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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Originally posted by Lucin View Post
    This is my biggest fear too. I do not see how this so-called Caucasus "union" or plans for normalizing relations between Armenia and Turkey and opening the border would benefit Armenia.
    Well, in 'theory' it can provide Armenia with much needed peace and stability, as it also elevates Yerevan's status to a major/pivotal player in the region. Since the union in question is economic/political in nature and would recognize Russia's primacy in the region, Armenia does not have much to fear from it - in theory. As I said earlier, because Turkey is vulnerable, Moscow has been trying to drive a wedge between Ankara and the West. It seems to be working, thus far. So, with the political situation in Georgia and the Black Sea region unpredictable/unstable Moscow and Ankara are forced to seek alternative routes for their bilateral trade. This is where Armenia can be important for them. Armenia can potentially benefit from all this. But at what cost? I think it would be an immense mistake if official Yerevan decided to totally abandon its genocide recognition agenda (Hai Dat). Nonetheless, I think all this is good news for the status of Nagorno Karabagh. With Turkey closely engaged with Armenia and Russia, chances are very-very slim (virtually nonexistent) that Azerbaijan will attempt a military solution to their problem.

    So with that said, if Armenia 'disobeys' Moscow (considering Russia is behind all this) and makes her realize of her unwillingness to engage in such a scenario, how can Moscow retaliate? Not a big deal anyway; it's not like Armenia is turning her back to Russia and looking to the West like Georgia did.
    What can Moscow do? They totally control our gas/oil imports. They control our nuclear reactor to a great extent. They control our economy to a great extent. They control our military to a great extent. They control our politicians to a great extent. So, use you imagination... To put it in a further perspective, with all the western support (military, financial and political) Tbilisi had at its disposal, what was it able to do against Moscow? What has Azerbaijan, with all its oil wealth, been able to do against Moscow? The reality is, Armenia is in absolutely no position to "disobey" Moscow. What our leadership should be doing instead is using all its assets to diligently and persistently lobby Kremlin officials for the preservation of Armenia's national interests. We urgently need political activism in Moscow. Sadly, I don't see this happening.

    A realistic look at the situation:

    Ruben Safrastyan: importance of Gul’s visit to Armenia shouldn’t be exaggerated

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s decision to arrive in Yerevan is conditioned by drastic changes in the geopolitical situation due to Russia’s recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the RA Academy of Sciences, prof. Ruben Safrastyan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. “In an attempt to resume the normal course, Turkey offered a ‘Caucasian platform’. Moreover, it wants to gain a foothold while Russia increases its presence in the Caucasus. That is why Gul agreed to pay a visit to Yerevan. However, the basics of Turkey’s policy toward Armenia will not be changed,” he said. The importance of Gul’s visit to Armenia shouldn’t be exaggerated, according to him. “The Armenian President has done right. Under the circumstances, Turkey just tries to pursue a more flexible policy towards Armenia. I do not think that Ankara will sacrifice its national interests to relations with Azerbaijan. Furthermore, don’t forget about the Armenian Genocide resolution that is likely to be put on agenda again, with Democrats coming to power,” prof. Safrastyan said. As to the possibility of Gyumri-Kars railroad startup, he said, it’s quite real, because Russia is interested in the project, which will somehow suspend Kars-Tbilisi-Baku initiative.

