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  • #11
    Re: politics

    We learn nothing from history
    if we emphasize the bloodthirsty disposition of our enemies
    and cover up our own incompetence.


    • #12
      Re: politics

      It takes two to tango also means
      responsibility must be shared,
      the blame-game is out.
      In a political context,
      evil and incompetence might as well be
      If you brag about your assets,
      they become liabilities.


      • #13
        Re: politics

        Shaw: “Don’t try to live forever,
        you will not succeed.”
        Propaganda has this in common with magic:
        it can make a genocide disappear.
        One way to solve a problem
        is to pretend it doesn’t exist.


        • #14
          Re: politics

          If you say I am wrong, I say, sure why not? But if you say you are infallible, all I can say is, go ahead, make an ass of yourself.


          • #15
            Re: politics

            NOTES / COMMENTS


            All men are brothers?

            I was born and raised in time of war.


            Some of the most popular political leaders in the history of mankind were sociopaths.


            If you are wrong, they may forgive you. But if you are right, they will silence you.



            • #16
              Re: politics

              Ramgavars, Tashnaks, Henchaks, Bolsheviks:
              meaningless labels.
              Dividers: that indeed defines the true aim
              of our political activists.
              Uniting the nation has been a priority
              only of our poets – sometimes referred to as
              We preach patriotism
              but practice the death of a thousand
              self-inflicted cuts.
              Others may fight in defense of their homeland;
              we fight in defense of our backyard.


              • #17
                Re: politics

                To say that being oppressed and massacred
                improves a nation's character is like saying
                being run over by a truck improves a man's


                • #18
                  Re: politics

                  SITUATION / xxxxUATION
                  We like to say and believe
                  we are products of the Christian West,
                  when in fact we have been shaped
                  by Ottomanism in the Middle East,
                  Stalinism in the USSR, and
                  Capitalism in America.
                  If it’s not the Almighty Sultan
                  it’s the Almighty Kremlin and
                  the Almighty Dollar.
                  Democracy, fundamental human rights,
                  free speech: they remain distant dreams
                  and unattainable goals.
                  The rest is propaganda
                  whose sole aim is
                  to flatter our collective ego.


                  • #19
                    Re: politics

                    I am against dividers because I believe “all men are brothers” (and I don't mean like Cain and Abel); and when I say “all men” I include Turks. It is a mistake to think of Turks as Turks. I doubt if there is a single Turk alive today. Turks are a mixture of Greeks, Albanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Assyrians, Iranians, Arabs, Jews, and Armenians, among others. Something similar could be said of Armenians. As for Armenians who claim the Bagratunis and Mamikonians as their ancestors: Bagratunis identified themselves as Jews, and Khorenatsi identified the Mamikonians as Chinese. Speaking for myself: I have at no time hidden the fact that, on a good day, I can trace my ancestry all the way back to my father.


                    • #20
                      Re: politics

                      It can truly be said of us that
                      when at the turn of the last century
                      we refused to quit the Ottoman Empire,
                      events proved us wrong.
                      Brainwashed dupes make ferocious critics.
                      With us, logic and common sense
                      have never been a central concern.

