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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Medieval hero beats Stalin in national poll

    Alexander Nevsky : Prokofiev (extraits):

    The Medieval prince Aleksander Nevsky has been chosen as the most important figure in Russian history by a nationwide poll. He beat off a formidable list of historical rivals – including Stalin - to win the title of Greatest Ever Russian. Voters had more than six months to choose from among 500 names. Nevsky had a winning score of 524,575 votes, overtaking the early 20th century reformer Piotr Stolipin with 523.766 nominations. Communist dictator Joseph Stalin finished a close third with 519,071 votes. A Russian prince from Novgorod, Alexander got the nickname "Nevsky" after his victory over an army of Swedes in a battle near the Neva river (in present day St Petersburg) in 1240. The Swedes came to Russia to conquer the cities of Novgorod and Pskov and to convert them from Orthodoxy to Catholicism. Historical records say early in the morning of July 15, 1240 Alexander attacked the intruders unexpectedly while they were sleeping and wiped out the enemy troops by the end of the day. Later, in 1242, he conquered the Baltics-based knights of the Tevton Order, in the Ice Battle on Chudskoe lake and stopped them from conquering Russia’s north. The organiser of the Greatest Ever Russian contest, Alexander Liubimov, said Nevsky’s victory in the poll “demonstrates that Russians are dedicated to their ancient history, starting 1,000 years ago.” He said there was awareness in modern Russia that the nation’s ancestors “created a multi-national community within the Russian borders and defended Russia both against East and against west,” he said. In second place behind Nevsky was Pyotr Stolipin, an early 20th century Russian prime minister and a reformer. Stolipin believed in strong executive power in Russia and conducted a series of large-scale reforms in the country. The changes he brought about improved opportunities for well-off peasants. However, his decision to relocate peasants to Siberia to farm its vast lands remains controversial. Stolypin took a tough stance against left-wing extremism and violently suppressed strikes and peasant riots. The Soviet totalitarian leader, Josef Stalin, finished third in the poll. He ran a reign of terror in Russia and was responsible for a series of bloody repressions that affected millions of people across the country. Voting in the poll was suspended in August after Stalin clearly had a majority of the ballots cast the previous month. The organisers ‘zeroed’ the vote, claiming that spammers had attacked the site in order to give Stalin the victory. This time viewers had a choice of voting method. The could use the phone, text message or the internet. Technically, however, each voter was not limited to one vote. National poet Alexander Pushkin took fourth spot ahead of Peter the Great in fifth.

    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      That's just sad.


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Originally posted by TomServo View Post
        That's just sad.
        I meant this in response to Latvia, but it works for Stalin too.


        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Stalin should have won -- the pollster intervened with an appeal to vote for someone else. I thought the Latvia thing is a joke.


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            Not in the least bit! No matter how one looks at it, as long as it's done rationally and objectively, Christianity saved us from annihilation.

            You mean to tell me non-Christians make better soldiers? The best warriors in world history have come from Christian societies. Last I checked battle-happy Russkies were also Christians... What about the Serbian Chetniks? What about the European Christians during the Crusaders? What about the excellent warriors of Napoleon? The Polish Hussars? The Austrian-Hungarian Empire? The Czarist Russian Empire? What's more, Nazi Germany was quite Lutheran throughout the Second World War. Blaming Christianity is both foolish and grossly inaccurate.

            The problem we Armenians have today is the absence of a pan-national awareness within us, the lose of our Christian zeal and the lose of our warrior mentality. Our problem is cultural. This is because the warrior, spiritual and intellectual cream of our nation was gradually eradicated throughout the last one thousand years. There are four fundamental reasons why we are the way we are today: First, Byzantine incursions about a thousand years ago that eventually proved to be our first genocide. Second, six-eight hundred years of living as Ottoman/Persian/Russian/Soviet subjects. Third, the Armenian Genocide. And fourth, our Asiatic/Middle Eastern/Western upbringing. Generally speaking, as a result of our history, we are today the direct descendants of Turkified Christian peasants of Asia Minor and the Caucasus that somehow rediscovered their national heritage during the past 100-150 years. Blue blood no longer flows in our vains.

