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on war

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  • on war

    ON WAR
    There are no good and bad guys,
    only victims and victimizers,
    and it is the ambition of every victim
    to be a victimizer.
    War is an industry
    and where there is money to be made,
    even a pacifist will want his slice.
    War allows vegetarians
    to engage in cannibalism.
    There are no winners and losers,
    only losers who assert moral victory.

  • #2
    Re: on war

    If a wolf kills a sheep,
    is he guilty of murder?
    In a way, when we reduce Turks to the level of bloodthirsty beasts,
    we also enter a plea of not guilty on their behalf --
    a plea similar to that of insanity.
    Because if they are no better than animals,
    they cannot be held responsible for their actions.
    It is therefore to our advantage
    not to dehumanize but to humanize them.
    In other words, to think of them as we think of all other nations
    that have at one time or another committed genocide
    and other unspeakable crimes against humanity -
    that includes Germans and Americans.

