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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    YEREVAN (Presidential News Office)--Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian issued two decrees Monday appointing Edward Nalbandian and Major General Seyran Ohanian as Foreign Minister and Defense Minister, respectively.
    Edward Nalbandian was Armenia's ambassador to France, Vatican, Israel and Andorra under the Robert Kocharian administration.
    Since June, 2007, Seyran Ohanian served as Chief of Staff of Armenia's Armed forces and was the first deputy defense minister.
    Armenia's newly formed political coalition on Friday was still in talks over the distribution of roles in the emerging Cabinet, with its newly appointed head promising the negotiations would be completed by the end of the week.
    “You will be informed about decisions in a few days, but at this moment it is not correct to make any statement, because it will only hamper the discussions,” Tigran Sargsyan told reporters.
    The new prime minister also defended President Serzh Sarkisian's election programs as a means to defuse tensions in society.
    “I think that Serzh Sarkisian gave an exhaustive answer to all questions in his inauguration speech [Wednesday] and I fully agree with the evaluations of the republic's president, and I think the path that he has embarked on is the only way that will provide an opportunity to ensure an atmosphere of solidarity in our country,” Sargsyan (no relation to Serzh) said.
    Sargsyan also asked for some time to provide answers to all questions. “I think you should give me an opportunity; Don't ask for answers to all questions now. It's only two days since I took the prime minister's job,” he said.
    Former chief banker Sargsyan, who is currently not affiliated with any political party and is considered to be a technocrat manager, agreed that his new job implied a serious political component. “No economic reform can be fulfilled without political contents, and the prime minister's is a fully political post,” he said


    He seems to be very serious about creating professional team for coalition government! Both of above mentioned officials are professionals in their sphere!


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      I thought Mikael Harutyunyan was going to remain the Defense Minister?
      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        I thought Mikael Harutyunyan was going to remain the Defense Minister?
        He's been appointed as the President's advisor.

        Can someone explain to me how a Georgian is in the RA army and now appointed as the Minister of the RA's Armed Forces?
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          He is Armenian by ethnicity, and he has been serving in the Armenian Armed Forces since 1992. Your questions about how this or that person can serve in the government are all bs, and just like your essence.
          For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
          to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            Originally posted by Armanen View Post
            He is Armenian by ethnicity, and he has been serving in the Armenian Armed Forces since 1992. Your questions about how this or that person can serve in the government are all bs, and just like your essence.
            Uh, not really. He's Georgian by (original) nationality. Of course, he was a child of the Soviet era.

            Can a U.S. national regardless of ethnicity serve in the RA's armed forces? And, if the national is of Armenian ethnicity may he? Does this become different if he becomes an RA citizen?

            Since Armenia's current independence, was there ever a law re: citizenship that prevented a person of alien nationality who gained citizenship to serve in the armed forces? If so, when did the law change?
            Between childhood, boyhood,
            & manhood (maturity) there
            should be sharp lines drawn w/
            Tests, deaths, feats, rites
            stories, songs & judgements

            - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


              Armen Tsaturyan
              Hayots Ashkhar Daily
              Published on April 16, 2008

              The human resource policy adopted by the newly elected President of
              the Republic of Armenia became obvious after the nomination of the
              Prime Minister, Defense Minister, and the Foreign Minister.

              The choice of the before mentioned three positions testifies to
              the fact that the time of the professionals is approaching. High
              professionalism is the main quality that "unites" Tigran Sargsyan,
              Seyran Ohanyan and Edward Nalbandyan.

              If we used to express concern that the key responsible for the
              country's economy, the Prime Minister, must be well aware not only of
              Armenia's political and economic peculiarities, but also the current
              tendencies of the world's economic and financial system, so we can
              say that this issue is solved by Tigran Sargsyan's appointment.

              If we used to discuss and publish a lot that the Defense Minister
              must combine the qualities of a professional serviceman and a direct
              participant in the military actions, with a strong will and good
              personality, then we must definitely say that Seyran Ohanyan is a
              perfect choice in this term.

              If we used to publish and discuss a lot that the Foreign Minister
              must combine his professional diplomatic knowledge, with a rich
              experience of practical diplomatic activity in different countries
              then this issue is also solved with Edward Nalbandyan's appointment,
              who has been in diplomatic service beginning from 1978.

              By these appointments S. Sargsyan displays that in the framework of
              coalition cooperation he gives preference to professionalism and that
              party membership is not a sufficient factor to hold positions.

              Taking into account the stance adopted by the newly elected Prime
              Minister, we can conclude that the presence of the kinsmen of
              different party members on different levels of government will be
              restricted. This circumstance will greatly contribute to the quality
              of the activity of the executive body, because professional leaders
              usually surround themselves with individuals of the same qualitative

              The reason is evident: if for many years it has become a tradition in
              our reality that non-professional Ministers surround themselves with
              non-professional assistants, at present they can't play any role in
              the atmosphere of high professionalism.

