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The Turks

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  • Originally posted by Bulgarian
    Turks have two faces one they like to show to the rest of the world and the other evil side like when they cut the head off an Armenian soldier or destroying an Armenian graveyard or exterminating half the Armenian population or massacring Bulgarians or enslaving Bulgarians or taking upto 33% of the Bulgarian boys as Janissaries or stealling blond hott Bulgarian Slavic women to make your race look more attractive and so the Turkish nobles can have someone to make love too.

    Should I carry on...
    TurQ is our famous hypocrite
    Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

    I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
    II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
    III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
    IV. They shut up and say nothing.

    [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


    • Originally posted by TurQ
      I am with you on this Gavur.

      The things that you own will own you later(from fight club, the movie)

      If these guys are really brave or really hate you or have a matter with us then
      they should deal with us(if they can), not anyone else. if not it seems they are just entertaining themselves by insulting, primitive self satisfaction.

      Silly turk. Quoting from a movie, quite indicative of the mentality of your friends here. That's all they know is what they've been programmed with. They never learned to think independently.

      It is quite obvious who the haters here are. One of them asked how could he be called a Nazi when he is "against" Nazis, but we know he defends the Nazi behavior of our enemies, who behave even worse than Nazis and are NO DIFFERENT than Nazis in behavior and racism, thus there is no wonder that the shoe fits. He has become what he hates.

      I suffer from no such malady.

      BTW, you said something that I had an inferiority complex because I posted to you in turkish. Hey, I don't feel inferior to my cats. I talk cat to them. Meow.

      I leave you with a couple of famous quotations regarding turks:

      Will they ever be civilised? I think not, such a fine country ought to be in better hands.
      -John Webster

      My comment: Yeah, the real owners of it.

      "The turk is so absolutely without a moral sense, so unutterably bestial in his consideration of woman, so unthinkably vile and filthy in his personal habits, and so hopelessly degraded in his relations with his fellow man that the depth of his infamy is past all human credence.

      The turk is not a human being. I do not call him a beast, because notone of God's dumb creatures could sink so low. The turk is a devil without a tail. And the educated, polished turk—the official who affects a knowledge of the French language and a veneering of Parisian manners--is the most unspeakable fiend of all. In proof that this assertion is based on incontestable truth I challenge denial from any unprejudiced man who has
      known the turk thoroughly well for a quarter of a century."

      William W. Howard
      An American Eyewitness to turk Savagery

      posted by Hellektor

      OK guys. This doesn't look good for us.
      Hating Jews and denying their suffering will get us nowhere.
      I really resent being accused of hate. Where do you ever see me saying anything about hate? As to their "suffering," they have caused much, much, much more suffering to others than they ever experienced themselves. You know the history.

      Of course, Turks used barbaric methods and also rape, but don't forget that most of the millions of Jews who were killed in WWII were ordinary human beings.
      Let's not go there. I will only say that many, many others were killed in WWII and I refuse to accept the religion that only they deserve consideration and no one else matters but them.

      Jooboian's/Parandzem's anger is understandable, but guys, by hating Jews for hate's sake, we really look like Turks, it doesn't look good at all.
      You certainly do NOT see us hating anyone for hate's sake, much less for our legitimate grievances.

      But let's find a way to expose them and defeat their plans, rather than denying ordinary Jewish people's sufferings, that only make us look disgusting.
      That's what were trying to do. But certain members of this forum have designated themselves as the thought police and the jdl and do not hesitate to cause diversion and demand for us to be silenced because they have no tolerance for this exposure and our presenting truthful, factual information.

      Remember: the magnificent Franz Werfel, the great Henry Morgenthau, Israel Charni, Yair Auron and many US senators who are on our side are also Jewish.
      Of course we remember those who have had the courage to speak up against their own and bear the full weight and burden of the rabid, venomous response of their co-religionists.

      However, I would hesitate to place Morgenthau in the same category as Werfel, Charney and Yair Auron.


      • It seems through outt the history there existed individuals like yourself, I think thats part of life, I have to admit. At least you wouldnt feel alone, and probably feel confident by knowing the existence of such idiots in history.

        Dogs even attracts other dogs from 19th century, may be they are reincarnating dogs to this century

        Originally posted by Parandzem
        My comment: Yeah, the real owners of it.

        "The turk is so absolutely without a moral sense, so unutterably bestial in his consideration of woman, so unthinkably vile and filthy in his personal habits, and so hopelessly degraded in his relations with his fellow man that the depth of his infamy is past all human credence.