            When Nazi Germany invaded Russia, every Russian man, women and child resisted. They did not seek to leave for more peaceful or prosperous lands, they resisted in the tens of millions. They suffered gargantuan losses as a result. But they won. That is respectable. That is honorable. That is patriotism. When Nazis lost the war, and Germany was utterly/completely devastated, instead of seeking greener pastures, millions of Germans instead rebuilt their cities, rebuilt their towns and villages, rebuilt their industry, rebuilt their lives - without complaining, without begging. As soon as Communism collapsed and left Armenia is a desperate economic situation a million Armenians (1/3 of the population) were already planning on abandoning their homeland. During the height of the Artsakh war, as relatively small numbers of Armenians in Armenia were volunteering to help the war effort - vast droves of men, women and children were waiting on Visa lines at the American embassy... And where were the big talking "proud" Armenians of the diaspora? Other than a handful of diasporans sending pocket change as aid, and a handful of daring men from the Middle East, what did the vast Armenian diaspora do? The answer is - nothing. Had it not been for the die hard mentality of Armenians in Artsakh and Russian support Armenians today would be lamenting over yet another genocide. During the First World War when small bands of Ottoman troops and Kurdish brigands were slaughtering Armenians left and right in Asia Minor the vast majority of Armenians were either fleeing or rolling over and dying. Realize that the brave Armenian fighters that resisted Turks at the time represented only a 'minuscule' segment of the Armenian population found within the Ottoman Empire. Bands of Armenian fighters at the time never numbered more than several hundred - at most. Had the Armenian "nation" stood up against the weak Ottoman government at the time there would not have been a genocide to cry over and we would most probably have had a nation ten times larger than it is today.

            Nonetheless, we do see remnants of our heroic past at certain times, like the great Armenian war heroes during the Second World War and the heroic resistance our brethren in Artsakh expressed against the Turk ten-fifteen years ago. These are little reminders of what we once were and what we can be. I remain confident that we will be able to rekindle our ancient warrior/spiritual/intellectual spirit, but this will require a conscious effort on the part of our authorities and our parents.

            Very sad, but very true.

            The biggest quest/goal in a 'traditional' Armenian man's life is to grow a belly, drive a Mercedes Benz (or BMW) and bring home an obedient virgin for his mother... I may be generalizing a bit here, but I am sick and tired of the Islamic/Asiatic behaviors many of us Armenians call national tradition.

            wow. stunning post. agree with it all. abris hye sparapet!

            depending on my university studies next year and my financial situation/work, I plan to visit my sourp hayrenik for the first time next year. im brushing up on my Armenian skills now, and trying to perfect my Kraganoutioun.

            but im alos training hard. push ups, sit ups, boxing, weights. i need information about the types of Millitary training/activities available for me in Armenia/artsakh. i know they dont have a diaspora program, but im thinking i can hook up with some Paramilitary units who can give me some training and more importantly a sense of hye brotherhood - something which i have longed for but never found out 'there' in the diaspora.

            do you know of any such organisatians. are the AAO still active? what about some of the old-school brigades in artsak like the white bears, crusaders ext.. any help will be great.


            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              Medvedev signs constitutional amendments

              The new laws amending the Russian Constitution to extend the term of office for the president and the State Duma were signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday. The law states that the president is elected for a term of six years which is up from the previous period of four years. Members of the State Duma will now be elected into office for a period of five years, as opposed to its current four. After being passed by the State Duma on 21 November and the Federal Council on 26 November, the amendments were just a Presidential signature away from becoming law. The amendments were first proposed by Medvedev at his state-of-the-nation address in November. The new laws, though official, will not affect the current administration or house of parliament and will come into effect after the next election. President Medvedev also signed a law requiring the Russian government to report annually to the State Duma. This law will come into immediate effect. These are the first amendments to the constitution in its 15-year history.

              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                Russia to set world record with 39 space launches in 2009

                Russia is planning to set a world record by conducting a total of 39 space launches in 2009 despite the current global financial crisis, the head of the Russian Space Agency said on Monday. "We have scheduled a record number of launches for next year. We are planning to carry out 39 launches, half of them commercial and civilian satellites," Anatoly Perminov said. Russia conducted 27 space launches in 2008 and 26 launches in 2007, becoming the world's leader in this sphere. Perminov said Russia would meet all its obligations before international partners in a variety of joint space programs. "Despite the difficulties created by the crisis, we are preparing to launch in 2009 four manned space missions instead of two, and we are planning to send six Progress cargo vehicles to the International Space Station instead of four," Russia's space chief said. Perminov also said there were no changes in Russia's Glonass satellite program. "We will conduct two launches with three satellites each to increase the Glonass orbital grouping by six satellites," he said. The Glonass grouping currently consists of 19 satellites, of which 16 are operational, two are undergoing maintenance, and one is due to be withdrawn. The system requires 18 satellites for continuous navigation services covering the entire territory of the Russian Federation, and 24 satellites to provide services worldwide. A total of 9.9 billion rubles ($360 million at the current exchange rate) was allocated for Glonass from the federal budget in 2007, and 4.7 billion rubles ($170 million) in 2006. Six new Glonass satellites were added to the network in 2008. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a directive on September 12 allocating an additional $2.6 billion to develop the system. Anatoly Perminov said in September that the number of satellites in the Glonass network would be increased to 30 by 2011.