    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Originally posted by Armenian
      What our leadership should be doing instead is using all its assets to diligently and persistently lobby Kremlin officials for the preservation of Armenia's national interests. We urgently need political activism in Moscow.
      Political activism by Armenian politicians, the Armenian Diaspora in Russia or both?
      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        Political activism by Armenian politicians, the Armenian Diaspora in Russia or both?
        Obviously both. I am not saying it is not happening, I am just not seeing any signs of it. Than again, I am not living there nor do I have intimate knowledge of what's going on there. So, it's more a matter of my fear speaking than the reality of the matter...
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Originally posted by Armenian View Post
          Well, in 'theory' it can provide Armenia with much needed peace and stability, as it also elevates Yerevan's status to a major/pivotal player in the region. Since the union in question is economic/political in nature and would recognize Russia's primacy in the region, Armenia does not have much to fear from it - in theory. As I said earlier, because Turkey is vulnerable, Moscow has been trying to drive a wedge between Ankara and the West. It seems to be working, thus far. So, with the political situation in Georgia and the Black Sea region unpredictable/unstable Moscow and Ankara are forced to seek alternative routes for their bilateral trade. This is where Armenia can be important for them. Armenia can potentially benefit from all this. But at what cost? I think it would be an immense mistake if official Yerevan decided to totally abandon its genocide recognition agenda (Hai Dat). Nonetheless, I think all this is good news for the status of Nagorno Karabagh. With Turkey closely engaged with Armenia and Russia, chances are very-very slim (virtually nonexistent) that Azerbaijan will attempt a military solution to their problem.

          Actually, with this so called "Union" in the Caucasus region I see peace in the greatest extent. A peace with the annihilation of whats left of a small nation that survived throughout 10 long centuries under foreign rule, which at the end of 20th century was declared independent and some hopes of a better life was starting to come true. Here comes the best part, with such a union, the only Christian people in the region with a population of roughly 4 million will mix up with some 70-80 million Muslim turks, I see a great deal of peace! Now I am sure in one thing, if ,God forbid, if this unity plans come true, this time the turks will make sure they dont repeat their old mistakes, what azeries didn't or couldn't do during the soviet times, to mix up with all the Armenians inside Armenian territories. We all know what would happen then. As for turks and azeries, of course they'll go for a union, for them, they are one step closer to their long life dream, the dream of panturkism and finally the dream of panislamism.


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            Originally posted by Eric View Post
            Actually, with this so called "Union" in the Caucasus region I see peace in the greatest extent. A peace with the annihilation of whats left of a small nation that survived throughout 10 long centuries under foreign rule,...
            I think you are panicking needlessly. No one knows the details of the proposal in question. Based on the talk coming out of Ankara, it seems like some form of a political/economic union between Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. In such a union, needless to say, Russia would take the lead. What's more, chances of this type of a union taking shape is very slim, to say the least. There are serious problems between Georgia and Russia now, as well as serious problems between Armenia and Azerbaijan, not to mention problems between Turkey and Armenia... It will require nothing short of a major miracle to make this proposal a reality. In my opinion, Ankara's offer was made in conjunction with Moscow to ensure the health and continuation of Russia's lucrative trade with Turkey. There has been a geopolitical shift. The West is being expelled from the greater Caucasus region and the regional powers are reacting to it. Of course there is plenty to worry about from an Armenian perspective, but you are predicting doom for no logical reason.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


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            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              There currently is an unprecedented crisis in the western world. The situation for Europe is more critical, more serious, than one may imagine. The alarming words of some western leaders are not just empty rhetoric, nor are they simple scare tactics. The Russian Federation does control the very lifeline of the western world, the crucial energy needs of Europe. Moscow currently provides about 1/3 of Europe's oil and approximately 1/2 of its natural gas. And now, this situation for Europe is about to get worst because Russia's actions in the Caucasus have effectively shutdown the only source of Central Asian gas/oil not in Russian control - the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline, Baku-Supsa oil pipeline and the much heralded Nabucco project, which envisions bringing Central Asian gas to Europe via Turkey.