        The turk is not a human being. I do not call him a beast, because notone of God's dumb creatures could sink so low. The turk is a devil without a tail. And the educated, polished turk—the official who affects a knowledge of the French language and a veneering of Parisian manners--is the most unspeakable fiend of all. In proof that this assertion is based on incontestable truth I challenge denial from any unprejudiced man who has
        known the turk thoroughly well for a quarter of a century."

        William W. Howard
        An American Eyewitness to turk Savagery



        • Originally posted by Bulgarian
          humanity 101...a course that you and some other's here aprently skipped on...

          Well here we go again...deja vu all over again....

          and shame on you H - i thought you were smarter then that...


          • Originally posted by TurQ
            I am with you on this Gavur.

            The things that you own will own you later(from fight club, the movie)

            If these guys are really brave or really hate you or have a matter with us then
            they should deal with us(if they can), not anyone else. if not it seems they are just entertaining themselves by insulting, primitive self satisfaction.

            Thanks its very Christian of you turq
            "All truth passes through three stages:
            First, it is ridiculed;
            Second, it is violently opposed; and
            Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

            Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


            • Originally posted by 1.5 million
              shame on you H - i thought you were smarter then that...
              Except for Turkish denialist and suspect agitators, I insist on being on civilized terms with everyone.

              I don't know why I should be condemned by you like this. Can you put the specific section in quote tags so that we see what I said was wrong?
              Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

              I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
              II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
              III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
              IV. They shut up and say nothing.

              [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


              • Originally posted by Jooboian
                You're another moron and you should stay out of things that you have little or no understanding of! If I have a hatred of jews, it's because of the AG and I would be 100% justified, but those things seem to go right over your head. Fking idiot!

                There can be no excuse for HATE!

                I'm not taking sides neither am I claiming to be most knowledgable,intelligant or scholarly my heurastic approach to life forces me to express.

                As long as you dont denie the A.G. I will fight for your right to express your thoughts whether your a jew a Turk or Armenian if the forum is appropriate.

                Know this too the louder you yell the less people hear you.
                "All truth passes through three stages:
                First, it is ridiculed;
                Second, it is violently opposed; and
                Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                • Originally posted by Hellektor
                  Except for Turkish denialist and suspect agitators, I insist on being on civilized terms with everyone.

                  I don't know why I should be condemned by you like this. Can you put the specific section in quote tags so that we see what I said was wrong?
                  To blame in any way the Armenian Genocide on "Jews" - this is overly simplistic and short sighted and it is an untruthful pseudo-scientific generalization...and I know of the people you speak and the roles they played...a true student of these times displays a better understanding of the various forces and motivations of nations and groups and individuals about during this time and the reasons for the Genocide of the Armenians (which had nothing whatsoever to do with "Jews" per se...any more then you could blame Armenians themselves...less so even...)


                  • Whose side you're on?

                    Originally posted by 1.5 million
                    To blame in any way the Armenian Genocide on "Jews" - this is overly simplistic and short sighted and it is an untruthful pseudo-scientific generalization...and I know of the people you speak and the roles they played...a true student of these times displays a better understanding of the various forces and motivations of nations and groups and individuals about during this time and the reasons for the Genocide of the Armenians (which had nothing whatsoever to do with "Jews" per se...any more then you could blame Armenians themselves...less so even...)
                    I said:
                    Originally posted by Hellektor
                    It is absolutely true that Jews have had a part in the AG. Pan-turkism was put in the heads of the Turks by Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Leon Cahun, Arminius Vamberry (actually I'm not sure on his being Jewish, can someone confirm this? (I really want to know, that's why I hilight it here. H.)), Lumley David, Primo Levi, Oscar Straus, Tekin Alp, Falik Bey Toledo, etc.
                    But you missed the point of my post, perhaps you read that sentence, freaked out and stopped reading further:
                    Originally posted by Hellektor
                    OK guys. This doesn't look good for us.
                    Hating Jews and denying their suffering will get us nowhere.
                    Of course, Turks used barbaric methods and also rape, but don't forget that most of the millions of Jews who were killed in WWII were ordinary human beings.

                    Jooboian's/Parandzem's anger is understandable, but guys, by hating Jews for hate's sake, we really look like Turks, it doesn't look good at all.

                    But let's find a way to expose them and defeat their plans, rather than denying ordinary Jewish people's sufferings, that only make us look disgusting.

                    Remember: the magnificent Franz Werfel, the great Henry Morgenthau, Israel Charni, Yair Auron and many US senators who are on our side are also Jewish.
                    My post also touched absolute truths such as:
                    Originally posted by Hellektor
                    Pan-turkism was put in the heads of the Turks by Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Leon Cahun, Arminius Vamberry (actually I'm not sure on his being Jewish, can someone confirm this?), Lumley David, Primo Levi, Oscar Straus, Tekin Alp, Falik Bey Toledo, etc.

