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The Turks

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  • No you are wrong many Bulgarians dont hate Turks, dont think all Bulgarians are like you.

    Why dont you come to Turkey see for yourself?

    Are you afraid of not hating Turks?

    Originally posted by Bulgarian
    Why do you think you are a minority of Turks?

    Many Bulgarians hate the Turks since you speak to Bulgarians who GO TO TURKEY ON HOLIDAY OR BULGARIANS WHO LIVE IN TURKEY then obviously the will like Turkey.

    Dont you know how many nationalist Bulgarians there are?

    Hatay was illegally taken by Turkey from Syria. Most of them are Arabs.


    • Originally posted by TurQ
      No you are wrong many Bulgarians dont hate Turks, dont think all Bulgarians are like you.

      Why dont you come to Turkey see for yourself?

      Are you afraid of not hating Turks?
      I base my opinion of Turks on facts. All the nations in Europe with high Turkish populations are opposed to Turkey joining the EU. Germany has like 2-3 million Turks and they dont want Turkey to join the EU.

      German court jails Turkish man for honour killings
      Turkish students causing riots and fights in Berlin school

      Turks are terrorists and murders.

      Why dont you come to Turkey see for yourself?

      So you want me to go to Turkey? You want me to contribute to the destruction of the Kurds? You want me to give money to Turkey so they can continue destroying Armenian and Greek churches and other ancient wonders?


      • Originally posted by Hellektor
        They don't have the balls.
        They kill people when they are sleeping.
        If they could start a war they would have done it by now.
        Their English head givers won't allow their pipeline be endangered. They have paid for 30% of its costs not knowing the "Azeri" oil will only suffice to produce Vaseline that they'll use to lubricate their xxxxxx asses to better accommodate the Turkish c***.

        Once they attack, the English xxxxxxs have to shove the pipeline where the moon would not dare to look into.
        However, Armenia needs to be prepared for war just in case. The corny saying if you want peace, prepare for war applies here.
        This time around the Armenians should not heed when the "Azeris" beg for a cease-fire, like they did the last time. Armenians could have liberated the Armenian city of Gandzak, but alas and alack they softened when the "Azeris" begged.
        They will be poured in the Caspian this time around and hopefully this bogus state won't get the chance to celebrate its first 100 years of miserable, genocidal existence.
        Very good points. We know they don't have the balls, but it's the lack of brains that's the real problem. At Wikipedia, some azerbaboon was complaining about Armenian claims of being the most militarily powerful country in the Caucasus and wanted it removed citing that azerbaboonistan has much more and better military equipment, therefore "technically" more powerful. They were "technically" more powerful than the Armenians back in the 90s as well and they outnumbered us too, but they got the xxxx kicked out of them because they have no balls and no brains. Their lack of brains is what caused them to lose 20% of azerbaboonistan to us instead of just letting go of Artsakh. These are menatally ill savages who though it was still 1915. My guess is that they are waiting for something to errupt in Georgia so they can attack us on a second front, but that has been prepared for by our side already and even though we don't really want a war, we're ready to kick the crap out of them again and this time no more nice guy. I also want to see azerbaboonistan put out of it's misery, but the TARCo crowd would probably accuse us of being Nazis advocating a genocide on those innocent people.


        • Originally posted by Jooboian
          Very good points. We know they don't have the balls, but it's the lack of brains that's the real problem. At Wikipedia, some azerbaboon was complaining about Armenian claims of being the most militarily powerful country in the Caucasus and wanted it removed citing that azerbaboonistan has much more and better military equipment, therefore "technically" more powerful. They were "technically" more powerful than the Armenians back in the 90s as well and they outnumbered us too, but they got the xxxx kicked out of them because they have no balls and no brains. Their lack of brains is what caused them to lose 20% of azerbaboonistan to us instead of just letting go of Artsakh. These are menatally ill savages who though it was still 1915. My guess is that they are waiting for something to errupt in Georgia so they can attack us on a second front, but that has been prepared for by our side already and even though we don't really want a war, we're ready to kick the crap out of them again and this time no more nice guy. I also want to see azerbaboonistan put out of it's misery, but the TARCo crowd would probably accuse us of being Nazis advocating a genocide on those innocent people.
          All you say is correct, but be careful not to let the Turks twist your words.
          The supposed 20% is in fact some 14% or so. Artsakh being 5% or so of the bogus state, cannot occupy itself. So, we'll come down to 9%. And it is Azgarbageland that's created on mainly Armenian territory. At least up to the River Kur is pure, historic Armenian land and the supposed 20% of Azgarbageland is nothing more than 2% liberated Armenian land out of more than 90% Turkish occupied Armenia.

