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Turkey's denial of Genocide DVD sold with Time magazine

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  • #11
    Ixtanbul, countries recognizing the Armenian Genocide of 1915 include: Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, Vatican City and Venezuela.

    In addition to nations, many organzations have recognized the Armenian Genocide, including: European Parliament, Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly, United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, the majority of US states, The Canadian House of Commons, International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) Report Prepared for TARC, The Association of Genocide Scholars, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, World Council of Churches, The Turkish Human Right Organization, The League for Human Rights, and the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal.

    The idea that what happened in 1915 was only a deportation is a myth:

    The Utter Fiction of the Claim of "Relocation"

    The U.S. Congress is invited to lend credence to the transparently incredible assertion that the deported Armenian population was being merely exiled to the deserts of Mesopotamia where they were being "relocated." The brutal and utter cynicism of this assertion is exceeded only by the insolence with which the intelligence of the Congressmen, for that matter the intelligence of any thinking person, is thereby being insulted. Responding to this official claim at the time, Lewis Einstein, the Special Agent of the U.S. State Department at the American Embassy in Istanbul, mocked this brand of "official euphemism...the grim humor of paternal solicitude which usually covers the most barbarous massacres in armed policy of deportation, and the implied sequel of extermination."6 Another U.S. official, Leslie Davis, wartime American consul at Harput, in his report to the State Department described how huge clusters of Armenian deportee convoys on their way to Mesopotamia were rerouted to Harput "only to be butchered in this province...the Slaughterhouse Province."7 The candid testimony of a Turkish general with military jurisdiction over the Mesopotamia regions in question is even more telling in this respect. In his post-war memoirs he emphatically declared that "there was neither preparation, nor organization to shelter the hundreds of thousands of the deportees."8
    (Thanks Hellektor for this post)

    Nations that deny the Armenian Genocide or postpone the issue are obviously playing a political game to avoid making Turkey or Azerbaijan angry. Just like everyone laughed at the Iranian president, the entire academic world laughs at Genocide deniers. You simply just haven't noticed. What happened in 1915 was Genocide, too bad some people are too thick to see that.

    If you ever have the audacity to question the Armenian Genocide of 1915, you are to first read this post. In my experience, in answers denialist claims 90% of the time.


    • #12
      Originally posted by Tongue
      Describe "International recognition" for me.

      Oh by the way, did you know Lithuania the other day officially recognized the genocide and condemned Turkey? They're a member of EU. Sucks to be you.
      So far only the Holocaust has international recognition, you figure it out.

      As for Lithuania, what can they do to Turkey? NOTHING, so why should i care what a country that %90 of the world has never ever heard of thinks about me? kinda like Armenia


      • #13
        @ Kharpert

        Can you name me a couple mass graves? I mean if we killed 1 million Armenians theres bound to be ten thousands of mass graves, right?

        Can you tell why theres a huge Armenian population in Lebanon and Syria today if they was no relocation?

        Can you tell why the Armenians sided with the Russians and massacred the Muslim population in East Anatolia? I can provide evidence of mass graves of Muslims that were massacred by Armenians and Russians, what do you think about those killings? (if you want i can provide pictures)

        Why did Armenians attempt to assassinate the Ottoman Sultan in 1905, thats 10 year before the so called genocide?

        Why were most Armenians deported but not all?

        Btw you posted an American officials opinions on the issue not evidence.


        • #14
          I expect Hellektor and others will be arriving soon.

          Originally posted by Ixtanbul
          Can you tell why theres a huge Armenian population in Lebanon and Syria today if they was no relocation?
          You are misquoting me. I proved that the Turkish "relocation" was only a disguise to rid the Ottoman empire of the Armenian Population. The Armenian population was, in fact, uprooted and relocated...straight into the Der Zohr desert where they were taken on death marches. Those that could flee with their lives and what little belongings they had ended up further South in Lebanon and Syria.

          Originally posted by Ixtanbul
          Can you tell why the Armenians sided with the Russians and massacred the Muslim population in East Anatolia? I can provide evidence of mass graves of Muslims that were massacred by Armenians and Russians, what do you think about those killings? (if you want i can provide pictures)
          Myth: "Disloyal Ottoman Armenians killed 1.1 million Muslims and 100,000 Jews"