                    It is true that Bolshevism, the fruit of the ideas of the Jew Carl Marx and the Jew-Tatar Lenin, did a greater damage to Armenians than the AG.

                    It is true that the state of Israel does not recognize the AG.

                    It's also true that even till this very day those OSCE xxxxxxs, that Ariel Cohen, that Jewish organization, the diabolical International Crisis Group founded by Jews like Morton Abramovich, George Soros, Steven Solarz and loudmouthed by that Turk-sucking xxxxx Sabina Fraser (Jew?), that Turk-worshipping xxxxx Emma Bonino (Jew?), and the xxxxxx Michel Delatros?? (not sure of his last name or whether a Jew?) can't get enough of telling the Armenians to "return" the liberated lands, let "Azeri" vermin infest Artsakh (no word about the Armenian refugees who were the victims of "Azeri" genocidal acts and aggression), to let international "peace" keepers invade Armenia (as if peace is not kept!) and then after 15 years, when the parasites have bred tenfold, hold a "referendum" in Artsakh...
                    Daaa! What do we, the winners of the war, get in return

                    It's true that the Bernard Jewis' Project of dissecting Iran will make the sick pan-turkist dream come true (god -or whatever- forbid) and destroy Armenia.
                    Since you know all these names and you are a true student of these times would you please enlighten us why they show up in all the wrong places?

                    What was a huge Jewish delegation doing in Baku recently, encouraging the "Azeris" and promising them to spread their poison in Iran using the Turkish speaking Iranians for their subversive plans?

                    In the same days, "Azeri" filth attacked the Armenian Prelacy of Atrpatakan in Tabriz. Fortunately the police stopped them before they did serious damage. Such a thing had never happened in Iran. You might prefer to see us exterminated like in Sumgait so that they will get their xxxxing Vaseline oil rather than someone criticizes your poor, innocent Jews.

                    So you see, your Jews don't give a semi-flying xxxx the Armenians of Iran might become targets for pan-turkist genocidal hate. They will xxxxxle on other nations' rights to get what they want and they've done it time and time again in the past.

                    You don't seem to care that if Armenia falls in those money-worshippers' trap and cedes land to "Azeris" to receive handouts from Uncle Sam, as was "promised" by that devil Ariel Cohen, then Armenia will be on the verge of extinction.

                    Can you tell us who's behind that disgusting International Crisis Group?

                    Can you tell us how come the destruction of the Jugha cemetery doesn't get the slightest attention from the Jew owned news media whereas if a Swastika is sprayed on a modern Jewish tombstone without any artistic value they cry havoc and "Hitler, Nazi, Holocaust" for days?

                    Can you tell us why no Jew owned world media gave a damn about the Gurgen Markarian mutilation in a NATO framework, the glorification of the beast and his catapulting to the "honor" of man of the year in Azgarbageland whereas the same media showers the world with emotional blackmail and cries of "Nazi, Hitler, anti-Semite" don't stop for days when a Jew is killed in Paris?

                    Why do the Jeuropean Junion and OSCE xxxxxxs put the = between Armenia and Azgarbageland whenever they are telling them to refrain from warmongering or destroying "one another's" cultural heritage, etc?

                    I wonder why...

                    Between the Jews and the Armenians, the choice is easy for me.
                    Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                    I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                    II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                    III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                    IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                    [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


                    • Originally posted by Hellektor
                      OK guys. This doesn't look good for us.
                      Hating Jews and denying their suffering will get us nowhere.
                      Here we go with this "hate hatr hate" crap again. First of all, I know very well that you know the difference between ager and hate so I don't see why you fall for their crap. I'm majorly pissed off at the jews the same way I'm pissed off at the turks. Denying their suffering? Why don't we then also accept that the turks suffered too while we're at it. And you know what, you're really wrong on this one! If Armenians remain silent and kiss jew ass, then the jews will think that Armenians don't really mind jews denying the AG, but actually like it, so instead of stopping, they do it even more. Prior to 1999, the jews used to do their dirty business of denials covertly, but after 1999, they got bolder and started doing it openly and if anyone said anything about it, they would use their usula methods of intimidation by labeling people who criticized them as Nazis, anti-semites and all of the other names they have in their arsenal in order to silence their critics. However, when these jews saw that we weren't intimidated when we started a counter attack by exposing their involvement in the AG, their denials of the AG and how they're bosom buddies with the murderous turk genocidal savages while they cry holocaust holocaust and we also strted attacking their oh so precious holohoax industry, believe it or not and contrary to what these monkeys here would have you believe, the jews didn't turn more against us but actually started backing off, not completely, but enough that we noticed. The jews who are usually all pompous and arrogant saw that we weren't intimidated by silly words like Nazi or anti-semite like most people are but we laughed at them for being incredibly stupid enough to think that we would take the "anti-semite" nonsense seriously like those who don't know better. They quickly realized that we can do them much more damage than they realized and could afford.