              Brown warns of Russian "energy stranglehold"

              Prime Minister Gordon Brown warned that Russia must not be allowed to subject Europe to an "energy stranglehold" and said NATO should review relations with Moscow in the light of its actions in Georgia. In an article in Sunday's Observer newspaper, Brown said he had spoken to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and told him to expect a determined response when European leaders meet to discuss the Georgia crisis on Monday. The EU meeting in Brussels will debate the bloc's response to Russia's military intervention and its decision to recognise South Ossetia and Georgia's other breakaway region, Abkhazia, as independent states. The Russian incursion has raised fears in the West that an important oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea to the Turkish Mediterranean coast via Georgia could come under Russian control. Brown said he would press European leaders to increase funding to allow EU nations to source energy from the Caspian, reducing dependency on Russia. "No nation can be allowed to exert an energy stranglehold over Europe," the Observer quoted Brown as saying in a front-page story. In his article, Brown said: "Without urgent action, we risk sleepwalking into an energy dependence on less stable or reliable partners." Russia must play by the rules if it wants to enjoy the benefits of bodies such as the Group of Eight, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Trade Organisation, Brown said. "And, in the light of Russian actions, the EU should review -- root and branch -- our relationship with Russia," he said. It may be necessary to exclude Russia when the other G8 nations meet, and NATO's relationship with Moscow must be re-evaluated, Brown said, pledging intensified Western support for Georgia and "others who may face Russian aggression".


              Putin reminds EU of Russia's Pacific oil pipeline

              Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that Russia's first oil pipeline to Asia must be completed without delay, underlining Russia's energy clout just hours before European Union leaders meet to discuss Georgia. Russian state-owned news agency RIA said Putin had signed a government order "on speeding the building of phases of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean (pipeline) and not allowing delays," while on a visit to the Far East. He was speaking in Kozmino, a giant oil terminal being built on the Pacific coast to take the oil from the pipeline, which is being built by Transneft. Russia, the world's No. 2 oil producer, is fighting back at criticism from the United States and European states for recognizing Georgia's two breakaway regions as independent and sending troops deep into the tiny ex-Soviet nation. EU heads of state are set to meet on Monday at an emergency summit to discuss what to do about Russia, whose energy reserves give the Kremlin significant leverage over major EU economies. Russia's Asian pipeline, which will stretch from Eastern Siberia for thousands of miles to the Pacific coast, has been showcased by the Kremlin as a way to diversify Moscow's dependence on energy sales to the European Union. But the two-stage pipeline has been delayed by a year and building costs have soared as constructors grapple with the wilds of Eastern Siberia, where temperatures regularly fall to 50 degrees Celsius below zero and infrastructure is nonexistent.

              PERSONAL CHARGE

              Putin, who stepped down as president in May after eight years as Kremlin chief, is in personal charge of the pipeline project and while president he was instrumental in building closer ties with China. The latest launch date for the first part of the pipeline has been set for late 2009. The 1,680-mile pipeline is being built from Taishet in Eastern Siberia's Irkutsk region to Skovorodino on the Amur region near the Chinese border. It will cost more than $12 billion. About the distance between London and Istanbul, the Taishet-Skovorodino part of the pipeline will have a capacity of600,000 barrels per day. The oil terminal at Kozmino is being built where crude will be transported by rail from Skovorodino until a second section of pipeline can be built stretching to the coast. That second section is likely to cost at least another $12 billion, Russian officials have said. The project is a key part of Russia's aim to boost sagging oil production and diversify oil supplies to the booming economies of Asia, where China is hungry for oil to drive its economic transformation. State major Rosneft (ROSN.MM: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), and Russian oil firms TNK-BP (BP.L: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) and Surgutneftegas (SNGS.MM: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), are seen as the main suppliers of the pipeline from the largely untapped fields of East Siberia.


              Nabucco at risk after crisis in Georgia

              The European Union's flagship Nabucco project seems to be up in the air due to the crisis currently pitting Moscow against Tbilisi, according to an analysis on an EU information website published yesterday. While most commentators stop short of saying that the main thrust of the Russian advance in Georgia was pipeline politics, all seem to agree that doubt has been cast on the reliability of Georgia as a major transit country to bring oil and gas supplies to Europe. In particular, the Nabucco gas pipeline is seen as a direct victim of the developments, according to the website, Nabucco is a 3,300-kilometer pipeline project that aims to bring gas to Europe from countries other than Russia by transferring natural gas from the Caspian basin to Austria via Turkey and the Balkan states. Turkey supports the Nabucco project as part of plans to seek alternative routes to diversify its energy resources so as not to depend on a single supplier.