                Last edited by Armenian; 12-30-2008, 11:17 AM.
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                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  looks like Ukraine decided to start paying back it's oil debt:

                  All this within the span of the last half hour.
                  Last edited by jgk3; 12-30-2008, 08:18 AM.


                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    Originally posted by Hye_Psycho View Post
                    ...depending on my university studies next year and my financial situation/work, I plan to visit my sourp hayrenik for the first time next year. im brushing up on my Armenian skills now, and trying to perfect my Kraganoutioun... do you know of any such organisatians. are the AAO still active? what about some of the old-school brigades in artsak like the white bears, crusaders ext.. any help will be great.
                    Psycho, thanks for our compliments regarding the piece I wrote but weren't you the one that was not too long ago categorically rejecting the Armenian Republic and its people and saying something to the effect of - "Western Armenia" is your real homeland? I see you may have had a change of heart...

                    Anyway, the secret to having a pleasant/interesting stay in Armenia is to befriend the natives of the land and make an genuine effort to understand them; understand their mentalities, their culture, their lifestyles, their situation, etc. Very often the "all knowing" and "we are better than them" thinking diasporans end up having problems that are in essence 'culture' clashes with the people there. Visit Armenia with the notion that you are visiting a nation going through a very difficult and complicated building process. As old as Armenia is historically, in most tangible respects its still brand new. Visit Armenia without exceptions and you'll come back encouraged, inspired and emotionally/spiritually fulfilled. Visit Armenia with shallow/distorted diasporan expectations and you'll come back deeply disappointed and very upset... Regarding your question: Forum members from Armenia may be able to give you better advice. Nonetheless, the AAO is still around. You can also track down Armenian Youth Federation members, or simply the ARF. You can join various martial arts organizations, hunting clubs, hiking clubs. However realize that Armenia is generally a land of personal contacts. As far as making military contacts is concerned, the best chance you would have in meeting an Artsakh war veteran or former service member is through friends. Realize that the quality of the citizenry has fallen terribly during the past 10-20 years. Realize also that many of the natives won't open up to you very easily. Regardless of who you are, because you are a diasporan there will be some kind of a cultural rift between you and them. You simply need to stay above it, and give it time. Thus, you have to make an effort to find good/decent people and earn their trust. Finally, go with a group of people that are familiar with the nation, preferably expatriates.
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                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Ahhh... The sad what ifs of history...


                      Britain feared annihilation by Soviets

                      Britain feared that it would have been overwhelmed in the event of a Soviet attack because of the depleted state of its armed forces, according to secret files made public on Tuesday. Papers released by the National Archives, under the 30-year rule, reveal that Royal Air Force fighter jets only had sufficient ammunition for two days of combat and the Royal Navy would fail to defend the country from Russian submarines. The army would have been too over-stretched to cope with a widescale campaign of sabotage and subversion by Soviet special forces, the papers show. Prime Minister James Callaghan called the situation a "scandal" when he discovered the scale of the problem and demanded resignations among the military. "Heaven help us if there is a war!" he scrawled on one note. But ministers could do little until the Tornado fighter plane became available in the mid-1980s along with other military hardware. The problem became clear when senior intelligence officers warned in late 1977 that, in the event of a conventional war, the Russians could unleash up to 200 bombers and 18 submarines against the UK. The assessment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was that British forces would be unable to cope. "UK forces cannot match the threat postulated by the JIC assessment," the chiefs noted in January 1978 in a document marked Top Secret UK Eyes Alpha. "Air defenses would be outweighed because aircraft would be outnumbered and stocks of air defense munitions would sustain operations for only two or three days. "Maritime forces need better anti-submarine weapons, and face a massive threat from submarine and air-launched missiles and also from mines; the most serious deficiency is in numbers. "The army in the UK would, until mobilization is complete, have insufficient forces to meet its commitments; after mobilization of the reserves, a process taking between 15-20 days, the Army would be able to counter the currently assessed Soviet land threat during the initial stages of the war but, lacking supporting arms and logistic support, it would be inadequate to deal with any more significant threat, including sabotage or subversion on a wide scale."

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                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