                      Of course, Turks used barbaric methods and also rape, but don't forget that most of the millions of Jews who were killed in WWII were ordinary human beings.
                      OK fine, but what about the millions of others that were killed? What about the Poles and the Gypsies, were they less than human than the jews that they never deserve to get mentioned? How many more Russians than jews died during that period and why isn't there any outrage and disgust over that? Why is it ALWAYS the jews the jews the jews and nobody else counts? This 1.5 million piece of xxxx has never mentioned Poles, Russians or Gypsies when speaking about Nazis and their attrocities, he always and exclusivly whines and moans only about the jews! Maybe those European jews were human beings to ordinary people, but to the zionist leaders they were only cattle and a small price to pay in order to secure Palestine to build their filthy jewish state. Almost everyone likes to put the blame for the deaths of those jews on the Nazis, but I and others put the blame squarely on the zionists.

                      Ten questions to the Zionists
                      by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L
                      Dean of Nitra Yeshiva


                      IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
                      a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and
                      b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and
                      c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

                      IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

                      IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:
                      a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.
                      b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war. c) No ransom will be paid

                      IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

                      IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved.

                      IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).

                      IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war, 270 Members of the British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany.

                      IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist leaders with the observation "Only to Palestine!"

                      IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.

                      IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated: "The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important". Weitzman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

                      There are additional similar questions to be asked of these atheist degenerates known as "Jewish statesmen", but for the time being let them respond to the ten questions.

                      These Zionist "statesmen" with their great foresight, sought to bring an end two two-thousand years of Divinely ordained Jewish subservience and political tractability. With their offensive militancy, they fanned the fires of anti-Semitism in Europe, and succeeded in forging a bond of Jew-hatred between Nazi-Germany and the surrounding countries.

                      These are the "statesmen" who organized the irresponsible boycott against Germany in 1933. This boycott hurt Germany like a fly attacking an elephant - but it brought calamity upon the Jews of Europe. At a time when America and England were at peace with the mad-dog Hitler, the Zionist "statesmen" forsook the only plausible method of political amenability; and with their boycott incensed the leader of Germany to a frenzy. And then, after the bitterest episode in Jewish history, these Zionist "statesmen" lured the broken refugees in the DP camps to remain in hunger and deprivation, and to refuse relocation to any place but Palestine; only for the purpose of building their State.

                      Jooboian's/Parandzem's anger is understandable, but guys, by hating Jews for hate's sake, we really look like Turks, it doesn't look good at all.
                      It would have been more accurate to say "we really look like jews" because I know of no one that can hate like the jews can. Look bro, I'm really getting tired of this same old jew tactic being applied and swallowed by people here and I'm even more sick of hatred apparently only becomming an issue when it's about the jews. You can say anything you want about anyone and it's not a problem. You can call Serbs scum, you can call turks savages, you can call azerbaboons just that, you can call anyone anything and it's never considered as racism or hate or bigotry, but the minute you say the slightest thing about jews, they all start screaming holocaust holocaust Nazi Nazi hate hate hate. So why is it only hate in a certain instance and not hate in every other instance or at the very least, acceptable in every other instance but one? Are the jews that fking special? Not to me they're not, chosen garbage!

                      It is absolutely true that Jews have had a part in the AG. Pan-turkism was put in the heads of the Turks by Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Leon Cahun, Arminius Vamberry (actually I'm not sure on his being Jewish, can someone confirm this?), Lumley David, Primo Levi, Oscar Straus, Tekin Alp, Falik Bey Toledo, etc.
                      So if it's true, then why the hell are we supposed to keep quiet about it? Why do we have these jew-ass lickers jumping up and down denying it all? Tekin Alp's real name was Moishe Cohen, but do you know that if you mention that little fact, you get accused of being a neo-Nazi anti-semite? Yes Vambry was a jew. A hungarian jew to be exact.

                      "pan-Turkism was not created by the Young Turks or even in Turkey. It was first called for in the 1860s by a Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery"

                      It is true that Bolshevism, the fruit of the ideas of the Jew Carl Marx and the Jew-Tatar Lenin, did a greater damage to Armenians than the AG.

