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8] These Rules & Guidelines may be amended at any time. (last update September 17, 2009)
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How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
work has been written in different dialects of Armenian, an encrypted text found on tablets of stone in the eastern region of Erzurum, according to research done by hand before selling the stone sold yazımışlar this paper, mention issues such as the stream is full cover the grave could not figure out the secret passage, the first time such a document I would like to learn about the sizlerinde comment on this article arrived regards ...
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Re: How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
I can't give a translation of the inscription, but I can give a translation of the meaning of the question.
When an unsuccessful Kurd reaches 40, his thoughts instinctively turn to treasure hunting. No Kurd under 40 wastes their time at the treasure-hunting game because they still think they will become rich and successful by regular means. So, some 40+ Kurd in a village near Erzurum digs up an Armenian grave to get at the treasure he KNOWS is there. He has low intelligence, so no amount of common sense will persuade him that you don't find gold in the graves of povery-stricken Ottoman Christians. Nor will the fact that three generation of Kurds before him have dug up and re-dug up the same grave and they didn't find any gold. He takes a picture of a stone near the grave, as a souvenir for the future when he gets rich from finding the treasure. He finds some bones. He smashed them up because every Kurd KNOWS there is always gold inside Armenian bones. He is somewhat disapointed when there isn't any. He then smashes up the stone because every Kurd KNOWS that there is gold inside Armenian gravestones. He is somewhat disapointed when there isn't any. He digs deeper into the grave, but after digging all night and at three metres below the surface, he gives up when the sole of his shoe falls off. He goes home feeling tired and cheated. In the following days he gets to thinking - the writing on the stone was the instructions for finding the gold! Alas, his greatgrandfather's generation were really good at killing Armenians so there are none left to translate the writing. But, clever Kurd that he is, he thinks - I'll ask some Armenians online!
Of course, if someone does give a translation he won't believe it is a reall translation because it won't contain a word about treasure. And he will wait patiently for some Armenians to arrive at his village with the real translation with them to uncover the gold.Plenipotentiary meow!
Re: How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
I am 24 years old I love to explore history of Erzurum in the east went went il�esinede Karayazı, there always came to those who want to be rich Kurdish lives next to me while visiting the former places a shadow of the mountains took me straight elimede gave this paper and the other at the point they had even said to have This here is define said,
According to research done in the region and need to know this is important in terms of Armenian history. every little castles on the hill, but no one would say that everyone understands to be rich
I found the location in the article mention the treasure wove between the two streams, the castle did not find God there is hidden treasure on the secret passage filled with stone and soil.
I want to know where my king and the priests who lived and on what date
I have pictures of this place
Turkish name of this place they call G�ltepe
I am writing to Turkish is better than google translate them
Re: How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
Տես այս հոդվածը ասում է ...
որտեղ քարը դուրս հին մոտենում է ավերակ մատուռին է եւ kiilise olduğunu.bu եկեղեցի շուրջ գերեզմանի թագուհի 9 50-70 բակերում տանն է մի հին ավերակ տան հին հայերեն վեզիր 1-2 մետր առջեւ դուռը, մեզ ասում են, որ մի kaapak ..
եկեղեցին է 200 մետր հեռավորության վրա թռչնի եւ հին քարավանի երթուղի, որ հոսքի հոսքի çatağından մեկ թռչնագրիպի այստեղ է, որ ասում է, որ գերեզմանի Queen ..
մնացածը մինչեւ այժմ ..
Re: How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
Originally posted by bell-the-cat View PostI can't give a translation of the inscription, but I can give a translation of the meaning of the question.
When an unsuccessful Kurd reaches 40, his thoughts instinctively turn to treasure hunting. No Kurd under 40 wastes their time at the treasure-hunting game because they still think they will become rich and successful by regular means. So, some 40+ Kurd in a village near Erzurum digs up an Armenian grave to get at the treasure he KNOWS is there. He has low intelligence, so no amount of common sense will persuade him that you don't find gold in the graves of povery-stricken Ottoman Christians. Nor will the fact that three generation of Kurds before him have dug up and re-dug up the same grave and they didn't find any gold. He takes a picture of a stone near the grave, as a souvenir for the future when he gets rich from finding the treasure. He finds some bones. He smashed them up because every Kurd KNOWS there is always gold inside Armenian bones. He is somewhat disapointed when there isn't any. He then smashes up the stone because every Kurd KNOWS that there is gold inside Armenian gravestones. He is somewhat disapointed when there isn't any. He digs deeper into the grave, but after digging all night and at three metres below the surface, he gives up when the sole of his shoe falls off. He goes home feeling tired and cheated. In the following days he gets to thinking - the writing on the stone was the instructions for finding the gold! Alas, his greatgrandfather's generation were really good at killing Armenians so there are none left to translate the writing. But, clever Kurd that he is, he thinks - I'll ask some Armenians online!
Of course, if someone does give a translation he won't believe it is a reall translation because it won't contain a word about treasure. And he will wait patiently for some Armenians to arrive at his village with the real translation with them to uncover the gold.
"I would like to learn about the sizlerinde comment on this article arrived regards"
I especially like the sizlerinde part, lol
Garo212: Okuz altinda buzagi aranmaz (You don't go looking for a calf under a bull)Last edited by KanadaHye; 01-20-2011, 09:41 AM."Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X
Re: How long can belong to an inscription in Armenian history
Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
"I would like to learn about the sizlerinde comment on this article arrived regards"
I especially like the sizlerinde part, lol
Garo212: Okuz altinda buzagi aranmaz (You don't go looking for a calf under a bull)
zaten yerde belli çıkan malzemede belli anlıyormusun,
birde şunu belirteyim hala orda umutla kazı yapanlar var ,mezar yanındaki malı ve harabedeki malı çıkaranlar ahirete gitti, ben onları uyarıyorum daha fazla zorlamayın başka bişe yok diye ,sizden alacağım cevabıda onlara ikna etmek göstermek için buraya yazıyorum