              Georgian officials have long complained that their country has become a victim of pipeline politics. President Mikheil Saakashvili reportedly claimed that the very fact that Georgia is already home to an oil line, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, or BTC, pipeline, designed with the precise aim of circumventing Russia, was a major reason for the Russian assault. One branch of the BTC, which runs from Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea through Georgia and then on to Turkey's Mediterranean coast for shipment, ends at the Georgian port of Supsa, which was blockaded by the Russian navy during the current crisis. “Russia is showing it controls this corridor,” said Giorgi Vashakmadze, an energy executive in Georgia, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal. “The Caspian region is wondering what this means for the future.” “After the military conflict with Russia, Georgia cannot be marked on oil and gas maps as a safe transit route, and no amount of support from NATO can change this alteration,” said Pavel K. Baev, research professor at the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo, as quoted in the Moscow Times.

              Regarding the Nabucco project, Ed Chow of the Center for Strategic and International Studies was quoted by the Washington Post as saying Russia had raised serious doubts in the minds of Western lenders and investors that such a pipeline through Georgia would be safe from attack or beyond control of the Kremlin. He added that the pipeline “has always looked more like a diplomats' pipe dream than a viable economic project.” “Its promoters had not only failed to secure supply and transit agreements but also had yet to identify an oil company eager to champion the project and finance the pipeline,” stated Chow. The press agency Forbes also noted that while Russian troops are still in Georgia, the Russian state-controlled natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, has offered to buy all of Azerbaijan's gas exports. If Azerbaijan agrees, it could spell disaster for Western plans to decrease reliance on Russian supplies of natural gas. But, as with Russia's occupation of Georgia, the West will have little opportunity to stop the deal, according to the Forbes analysis.


              Greece ratifies South Stream deal with Russia

              The Greek parliament voted on Tuesday to ratify an agreement with Russia to build the Greek section of the South Stream gas pipeline. The deal was approved by 264 MPs out of a total of 300. The South Stream project is expected to transport 10 billion cu m of Russian gas annually across the Black Sea to the Balkans and onto other European countries, with the first deliveries scheduled to start in 2013. Apart from Russia and Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Italy are involved in the project.

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              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations


                Gazprom and the Kremlin have lined up Central Asian gas commitments upstream and European Union markets downstream for the South Stream pipeline project. Russia’s project seems to enjoy an unstoppable momentum against its rival Nabucco and other Western-backed projects for Caspian gas to Europe. Nevertheless, South Stream can be halted in the Black Sea by Ukraine and Romania on a legal basis, at no risk to themselves and with appropriate Western support, until access can be opened to Central Asian gas for Nabucco. The grounds for halting South Stream are familiar from the debate on the merits of EU- and U.S.-backed Nabucco versus Gazprom’s rival project. If South Stream is actually built, it would, inter alia:

                1) monopolize markets in central and southeastern Europe, including EU member countries, while significantly expanding Gazprom’s market share in West European countries ;

                2) lock the Russian state monopoly in, and potential competitor suppliers out, for decades to come, in parts of EU territory ;

                3) enable Gazprom to take over critical infrastructure in Europe as part of supply deals ;

                4) deeply distort market economics through price dictation on gas and other forms of energy, also forcing consumers to bear inordinately high costs of Russian-delivered gas ;

                5) help perpetuate Russia’s monopsony on Central Asian gas ;

                6) facilitate Moscow’s nascent strategy to create a cartel of gas exporters (so-called “OPEC for gas”) under Russian leadership, with Iran in tow ;

                7) enable Russia to control, through South Stream, the Southern Corridor gateway for Central Asian and Iranian gas to Europe in the future ;

                8) set the stage for Gazprom’s continuing dominance in Europe through control of transport, even after Russia’s own gas export potential declines (as is forecast) in the years ahead ;

                9) pose manifold risks to the integrity of political and financial systems in Europe, as already noticed in several EU member countries with non-transparent links to Gazprom and the Kremlin ; and

                10) expose the EU to political whims of Serbia, a South Stream transit country, enticed by Moscow into ultranationalist politics, resulting in highly problematic relations to the EU.