          The recklessness of this statement is matched by the sordidness attending it. More important, it reveals and punctuates the ineptness with which the picture of 100,000 entirely invented Jews is injected into the controversy. The attempt to play on Jewish sensitivities already exacerbated by the impact of memories of the Holocaust and thereby to coopt the Jews in the ongoing game of denialism is as transparent as it is lurid. Even by official Ottoman statistics, this falsehood emerges as absurd as one may be able to imagine. Moreover, the figure represents a magnitude that would have provoked reaction and intense inquiry a long time ago. Nor is there any reference to any record or credible source on this matter in the entire literature respecting the whole episode at issue here. Indeed, as far as official Ottoman statistics are concerned, in the areas in which, according to Turkish claims, the Armenians committed atrocities in the course of "inter-communal clashes," the number of Jewish residents did not exceed 4,000. The question begs itself: where did this charge and the associated figure come from and how?
          The figure of "1.1 million Muslims" killed roughly corresponds to the total number of the Ottoman Armenian population as presented by several Turkish sources. Like so many other, similar assertions, this too borders on the fantastic, as expounded earlier in the section "The Allegation of 'Inter-Communal Clashes.'" As the French essayist Montaigne once observed:

          no one is exempt from talking nonsense;
          the misfortune is to do it solemnly.
          - Essays v. III, i.

          Originally posted by Ixtanbul
          Why did Armenians attempt to assassinate the Ottoman Sultan in 1905, thats 10 year before the so called genocide?
          Abdul Hamid II was not assassinated by anyone. He died in 1918, three years after the Genocide started.

          Originally posted by Ixtanbul
          Why were most Armenians deported but not all?
          You're right...not all were deported. Some where, in fact, killed on the spot without leaving any trace of them. For example, Krikor Zohrab, a member of the Ottoman Parliament in 1915, was killed by Turkish Officials without having been deported. On April 24, 1915, a lot of Armenian intellectuals, writers, and political leaders were slaughtered in the comfort of their own homes or taken to nearby forts and had God-knows-what performed on them.

          Some families, especially some in Istanbul, were spared. Some altrusitic Turks risked their lives to house Armenians in their homes (they are our forgotten heroes). Some Armenians paid off Turkish gendarmes. The possiblities are endless.

          Originally posted by Ixtanbul
          Btw you posted an American officials opinions on the issue not evidence.
          You did not read the link I posted. The link explicitly states all sources for the statement, but for your comfort I will re-list them here:

          5. Ahmet Refik (Altnay), Iki Komite, Iki Ktal (Two committees, two massacres). H. Koyukan, ed. Ankara: Kekibeç Publications, 1994, p. 27.

          6. Lewis Einstein, "The Armenian Massacres." Contemporary Review 616 (April 1917): 490.

          7. Leslie A. Davis, The Slaughterhouse Province. An American Diplomat's Report on the Armenian Genocide 1915-1917. Susan K. Blair, ed. New Rochelle, NY: Caratzas, 1989, p. 181.

          8. Orgeneral Ali Fuad Erden, Birinci Dünya Harbinde Suriye Hatralar (Syrian memoirs of World War I), vol. 1. Istanbul, 1954, p. 122.

          Originally posted by Ixtanbul
          Can you name me a couple mass graves? I mean if we killed 1 million Armenians theres bound to be ten thousands of mass graves, right?
          Indeed! The only problem is every time Turkish scientists or archeologists dig up a mass grave, the government steps in and INSISTS that those corpses are of Turkish citizens. Never mind there's no record of Turkish massacres in the area, there hasn't even been a DNA test to verify it.

          Seeing as that mass killings took place on Ottoman territory, it gives the Turkish government plenty of opportunity to fudge the evidence. (Why, last week Azeris were smashing up Khatchkars as evidence of Armenian presence). Talaat had given a military order that all killed Armenians be buried, but those instructions were generally ignored. Hard to say where the bones or corpses could end up next.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Ixtanbul
            ...there is no evidence of the so called Armenian genocide. Deportation isn't genocide, too bad some people are too thick to see that...
            Some people (of Turkish extraction) are quite the laughing stock for their ignorance and for example.


            • #16
              Ixtanbul - are you really so lame as to suppose that the Turkish crimes against Armenians began only in 1915?

              I suppose the presence of Jews in Israel disproves the Holocaust eh?

              Why were most Jews killed by Germany...but not all...?

              Isn't is curious how Turks like you continue to believe and spout utterly baseless and discredited hate propoganda that is exactly what those who commited Genocide used as justification. You are a sick person.

              Isn't is curious that at ever sight of supposed mass graves of Turks in Anatolia there were (corraborated) eyewitness accounts of Turkish massacres of Armenians and that no Armenians were surviving in these areas shortly after reports of these massacres. Isn't it curious that there are no Armenians left in these lands but plenty of Turks? I find it ammusing how easily you accept some utterly biased and insuficiently credentialed reports of Turks with agendas who claims remains as Turks etc - yet discount the vast eyewitness and otherwise evidence that coraborrates and substantiaties the events of the Armenian genocide as such. (not to mention the numerous folk stories and accounts from Turks of Eastern Anatolia even today which speak of Armenian bones sticking out of the ground in known areas of massacres - etc) I would challenge Turkey to allow impartial forensic teams sufficient time and free access to examine these remains and search for others within Anatolia today.

