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Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

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  • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

    Originally posted by Hayayrun View Post
    First I do not expect, that you are able to understand me, because I wrote the truth.
    To hear the truth is difficult and hard.

    Anyway the topic here is: "Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?" the answer is clear NO ; NO and again NO!!!
    There are of course some open minded turks among the whole nation, but they are in minority and can change nothing.
    There is one reallity that most of the turks are "rassists" they are the majority they kill Hrant Dink, this people have one aim, to hurt armenians where ever they can. They show us armenians that they hate us this can you feel if you live in Turkey among them, if you read turkish newspapers and if you speak with them about armenian issues.

    Hayayrun fom Munic
    Thank you Hayayrun.
    I am agreeing with you 100%.
    I hope you understand that I was being facetious when I said an Armenian's word is no good.
    My post that you quoted was and is 100% in agreement with what you said.
    I feel many on this forum need to hear the words you spoke to get an --- honest --- and accurate understanding of the preponderance of those who call themselves turks.
    Thanks for your input.
    Sincerely Artashes.


    • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

      I never said most turks do not hate armenians-what i said is there are many turks who helped armenians during the genocide and even now many walked in protest of the Dink murder. It is dangerous to generalize and we armenians need to know this better then most others because we were the ones who were slaughtered via generalization by the turks and kurds. There are good reasons why many armenians living in turky are afraid to reviel their true identity but that does not mean every turkis our enemy.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

        Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
        I never said most turks do not hate armenians-what i said is there are many turks who helped armenians during the genocide and even now many walked in protest of the Dink murder. It is dangerous to generalize and we armenians need to know this better then most others because we were the ones who were slaughtered via generalization by the turks and kurds. There are good reasons why many armenians living in turky are afraid to reviel their true identity but that does not mean every turkis our enemy.
        Most turks qualifies as --- the general turkish population, which is what Hayayrun is saying and conveying his living amongst that foul stench (existing) has shown him. In other words --- most turks in general --- .
        When you say --- many turks walk in protest --- I am saying --- NOT MANY --- compared to the general population, but rather a --- MINISCULE --- number compared to the 60 or 70 million.
        I believe that to say --- many turks --- without clearly qualifying that as --- NOT --- representatative of the --- general --- population is highly misleading and plays into turk crap and subtrafuge.


        • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

          10,000 is many people no matter what country you are talking about. Here we cant draw out a fraction of that for antiwar protests and the population here is 300mill. I am not turk lover but when a turk does the right thing i will say he did the right thing as i would say he did the wrong thing when he did it. Yes most turks are brainwashed and hate all armenians but that does not mean that we have to be just as brainwashed and hate all the turks. I have attended few of the lectures given by brave turkish scholors who spent time in jail because they refused to stop discussing the genocide in public as turkich law demanded (insulting turkishness). I cant say that man is bad because he is a turk - but i can say this is a man with a strong moral compass who is willing to stand up for the truth despite personal threats and costs involved. Yes being armenian in turky must be a very difficult , demeaning and even dangerous situation but that does not mean all turks hate armenians. I had a autorepair facility and a turk walked in asking for service. He asked my what country i am from and i told him Armenia and proceeded with his paperwork. He said he knew about the genocide and that he had sorrow in his heart for my people. I simply proceeded to treat him like any other customer and the guy became a regular at the shop. Being a turk can mean you had been misinformed by the turkish education system and or government but it does not mean you cannot search for the truth and educate yourself nor does it mean that by being born a turk you are born evile. Do not forget that our armenian blood runs through the veins of many turks withor without their or our knowledge.
          Originally posted by Artashes View Post
          Most turks qualifies as --- the general turkish population, which is what Hayayrun is saying and conveying his living amongst that foul stench (existing) has shown him. In other words --- most turks in general --- .
          When you say --- many turks walk in protest --- I am saying --- NOT MANY --- compared to the general population, but rather a --- MINISCULE --- number compared to the 60 or 70 million.
          I believe that to say --- many turks --- without clearly qualifying that as --- NOT --- representatative of the --- general --- population is highly misleading and plays into turk crap and subtrafuge.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

            Originally posted by Artashes View Post
            -- (a) open a dialogue with turks
            --- (b) drop your drawers and start jacking off
            Or (c) --- grab magazine,insert into mag well,grab charging handle and rack back,then drop the bolt, etc
            I say (c)...don't forget safety off.

            Haykakan has a point.....our enemy is the ultra nationalist fascists, Gray Wolfs, and their sleepers....and religious extremist Turks, and their sleepers. I have come across few Turks who stay away from the rest of the pack.

            Hayayrun....apres aghper. I have always said people like you are the guardians of our stolen lands.
            Last edited by Eddo211; 11-28-2012, 09:29 PM.
            B0zkurt Hunter


            • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              I say (c)...don't forget safety off.

              Haykakan has a point.....our enemy is the ultra nationalist fascists, Gray Wolfs, and their sleepers....and religious extremist Turks, and their sleepers. I have come across few Turks who stay away from the rest of the pack.

              Hayayrun....apres aghper. I have always said people like you are the guardians of our stolen lands.
              Good morning aghper Eddo'can,

              thankyou so much for your support and that you understand me and my feelings. Dear Eddo'can in fact we armenians should be careful and stay away from this ultra nationalist fascists, named "Gray Wolfs" in turkish "xxxkurtlar" and their sleepers. The majority of the turkish population included members of the turkish government are ultra nationalist fascists and they hate in general armenians and they justify "genozid against armenians".
              If you live like me in turkey among this agly people, hear what they speak about armenians, read turkish newspaper and speak with turks about armenian issues then you will quick understand that most of the turks "HATE ARMENIANS"!!!!!