                These and other adverse consequences of South Stream can be avoided, if the project is stopped long enough for the EU and United States to set their own defective energy security strategies in working order. This would involve opening access to Central Asian gas through direct pipelines to Europe, as well as developing Iranian gas for liquefaction and shipping to international markets. The South Stream pipeline is designed to run from Russia’s Black Sea coast to a point near Varna in Bulgaria. In that country, South Stream would bifurcate into a southern branch via Greece to Italy and a northern branch via Serbia and Hungary to Austria. There, Gazprom is developing a major storage and transmission center for Europe near Vienna.

                The pipeline’s section on the seabed of the Black Sea is the key to the entire project. Gazprom lacks the technology for building such an ultra-deep pipeline. Italy’s ENI is set opportunistically to provide that technology, as ENI did in 1999-2002 for Gazprom’s Blue Stream One pipeline on the seabed of the Black Sea from Russia to Turkey. The South Stream seabed pipeline is much longer and more challenging technologically and financially than Blue Stream One. South Stream’s 900 kilometer seabed section is planned to traverse Ukraine’s exclusive economic zone for most of its length, as well as a small part of Romania’s exclusive economic zone. This situation can give both countries potentially decisive leverage over the project.

                Ukraine and Romania are not included in the South Stream project. Ukraine is, in a sense, an intended casualty of South Stream : this project is specifically designed to bypass Ukraine and reduce the share of Russian-delivered gas to Europe through Ukrainian pipelines (one motivation being to de-capitalize Ukraine’s transit pipeline system and introduce some form of “joint” control over it). Meanwhile, Romania is the only Nabucco consortium member to have turned down Gazprom’s offer to join South Stream. The country’s President Traian Basescu and parts of the government have correctly analyzed South Stream’s disadvantages and risks. Both countries are interested in stopping South Stream. This pipeline, if built, would kill Nabucco, thus depriving Romania of alternative gas supplies and transit revenue from the Nabucco project, to which Bucharest remains loyal. For its part, Ukraine is interested in continuing large-scale transit of Russian-delivered gas to Europe, as opposed to seeing part of that transit re-routed through South Stream.

                The Black Sea does not have a “neutral” zone in the usual sense of the term. Riparian countries divide the sea into exclusive economic zones bilaterally. These maritime zones are immediately adjacent to each other. Ukraine’s economic zone abuts directly on those of Russia to the east, Turkey to the south, and Romania to the west. Romania’s and Bulgaria’s zones also border each other. Thus, construction of the South Stream pipeline on its presently designated seabed route from Russia to Bulgaria would require the consent of Ukraine and Romania.

                Theoretically, Russia could build the South Stream pipeline through Turkey’s exclusive economic zone, en route to Bulgaria. However, one of Russia’s rationales behind South Stream is to bypass Turkey, just as bypassing Ukraine. The Kremlin has abandoned its earlier intentions to expand Blue Stream One on the seabed to Turkey and continue it as Blue Stream Two overland from Turkey to Europe. Instead, Moscow has chosen to circumvent Turkey through South Stream. This move avoids difficult dealings with Ankara on the terms of overland transit. It also implements Moscow’s broader strategy to switch from overland to seabed gas transit pipelines wherever possible. In this case, Russia prefers contending with the limited jurisdictions of Ukraine and Romania in their maritime economic zones, rather than the fully sovereign jurisdiction of Turkey on land.

                Under international maritime law, Ukraine and Romania can not officially veto South Stream outright. But they can question it thoroughly ; can demand extensive study of the project’s impact on environment, shipping and maritime safety generally ; and are entitled to evaluate these studies and independently assess their findings. They are also entitled to demand modifications to the Russian-proposed route. In the Baltic Sea last year Estonia, Finland, Poland, Sweden, and Lithuania have used their rights under international law in this manner. They have thoroughly questioned Gazprom’s Nord Stream seabed pipeline project in most of its aspects and demanded modifications of its route. As a cumulative result, Nord Stream has been temporarily halted, and its overall prospects seem increasingly clouded for intrinsic reasons also.

