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No need to fight

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  • No need to fight

    Hi people,
    I am mehmet from turkey. And found here recently when i was searching about relations. I have some ideas to share with all of you. I can talk about so many things; about theories,economy,politics,petrol...etc. but instead i will talk about a summary of being human. Because dont wanna bore you with a long comment

    The human born at middle east,in these lands. And then the nations,races grown up.
    Thousand of years ago there were no turks,no armenians,no persians.... etc... But there were people on these lands.(mesopotomia,egypt,anatolia,jerusalem)

    But we are thought to be act like racist.May be our nations,or may be other nations forced us. Or this was a human charachter.

    But unfortunately if we still continue to think racist, ok we would continue to wars. And no need to discuss it more.But war is not a game. Its a absolute genocide of each other. There are still wars in middle east. The war has been here for thousands of years. And wont stop. BEcause we dont understand each of us. we are pushed to fight between us. We lived here friendly in this geography. You and we talk about genocides in 1915. But we lived nearly 850 years together.

    Of course we had fights in those years. But who do you think didnt fight with each other? We are the children of Cain and Abel(the children of adam and eve), who were brothers. but cain killed abel. When the brothers were killing each other. Who can think we cant kill?

    Genocide, seems like a naive word. But who can show me which war doesnt contain genocide in history? Look through modern world now. The countries of freedom,the counties of west, still watch the war on middle east. They prepare the wars. They sell the guns to each of us. They earn money,and they watch us to kill each other. Genocide=war. Doesnt matter. In both terms there are dead people. The 10 year boy in palestian with a gun may be soldier but indeed he is a children. The bombs doest only kill soldiers. Also the mothers,childrens. Isnt it a genocide?

    I dont wanna mention PKK,ASALA,or other turkish,kurdish,armenian racist groups. Which country doesnt have racist groups?

    May be i told the things that you also know. May be some of them dont want accept it,doesnt matter.I just wanted to mention my opinion here or somewhere else in the world. I am proud to live in geography,because the history created here.And as far as i know about these conflicts,we create many histories just like that. This is obvious. We cannot stop it.Because we are humans. We like fame and money

    At lastly one thing i can dream about,when the west leaves eyes on us. And the nations dont be their puppet,or no opportunities to gain. This world should be worth for living.(childish i know)

    With all my respect,


  • #2
    Re: No need to fight

    It sounds like you're just trying to justify the 1915 genocide by passing it off as war, and then claiming that war is natural to man, which therefore makes it justifiable.


    • #3
      Re: No need to fight

      Originally posted by Drmehmet
      ... Genocide, seems like a naive word.
      It might seem like that to someone who hasn't really studied history, but in this case, it is a very appropriate word. Actually, what Turks did to Armenians pretty much DEFINES Genocide! So how can it be "naive"?

      Originally posted by Drmehmet
      But who can show me which war doesnt contain genocide in history?
      Do you want examples from any period in history or modern times? Do you want examples from a specific region? I will give you an example from old times and an example from newer times and hopefully you will see how foolish it is to try to claim that every war is genocide and every genocide is war and therefore the Turks and Armenians were at war in 1915:

      1. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the subsequent war: The soviets had no intention to commit genocide in Afghanistan.

      2. The Hundred Years' War between England and France that started in 1328: I don't think any intelligent person will try to claim England was trying to commit Genocide against the French in that war. They just wanted to rule the French.

      So dear Mehmet, hope you realize that you should study the real circumstances around the Armenian Genocide before trying to conclude something general about all wars
      this post = teh win.


      • #4
        Re: No need to fight

        The thing that cracks me up about the Turkish arguements is that they are so contradictory. They seem to say the same two things:

        "We're all the same, there shouldn't be a distinction between Turks, Armenians, Kurds, etc... we should all be one big happy family"

        which is quickly followed by...

        "...however that big happy family will be Turkey, we will speak Turkish and long live the Turkish empire!"


        • #5
          Re: No need to fight

          Originally posted by Jinx
          The thing that cracks me up about the Turkish arguements is that they are so contradictory. They seem to say the same two things:

          "We're all the same, there shouldn't be a distinction between Turks, Armenians, Kurds, etc... we should all be one big happy family"

          which is quickly followed by...

          "...however that big happy family will be Turkey, we will speak Turkish and long live the Turkish empire!"
          I agree Jinx LOL.
          Gatorade... the Thirst Quencher!


          • #6
            Re: No need to fight

            Sorry people,i just wanted to share somethings about my opinions.but as i understood through your comments,it is impossible.

            Did i accuse someone or some nation in my comment?

            yeah ok you accuse turkey,and we turks,accuse whole world. and this goes on. Where is the solution?tell me how can be solution?

            I can tell you that i have also books in my hand that nearly 2000 pages about the turkish genocide made by armenians from turkish army. and i am sure that you have also pictures or archieves in your hand about thousands of pages. But tell me who is true? you say turks wrong,and turkey said you wrong. tell me who decides the truth? refree's?

            In my comments i have talked about being human,and mentality. There is some of you that claims me,that i dont know history. Do you judge people according to 1000 words. I am sure i know the histroy as well as someone else. and i dont play game thourgh words. accusing people is such easy through words,but its clear that, understanding each other is grace.

            I accept i dont know history through your accuses. But do you think you know best? or all of you are witnesses of history. I cant say that i know something well about history,because i also read what people's read nowadays.( be sure i read both ways,turkish opinions,and other nations opinions). but as you mentioned above, you would think about ,that i just justify the genocide. or i dont know history.

            I will respect your comments as far as they are respectful.but otherwise i would go ahead from this forum, and return to my ritual life.

            Lastly, i would say we can discuss england,france,soviets,afghans,ottoman,turkish empire somewhere else in other topics. and be see what i know about the history. but just look at my comment, and realize what are we talking about,and mention in that way.


            • #7
              Re: No need to fight

              Originally posted by Jinx
              The thing that cracks me up about the Turkish arguements is that they are so contradictory. They seem to say the same two things:

              "We're all the same, there shouldn't be a distinction between Turks, Armenians, Kurds, etc... we should all be one big happy family"

              which is quickly followed by...

              "...however that big happy family will be Turkey, we will speak Turkish and long live the Turkish empire!"

              sorry but who said that?????????look jinx,i didnt accused someone or something in my comments. i am not a fan of pan-turkism or something racist. and i am against to these kind of thought. There are racist everywhere in world. but you cannot accuse whole nation. Or also according to 2-3 conversation with turks,you cant have any idea about turkish people.


              • #8
                Re: No need to fight

                Originally posted by Sip

                So dear Mehmet, hope you realize that you should study the real circumstances around the Armenian Genocide before trying to conclude something general about all wars
                be sure i have studied aobut it in university. but as you can see my comment i didnt mentioned something about armenian or turkish genocide. i just mentioned general view of wars. and you can be sure i wont speak about genocides in this forum. because both of 2 nations think there is genocide. but i dont know who is right?or which archieves tells the truth? do you know it exactly? or did you read about turkish arguments on armenians? i have just explored some of your web sites. but there is nothing obvious that someone wins this game


                • #9
                  Re: No need to fight

                  I can't believe those Armenians who are wasting their time talking to turks.

                  The turks are dead-meat and they need to be wiped out from the face of the earth. End of story.

                  Go join an organisation who is dedicated to destroy turkey and turks. Use your energy there and not on these absolute useless forums!


                  • #10
                    Re: No need to fight

                    If you think about it, even though the Turks talk bad about us they obviously like us because they spend there time to sign up on ArmenianClub so go figure.
                    Gatorade... the Thirst Quencher!