                      It is true that the state of Israel does not recognize the AG.
                      What you wrote about israel is FALSE! Although there are many countries that still don't recognize the AG, israel is one of only three countries that outright DENY there was an AG and that makes a BIG difference. Even though I wouldn't like it, I really wouldn't care so much if they simply didn't recognize the AG, but when they embark on a campaign of denials that's more intensif than that denial campaign by the turks, I get majorly pissed of and go after them relentlessly and I will continue until they submit.

                      It's also true that even till this very day those OSCE xxxxxxs, that Ariel Cohen, that Jewish organization, the diabolical International Crisis Group founded by Jews like Morton Abramovich, George Soros, Steven Solarz and loudmouthed by that Turk-sucking xxxxx Sabina Fraser (Jew?), that Turk-worshipping xxxxx Emma Bonino (Jew?), and the xxxxxx Michel Delatros?? (not sure of his last name or whether a Jew?) can't get enough of telling the Armenians to "return" the liberated lands, let "Azeri" vermin infest Artsakh (no word about the Armenian refugees who were the victims of "Azeri" genocidal acts and aggression), to let international "peace" keepers invade Armenia (as if peace is not kept!) and then after 15 years, when the parasites have bred tenfold, hold a "referendum" in Artsakh...
                      Daaa! What do we, the winners of the war, get in return
                      We get the shaft because although the jews claim islam is their enemy, they hate no one like they hate Christians and if you haven't noticed, whenever there is a conflict between Christians and moslems, the jews ALWAYS support the moslems against the Christians.

                      It's true that the Bernard Jewis' Project of dissecting Iran will make the sick pan-turkist dream come true (god -or whatever- forbid) and destroy Armenia.
                      Here again you get the same crap of double standards. Jewey Lewis was fined one stinkin franc for denying the AG, but look at what happens to people who dare question any aspect of the holy holocaust.

                      But let's find a way to expose them and defeat their plans, rather than denying ordinary Jewish people's sufferings, that only make us look disgusting.
                      I have found my way and it works for me. As far as allegedly denying their suffereing making us look bad, this is nonsense. There hasn't been a single jew that can look me straight in the face and tell me that what I'm doing is disgusting. As a matter of fact, they realize and understand that what their people are doing is what is disgusting and knowing that they started it first, it's like they threw the first punch or drew first blood so there's no way in hell they can blame us.

                      Remember: the magnificent Franz Werfel, the great Henry Morgenthau, Israel Charni, Yair Auron and many US senators who are on our side are also Jewish.
                      Yea OK fine, but what about the turks who saved Armenians by risking their own lives to help Armenians escape certain death? What about Akcam and that other turk Pamuk Orhan or whatever his name is? How come these this count for little or nothing and we still call the turks genocidal savages while completely ignoring the few good turks and their good deeds, but when it comes to the jews, all it takes is a handfull of jews to absolve the world jews of any wrong they may have done and we should all keep quiet forever and ever? Morgenthau was a piece of xxxx as far as I'm concerned because he spent all his time and energy working for the zionists and that book he wrote, he didn't write it for our benefit, he wrote it in order to demonize the Germans and found our tragedy as the perfect toll for the job. Israel Charney is one of the very few jews who realizes the danger in what the jews are doing as it could turn the Armenians against the jews and that's something he knows that the jews cannot afford to do as we are basically the only people that can understand "jewish suffering" and sympathize with them, but if they turn us against them, he knows they are done for. He is one of the few jews who really understands the severity of what the rest of the jews are doin and the dire concequences it could have. Non of the jews who sympathise with us would ever turn against us if they are truly sincre because they would understand that it's the actions of the many jews, jewish groups/organization, lobby groups, politicians, historians etc ete etc and particularly israel who are the ones to blame for the understandable anger of the Armenians.

                      I'm not taking any more denial crap form ANY jews and they will be made to understand that there is a price to pay for their actions which will not be simply forgiven just because they send some filthy rabbi to Armenia as damage control to utter the G word and go back home with mission accomplished. Well that's not enough for me because I know the real jew. The real jew is Shimon Peres who says there was no AG and it's meaningless. The real jew is that Rivka Kohen xxxxx who they sent to Armenia to repeat Peres' words as a response to the Armenian delegation who had just previously gone to israel to ask that they recognize the AG. In know the jews and I know their games. Lezoun voskor chouni, in other words talk is cheap and I don't want to hear BS words about how some individual jew feels our pain while the rest of his coreligionists are embarked on a full scale collective campaign of denials. So there!