          Historic Armenia reached the Caspian and we want it all back, plus Trabizond, Commagene and Cilicia.
          Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

          I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
          II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
          III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
          IV. They shut up and say nothing.

          [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


          • Originally posted by Kharpert
            Again? Are we once again trying to get into a xxxx-waving contest about who was worse; the Nazis or the Turks?
            While you may try to deflect and pretend you don’t understand the point, other people reading this forum will understand exactly why we have made these comparisons. The things people hold as evil or think of with disdain reflects exactly what is most important to them, whether consciously or unconsciously. Your “girlfriends” and you think of Nazis as the WORST example of evil because at every opportunity, that is exactly what you use as the ultimate example of evil. We, on the other hand, think of turks and their allies/co-perpetrators as the worst examples of evil. People have a natural aversion and disdain for anyone doing harm to what they value and love the most. So it is quite obvious that what you and your girlfriends love and value the most is NOT Armenians, otherwise you would agree that turks and their allies/co-perpetrators are the worst example of evil instead of doing your little xxxx waving dance of nonsense and retardation.

            Parandzem, Joobian: The both of you can wallow in your own filth of your victimhood.
            You have that backwards. It is you and your girlfriends who wallow in your filth and victimhood and try to assure that that is what Armenians will always be doing. You would have them merely cry and whine day in and day out on this forum. Woe is us, please please pretty please with sugar on top, recognize the Armenian Genocide because we are like the jews, we suffered so much. BOO HOO HOO WAAAAH, let us all be friends and kiss and make up. But please, please, please say the magic word and everything will be hunky dorey and we won’t make any further demands. Then we can feel all warm and fuzzy. Washington will be happy. Ankara will be happy. Tel Aviv will be happy. Damn the Armenians and their claims for reparations and how dare they think they can have back anything that was stolen from them. That is not nice.

            As tough as some people try to sound about "getting revenge against Turks", there is no bigger pansy than one who cries constantly about being wronged in the past without having a clear idea about what they're going to do next. All this talk about "invading Turkey", "destroying Turkey", etc. etc. is really getting pathetic; this is 3rd grade talk.
            We certainly do have a clear idea of what we are going to do and when we are going to do it. The first task to KNOW YOUR ENEMY. For us, this task has been accomplished. Next task to sift out all the garbage. That is where you and your girlfriends come into the picture. Then we can be united for a common purpose and are consequently able to approach the like-minded for joint cooperation.

            Turkey isn't going away, it's there to stay. If you could abandon your delusions for just 5 minutes, perhaps you could come up with a real plan for the Armenian future, not your stupid revolutionary ideas.
            You can wish all you want that turkey isn’t going away, that it’s here to stay. No patriotic Armenian would ever say such a thing. They said the same thing about the Soviet Union. Some people look at things and say things are impossible to change so why even try. But of course, you and your girlfriends are here for the sole purpose of promoting the TARC concept, which envisions massive concessions to turkey in order to obtain a simple and meaningless “recognition.” TARC and your primary goal is to promote the agenda of the phantom alliance, the axis of evil. Unlike you, we are not willing to sell out the future of Armenia for a few platitudes, a mere empty expression of “recognition.” Recognition would be reduced to nothing more than that “feel good” word.

            So, grow up.
            Says one of the youngest persons on the forum. Were you not ever taught to respect your elders little boy?

            Even with morality and ethics aside, the biggest enemy to recognition of the Armenian Genocide is extremists like yourself.
            NO, the biggest enemy to recognition of the Armenian Genocide are the very people you protect…the jews and the jewish lobbies.