              Thus from the beginning of his tenure the newly elected President
              proves that he intends to increase the effectiveness of the whole
              state governing system, which is one of the decisive circumstances
              of the continuation of reforms.

              The spheres where the professionals have taken the role of the
              reformers used to record a great deal of success in our reality,
              during the past years. Unlike the political figures for whom reform
              was an end in itself, those are usually more conservative; when they
              initiate reforms in certain spheres they calculate their next step,
              thus providing higher results.

              The philosophy of the reforms made by the professionals is to provide
              maximum productivity with minimum losses. By adopting similar mode
              of action and the succession of the steps deriving from it, the new
              executive power can swiftly eliminate the negative tendencies recorded
              after the recent political concussions and develop the country,
              in a very short period of time.


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Did you notice that yesterday Serge Sargsyan admitted, through his spokesperson, that the opposition is not merely comprised of LTP supporters. He acknowledged that one is not necessarily the other.
                Last edited by freakyfreaky; 04-29-2008, 04:02 PM.
                Between childhood, boyhood,
                & manhood (maturity) there
                should be sharp lines drawn w/
                Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                stories, songs & judgements

                - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia



                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    Country - In Need Of A New Opposition

                    Armen Tsatouryan

                    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
                    Published on April 18, 2008

                    The sharp and unyielding struggle of the pre-election period ended
                    in the formation of a quadrilateral political coalition around the
                    new authorities, whereas the political camp opposing the authorities
                    keeps preserving the mentality and status it had before February 19.

                    This actually is the repetition of the uncertain situation following
                    the 1998 and 2003 presidential elections, when the forces that united
                    around a particular pro-opposition figure prior to the electoral
                    campaign found themselves in painful and long-lasting processes.

                    In 1998, the role of such individual was reserved for Karen
                    Demirtchyan, and in 2003, it was reserved for Stepan Demirtchyan. At
                    present, Ter-Petrosyan has found himself in their status.

                    To what extent is it beneficial to the country and the political
                    arena to maintain the model of bi-polar confrontations resulting from
                    post-electoral developments?

                    It's obvious that:

                    First: the possible dialogue within the frameworks of the continuing
                    confrontation may certainly alleviate the internal political tension
                    to a certain extent, but it can never serve as a basis for civilized
                    relations between the authorities and the opposition, as such relations
                    develop only in case the debate goes around the ways of the country's
                    further development and not around some unfinished political processes.

                    Second: In view of the new developments taking place in the region,
                    prolonging the confrontations may become a mechanism of imposing
                    serious concessions on the new authorities of Armenia on the external
                    front, because the pro-opposition camp is supervised by forces favoring
                    a much more moderate foreign policy course.

                    Third: the perilous situation existing in the opposition camp will all
                    the time force the new authorities to think about neutralizing the
                    imminent danger instead of finding ways for reforming the political

                    Therefore, the model of a bi-polar confrontation formed in the
                    pre-election period has become an obstacle towards the country's
                    further development.

                    Such obstacle restricts the country's opportunities for further
                    democratization, serious economic reforms and the fair solution to
                    the Karabakh issue, because such tasks continue to be viewed through
                    the prism of disputing the elections.

                    That's to say, the opposition, which suffered a defeat during the
                    elections, is trying to block and "conserve" the post-electoral
                    situation, anticipating the failure of the authorities' policy. Whereas
                    being an inseparable part of the political system of the given
                    country, any normal opposition should shift its political steps to
                    the plane of criticizing the initiatives and programs directed at
                    the country's future.

                    As a result of the presidential elections, the playing cards of
                    most of the political forces, which created a certain climate in our
                    reality during the past ten years, were mainly hit at. The field was
                    xxxxxled down and suffered a great shock, creating conditions for
                    the formation of new political forces. The people have also divided
                    into two camps, one of them supporting the authorities and the others
                    favoring L. Ter-Petrosyan.

                    Therefore, the delusion of a "pro-Levon" alternative will grow weaker
                    in case there's an increase in the quality and quantity of the "new
                    alternative" opposing the policy of the new authorities. In this
                    respect, the post-electoral period is the time for the formation
                    of a third force or forces whose existence was simply ruled out in
                    the pre-election period. Such forces may be formed as a result of
                    the consolidation of the existing small parties or the creation of
                    new ones.

                    The first tendency was observed before the elections when several
                    national-liberal forces united with Ramkavar-liberal party. The
                    temporary unification of some of the former NDU members around the
                    "mother party" and its leader was also an evidence of the same process.

