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Karina Pasian

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  • levon
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    I will just skip most of the bs you wrote here because thats all it is
    Another baseless assertion. Great job. I guess, that's all you had to say after I pretty much exposed you as a fake.

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Karina is a young woman who is probably undecided about many aspects of her life so why just write her off?
    Wrong, Karina is a young woman that sings in Turkish, but not Armenian. The only way that would be ok, is if she had no idea that she's Armenian at all, and has no idea what Armenia is, nor what is Armenia's history with Turkey. That's the only way, I would find it acceptable. But, in that case, there is no need to write her off, as she's done so herself.

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Luckily many people realize this fact and perhaps one day you will to.
    You keep repeating the same crap. Someday I'll realize, what? That being a liberal minded sissy is the way to go? No thanks, I'll stick with being a man, but you're welcome to cross the line between the sexes and resemble a woman with everything except your appearance (in other words, the way you argue, the way you accept no faults, the way you bring up baseless arguments, the way you use insults to get your way, etc is how a typical woman argues. Hell, maybe you're a woman pretending to be a man.)

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Karina Pasian

    I will just skip most of the bs you wrote here because thats all it is but i will say that people can make a connection with their cultural roots at different stages in their lives. Karina is a young woman who is probably undecided about many aspects of her life so why just write her off? Maybe if she has no interest today (which non of us know) she may have interest in her Armenian roots later. There is no reason to write off anyone due to their race, sex or whatever. Being accepting of others opens up many opportunities for people to connect and discover something interesting and fullfilling about ones past present and possible future. Luckily many people realize this fact and perhaps one day you will to.

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  • levon
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Niether of you won a single argument against me but you accuse me of arguing without facts when this is the first time i couldnt produce them since it was all erased.
    You just enjoy making an a$$ of yourself, don't you? Here is a quote by you
    Read further back and you will see he said exactly that those were his views-i didnt make them up. Its not name calling because there is a solid basis. This is not the only thread his veiws were expressed in either.

    In response, I wrote
    I'm afraid I can't find anywhere in this thread where he expressed any racism.

    To which you responded
    The back and forth between him and i started in the thread by CRDA the one dealing with the experiences of blacks and armenians. He clearly expressed the racist ideology he believes in

    Case in point??? You said his views were expressed in this thread, then, when you realized there was nothing in this thread, quickly switched to claiming his views were in another thread.

    What's the verdict? You are full of BS. You claimed things that were clearly incorrect. That unbacked claim, I remind you was that "Read further back and you will see he said exactly that those were his views". This was an OBVIOUS baseless claim, yet you manage to convince yourself that's it's perfectly acceptable to claim [BS.

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Thats funny, we got the sexist patting the racist on the back. Were just missing the guy who beats up his family and it will be the three stooges reunited.
    As I've said earlier, when your arguments don't suffice, you turn to name-calling, as you have so elegantly demonstrated in the above quote. This is what I claimed earlier, and it is what you denied, yet here you are, demonstrating it

    Verdict?? Guilty of being full of BS/

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Instead of dzer esh kshel maybe you should just try to be more accepting of others and then someone like Karina might have a real chance at connecting with her Armenianness.
    Being accepting of others as human beings, has nothing to do with being accepting of others as Armenians. If a person of Armenian heritage has no attachments to his/her language, culture, etc, then nobody should be more accepting of him/her. Had she been interested, she would have demonstrated that by now. On the contrary, I've met an African American with an Armenian last name, who had spent a considerable amount time trying to track down his heritage, even though he was only 1/16 Armenian (as he later found out).

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Thats funny, we got the sexist patting the racist on the back. Were just missing the guy who beats up his family and it will be the three stooges reunited. Niether of you won a single argument against me but you accuse me of arguing without facts when this is the first time i couldnt produce them since it was all erased. Instead of dzer esh kshel maybe you should just try to be more accepting of others and then someone like Karina might have a real chance at connecting with her Armenianness.

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  • levon
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by Armanen View Post
    Bro, other than the Protocol issue, the character you are debating has nothing to offer. One track neo liberal mindset is what you'll get.

    It's also funny that he claims the mods were offended by what I had written, when it fact the reason some of the posts, by him and myself, were removed was because it had gone off topic and become a flame war.
    You're right bro. I stopped responding, as he made it very clear that he argues without facts, and never seems to be able to support his assertions with concrete evidence.

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  • Armanen
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by levon View Post
    I'm afraid I can't find anywhere in this thread where he expressed any racism. All throughout you have simply called him a racist without basis. Why dont you quote exactly what in this thread made gave you your basis, otherwise you are just making up bs

    Bro, other than the Protocol issue, the character you are debating has nothing to offer. One track neo liberal mindset is what you'll get.

    It's also funny that he claims the mods were offended by what I had written, when it fact the reason some of the posts, by him and myself, were removed was because it had gone off topic and become a flame war.

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Karina Pasian

    The back and forth between him and i started in the thread by CRDA the one dealing with the experiences of blacks and armenians. He clearly expressed the racist ideology he believes in, it was so offencive in fact that the mods felt the need to erase much of that dialogue. Mukuch was another racist bigget whose posts have been edited or completely erased. I cannot show you the racist part because mods have removed it. You can ask him yourself if you like- i dought he would deny being racist. Generaly speaking i love my fellow armenians regardless of where they come from but if your wrong-racist-sexist... i will let you know about it.

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  • levon
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Read further back and you will see he said exactly that those were his views-i didnt make them up. Its not name calling because there is a solid basis. This is not the only thread his veiws were expressed in either.
    I'm afraid I can't find anywhere in this thread where he expressed any racism. All throughout you have simply called him a racist without basis. Why dont you quote exactly what in this thread made gave you your basis, otherwise you are just making up bs

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  • Haykakan
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by levon View Post
    You already hate her because she is part black and you hate her more because this part black person is also par armenian

    That's what doesn't suffice, as it's just name calling without any basis.
    Read further back and you will see he said exactly that those were his views-i didnt make them up. Its not name calling because there is a solid basis. This is not the only thread his veiws were expressed in either.

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  • levon
    Re: Karina Pasian

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    Exactly where does my argument not suffice? You cant just make a coment like that without any proof. Either come at me with proof or go get some sleep already.
    You already hate her because she is part black and you hate her more because this part black person is also par armenian

    That's what doesn't suffice, as it's just name calling without any basis.

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