            Do you think that any world parliament is going to recognize the Genocide with morons like yourself claiming you want to "destroy Turkey"?
            Not in the least bit relevant and you know it. MORON.

            Haven't you realized that Turkey uses extremists like yourself as an excuse not to recognize the Genocide?
            They don’t need any excuse. That’s one of the dumbest things you have ever said. They will continue to deny the AG because it will never, I repeat NEVER, be in their interests to do otherwise. No matter what any impotent little wimp like you says to the contrary. Actually it is you and your ilk who give the turks the hope of accomplishing their aims, their hope is to convince Armenians to see things their way. Bingo…here is Kharpert, Phantom, 1.5 million and gondo-liar to try to do just that.

            You realize you're just making Armenia even MORE enemies by, as Bulgarian suggested, supporting terrorist organizations and terrorizing the Turkish community through violence? That it is your threats that make the situation harder for Armenia and the world shy away from the Genocide issue because they notice an ulterior motive?
            You are a filthy backward talking LIAR. We have never advocated terrorizing any “turkish community” you moron nor did we ever say we support any terrorist organization. We will get justice and we will settle for nothing less than what we have clearly stated as our demands, no “ulterior motives” are being put forth by anyone other than you and your girlfriends who come to a forum supposedly about the Armenian Genocide, but promoting a clearly non-Armenian foreign agenda.

            Of course, you can get all defensive. You can call me a TARC proponent, a foo-foo, whatever you like. But it doesn't change the fact that your plans for the future are straight out of a romance novel; full of war and vengeance and poetic justice. This is the 21st century; the world already hardly cares for the Armenians, and if they ever pay attention to Armenians saying garbage like this...
            Continue to pretend all you like. We are not on the defensive, we are on the offensive. You would have told the defenders of NK that their “dreams” of preventing another genocide on Armenians by retaking the land was nothing more than a “romance novel.”

            I understand your wish to promote someone else’s agenda. I understand it very well. I understand your kind very well. Your purpose is completely foreign and alien to the Armenian cause. Your sustained purpose is to throw water on our demands for justice, for reparations, for return of the land. This does not serve the interests and geopolitical aims of your masters, so you do all you can to discourage us then foam at the mouth and jump up and down when you fail to accomplish your task. So you resort to lame insults and name calling. All you can do is make false accusations, try to twist our words into something else and keep on repeating the same old tired lies and denials.

            No matter how hard you try to squash the truth, it will continually resurface until it can no longer be denied. Each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all of those acts will be written the history of this generation of Armenians. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage, defiance and belief that human history is shaped. Each time someone stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he/she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change. So sorry, you LOSE.

            ...then that's the moment the world is going to distrust Armenia for a long time. It's the ultranationalists that claim Armenia should be on good relations with the EU and Russia. Do you think the EU or Russia would appreciate it if Armenians sympathized with Nazis, like Jooboian said, "we should show gratitude to them?" Christ, what a nightmare. I wouldn't want to see the work of all our Armenian lobby groups smashed by vengeful bigots who can't understand the weight of their words.
            It's your little peanut gallery always gobbling about Nazis. Drop the subject you moron. Buy a clue, Nazis are a non-issue to Armenians, a total non-issue. Being empty handed and devoid of any arguments, however, your crowd just cannot resist a single opportunity to bring them up. We have an enemy, an opponent, and our pointing that out gives you NO excuse whatsoever to start immediately crying about Nazis, neo-Nazis, Hitler BS BS BS and multitudinous absurdities and nonsense.

            Are you convinced that Armenia can fight the rest of the world? Get this: Armenia is small and weak. It's an Armenian's duty to strengthen the homeland, but you can't make Armenia larger by flaunting your hostility. You can't make Armenia stronger with retarded ideas and pipe dreams. You can't make Armenia richer by getting out of your way to attack Turks. Your previous motto was, "Know your enemy", and you seem to be doing a piss-poor job of doing that. So go ahead, sit in the corner and mutter to yourself obsessed thoughts of terrorism and revenge; let's see how far your idiotic policies go in making the world a better place for Armenians.
            These statements are too obviously stupid for comment, filled with backward talking and nonsense. Who said anything about Armenia fighting against the rest of the world? Pffffftttttttt.