                    As to the inevitability of the second tendency, it is dictated by the
                    following obvious reality: ex-president Ter-Petrosyan's preferences
                    in the spheres of both foreign and domestic policy are alien to the
                    opposition-oriented citizens. More unacceptable are the key figures
                    of the political team with whom L. Ter-Petrosyan wanted to come to
                    power during the elections. That pro-opposition electorate has already
                    complied with the ex-President's proposal saying "make me your tool",
                    and now they are experiencing a political apathy since the "potential
                    tool" did not serve its purpose.

                    We believe that there currently exist all the political preconditions
                    required for the formation of a new opposition next to the authorities;
                    an opposition which will be more radical on the external front and
                    which will make demands for speeding up the paces of the reforms and
                    increasing their social trend.
                    Last edited by Lernakan; 04-21-2008, 09:19 AM.


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


                      Gevorg Harutyunyan

                      Hayots Ashkhar Daily
                      Published on April 18, 2008

                      Leader of National Democratic Union Vazgen Manukyan met with the
                      journalists in "Tesaket" club, yesterday.

                      This is how the Leader of the National Democratic Union explained his
                      decision not to join Ter-Petrosyan: "We have introduced diametrically
                      different ideas to the people. I don't share the viewpoint that Artsakh
                      is a problem for our people. But I can't say that no political figure
                      has the right to have such standpoint. And when they say that Karabakh
                      people are to blame for everything and that we must throw them out
                      of Armenia, on the first hand it insults my national consciousness
                      and on the other hand it contradicts the human values. To divide
                      people into good or bad based on their skin color, or religion or
                      indigenous, is a pure manifestation of fascism. If you attentively
                      study our standpoints you will see that they are incompatible."

                      V. Manukyan confessed that he failed to understand the post-electoral
                      demand of the opposition: "What we demanded in 1996, at post-electoral
                      stage, was to recalculate the election returns. We didn't announce
                      that the opposition's united candidate has won and must sit in the
                      Presidential Palace. The same was in 2003 and the election returns
                      were determined at the second stage of the elections. In 2008 Levon
                      Ter-Petrosyan directly announced that he had obtained 65% votes and
                      that he must sit in the Presidential Palace. It was a really unique
                      demand, which derived to the terrible events of March 1."

                      Touching upon the current developments Leader of the National
                      Democratic Union underscored that he has already congratulated the
                      President, Serge Sargsyan, and the Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan,
                      he also said that he approves all the appointments.

                      "Today the issue is different. Some people long to see this government
                      overthrown. They think that it will bring to a new situation and
                      the struggle for power will acquire a new sense. But they are not
                      interested in what state Armenia will appear due to this "struggle".

                      According to the speaker there is another way: "I'm a pro-oppositional
                      political figure and I'm ready to help the government in power do
                      well. If we see that the state is facing dangerous problems and if
                      we see that the reforms are acceptable for us we will definitely
                      endorse the government. In case of problems we are ready to hold
                      demonstrations to protest until we attain our purpose." Vazgen
                      Manukyan came to a conclusion that it is not right to repeat 1988
                      or 1996. This method hinders the existence of powerful and serious
                      parties. People don't participate in the political life though they
                      have lots of complaints. They wait for a "hero" to appear during the
                      elections and withdraw the evil powers.

                      "In 1988 we were a different state, waging a national-liberation
                      struggle. Maybe I should have acted in a different way in 1996. But
                      one thing is clear, we will only ruin the state with the old forms
                      of struggle."

                      At the request of the correspondent of "Hayots Ashkharh" daily
                      Vazgen Manukyan pointed out his standpoint regarding the coming
                      developments. He firstly considered the adoption of the new
                      Constitution important, and said that only after that it will be
                      possible to form the state government system, through the local and
                      state elections.

                      "We have entered a stage of new changes and these changes are
                      unavoidable. The more fundamental changes the authorities make, the
                      more time they will have to govern. The overthrow of these authorities
                      won't do well to Armenia. It is impossible to repeat the scenario of
                      1996 and achieve the result of the resignation of 1998. The political
                      situation is different at present and the acting powers are also
                      different. I don't see any reasons for the President to resign and
                      the National Assembly to dissolve."

                      It also turned out that the Leader of the National Democratic Party
                      had met with Serge Sargsyan, responding to the latter's appeals for
                      dialogue: "We didn't have any

                      discussions regarding the positions. But I have stressed the importance
                      of changing the government staff and that it is indispensable to
                      bring Armenia out of this situation. In the present situation it is
                      not right to stay in proud loneliness, like a dragon standing on the
                      way of truth. I'm not saying that the President must resign because
                      I have suffered defeat and I don't like him. It is too early to draw
                      final conclusions, but it is possible to see the dangers and hope to
                      overcome them."
                      Last edited by Lernakan; 04-21-2008, 09:19 AM.