              This is the only reason why I "HAYAYRUN" hate this turkish nation, who are still proud, after nearly 100 years, that they killed so many inecent armenians.
              I will hate them "ultra nationalist fascists, Gray Wolfs" until I die...

              Best greetings from Munic
              Your "Hayayrun"


              • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                Originally posted by Hayayrun View Post
                Good morning aghper Eddo'can,

                thankyou so much for your support and that you understand me and my feelings. Dear Eddo'can in fact we armenians should be careful and stay away from this ultra nationalist fascists, named "Gray Wolfs" in turkish "xxxkurtlar" and their sleepers. The majority of the turkish population included members of the turkish government are ultra nationalist fascists and they hate in general armenians and they justify "genozid against armenians".
                If you live like me in turkey among this agly people, hear what they speak about armenians, read turkish newspaper and speak with turks about armenian issues then you will quick understand that most of the turks "HATE ARMENIANS"!!!!!

                This is the only reason why I "HAYAYRUN" hate this turkish nation, who are still proud, after nearly 100 years, that they killed so many inecent armenians.
                I will hate them "ultra nationalist fascists, Gray Wolfs" until I die...

                Best greetings from Munic
                Your "Hayayrun"
                add to that list Kurds, Greeks, Assyrians, and basically anybody that isn't Turkish. That's why they were so good friends with the Fascist Germans. Both nations have common Fascist traits.
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                  Anyone else following the reactions to Göksel Gülbey's hateful garbage on Twitter? He has been posting the addresses of Armenian organizations (schools, churches, orphanages, alumni associations, even choirs) in Istanbul, alleging that they are being used by the Armenian diaspora to -- what else? -- bring down Turkey. The Istanbul Armenians are very upset and have been responding to him (as have some Turks, I think). Go to Twitter and type @gokselgulbey and you'll see...


                  • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?


                    11:06, November 29, 2012

                    A far-right Turkish group mostly active in the social media has been
                    targeting Armenian schools, churches, foundations and individuals
                    in Turkey as part of an anti-Armenian hate campaign according to a
                    November 28 Today Zaman report.

                    Goksel Gulbey, chairman of the International Association to Fight
                    Unfounded Armenian Allegations (ASIM-DER), has been actively targeting
                    Armenians and Turkish-Armenian institutions on Twitter, claiming
                    that these groups are part of a conspiracy supported by the Armenian
                    diaspora against Turkey.

                    Civil society representatives argue that such action is tantamount to
                    turning them into targets for ultra-nationalists in a country where
                    prominent figures of Armenian descent as well as Christians involved
                    in missionary activities have become targets of violence. The 2007
                    killings of three Bible publishers in Malatya, the 2007 murder of
                    Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink and the 2006 murder of an
                    Italian priest in Trabzon are some of the painful examples of the
                    ultra-nationalist threat.

                    According to Taraf columnist Markar Esayan, the campaign is part of
                    a larger plan to create an anti-minority atmosphere. In remarks to
                    Today's Zaman, Esayan recalled Turkey's past experiences with the
                    demonization of Turkish Armenians.

                    "These Turkish-Armenian schools [whose addresses have been tweeted
                    by Gulbey] were established under the control of the Ministry of
                    Education. I have also studied in one of these schools and worked as a
                    supervisor afterwards. On the one hand, too much importance shouldn't
                    be attached to such campaigns, but on the other hand, those responsible
                    [for provocative claims] should be held accountable for their claims,"
                    Esayan said.

                    Rober Koptas, editor-in-chief of the Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos,
                    also asserted that ASÄ°M-DER's presence is the product of a deeper
                    and darker mentality than mere nationalism.

                    Koptas said: "Gulbey argues that the existence of Armenian institutions
                    is proof of Turkey's freedom and tolerance. So, according to [Gulbey],
                    the activities of Armenian institutions in Turkey are not acceptable
                    as they pursue 'demonic' goals. ... This approach, which associates
                    the Armenian ethnicity directly with hostility and malignity, is a
                    threat to our national peace."

                    ASIM-DER Chairman Gulbey denied the claims that his organization was
                    "targeting" any groups. He said the lists he tweeted consisted of
                    publicly disclosed address data about Turkish-Armenian institutions,
                    saying there are too many in Turkey. "When we said in a press statement
                    that there are 57 foundations, 21 schools and 15 associations, we
                    were accused of lying and exaggerating numbers." He said they had to
                    share the names and address information to refute these claims.

                    In response to a question on whether he would feel responsible if an
                    assault occurred on any of the organizations he publicly tweeted
                    Hayastan or Bust.


                    • Re: Can Turkey Learn Tolerance?

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                      I never said most turks do not hate armenians-what i said is there are many turks who helped armenians during the genocide and even now many walked in protest of the Dink murder. It is dangerous to generalize and we armenians need to know this better then most others because we were the ones who were slaughtered via generalization by the turks and kurds. There are good reasons why many armenians living in turky are afraid to reviel their true identity but that does not mean every turkis our enemy.
                      Good morning Haykakan,

                      where do you got this information???
                      This are only "sayings"!!!

                      Can you give me only one simple evidence, that "many turks helped armenians during the genocide"???

                      Why should they help us armenians, we are their enemies, enemies should be killed ... isn't it so???

                      Turks still kills armeniens the famous one was dear Mr. Hrant Dink and the last armenian gay was Sevak Balikciyan who was shot and killed in the turkish military on the "24th April"

                      Greetings from Munic
                      Last edited by Hayayrun; 12-20-2012, 10:50 PM.