            • I would like all of those here who are implying that Nazis are not evil to convince us of their benevolance. Right now I am contemplating Nazis and CUP and attempting to discern any difference in quality/quantity of evil and so forth and cannot really seperate either group as being more or less evil then the other. I find that both of these groups and their actions and everything each of them stood/stand for to be most repugnant. I fail to understand the point of anyone attempting to make the case of one group being more evil then the other. And I utterly fail to see the point of someone putting down someone else who would view Nazis as being evil and claim that anyone who viewed Nazis as evil was somehow deficient or acting against the interests of Armenians/humanity and such...really now...

              I am also finding the input of many of our recent members (recycled old/previously banned members seemingly) to be less then engaging. If this is the new accepted tenor of this forum it is unlikely that I will choose to participate further.


              • Originally posted by 1.5 million
                I would like all of those here who are implying that Nazis are not evil to convince us of their benevolance. Right now I am contemplating Nazis and CUP and attempting to discern any difference in quality/quantity of evil and so forth and cannot really seperate either group as being more or less evil then the other. I find that both of these groups and their actions and everything each of them stood/stand for to be most repugnant. I fail to understand the point of anyone attempting to make the case of one group being more evil then the other. And I utterly fail to see the point of someone putting down someone else who would view Nazis as being evil and claim that anyone who viewed Nazis as evil was somehow deficient or acting against the interests of Armenians/humanity and such...really now...

                I am also finding the input of many of our recent members (recycled old/previously banned members seemingly) to be less then engaging. If this is the new accepted tenor of this forum it is unlikely that I will choose to participate further.
                I agree in part with this.


                • Guys, stop fighting with each other! The enemy reading this will sit back and laugh at us.

                  Originally posted by Kharpert
                  Turkey isn't going away, it's there to stay.
                  Turkey is an illegitimate entity, founded on genocide. It will fall eventually. We may not see that day but there is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that this genocidal monster will be crushed.

                  Sooner or later, the Kurds will turn Turkey into hell and we must be prepared for all that. You know what I mean.
                  Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                  I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                  II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                  III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                  IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                  [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


                  • Originally posted by 1.5 million
                    I would like all of those here who are implying that Nazis are not evil to convince us of their benevolance.
                    Quite simple really. As everyone knows, there are executions that still take place even in this day and age, today and for the last i don't know how many years, executions have become less barbaric than they were in the past where now even hanging and the electric chair seems to be a cruel form of execution, we have lethal injections and the gas chambers because it is more humane. Even when it comes to putting animals down, they are not simply clubbed to death or hacked to pieces, they are gassed because it is more humane. Now if you take the methods of execution of the Armenian by the turks (which I know that you and the others are more than familiar with) and you take the methods of execution allegedly used by the Nazis aka the dreaded "gas chambers", in my opinion, the Nazis look like humnitarians in comparisson. If you gave a jew the choice of getting gassed or being clubbed/hacked/burned/tortured to death, what would they choose? If given the choice, they would have begged to be gassed and you know it. I would even go so far as to say that what makes the jewish case "unique" is that it would be the most humane for of genocide in history and they were LUCKY to be victimized by the Nazis rather than the turks.

                    Disclaimer: BTW, this is not an admition of anything and only used to make the point.

                    Right now I am contemplating Nazis and CUP and attempting to discern any difference in quality/quantity of evil and so forth and cannot really seperate either group as being more or less evil then the other.
                    You're a liar. I know you have already made that distinction and there is nothing more evil than the Nazis as far as you're concerned. We have seen only two often how you like to apply double standards to everything. The turks are just regular people and had no choice but to inflict the most horrendous kind of barbaric cruelty and savegery upon the Armenian population, but the Nazis were ALL pure eveil and unlike the turks, had a choice not to do what they did but did it anyway because they are ALL evil. Anyway, I think I did a pretty good job of showing where and how they can be separated. Even the methods of killing used against the Tutsi was far more barbaric than what the Nazis did, but that's not important for you. Had they been jews getting hacked up, then your world would have turned upside down and don't deny it. Anyway, you go ask any jew if they would have prefered to get hacked up with machetes like the Tutsi or gassed and see what they answer you. Go and ask an Armenian if they would have prefered to get hacked up with machetes like the Tutsi or killed by turkish methods and see what they say.

