Great. Armenians being blamed for the bird flu.
By Fatih Atik, Ankara
Zaman, Turkey
Jan 18 2006
Discussions questioning whether "bird flu could be a biological weapon"
marked the Justice and Development Party (AKP) group meeting held
yesterday behind closed doors.
Ankara Deputy Ersonmez Yarbay in a speech delivered at the session,
at which Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not attend, put
forward the notion that bird flu could be a biological weapon.
"This could be some kind of smart virus that starts from our border
regions and is seen in the Turkish cities of Agri and Igdir, but does
not pass to Armenia and Iran. It appears to be heading towards the
West. Perhaps this is some type of biological weapon; the issue's
military dimensions must be seriously analyzed," Yarbay said.
Bird flu is a disaster scenario invented in developed countries he
said. "Western countries see this disease as a weapon developed at
the hands of terrorists."
Yarbay opposed the culling of all fowls and criticized the attitudes
of the Health and Agriculture ministries .Yarbay reminded of the
words of the education minister during the Ottoman period "How well I
could manage education if these schools did not exist," and warned,
"Let us not create an understanding that suggests 'how well could I
rule this country and this ministry if chickens did not exist.'"
Yarbay suggested healthy animals be quarantined for their own
protection, and asked "Would mankind continue in a world where no
winged animals exist?"
10 million fowls to be destroyed
Minister of Health Recep Akdag said he found the claims of biological
weapons to be "unreasonable".
Villagers must destroy their fowls, of which there are around 10
million in total, for the health of the Turkish people, the minister
told, it is a necessity for the health of the nation and to control
and over the come the spread of the bird flu virus.
No great losses have been recorded, Akdag assured, thanks to the
measures taken in 2004 and the ministry task forces has sufficient
medicine and vaccine stocks in hand. Both Turkey and the World must
always be on alert against bird flu, Akdag warned, in response to
the criticisms of deputies' suggesting that "culling works could
have been done more humanely" and said the teams are working more
professionally now.
Erdogan: White meat products from integrated plants can be consumed
Erdogan speaking during the open session of the meeting said the white
meat and eggs produced in integrated plants can be eaten without
fear. Erdogan said the disease was seen in fowls bred in the open
air not in integrated plants and emphasized that such speculation
damages the sector.
"We must know that depriving our citizens from this source of protein
and damaging the sector and the thousands of people that earn a
living from it by spreading unnecessary fear and speculation is not
good for Turkey," Erdogan said.
The prime ministry acted in a transparent way regarding its handling
of bird flu from the outset and was in immediate and regular contact
with the World Health Organization and EU countries. Erdogan also
said so far, one million birds have been destroyed and their owners
have received full compensation.
By Fatih Atik, Ankara
Zaman, Turkey
Jan 18 2006
Discussions questioning whether "bird flu could be a biological weapon"
marked the Justice and Development Party (AKP) group meeting held
yesterday behind closed doors.
Ankara Deputy Ersonmez Yarbay in a speech delivered at the session,
at which Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not attend, put
forward the notion that bird flu could be a biological weapon.
"This could be some kind of smart virus that starts from our border
regions and is seen in the Turkish cities of Agri and Igdir, but does
not pass to Armenia and Iran. It appears to be heading towards the
West. Perhaps this is some type of biological weapon; the issue's
military dimensions must be seriously analyzed," Yarbay said.
Bird flu is a disaster scenario invented in developed countries he
said. "Western countries see this disease as a weapon developed at
the hands of terrorists."
Yarbay opposed the culling of all fowls and criticized the attitudes
of the Health and Agriculture ministries .Yarbay reminded of the
words of the education minister during the Ottoman period "How well I
could manage education if these schools did not exist," and warned,
"Let us not create an understanding that suggests 'how well could I
rule this country and this ministry if chickens did not exist.'"
Yarbay suggested healthy animals be quarantined for their own
protection, and asked "Would mankind continue in a world where no
winged animals exist?"
10 million fowls to be destroyed
Minister of Health Recep Akdag said he found the claims of biological
weapons to be "unreasonable".
Villagers must destroy their fowls, of which there are around 10
million in total, for the health of the Turkish people, the minister
told, it is a necessity for the health of the nation and to control
and over the come the spread of the bird flu virus.
No great losses have been recorded, Akdag assured, thanks to the
measures taken in 2004 and the ministry task forces has sufficient
medicine and vaccine stocks in hand. Both Turkey and the World must
always be on alert against bird flu, Akdag warned, in response to
the criticisms of deputies' suggesting that "culling works could
have been done more humanely" and said the teams are working more
professionally now.
Erdogan: White meat products from integrated plants can be consumed
Erdogan speaking during the open session of the meeting said the white
meat and eggs produced in integrated plants can be eaten without
fear. Erdogan said the disease was seen in fowls bred in the open
air not in integrated plants and emphasized that such speculation
damages the sector.
"We must know that depriving our citizens from this source of protein
and damaging the sector and the thousands of people that earn a
living from it by spreading unnecessary fear and speculation is not
good for Turkey," Erdogan said.
The prime ministry acted in a transparent way regarding its handling
of bird flu from the outset and was in immediate and regular contact
with the World Health Organization and EU countries. Erdogan also
said so far, one million birds have been destroyed and their owners
have received full compensation.