                Russian officials such as Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry Anatoly Yanovsky and Grigory Vilchek, deputy head of Piter Gaz (involved in the Nord Stream impact studies), now recognize that the government and Gazprom have failed to initiate consultations with Ukraine and Romania about South Stream’s seabed section. Moscow seems to repeat the costly error it made when failing to hold advance consultations with Baltic Sea riparian countries about the Nord Stream seabed pipeline. Whether these errors are of omission or of commission seems unclear. What is certain is that Ukraine and Romania — similarly with the Baltic Sea countries — hold legal leverage of a potentially decisive character over seabed pipeline projects.

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                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Kazakhstan considers Russia strategic partner – military chief

                  CHEBARKUL RANGE, Chelyabinsk region, September 1 (Itar-Tass) - Kazakhstan sees in Russia a strategic ally and partner, the chief of Russian-Kazakh tactical exercise, Mayor General Nikolai Kuatov said at the manouvers’ launch on Monday. “The fact that one third of our land frontiers stretches over Russia’s southern regions inevitably persuades us to choose our foreign policy priority and build good-neighbourly relations, he said stressing that the priority is the constructive and fruitful development of military cooperation with Russia. “Therefore Kazakhstan considers Russia its strategic ally and partner both in political and military spheres,” Kuatov said. “The world community continues to face a steamroller approach in international relations that is based on the use of off-line, extraordinary and unpredictable actions, including political and psychological pressure, information war, the use of force and economic sanctions,” he said. “Therefore without adaptation of the country’s defence policy and military structure to changing realities it would be impossible to ensure effective protection of its vital interests,” Kuatov said. The deputy commander of Russia's Ground Forces, Lieutenant-General Valery Yevnevich said that “our countries’ efforts aimed at raising efficiency of joint actions become more practical.” He expressed confidence that “our countries’ cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism will have a fresh impetus to further development.” “We are always ready to develop partnership, upgrade interaction and strengthen relations both in military and political spheres,” Yevnevich said.


                  Russian-Kazakh war games start in Urals

                  Russia and Kazakhstan launched the first stage of a strategic exercise in the Chelyabinsk Region in Russia's Urals on Monday, the Ground Forces' press service said. The first stage of the drills, named Center-2008, will run through September 5, involving about 1,500 troops on each side. The subsequent stages in the Chelyabinsk Region, which borders on Kazakhstan, will run until September 27, with 12,000 troops taking part. The exercises will also involve around 1,000 armed vehicles, over 50 fixed and rotary winged aircraft, including Su-24 Fencer fighter/bombers, and airlift and attack helicopters Mi-8 Hip and Mi-24 Hind. The exercise is designed to contribute to "the further development of a united outlook and approach to joint planning in the interests of maintaining the national security of the two countries," the statement said.


                  Gazprom Neft looks to send crude to China via Kazakhstan

                  Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of Russian energy giant Gazprom, plans to apply for permission to ship crude oil to China via Kazakhstan in the fourth quarter of this year and in 2009, the company CEO said on Monday. "We are the only company that has a direct contract with China Oil," Alexander Dyukov said. It was earlier reported that Gazprom Neft had not been included in the schedule for oil shipments to China via Kazakhstan along the Atasu-Alashankou pipeline. The company said it had applied to the Energy and Fuel Ministry for permission to pump 1.08 mln tons of crude in April-December 2008, but ran into transit problems with the Kazakh state transport monopoly KazTransOil. A transit agreement signed between Russia and Kazakhstan last November provides for the export of up to 5 mln tons of oil per year from Russia to China through Kazakhstan, along the Atasu-Alashankou pipeline.