                    I find that both of these groups and their actions and everything each of them stood/stand for to be most repugnant.
                    What they stood and stand for? Who, the Nazis and the CUP? Where is the CUP today and what does it stand for and where are these Nazis today and what do they stand for? Anyway, it's neither here nor there and has nothing to do with the question at hand, but I will add that "pan-turkism" which to you is the equivalent of "Nazism", was actually invented by jews and I can give you their names if you like. As far as the repugnancy goes, I showed exactly which was far less the repugnant of all. Speaking of repugnant. Have you ever read any of those loveley passages from the talmud? What a loveley and tolrant religion that would even make the worst kind of Nazi cringe in disgust. Never mind the talmud, try reading some passages from the old testament ad see what kind of genocie advocating religion they pratice and you fell should be tolerated, because you're cut from the same cloth. Here is a loveley passage for you from Psalms 137:9 "Happy shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!" and you say Nazi ideology is bad? I can just imagine if Hitler or another one of your favorite presonalities had uttered such words how you would react, but this is part of the jew's religion and that's OK for you. Nazi totalitarianism demanded that all religious activity conform to the desires of Nazi leadership. Christian churches were obliged to accept the racist doctrines of Nazism. But what about the racist doctrines of the jews and their filthy talmud which was in existance long before any Nazi doctrine and is still around today, how come I never hear you harp on the racist anti-Christian doctrines of the jews? Need I say more?

                    I fail to understand the point of anyone attempting to make the case of one group being more evil then the other.
                    Failing to see seems to be a habit of yours. The point is that YOU always try to make the Nazis out to be the epitomy of evil while this is absolutely not true.

                    And I utterly fail to see the point of someone putting down someone else who would view Nazis as being evil and claim that anyone who viewed Nazis as evil was somehow deficient or acting against the interests of Armenians/humanity and such...really now...
                    Not so! No one cares what you think of Nazis although I know that you would like nothing better than to see them all exterminated and although you pretend to be against genocide, you wouldn't hesitate to commit one yourself. No one is putting you down for your views of Nazis whatever they are, but what we take exeption to is being called Nazis and such REPEATEDLY by you and your kind for telling the truth about the jews and their involvement in thArmenian Genocide before/during and after. As for the intrests of Armenians, I really don't see how it benefits Armenians to inherit the enemies of the jews.

                    I am also finding the input of many of our recent members (recycled old/previously banned members seemingly) to be less then engaging.
                    Yea right! Pretend all you want, but the fact of the matter is that you know your BS doesn't stand a chance against the mountain of evidence we have, which you can only reply to by "Hate hate hate, Nazi Nazi Nazi, laughable conspiracy theories.", all of which is typical jewish vocabulary and the frequent judenshpreck practiced by you your kind is very tell tale.

                    If this is the new accepted tenor of this forum it is unlikely that I will choose to participate further.
                    Yea, NEW AND IMPROVED! Get it through your head that you are a minority although you pretend to speak for all Armenians, you're not even an Armenian as far as I'm concerned, not only because of your parentage or how you frquently go to turkey instead of Armenia, but because we know where your true loyalties lie. We have seen how you drop any and all Armenian concerns to defend the jews who are doing the most harm to the Armenian people and nation and you attack true Armenians in order to defend those who are doing us harm today who are no different than those who planned the Armenian Genocide. We are simply too many and we have more evidence than you could ever deny, so you will NEVER win.

                    Don't let the door........


                    • Hurling babies against rocks!

                      Originally posted by Jooboian
                      ...Here is a loveley passage for you from Psalms 137:9 "Happy shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!"
                      So that's where the Turks acquired their savage behavior!

                      …children were ravished from the embraces of their mothers and mercilessly hurled against rocks.

                      Just kiddin'
                      Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                      I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                      II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                      III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                      IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                      [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]

