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  • funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A dogmatist is one
    who thinks only God can tell him he is wrong,
    and he says this in the full knowledge that
    he is not important enough for the Good Lord
    to descend from the clouds in order to contradict him.
    Last edited by arabaliozian; 06-18-2015, 03:47 AM.

  • #2
    Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A fool knows that the best way to win an argument
    is to be so irrational, offensive, and vulgar
    that no one in his right mind would consider
    getting involved in his verbal filth.
    Never underestimate the cunning of fools.
    Since they have been fools all their lives
    they have developed all kinds of strategies of survival.
    Last edited by arabaliozian; 06-18-2015, 03:52 AM.


    • #3
      Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

      All people with a long history of oppression
      are short-tempered.
      When an Armenian loses his temper,
      the message he is tries to convey is:
      "I took it from Turks for 600 years;
      I don't have to take it from you."
      The "I" of course stands not just for himself
      but for all his ancestors as well—
      and his collective unconscious.


      • #4
        Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
        All people with a long history of oppression
        are short-tempered.
        When an Armenian loses his temper,
        the message he is tries to convey is:
        "I took it from Turks for 600 years;
        I don't have to take it from you."
        The "I" of course stands not just for himself
        but for all his ancestors as well—
        and his collective unconscious.
        But the worst aspect is not his short temper

        It is that fellow Armenians are the least valuable human beings on the planet

        The idea of helping a fellow Armenian (without any profit motive) is an alien concept

        Hundreds of trafficked Armenian women are said to be in Dubai, where a 5,000 strong prosperous Armenian community with its church and clubs pretends they don't exist


        • #5
          Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Are Turks smart?
          I don’t know.
          But I can say this:
          If they have been successful in convincing Obama
          not to use the “G” word
          they must be doing something right.
          Either that or we must be doing something wrong.
          Can you guess what it is that we are doing wrong?
          I can’t. But I can quote an American political adage
          that says: “If you get them by their balls
          the rest is bound to follow.”
          This may suggest diplomacy may also be defined
          as the art of getting them by the balls.
          How many balls do we have in our collection?
          The number, if it exists, must bear a negative sign.
          The majority of the world is on our side?
          The majority was on our side before
          and during the Genocide too.
          Plus ca change plus c’est la meme merde.
          If I see the dark side of things
          it’s because that’s what motivates me
          to search for the light.


          • #6
            Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
            Are Turks smart?
            I don’t know.

            The Turks are smart because they have managed to take control of one of the largest and best real estates in the world!
            Their economy has been booming for nearly 20 years
            50,000 Armenians travel there each year to enjoy the beaches of Antalya
            They were brutal conquerors and committed genocide? Yes, but brutality is not enough


            • #7
              Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

              CONTROL FREAKS
              “In Turkey some words can get you into trouble…
              even imprisonment,” writes Elif Shafak
              in a recent issue of THE NEW STATESMAN
              (London, June 4, 2015).
              She doesn’t make a list of such words
              but I suspect “genocide” is one of them.


              • #8
                Re: funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

                NOTES / COMMENTS
                People have a thousand ways
                of letting you know that they don’t like you
                and I can recognize only one or two of them.
                If a sentence doesn’t make sense,
                try its contradiction.
                To think for oneself has become synonymous
                with insulting Turkishness or Armenishness.
                That’s another thing we share in common.
                They say “I love you” when they mean
                “I desire your anatomy.”
                I don’t write for Armenians.
                I write against them.
                In the same way that I have taught myself
                to think against myself.
                There are three sexes:
                men, women, and old men with money.