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                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                    There currently is an unprecedented crisis in the western world. The situation for Europe is more critical, more serious, than one may imagine. The alarming words of some western leaders are not just empty rhetoric, nor are they simple scare tactics. The Russian Federation does control the very lifeline of the western world, the crucial energy needs of Europe. Moscow currently provides about 1/3 of Europe's oil and approximately 1/2 of its natural gas. And now, this situation for Europe is about to get worst because Russia's actions in the Caucasus have effectively shutdown the only source of Central Asian gas/oil not in Russian control - the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum gas pipeline, Baku-Supsa oil pipeline and the much heralded Nabucco project, which envisions bringing Central Asian gas to Europe via Turkey.

                    Yeah.... It doesn't look good for America.

                    Job losses mount as US economy heads into virtual freefall

                    Job losses in the US are mounting as inflation, the credit crunch, plunging home values and tighter family budgets are combining to produce a perfect storm of economic malaise, which is threatening the livelihoods of tens of millions of working people.

                    The private sector eliminated 79,000 jobs from May to June
                    , according to a survey of nearly 400,000 US businesses released Wednesday by Automatic Data Processing, Inc. The ADP National Employment Report said the decline was “broad based across industrial sectors and suggests continued weakness in employment.”

                    The goods-producing sector slashed 76,000 jobs last month, ADP reported, with manufacturing employment falling by 44,000, marking their nineteenth and twenty-second consecutive monthly declines, respectively. Service jobs also declined by 3,000, the first fall-off since November 2002.

                    Construction and financial services related to home sales and lending are the two sectors of the economy hardest hit by the housing and mortgage crises. In June, ADP reported, construction employment dropped by an additional 34,000 jobs, marking the nineteenth straight monthly decline. A staggering 349,000 construction jobs have been lost since the peak of August 2006. Three thousand jobs in financial services were also lost in June.

                    “It’s clear that the housing downturn and credit crunch are still very much under way,” Andrew Tilton, an economist with Goldman Sachs told the New York Times. Clearly, there are more jobs to be lost in housing, finance and construction—hundreds of thousands of more jobs to be lost collectively.”

                    The US Bureau of Labor Statistics will release its monthly jobs report on Thursday, with economists predicting a loss of as many as 60,000 jobs in June. This would be the sixth consecutive month of employment declines.

                    “Downsizing in the financial sector has remained heavy, but now we’re seeing increased job cuts in other non-housing-related industries, mostly due to the added burden of skyrocketing oil prices,” chief executive officer John A. Challenger said in a statement released Wednesday. “The overall economy could continue to experience net losses for several months to come.’ ’

                    So far this year, Challenger said, companies have announced 475,948 cuts, up 21 percent from the first six months of 2007.

                    The financial sector led in announced reductions, with 19,227 job cuts. Last week, Bank of America, the second biggest US bank, announced plans to cut 7,500 jobs after its purchase of home lender Countrywide Financial. Year-to-date, Challenger reported, the financial industry has announced 85,258 positions will be eliminated.

                    The second highest sector was federal, state and local governments, which are being pressed by falling property values and tax revenues. Government entities have announced 10,797 job cuts, Challenger reported. This was followed by telecommunications, which announced 10,342 cuts.

                    Meltdown of the US auto industry

                    Job cuts, higher prices and crushing levels of debt all threaten to slow US consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of the country’s economic activity. In a sign of the impact this is having on retailers, Starbucks, the world’s largest coffee chain, said Tuesday it would close 600 stores in the US —in addition to 100 already announced—laying off more than 12,000 employees.

                    American Airlines—which, like several other carriers, has cut back routes in the face of the high cost of fuel and fewer air travelers— announced Wednesday it would furlough 900 flight attendants.

                    UnitedHealth, the largest US health insurer, also announced it would lay off 4,000 workers, due to falling profits and rising health care costs.

                    The auto industry has been particularly devastated, with vehicle sales hitting a 10-year low, down 18 percent in June. Detroit automakers continued to see sharply declining sales, with Chrysler’s June sales down 36 percent compared to a year ago, Ford down 28 percent and General Motors falling 18 percent. Japanese automaker Toyota was also hit hard, with US sales down 21 percent.

