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Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

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  • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

    Originally posted by hitite View Post
    There is a Church couple of miles away in a small village that used to be Greek and the Church is supposed to be the oldest Church in the province which would mean many hundreds of years... Unfortunately it's pissing grounds for the drunk and Graffiti walls for 10 year olds. I love the building. Still has crosses inside it. The owner is trying to get rid of it for a few thousand lira. We suck at even putting a fence around something ancient and precious...

    Nice to see you are still here Bell.
    Nice to see you back, hitite.

    What's the name of the village?

    Would any of the remaining Istanbul Armenians pay that few thousand lira to purchase it? Of course not, waste of time even asking.

    And the resident fanatics here will now reply by saying "why should we buy back what was stolen from us?", revealing that they actually care nothing about preserving the monuments, and care only about making political capital out of their condition.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

      Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
      What's the name of the village?
      Its a village called Kumyaka:


      • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

        Originally posted by hitite View Post
        ..and is pretty obviously Byzantine, what with its two domes and twin windows in the apse.

        A pity that site you cited is so propagandistic, starting of course with its clearly propagandistic symbol.

        And so many of the articles are full of lies and spin. Got to love this one - - is its author talking about Jordan or about America? Hard to tell! And look at the "homeland security" spin: “There are some people in government who believe the Taliban and Al Qaeda may be beginning to get involved in it as a way to fund terrorism.” Seems the CIA needs to stick its lies in everything (though, of course, it was common to embed CIA operatives in US archaeological teams working abroad) - or is it just someone who thinks the mere mention of the word "Taliban" is enough to get funding in the paranoia-driven US.
        Last edited by bell-the-cat; 11-23-2011, 09:05 AM.
        Plenipotentiary meow!


        • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

          Anybody can translate what they are saying in Turkish?

          B0zkurt Hunter


          • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

            And nobody is reacting. Really sad.


            • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              Anybody can translate what they are saying in Turkish?

              Turkiye Genclik Birligi (Turkish Youth Union)

              They are Ataturk-fanatic socialists, not to be confused with Ataturk-fanatic Grey Wolves fascists (though about the only real difference seems to be their style of salute and that there are more women amongst them).
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
                Turkiye Genclik Birligi (Turkish Youth Union)

                They are Ataturk-fanatic socialists, not to be confused with Ataturk-fanatic Grey Wolves fascists (though about the only real difference seems to be their style of salute and that there are more women amongst them).
                Thanks Bells....
                B0zkurt Hunter


                • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                  Orhan Pamuk, DHA Photo

                  Reaction grows over daily’s hate speech


                  ISTANBUL - Doğan News Agency

                  A criminal complaint has been filed against a Turkish daily by some 221 writers, artists, politicians and business people for spreading hate speech against a columnist, “blaming” him for being Armenian.

                  Turkish daily Yeni Akit has been targeting Ali Bayramoğlu, a columnist for daily Yeni Şafak, for his views on Turkey’s minority issues, referring to him as an “Armenian-origin columnist” the group said.

                  The group filing the complaint condemned Yeni Akit’s stories which targeted Bayramoğlu and said the daily was spreading hate against minorities in Turkey, an act that should be considered a hate crime. “We find it dangerous the broadcasting policy which regards ethnic and religious identities as the enemy. The daily has been acting racist and encoding writers and intellectuals as ‘Armenian, Rum (Anatolian Greek,) or Je_wish,’” the statement read.

                  The group also said Bayramoğlu was being pointed to as a target similarly to slain Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink.

                  The paper also owns a website called which pursues the same policy.

                  Nobel Prize Laureate Orhan Pamuk, businessman İshak Alaton and Diyarbakır Mayor Osman Baydemir were among the signers.



                  • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                    Investigation launched against Turkish city mayor for Armenian-language road signs

                    July 04, 2012 | 10:01

                    Turkey’s Ministry of Internal Affairs opened an inquiry against Mayor Abdullah Demirbas of Diyarbakir Province’s Sur city, for posting road signs which read “Welcome” in several languages.

                    Demirbas harshly reacted to the launching of this investigation and stressed that this is a setback for peace, democracy, friendship and liberty, Radikal daily of Turkey informs.

                    Also, the Diyarbakir Provincial Hall recently opened an inquest against Abdullah Demirbas for launching three-month Armenian-language courses.

                    To note, the Mayor of Sur had also published several Armenian tales in Turkish and Armenian. Demirbas also launched the Armenian-language tourist guide for Diyarbakir. And the signs placed on the roads entering Sur include “Welcome” in Armenian.



                    • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                      Originally posted by Gavur View Post
                      They need to change this culture of violence. Any Turks like tell me how are they proposing to this? Because it looks like the fish is stinking from the head.
                      Can Turkey learn tolerance? No. They drank all the wrong kool aid. More like the 'donkey stinking from the tail.' Turkey is like a Frankenstein experiment made of Turkish nationalism, Zionism, and NATO geopolitics -- things you don't want to take to any party. They best thing they can do is to change the ridiculous name of the country, but that's probably even too much to ask of them.

