joint energy ventures, arms sales and trade. But stories surfaced suggesting that close ties between the two nations represent a possible security threat to the United States. Russia and Venezuela ended up deciding on a binational business council and a joint bank aimed at fostering independence from European and U.S. bankers. The leaders arranged for cooperation between the state oil corporations of both nations to exploit Venezuela’s Orinoco Delta oil reserves. Private Russian investment in Venezuelan enterprises was on the agenda, as was the purchase by Lukoil, Russia’s state oil company, of a refinery in Italy to process heavy Venezuelan oil. Trade between the two countries, predominately fertilizers, aluminum, steel and maritime products, rose from $34 million in 2003 to more than $1.1 billion last year. World media focused on proposed Venezuelan arms purchases from Russia. The shopping basket includes coastal and air defense systems, warships, patrol aircraft, tanks, missiles and diesel submarines, all at a cost exceeding $1 billion. Venezuela will borrow from Russian banks to finance the deal. Russia has already supplied Venezuela with fighter jets, helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles. While Chavez and accompanying officials were in Europe, the international press circulated information that Venezuela would buy an additional $30 billion worth of weaponry from Russia, also that Venezuela would allow Russia to situate a military base in its territory. TeleSur surveyed these reports and featured an official denial of both stories from Venezuela’s Information Ministry. The ministry denounced unquestioning acceptance of “falsification,” along with the media’s readiness, especially in Venezuela, to circulate it, and called the reporting a “new element in the constant campaign that imperialism promotes against our country.”


          Russia, Libya seek closer energy, military ties

          Libya's prime minister flew to Russia to meet with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday for a second round of talks in three months aimed at improving gas and oil investment as well as military ties between both countries. Since dismantling its nuclear weapons program in 2003, Libya has opened itself up to foreign investment, and Russian energy companies have joined the rush to capitalize on opportunities in the North African country, which is a major producer of oil and gas. "We would like to achieve bigger volumes in investment cooperation between Russia and Libya in the oil and gas sectors," Libyan Prime Minister al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi said in televised comments after arriving in Moscow. Putin promised to "do all we can" to secure a favorable climate for Libyan investment in Russia. The premiers also confirmed that Libya is interested in buying arms from Russia, local news agencies reported. Russia was a major supplier of arms to Libya during the 1980s, but military ties dropped off after the Soviet Union's collapse. In April, Putin -- then Russia's president -- met with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in Tripoli in a bid to restore ties between the two former allies. Russian gas monopoly Gazprom also expressed interest in a number of projects.

          Last edited by Armenian; 08-19-2008, 03:02 AM.
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          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            Thanks 'shenorhagal enk Hayorti' Armenian for bringing the latest news to us from the Caucaus' region.


            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              No Ossetian Negotiation without Russia

              President of the unrecognized Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has stated that the republic will not negotiate with Georgia without the participation of Russia. “Georgia is beginning to apply armed pressure to us so that we would agree to wreck the format, without the participation of North Ossetia and Russia. But we are not the kind of people who could do that,” Kokoity told a delegation. “Without the participation of North Ossetia and Russia, we won’t agree to anything with anybody.” Kokoity was quoted by the South Ossetian State Information Committee.
              Kokoity said that this was the latest trap set by Georgia. Earlier today, Georgian State Minister for Reintegration Teimuraz Yakobashvili stated that Tbilisi is prepared to negotiate directly with Tskhinvali without preliminary conditions. “Today the Georgian side is trying to discredit our position before the whole world by stating that they are prepared for direct negotiations with South Ossetia. That is nothing more than their latest PR action. On the one hand, while talking about negotiations, we observe that serious weapons have been drawn up along the border of the Republic of South Ossetia, including artillery rocket launchers,” Kokoity said. Kokoity also thanked the leadership of North Ossetia for its aide in receive children evacuated from the south of Ossetia, noting that it was a necessary measure and the children should be in a calm state. Tensions rose sharply in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone on the night of August 1, when there were several hours of battle using firearms, grenades and mortars. Tskhinvali and other settlements were subject to heavy fire. According to the South Ossetians, 6 people died and 13 were injured. Evacuation of women, children and the elderly from the most dangerous settlements began yesterday.