                    GM, which is reportedly burning up $1 billion in cash reserves each month, could face bankruptcy, according to Merrill Lynch analyst John Murphy, who lowered his outlook for GM stock to $7 a share in a note to investors Wednesday. “The key change in our outlook is a much lower forecast for US auto sales that is driving higher cash burn necessitating a much larger raise than the market is currently anticipating,” Murphy wrote in reference to GM’s need to quickly borrow money.

                    Other analysts say GM must raise as much as a $10 billion as early as this quarter to keep operating. The company says it has liquidity and flexibility to meet its financial requirements. However, it could find raising additional cash difficult, if not impossible, because of the unfavorable rates in the tight credit market.

                    The threatened collapse of the once mighty icon of US industrial supremacy underscores the historic decline in the world position of American capitalism and the virtual takeover of the US economy by various forms of financial parasitism. Wall Street has carried out a deliberate policy of deindustrialization, in order to free up capital from unprofitable industries and invest it in more lucrative and speculative ventures, including the dot-com boom, the housing bubble and the new frenzy in oil, corn and other commodity future markets.

                    GM stock has fallen to a 50-year low, plummeting from $43 last November to close at $9.98 Wednesday. The total value of GM stock is the least of all companies traded on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. By contrast, the Internet company Google is selling at $527 per share and has a market capitalization 28 times the size of GM.

                    “What’s GM worth now—$7 billion?”, Bruce Birger, managing director of Birger Capital Management asked the Detroit News. “People can write checks for that amount.”

                    Ford, which has borrowed heavily against its assets, is not much better off, with shares of its stock selling at $4.36, roughly equivalent, the newspaper noted, to the price of gas in some major American cities.

                    Both companies are reportedly scrambling to sell off assets or use overseas divisions as collateral for new loans, which could mean selling them off to raise cash.

                    Another candidate for bankruptcy is privately-held Chrysler, which was bought by the private equity firm Cerberus. “They’re a limited liability company—when they run out of money, they’ve run out of money,” Steven Davidoff, a law professor at Wayne State University told the Detroit News. “Cerberus may push for the nuclear option and go into bankruptcy to restructure the organization,” he added, suggesting that the company could follow the lead of auto parts maker Delphi, which used the bankruptcy court to tear up its labor agreements and impose 50 percent wage cuts on its workers.



                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Saakashvili a 'political corpse'

                      Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has described his Georgian counterpart as a "political corpse", saying Moscow does not recognise him as president. "President Saakashvili no longer exists in our eyes. He is a political corpse," he told Italy's Rai television. He said US support for Mr Saakashvili had helped provoke the crisis, which has seen Russian troops invade Georgia. He said Russia did not fear isolation by Western countries that have condemned the Russian intervention. Fighting between Russia and Georgia began on 7 August after the Georgian military tried to retake the breakaway region of South Ossetia by force. Russian forces launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with the ejection of Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Russia has since recognised the independence of both regions, though no other country has.

                      'Carte blanche'

                      The Russian president blamed the US for helping provoke the crisis by supporting Mr Saakashvili. "Unfortunately, at a certain point they gave Saakashvili carte blanche for any actions, including military," said Mr Medvedev in the Rai interview. In a broadside aimed at international calls for Russia's isolation, he said Moscow did not fear being expelled from the G8 group of rich nations nor did it fear Nato cutting ties with his country. He said Nato had more to lose than Russia by a severing of relations. Earlier, Mr Medvedev had mixed praise for the European Union, which on Monday decided to suspend talks on a strategic pact with Russia until its troops were withdrawn from Georgia, but declined to impose sanctions. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who stepped down as president earlier this year, praised the European Union's "common sense". But he warned that Moscow would respond to the growing presence of Nato warships in the Black Sea, where Russia's navy fleet has a huge presence. He did not give any details.

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