              Oh and xxxx You asehole!


              • #17
                Originally posted by Ixtanbul
                why should i care what a country that %90 of the world has never ever heard of thinks about me? kinda like Armenia

                Lets see...

                Has the world heard of Argentina?
                Has the world heard of Austria?
                Has the world heard of Belgium?
                Has the world heard of Canada?
                Has the world heard of Cyprus?
                Has the world heard of France?
                Has the world heard of Germany?
                Has the world heard of Greece?
                Has the world heard of Italy?
                Has the world heard of the Netherlands?
                Has the world heard of Norway?
                Has the world heard of Poland?
                Has the world heard of Portugal?
                Has the world heard of Russia?
                Has the world heard of Spain?
                Has the world heard of Switzerland?
                Has the world heard of Sweden?
                Has the world heard of Venezuela?

                And I suppose all these countires are delusional..?


                • #18
                  UN Votes to Make Turkey an Imaginary Country until Armenian Genocide

                  Originally posted by Tongue
                  Lets see...

                  Has the world heard of Argentina?
                  Has the world heard of Austria?
                  Has the world heard of Belgium?
                  Has the world heard of Canada?
                  Has the world heard of Cyprus?
                  Has the world heard of France?
                  Has the world heard of Germany?
                  Has the world heard of Greece?
                  Has the world heard of Italy?
                  Has the world heard of the Netherlands?
                  Has the world heard of Norway?
                  Has the world heard of Poland?
                  Has the world heard of Portugal?
                  Has the world heard of Russia?
                  Has the world heard of Spain?
                  Has the world heard of Switzerland?
                  Has the world heard of Sweden?
                  Has the world heard of Venezuela?

                  And I suppose all these countires are delusional..?
                  As the Turkish government continues its prosecution of famed novelist
                  Orhan Pamuk on charges he "denigrated the Turkish national identity"
                  by saying that the Armenian genocide of World War I did indeed
                  happen, the UN has decided to investigate Turkish History and
                  determine if, in fact, there is truly a country named Turkey.

                  "Until we get some real evidence, the so-called country named Turkey
                  will receive imaginary country status within the UN," said Kofi
                  Annan, UN Secretary General. "As an imaginary country, they are
                  welcome to attend our UN sessions, but no one really needs to listen
                  to them."

                  The new status for Turkey took effect quickly. During an afternoon
                  general assembly on the topic of peace in the Mideast, the Turkish
                  ambassador took the floor and offered Turkey's perspective on the
                  situation. Many of the UN representatives began gobbling, preening,
                  and scuffling around their desk. Once the bewildered ambassador
                  finished and took his seat, the Israeli representative took the

                  "I'm sorry, did someone say something?" he asked.

                  Muttering filled the room over the protests of the Turkish

                  "I heard a lot of wind," responded the Lebanese
                  representative. "There must be a storm outside."

                  "Perhaps," responded the Israeli. "But to me, it sounded more like a
                  gobbling sound. Like a large, flightless, feathered bird."

                  "Yes!" said the Russian ambassador. "That's it! I heard it. But it
                  was indecipherable."

                  "I guess we should move on."

                  Later in the day, at a reception for some Asian dignitaries visiting
                  the UN, many representatives arrived adorned with fake wattles—the
                  fleshy piece that dangles from a turkey's neck. There was a moment of
                  embarrassment as the Turkish ambassador frantically scurried around
                  the room, trying to remove the wattles and demanding that his
                  colleagues listen to him.

                  An investigatory committee has been formed to produce evidence of
                  Turkey's history and existence.

                  "It's really quite simple," said Kofi Annan. "If the Armenian
                  Genocide did not happen, then there's a strong likelihood that Turkey
                  never happened. We're going to use the same level of investigatory
                  diligence and scholarship that Turkey has used in investigating the
                  Armenian genocide, and find out if we've had an imposter in the UN
                  all these years. If what we suspect is true, we believe that there's
                  a huge land mass in the middle east that's for sale. Israel is
                  apparently very interested."


                  • #19


                    • #20
                      Why the hell is it that Tofurkey and Tofurks think they can determine whether what their stupid Ottoman ancestors did constitutes a genocide? Rafael Lemkin, the Polish Jew who coined the term, explicitly stated that the Turkish killings of the Armenians constituted a genocide. So no more of this Tofurkish "We killed Armenians, but it was not a genocide." Screw you.

                      I had to register just so I could respond to that idiot Ixtanbul.