              Georgia, S. Ossetia talk war after 6 die in clash

              Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia said on Saturday it was evacuating children to Russia and accused Georgia of targeting civilians after six people died overnight in a shootout with Georgian forces. Stoking fears of war in the volatile Caucasus, separatist president Eduard Kokoity said he was ready to mobilise his region's men and take volunteers from the Russian republic of North Ossetia and other Caucasus republics to fight Georgia. South Ossetia broke away from Georgia after a bloody war in the early 1990s. Russia has sent in a peacekeeping force, which Moscow says is needed to avert a new war. South Ossetia said on its website,, that the death toll had risen overnight from three to six people and armed clashes continued through the night on the outskirts of the separatist capital, Tskhinvali. It said shooting came from three ethnic Georgian villages, but Georgia blamed the separatists for provoking the clashes. The commander of Georgia's peacekeeping force in the region, Mamuka Kurashvili, was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying South Ossetian peacekeepers shot at a Georgian village and suspected Russian peacekeepers of taking part. Georgian peacekeepers and police officers returned fire and repelled the attack, he said. Georgia's Interior Ministry said nine civilians in the Georgian villages in South Ossetia were injured, while Tskhinvali said up to 15 were injured on its side, up from seven reported on Friday. Kokoity put the number of injured at 13. "This is another attempt by the separatist side to involve Georgia in a military conflict," Georgia's state minister in charge of re-integration, Temur Iakobashvili, told reporters in Tbilisi before leaving to visit the shootout area. "The Georgian side was forced to return fire," he added. Later, Iakobashvili said South Ossetian leaders refused to meet him for talks, and he called for more peacekeepers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

              CHILDREN'S CAMPS

              On the separatist website, Kokoity accused Georgia of deliberately targeting young South Ossetian men with sniper fire and aiming artillery fire at Tskhinvali residential areas. Children were being evacuated in buses from the Tskhinvali area to children's camps in the Russian border region of North Ossetia, the site said. A spokesman for the Georgian Interior Ministry, Shota Utiashvili, denied use of snipers and weapons capable of hitting Tshinvali's "peaceful quarters" in televised remarks. Russia's foreign ministry, in a separate statement, urged both sides to show restraint and said it was taking "energetic measures" to prevent an escalation of the armed conflict. Russian news agencies quoted the a spokesman for the Russian defence ministry as saying Russian peacekeepers were not involved in the exchange of fire. The commander of Russia's paratroop force, celebrating Russia's annual Paratroop Day, turned up the rhetoric, saying his men were ready for deployment to South Ossetia to back up the peacekeepers, Interfax reported. "A decision to deploy extra forces is the purview of the Security Council and president, but in any case Russia will not allow harm to come to its citizens residing in South Ossetia," the news agency quoted Valery Yevtukhovich as saying. Georgia, which has irritated Russia by aspiring to join NATO, has accuses Moscow of seeking to annex South Ossetia and another rebel region, Abkhazia. Russia has rejected the blame and accused Tbilisi, which views restoring control over the breakaway provinces as a top national priority, of artificially stoking the crisis to find a pretext for seizing the regions by force. (Additional reporting by Melissa Akin in Moscow; Editing by Richard Meares)


              Russian Airborne Troops Ready to Intervene if Needed – Commander

              The Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) are ready to help Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia if needed, Valery Evtukhovich, the commander of VDV, told Interfax news agency on August 2. “It is up to the [Russian] National Security Council, or the President, to decide whether to send additional troops or not; but anyway Russia will not let anyone offend its citizens, residing on the South Ossetian territory,” the Russian military commander said. “As far as Russian Airborne Troops are concerned, we are ready to go and help peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone if it is needed.”

              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


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              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations
                No rising, Armenia is alone in region . . .

                goes without saying


                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Originally posted by Kanki View Post
                  No rising, Armenia is alone in region . . .

                  goes without saying
                  You'll be surprised turcoglu, once tensions between Georgia and Russia heat up more Armenia will be a valuable ally for Russia.


                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    WARNING FROM ARMENIA

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                    We asked TRUST Company either to give our money back,or to send the car, but they refused to do that.
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                    Sincerely Yours
                    Ara Khachatryan


                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Another xxxxing spammer...

